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By:  Lara

“So…tell me…is JC a Greek God or something?” Tammi asked, eyeing up Lara's toga. “Not that you don't think he is already.”

“You haven't seen him yet?” Lara asked, playing with Tammi's witch's hat.

“No. When you guys came in I was trying to convince Chris to let people move around to rooms other than the living room. He's been so stingy about this party.” Tammi rolled her eyes.

“I don't know why…Chris loves giving parties.”

“I know…he's just being a bonehead about this one.”

“Hello, lovely ladies.” Chris sauntered over and pretended to sink his teeth into Lara's neck, just below her upswept hairdo. She giggled and shivered.

“Chris, stop! That's a place that always gives me goosebumps!”

“And you're not supposed to be giving anyone goosebumps but ME,” Tammi said sternly. Chris winked and popped the vampire fangs out of his mouth.

“You are no fun. And you…are breathtaking.” Chris took Lara's hand and twirled her around. “Greek Goddess. I love it.”

“Why, thank you.” Lara pretended to blush. Tammi rolled her eyes. Chris looked over Lara's shoulder and did a double-take.

“WHY does he insist on trying to convince everyone that he's NOT straight?” Chris asked. Lara giggled, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

“I LIKE his costume.”

“So do I,” Tammi whispered, and Chris glared at her.

“Hi.” JC let out a meow and put his arms around Lara. “Great party.”

“Chasez…there are no words,” Chris began.

“No, there aren't,” Tammi added.

“You like it?” JC pranced around them in a circle. “Purr.”

“Purr,” Lara replied, rubbing her nose against his.

JC wore skin tight black leather pants and a tight shear black shirt. Black ears were perched in his wavy hair, and whiskers were drawn on his cheeks. “I even have a tail!” He turned around and shook his skinny backside, making the long fabric tail twitch.

“You are so hopeless,” Chris said, shaking his head. “You're lucky every gay friend we have isn't over here hitting on you.”

“He's hot to women, too,” Lara pointed out. She snuggled up close. “I think you need to wear this every day.”

“Nah…the pants are riding up my ass,” JC told her. She sighed and he laughed. “Hey…I'm gonna go say hi to Justin.” They looked at the door, where Justin and Alyssa Milano had just arrived. Justin was dressed in jeans, a white tshirt and a leather jacket, and Alyssa was dressed as a bobby soxer.

“Ooh! I can go sink my teeth into her!” Chris followed JC.

Tammi frowned. “I don't like her.”

“Me either,” Lara said. “She doesn't even try to fit in.” They watched as Alyssa shrank away from Chris as she pretended to smile.

“Maybe because me, you and Jenn are normal people, and she's a superstar.”

“Did you see Jenn and Joey? They looked hysterical.”

“Why does it not surprise me that Joey is dressed like a pimp?” Tammi asked. Lara laughed and nodded.

“So, uh, is Lance here?” Lara asked casually.

“I think I saw him getting something to eat in the kitchen,” Tammi said. “God, I need to go say hi to them, I guess.”

“I'll see you later,” Lara said, heading for the kitchen. 

Oh, I'm overdue, give me some room, I'm coming through, paid my dues, in the mood, me and the girls gonna shake the room…DJ's spinning (show your hands), let's get dirty (that's my jam), I need that, uh, to get me off, sweat until my clothes come off… 


“Howdy, stranger,” Lara said, walking up behind Lance as the music began.

He slowly turned around from his place by the kitchen table. “Well, howdy there, little lady.” Lance tipped his cowboy hat at her and smiled. “Don't you look purty.”

“Why, thank you.” Lara turned around and smiled at him.

“What's a purty little thang like you doin' in a place like this?” Lance said, looking around the crowded kitchen. Chris and Tammi always had great food at their parties. Bass started kicking through the speakers that were situated all over the house, and the food on the table actually started to bounce a bit. Lance and Lara laughed. “You do look very pretty,” Lance said in his normal voice.

“Thank you. I like your costume. Very you,” she observed. He twirled around in the same way that she had. “Tight jeans. About damn time,” she told him.”

“How many cowboys do YOU know that wear their jeans down around their knees, practically?” Lance asked. “I HAD to wear tight jeans.”

“And like I said, it's about damn time.” Lara's blue eyes twinkled. “I think I might go dance. I believe they set up a dance floor in the rec room, though it's already hot in there. Wanna come with me?”

“Dance? Nah…I'll just nurse this here beer and mosey on out later,” Lance said, tipping his hat again.

“Okay.” Lara tossed him one more smile over her shoulder and shoved her way back out to the dance floor. 

