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“Hello,” Tammi said sleepily.  She hadn’t gotten to sleep until almost two in the morning, and she groaned as she read ten o’clock on the alarm clock.  She could still sleep for hours.

“I’m sorry if I woke you up,” Lara said softly.  “I guess I’m an all-around sucky friend.”

“What does that mean?”  Tammi stretched and yawned.

“You came over to my house with a problem, and I hardly even noticed that you left.  I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.  Hello, sexy man proposing to you? Remember that?”

“Yeah,” Lara said, sighing happily.  Tammy smiled.  “Talk about out of the blue.”

“So he’s in New York now? For how long?”

“A week.  Then we’ll announce it for real.  Feel special…you’re the only one who knows.”  Lara paused.  “Just so you know…Chris went up to New York with him.”

“He…he did? Was he, uh, planning on going?”

“No.  Chris called out of nowhere last night and JC invited him to come along.  I just wanted you to know, in case you called his house and he didn’t answer. I didn’t want you to think he was ignoring you.”

“I wouldn’t blame him,” Tammi said. “I don’t know if I quite want to speak to him, anyway.”

“Tam, this is Chris. He’s your best friend practically.”

“And also the man I’ve been in love with forever now.  And also the man that I slept with, which was probably one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.”

“And how was it?”

“Amazing, but that’s not the point.”

“Yes, it is.  Tammi, you and Chris have the perfect relationship, but you’re both just too stupid to move it to where it should be.  Maybe this gave you the push you needed.”

“I doubt it,” Tammi said sorrowfully.

“Oh, quit feeling sorry for yourself!  When they get back, call him and get this shit straight!”

“You’re right…you ARE a sucky friend!”  Tammi snapped.

“No…I’m a good friend.  A good friend kicks your ass when you need it.”  Lara hung up.  Tammi scowled at the phone and hung up as well.


Tammi did her best over the next week to keep Chris out of her mind.  But it was hard.  She had pictures of him on her desk at work (as well as of their other friends), and her eye kept straying to his cute smiling face.  She heard NSYNC on the radio driving to and from the office, and MTV even replayed the Driven episode about the group. 

Tammi was about ready to hide in her bed and never come out after an exceptionally bad day at work when she saw a car in her driveway.  She slowed down and took a few deep breaths as she parked her car and got out.  “Hello.”

“Hi.”  Chris leaned against his PT Cruiser and smiled at her.

“You, uh, you got a Mohawk,” Tammi said, not quite knowing what to say.

“What do you think?”

Tammi slowly smiled.  “I think the Chris I know and love is back.”

“I think you’re right.” Chris smiled in return. “So…did, uh, Lara tell you anything?”

“About her and JC?  Yeah, I was there, actually, when he proposed,” Tammi confessed.

“I think they’ll be having a party or something this weekend to officially tell everyone. I’m glad. I like Lara. And she’s good for C.”

“Yeah,” Tammi said, scuffing her foot on the driveway.  “So, uh, how was New York.”

“Loud and crazy. I loved it,” Chris said, grinning.  “Look, Tammi, about the other night, I…”

“We don’t really need to talk about it.” Tammi began to briskly walk towards her front door. “I mean, it’s over and done, right?”

“I want to talk about it.”  Chris grabbed her elbow.  “It needs to be discussed.”

“Why?  I was there for you, end of story.”

“You were there for me, true. I was hurting and depressed, and you were a good friend, rushing over just because I needed you. But that wasn’t why I asked you to come upstairs that night,” Chris insisted.  “Tammi, you know the real me and love me anyway. How many freaking people can I say that about?”

“You’re my best friend,” Tammi replied.

“I know…you’re mine, too…but…there’s more to it.”  Chris fidgeted.  “I…I love you as more than a friend, Tammi…and THAT’S why I asked you upstairs.”

“You…you do?”

“It’s weird, I know, but one day I just woke up in love with you.”  Chris bit at his bottom lip.  Tammi slowly smiled.

“Me, too,” she said. “I’ve loved you for a long time now, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”

“Think this will ruin it?”

“I want to find out,” Tammi said, and Chris smiled.

“Good.  Me, too.” He cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her.

The End

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