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“It’s not much, and I only have like three horses right now, but they’re so beautiful.”  Lance led Justin into the farmhouse. “I can’t even use much of the house right now…too many repairs need done, but it keeps me under cover if it rains, you know?  I’m getting a truck next week, so you’ll have a ride into the city when you start school.”

“How do you know I’m even starting school, Lance?” Justin asked, dropping his bags onto the floor.

“Oh, and yeah, I know there’s only a mattress there for right now…I can build you a bed frame over the weekend,” Lance said bashfully.  “And don’t think I’m gonna let you just lounge around here. If you’re not working, you’re going to school. And since I really don’t see you working well around a ranch…”

“No working it off in trade?” Justin asked hopefully, and Lance slapped him on the side of the head.

“No.  For lots of reasons.”

“Lance.” Justin put a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Thank you…for wanting me here.”

“I hate being alone,” Lance confided. “I’ve been alone for too long…and I’ll enjoy having you here, though you may get bored.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been so close to nature,” Justin said, walking over to look out a window. “But it’s so beautiful. And you can afford it?”

“I think Joey padded my bankroll from…uh…you know,” Lance said, blushing.  “I had enough to buy the land and the horses, and a few things.  There’s a small town where we can get supplies, and from what I’ve seen, they’re REAL good about giving you credit.”

“I thought you didn’t like small towns,” Justin said gently, referring to Lance’s stories of how he had been treated at home.

“This one’s different.  We’re out here fighting with the land, not each other,” Lance said with a happy sigh. “I’m gonna be happy here, Justin.”

“Happy out on a farm with horses? Yes.  Happy with another man who’s just your friend? No…not for long,” Justin said.

Lance held up a hand.  “Don’t start, Justin. That’s one condition about you staying here. Understand?”

“Yeah, sure,” Justin said, changing the subject quickly. “So…who gets to be the cook?”


Justin surprised even himself by quickly adapting to Lance’s little ranch in the middle of nowhere.  He remembered a lot from his grandfather’s farm back home, and he could easily help Lance take care of the horses and do minor repairs.  He had brought his own money along, and was able to sign up for two courses at the community college as well as give some money to help Lance out.

He had been at the ranch for three weeks when he noticed someone driving up the dirt road.  Not many people traveled by the ranch, so he was both curious and suspicious.  He got up from his seat on the front porch and walked to the road.  Lance was in the barn with a new colt, and Justin saw no need to worry him.

Justin blinked against the dust, then blinked harder when he saw who got out of the SUV. “Well, fuck me,” he said quietly.  His mouth actually dropped open.

“Wow,” JC said, looking at Justin. “Aren’t you looking tan and buff?”

“I’ve decided I want to be Lance when I grow up,” Justin said when he finally found his tongue. “Hi.”

“Hi.”  JC poked Chris in the side. “Chris, this is Justin. I know you remember him, since you’ve been looking for him in every man you’ve met since the last time you saw him…say hello.”

“Hello,” Chris said, looking at his feet.

“Uh, Lance is in the barn,” Justin said, pointing to a large building.  “We got a new colt, and he’s introducing him to his surroundings.”

“Thank you.” JC wiped his hands on his thighs and started to walk towards the barn.


“See? Everyone’s gonna be nice to you here,” Lance said gently, leading the horse by the halter.  The horse gave a snort, but he continued to follow Lance around the large barn. “You’ll eat here, and you’ll sleep here.  It’ll be great.”

The horse gave a start and Lance whirled around. Justin knew better than to sneak in on a newcomer.  Lance was the one who gave the start, however, when he saw who was in the doorway. “He’s gorgeous.” JC slowly approached the horse, holding out his hand. The horse sniffed it, and gave an indifferent toss of his head. “What’s his name?”

“Mystic.”  Lance continued to stare at JC.

“I like it.  Heya, Mystic.”  JC scratched the horse’s face and behind its ears.  “You’re a handsome one, aren’t ya?”

“Uh, JC? What are you doing here?  How did you even GET here?” Lance stammered.

“Me and Chris came in a car,” JC explained slowly, as if Lance weren’t quite right in the head.  “And I realized I owed you an explanation.”