Wanna get rowdy, gonna get a little unruly, get it fired up in a hurry, wanna get dirrty, it's about time that I came to start the party, sweat dripping over my body, dancing getting just a little naughty, wanna get dirrty, it's about time for my arrival… 


“Girl, you are dangerous!” Justin said, grinding up against Lara.

“Where's your girl?” Lara asked, gently pushing him away. Dancing with Justin was always fun, but he got a little grabby when he drank.

“I dunno. Off pouting somewhere,” Justin said, shrugging.

“I'm hot. I'm gonna go outside for some air,” Lara said. She grabbed one of Chris' lightweight jackets from the hall closet and went outside.

She was wearing sandals, and her toes immediately chilled, but the rest of her was warm from the dancing. She strolled down the sidewalk, walking by all the cars of the guests. She wondered how many of them would still be there the next morning, because their owners were too drunk to drive home.

“Don't move.” Someone said behind her, pressing her up against a car. She gasped as the cold metal hit her skin; the toga was made out of a very thin material. She watched as a hand placed a cowboy hat on the trunk of the car. “What the hell are you thinking, walking around out here, dressed like that? There are wackos around here who might do something to you.”

“Oh really?” Lara asked, starting to turn around.

“Don't.” Lance's breath was hot on her neck as his hands started to grab at the toga, pulling it up. “You look so fucking hot tonight.”

“Lance…shit…” Lara hissed, letting her head fall back on his shoulder. She could feel his erection through his jeans.

“All I could think about was getting you somewhere alone.” One hand pressed at her back until she was laying flat against the trunk of the car. She shivered at the coldness of the metal, shivering more as she heard his zipper go down. His fingers slid up underneath the toga until the material was bunched at her waist. “Very nice,” he said as he realized she wore nothing underneath it. His fingers moved inside of her and she moaned. “And all ready for me,” Lance whispered, sighing slightly as he removed his fingers. She heard him unwrap a condom.

“Ah…” Lara gasped, trying to find something to hold onto as he thrust into her. He grabbed at her shoulder, holding tight as he pushed inside. “Lance…yes…”

“Oh, baby…so good…” Lance moaned, moving hard and fast and steady. Their breath made puffs into the air as they panted.

“Lance…oh God…” Lara said, feeling herself get so close.

“Something…I have to tell you…” Lance said, slowing down. She whimpered with disappointment. Even though the motion was slower, he knew that he was about to cum. “JC…knows…about us…”

Lara forget all about any kind of orgasm. “What?” She whispered, becoming absolutely still.

“Ah…fuck…” Lance said, thrusting three more times before cumming hard and fast. “He knows. He confronted me and he knows.”

“What?” Lara repeated, tears filling her eyes.

“He was mad…but then he said there was a way we could repay him,” Lance said. He withdrew and stepped aside, leaving Lara shivering against the car.

“How?” Lara said in a small voice.

“By letting me watch…and then join in,” JC said behind her. He roughly turned her around, brutally kissing her. Her hands grabbed at his shoulders. “This is all kinds of twisted and wrong, but fuck, that was hot.” JC bit her neck as he reached down. His pants were too tight to slide down, but he was able to unbutton them and get out his cock. He picked her up, not even bothering with a condom. Lance had used one, and it was enough for him. “Shit…you're so wet…” JC moaned as he moved inside. He wrapped her legs around him as he started to move her above him.

“You're right…that IS hot…” Lance whispered. He captured Lara's face in his hand and kissed her, letting his tongue move into her mouth as JC made similar motions down below. One of JC's hands moved up to weave through her hair, ruining the hairdo she had spent an hour creating. He pulled at her head, tilting it back. Lance licked at her neck, and JC felt her start to tighten.

“Cum for me, baby,” JC grunted, thrusting up into her as hard as he could.

“Josh…” Lara gasped, grasping at his shoulders as she came.

“Yes…” JC hissed, thrusting one last time. Lance helped him to carefully set Lara down. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she turned away.

“Josh…” she said in a shaking voice. “I…I don't know what to say…you hate me and I don't blame you…”

“I don't hate you,” JC said finally. He slowly turned her around. “I don't quite understand…but Lance told me it was just a sex thing between you. You don't love him, right?”

“As a friend,” she said tearfully. “I…I can't believe you're even talking to me.”

“I love you,” he said. “No matter what…but there's a condition.”

“Anything,” she said tearfully.

“Next time…we do this inside,” he said, looking over at Lance. “Where it's warm and there's a bed.”

“Deal,” Lance said, grinning. Lara shook her head, still in shock.

“C'mon, baby, let's get you home. You don't look so good,” JC said, smiling at her. “Must've been that good sex you just had.”

“Yeah,” she said in a shaking voice.

“Hey…your house is warm and has a bed, right?” Lance said. JC grinned.

“You up for more?” He asked Lara. She could only mutely follow him to their car.

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!