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You come over unannounced dressed up like you’re somethin’ else, where you are and where it’s at, you see, you’re making me laugh out when you strike your pose, take off all your preppy clothes, you know you’re not fooling anyone when you’ve become somebody else round everyone else, watching your back like you can’t relax, trying to be cool you look like a fool to me…



“Bye bye bye…” Tammi sang, pushing the vacuum under the dining room table.  “Don’t wanna be a fool for you…just…” She let out a short scream as someone put their hand on her shoulder.  Tammi whirled around. “Dammit, Chris…what the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to say hi.” Chris straightened his tie as Tammi turned off the vacuum.  She took a good look at him.

“What are you wearing?”  Tammi tried very hard not to laugh.

“A suit,” Chris said defensively. “And I’m hot. The least you could do is invite me to sit down and have a cold beer or something.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Tammi got over her shock. “C’mon into the kitchen.  I made lemonade last night and it should be cold now.”

“Sounds nice. Thank you.”  Chris followed her into the kitchen.

“Seriously, though…why are you wearing that?” Tammi tried not to stare.  Chris wore a very expensive dark grey suit.  His hair was conservatively styled, and he was careful as he sat down.  “It’s not your usual way of dressing.”

“I have a meeting this afternoon with the FuMan people.  I thought I’d stop by and say hi, since I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

Tammi handed Chris the lemonade, then leaned over the counter.  “Chris, are you okay?  You’ve been kinda…weird lately. Not yourself.”

“I’m fine,” Chris said.  “Why do you ask?”

“You just…I mean, the suit. You NEVER wore stuff like that before when you had meetings. What’s up?”

“I thought maybe I should try to look respectable…you know, responsible.”

Tammi pretended to have a heart attack. “Chris Kirkpatrick? Responsible.  Oh, honey, don’t make me laugh.”

“You’re so funny,” Chris muttered. “Is it too much for me to TRY and act my age once in a while?”

“For you? Yeah, it is too much,” Tammi teased.  “Chris, I just worry about you.”

“Why? I’m not your problem.” Chris slammed the glass down and Tammi jumped.

“Whoa.  What’s that all about? I’m your friend. It’s my job to ask questions when things aren’t right with you.”

“Well, I’d appreciate it if you kept your questions to yourself, okay?” Chris got up and straightened his suit. “I’m gonna go be a grownup now. You should try it now and then. It’s good for you.”  He stalked out of her house before Tammi could say another word.
