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“Trust me, Chris, I think I can get out to the desert and back without causing a national crisis,” JC joked as he stepped into his shoes. “Okay?”

“I don't like you going places alone,” Chris said, frowning.

“I'll HAVE the bodyguard, Chris. He's driving the car, for God's sake. Unless…” JC grinned as he looked at his best friend. “Unless you want to go out there and get some booty of your own.”

“No, thank you.” Chris held up a hand and shook his head. “I'll find some booty with the chorus girls, thanks. I don't need your kind of booty.”

“The gentleman doth protest too much,” JC said, laughing. Chris gave him the finger, then sighed.

“Be careful, Josh. I mean it.”

“You can't be my guard dog forever, Chrissy.” JC gave Chris a hug. “And I appreciate the concern. You're the only person I know who would be concerned because they care, and NOT just because I earn them money.”

“Well, there's that, too,” Chris said, and JC slapped him on the ass. 

“Mr. Chasez, good evening,” Joey said politely as he opened the door. “Did you have any problems finding your way back?”

“No, not at all.” JC looked around the foyer. The house was a lot quieter and a lot calmer than the night before. He saw one or two “clients” sitting and chatting with men in the living room, but not anyone else.

“Shall I call Justin down for you?” Joey asked. JC snapped his fingers.

“Shit. I left my pager in the car. If I'm not reachable at all times, Chris will think I was kidnapped. I'll be right back in…Justin can come down.”

“Great.” Joey beamed at JC, then went to call Justin.

JC trotted out to the car and reached into the back seat for his pager. As he approached the house once more, he was surprised to see the handyman sitting on the front porch. He was on a swing in the shadows, and JC hadn't even noticed him when he went up the front steps. “Oh, hello there,” JC said with a charming grin. He could just make out the man's features in the dim light from the hall.

“Evening,” the man replied.

“Lance, right?”

“Right.” Lance nodded, surprised that JC Chasez would remember his name. “How was your show tonight?”

“Oh, uh, great,” JC said. “As usual.”

“That's what I hear,” Lance said. He took a swallow from his beer and stood. “Well, I had a long day, so I'll be turning in.” He wiped the condensation from the beer bottle onto his thigh and held out his hand. “Enjoy your evening, JC.”

“I will. Thank you.” JC felt foolish saying the words, but he shook the outstretched hand. As Lance went into the house, JC couldn't help but notice that Lance was wearing a clean pair of blue jeans that hugged his thighs and backside. 

“Mr. Chasez, it's nice to see you again.” Justin smiled his beautiful smile and his eyes danced. He was waiting at the bottom of the long staircase when JC entered the house. Lance was nowhere to be seen.

“You, too, Justin.” JC smiled back and looked Justin over. He nodded in approval.

“Shall we go upstairs?” Justin didn't wait for an answer, and instead just led the way up. JC followed a few steps behind. Justin led him to the same room they had used the night before, closing the door behind JC. He walked to the center of the room and turned around. “Do I meet your approval?” Justin said in a teasing tone, sliding his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. The movement made his hip jut out a bit, and the thought flittered through JC's mind that Justin had a body made for sex.

“Yes, you do,” JC murmured. He looked Justin over, from the cowboy boots to the blue jeans to the faded flannel shirt. A few buttons were unbuttoned at Justin's throat, and his smooth skin peeked out.

“Joey said something about a tool belt, and I would have worn one, but I couldn't find one quick enough. Lance's was all dirty.” Justin wrinkled his nose.

“I guess it was an odd request.” JC laughed in embarrassment.

“No way,” Justin assured him. “You don't KNOW the things I've had to wear. Naughty school boy outfits…leather cat suits…you name it.”

JC's laughter was more relaxed. “I can definitely see you as the naughty school boy.”

“I draw the line at skirts and dresses. We have drag queens here for that kind of thing.” Justin met JC's gaze and he smirked. “So…the handyman's here, Mr. Chasez…what can I help you with?” 

JC ran a finger down Justin's spine as he slept. His body was truly amazing…a long line of creamy skin that covered strong muscles. And Justin was flexible. JC had bent him over the bed with little effort, and the sound of Justin's groans and pants was almost musical. But it wasn't quite right.

Joey had done what JC had asked for. He had dressed Justin exactly in the way that JC had requested. And it wasn't that Justin didn't turn JC on…JC thought that maybe Justin was the best fuck he had ever had. But he kept seeing someone else, thinking of someone else's body. JC sat up and began to dress.

“Something wrong?” Justin said groggily, sitting up.

“No. Not at all,” JC promised. “You're everything I asked for and more. I just…these late nights make my voice sound like hell. I need to go back and get some rest.”

“Oh,” Justin said, almost disappointed. “Well, um, okay. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Nevada,” he said politely.

JC reached over and ruffled the short curls. “I'm sure I will.”
