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“Hey!  Thanks.” Lara took the casserole dish from Tammi.  “This is one of those delicious little Southern things you came up with, right?  Yum.”

“You Pennsylvania people are just weird,” Tammi said, shaking her head.

“So…Chris gave you a ride over here?”  Lara went into the kitchen of the house she shared with JC and put the dish in the refrigerator.

“Yes, and before you get that tone in your voice, we are JUST friends.”

Lara sighed and slapped the counter.  “WHY won’t you say anything?”

“Because we ARE such good friends.  I don’t know if I want to risk that.  And he’s just been…weird lately.”

“Tammi, we’re talking about Chris.  He was born weird.”

“No…it’s just different. He’s all about being someone else right now. I think it’s the whole FuMan thing,” Tammi said. “I think it’s faltering, so he’s getting paranoid.  He’s putting up this front.”

“Where is he, anyway?” Lara asked.

“Out back with the guys, I’m assuming.”

“C’mon. Let’s change into our suits, and then I can go observe this new and unimproved Christopher of yours.”


“Uh, no.”  JC pulled himself out of the pool.  “No, no, NO.”

“What?”  Lara said absently, watching the water slide down JC’s slim chest.

“You’re not wearing that out here. Where the hell did you GET that?”

“At the store, yesterday,” Lara replied, looking down at her new dark blue bikini. “What?  It’s just a bathing suit.”

“That is hardly a bathing suit,” JC snapped.

“I like it,” Joey volunteered.

“You would!” JC yelled back.

“Tough cookies, baby.  I’m wearing it.”  Lara grabbed Tammi’s hand and led her over to sit under an umbrella.  “He looks normal enough,” she said to Tammi as she watched Chris attempt to dunk Justin.  Justin stood in the shallow end of the pool, arms crossed over his chest as Chris jumped all over him.

“I know…with these guys he’s not so bad. I just wish…” Tammi sighed.  “You don’t see it because you don’t know him like I do.”

“Relax.  I’m sure you’re just seeing things,” Lara said soothingly. She looked on the other side of the pool and smiled.  “Let’s look at that.” She discreetly pointed to where another friend, Cindy, was talking to Lance.

Tammi shook her head sadly. “I told her. I mean, I told her we have photographic proof of Lance with a man at a club.  She just doesn’t believe it.”

“The man is straight as a windy mountain road. I mean, I love him to death, and I sure as hell don’t care if he’s gay…but in a way it pisses me off.  He won’t tell her, just lets her flirt with him.”  Lara glared at Lance’s blond head.

“We could go over there and MAKE him come out to her,” Tammi suggested.  Lara shook her head.

“Nah…if you said something to her and she STILL doesn’t believe you, then it’s out of our hands.”

“Chris, your bag is ringing!”  Lance called suddenly, motioning to the small duffel on the ground near where he and Cindy were sitting.

“Oh.  Thanks.”  Chris pulled himself out of the pool and went to answer the phone.  “Hello?”

“Oh, great.  The FuNazi at work,” Tammi mumbled.

“No…I can’t make it up there today.  Hello, I’m in FLORIDA!”  Chris snapped. “Tomorrow.  What’s going on NOW?”  Chris slowly walked over and sat at the table with Lara and Tammi.  “Fucking hell…” Chris began, then stopped.  “I don’t know WHAT to tell you. This was supposed to have been taken care of.  Just do it. I don’t care. I’ll be up first thing tomorrow.”  Chris slapped the phone closed. “Pricks.”

“Are you okay?”  Lara asked quietly. Chris pasted on a smile.

“Absolutely fabulous, beautiful.  Don’t you worry your pretty little head.  When’s lunch?”  He kissed the top of Lara’s head and dove back into the pool.  Tammi watched him and sighed.


Tell me, why you have to go and make things so complicated?  I see the way you’re acting like you’re somebody else, gets me frustrated…life’s like this…you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty…and promise me I’m never gonna find you fake it…no no no

