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Nick rubbed at his nose, not carrying that he was wiping snot all over one of his favorite shirts. “Kevin, are you serious?”

“Dead serious.” Kevin looked from Nick to Howie to Brian to AJ. AJ looked at the floor. “This shit is fucked up, AJ. You need to get a hold on it.”

“I have a hold on it,” AJ snapped.

“No, Aje, you don't,” Howie said gently, putting a hand on AJ's arm. AJ pulled away.

“Don't fucking touch me. I'm sick now, right? Got the plague or something?” AJ glared at them all, then looked at Nick. “What do YOU think, Junior?”

“I want you to get help, AJ. You haven't been the same for ages,” Nick whispered. AJ's brown eyes softened for a brief second, then they hardened again.

“Fuck you,” AJ spat, standing up. “Fine. I'll go to your fucking rehab. Happy?”

“Dammit, AJ!” Nick yelled, surprising everyone, including himself. AJ jumped and took a step back. “We worry about you. We care about you. It isn't OUR rehab. It doesn't help US any. You being gone means we need to postpone the tour and reschedule. It makes us lose a shitload of money…but in the end we get our brother back.” Nick turned and punched the wall, yelping as his hand made contact. Brian gasped.


“Shut up, Brian.” Nick cradled his right hand in the palm of his left and brushed past AJ. “Go, AJ. Tonight.” 

“We started grinding, Shorty had me up against the wall,” Justin sang to himself as he climbed into the backseat of the waiting car. “Thanks for waiting,” he said to the driver, who nodded and pulled out into traffic. Justin had left his bag on the floor when he had gone into the club, and he dug in it for his cellphone. He smiled when he saw Nick's number on the “missed calls” list. He quickly punched the numbers to access his voicemail. His smile faded as he listened to Nick's message. Nick was sniffling. Nick was…crying.

“Um, J? Yeah, it's me. Shit, man. I…well, we're home for a while. AJ…” Nick actually sobbed. “Fuck, I shouldn't have drank all that shit. And I hurt my hand…and this so fucking sucks. Love you, man…hope everything's good for you.”

Justin hung up and dialed the phone. “Lance? Yes, I know what time it is. Do I have time to go home?” 

Nick padded to the door in bare feet, scratching himself through his boxers. He looked through the peephole and gasped. He ran a hand over his messy hair, then opened the door. “Justin?”

“It's my turn,” Justin said simply. He breezed by Nick and went to sit on the living room sofa. He looked at the room, taking in the empty beer cans, dirty dishes, and old newspapers. “So…what's up?”

Nick's lower lip trembled. “AJ finally went into rehab. He was falling apart, and Kevin gave him an ultimatum. He went, or we broke up.”

“God, Nick.” Justin looked up at Nick, who fell to his knees in front of Justin.

“This scares the hell outta me, J. We all knew AJ was just drinking himself into a hole, but rehab, man…what could this do to us?” Nick let out a bitter laugh. “And what kinda friend am I, thinking that way? I should be glad that he's doing something like this.”

“You're a human being,” Justin said gently. Nick's eyes swam with tears. Justin looked down at Nick's hand, which was wrapped in bandages. “What's this?”

“I punched the wall so I wouldn't punch AJ.”

“Dumbass,” Justin said affectionately. He lightly touched the hand, then put a hand on the back of Nick's neck. “C'mere.”

Justin pulled Nick into a hug and Nick finally let it all go. He sobbed on Justin's shoulder, clutching at Justin's sweatshirt. Justin didn't say anything, just made sure that Nick had something to hold onto. After about ten minutes, Nick finally pulled away.

“Sorry.” Nick swiped at his eyes.

“Don't be. Why don't you go up and get some sleep? I'll clean up around here…looks like it needs it.”

“Don't you have somewhere to be…promoting your new CD or whatever?” Nick asked, sniffling.

“Yeah,” Justin said, shrugging. “But it's not just my CD. I got four other guys who can promote it just as good as I could.”

“But you're Justin Timberlake,” Nick teased gently.

“Damn straight, and don't you forget it,” Justin said, with mock ego. He smiled at Nick. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah.” Nick nodded. Justin kept the hand on the back of Nick's neck and they pressed their foreheads together. “Thanks,” Nick whispered.

Justin swallowed deeply, his eyes fixed on the fullness of Nick's lower lip. Justin licked his own lips. “No problem. That's what friends are for.”

Nick finally pulled away and stood up. “I'm gonna go upstairs.” Justin nodded and watched Nick walk away.