“Um, okay,” Lance said.  He closed the barn door and let Mystic sniff around the barn.

“I never told you why I was so against the whole Broadway thing,” JC said, and Lance stared at him.  “When I got my start way back when, with Tony, all I wanted was to write for Broadway. He wanted to write AND perform, and I only wanted to write.  But he talked me into auditioning…and I wasn’t chosen.  He was, and he moved on without me. I was pissed at him, basically because I was embarrassed.”  Lance said nothing, just waited for JC to continue.  “Plus, he broke up with me.” Lance’s eyes widened. “Yeah, we were a…well…a thing, I guess. He was the last boyfriend I had, and that was years ago.  I felt like he was ditching me for his career…but I’m sure I woulda done the same thing.  Now I’m famous, and I have awards, and I get all kinds of recognition…but all I want is to get a show on Broadway. That’s my dream come true.”

“You’re good enough,” Lance said softly. “You know that.”

“Not deep down inside,” JC said.  He picked at a beam.  “I’m afraid they’ll shoot me down again.”

“And if they do, so what? You’re JC Chasez…you can find something else.”  Lance smiled at JC, then grew serious.  “That can’t be the only reason you’re here.”

“No,” JC said.  He sighed.  “I, well, I missed you.”

“I’m not for sale anymore,” Lance said, looking away. He walked over to Mystic and stroked his face.  “I never was. That was the biggest mistake I ever made.”

“Oh,” JC said, and Lance could hear the disappointment without even looking at him.  “Because, you know, it WAS the best investment I ever made, but it would have been just as incredible if I had paid five times that much…or nothing at all.”  JC was silent for a moment, then said, “I was someone with you that I haven’t been for a long time.  I liked it.  I like you, Lance.  Hell, no I don’t,” JC said with a laugh. “I fell in love with you from the first time…the first time when I realized you weren’t lying, and that all the innocence and shyness and blushes were really you.”

Lance whirled around. “You could have anyone.”

“I could…but I only want one person,” JC said, shrugging.  Lance was shocked to see tears in JC’s eyes.  “I’ve tried…God knows…but I couldn’t. Hell, I tried to hook up with Justin and I couldn’t even get it up. With JUSTIN, of all people.”

“He never told me that,” Lance gasped.

“How do you think I got this address?” JC said.  “He told me that you were as miserable without me as I was without you…was he telling the truth?”

Lance finally turned around. “Yes,” he admitted. “But this is me, JC. This ranch, these horses, the dirt under my nails…it’s me. I’m not someone who belongs in the spotlight.”

“And you won’t have to be,” JC promised. “Granted, there will be some publicity, but no one needs to know that this is where you are. I only ask that now and then you can fly to be with me at premieres and stuff…and if I’m gonna write this Broadway show you think I have in me, you’ll have to come to New York now and then.”

“So…you want…you…you love me?” Lance asked timidly.  JC simply nodded, and Lance released a breath he had been holding for months.  “I love you, too.”


“So…he finally gave in?” Justin asked Chris as they leaned against the car.  Chris nodded.

“He has been impossible to deal with,” Chris said.

“Lance has too, but simply because he holds it all in and won’t admit it,” Justin said. “I’m glad you got him to come out here.”

“Me, too,” Chris said.

“So…you’re single?” Justin asked.  Chris looked at him quickly. “Me, too,” Justin said. “I don’t like it, though.  You know, I’ve never really even HAD a boyfriend.”

“Me either,” Chris said in a small voice.  Justin turned to look at him.

“Would you like one?”

“You’re offering?”

“Yes.  We can try and see.”

“You’re ten years younger than me!”

“And you ACT ten years younger than that!”

“I won’t be around much.”

“I’ll try not to miss you too much.”

“I’ll send you presents.”

“Send yourself and it’ll be worth it.”  Chris was speechless for once, and Justin smiled.  “Is that a yes?”

“Um, yes,” Chris said almost defiantly.  Justin pressed himself against Chris and gave him a tender kiss.

“Good.  About time you came around,” Justin mumbled against Chris’ lips.


The End

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