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“I can't believe you're really going…I'm so happy for you!” Joey crowed, giving Lance a big hug and kissing his cheek.

“Note to self…Joey turns gay when drunk,” Chris said, pretending to write himself a note.

“Like you don't get a little affectionate when you've had a few,” Lance pointed out.

“No, Chris doesn't get affectionate. He gets sick. Right into your new shoes,” JC said, remembering the last time they had partied together. “And they were expensive!”

“All your clothes are expensive, Jayce,” Justin gently reminded him. “Maybe because you throw them all away after one use!”

“Only socks and underwear,” JC mumbled.

Lance smiled and looked at them all. Joey was definitely the worst off…he had started drinking far earlier than the rest. He leaned on Lance, sighing sadly and occasionally kissing Lance's cheek. Lance would miss his best friend. Chris and Justin were sitting next to each other, alternating between picking on each other and diagramming basketball plays on cocktail napkins. JC was lounging in the booth, his feet occasionally moving over to bump against Lance's.

“Sorry,” JC apologized for the fifth time. “Long legs.”

“I don't mind,” Lance said, smiling at him. “Damn, it's hot in here.” Lance stood and shrugged out of his jacket. “Next round's on me.”

“I'll have another!” Joey announced. Lance sighed, then nodded. Chris raised a hand, and Lance looked at Justin.

“Uh, yeah. Whatever you bring back is fine,” Justin said simply, looking everywhere but at Lance.

Lance shot him a weird look, then turned to JC. “Joshua?”

“Uh, yeah. Another.” JC nodded hard, and watched Lance walk to the bar.

“Are you okay? You look green already,” Chris said to Justin. “And you've hardly had anything to drink!”

“Fine,” Justin whispered. “Definitely fine.” 

“Don't go to Russia, Lance!” Joey wailed, hugging Lance so hard they both swayed on their feet.

Chris found this incredibly funny. “Aw…poor Joey's gonna miss his little Lancey.”

“You're my best friend, Lance! What if you blow up?”

“Now, THAT'S encouraging,” JC said with a smirk. They were in the elevator, going upstairs to the suites they had rented for the evening. They knew that on this celebratory night, none of them would be in any kind of shape to get back home, and it was just easier than hiring cabs. The bar had been half-empty, their booth secluded, and they had had a wonderful time sending Lance off.

“I won't blow up, Joey. And all this training…do we want to waste it?”

“It's just tests and…and…and…stuff,” Joey finally finished. “You could stay here. With me. Yeah.” Joey tucked his head on Lance's shoulder.

“Help,” Lance said quietly, Joey's weight threatening to push him to the ground.

“C'mere, Joe.” Justin took most of Joey's weight onto his own strong shoulders. “This is good for Lance. It's his dream. He got all big and buff and supersex…I mean, superstrong, just to go do this.”

“He hasn't partied hard, and he's worked out all the time,” JC added. “It's good for him, but it will be even BETTER if he gets to go up there.”

“Yeah,” Joey said sadly. He looked up at Justin, wide-eyed. “YOU'RE not going anywhere, are you?”

“Just to Virginia to start working on the album,” Justin promised. “Still in the same country. And me and Jayce and Chris will always be here for you.”

“Good.” Joey stared at Lance, narrowing his eyes. “Traitor.”

“What?” Lance asked, but he laughed, relieved. Drunk Joey was usually hard to deal with, but drunk depressed Joey wasn't fun, either.

“I love you, Lance.” Joey hugged Lance long and hard outside Joey's hotel suite, sober enough to realize that early the next morning, Lance would be leaving for Russia for a good long time. “Please be careful.”

“I will, Joe. Love you.” Lance kissed Joey's cheek and they got him into the suite.

“Damn,” Justin groaned, stretching big as they came back into the hall. “I forgot how heavy he is.”

“Yeah, well, you're no featherweight yourself,” Lance teased, his eyes wandering down Justin's long frame.

“I am just right,” Justin said arrogantly, and Chris rolled his eyes.

“Lance, I love you. I don't get the whole going up in the air without a net thing, but, you know, it's your gig, and I'm happy for you.” Chris hugged Lance. “Maybe you'll find some sexy cosmonaut to get your freak on with.” Chris thought for a moment. “Sex in zero gravity. Hey…since there's no gravity…would you have a boner ALL the time? Wouldn't it make it easier for you to stick it in his…”

“Enough,” Lance said, laughing. “I don't plan on finding out, but if I do, I'll let you know.” He hugged Chris again, and Chris said good night. Lance turned to JC and Justin. “So.”

“So…” JC fidgeted nervously. “Be safe, Lance.” JC hugged Lance, letting his hands smooth up and down Lance's back, feeling the muscles. “Email if you can, call if you can.”

“I will.” Lance briefly pressed himself tight against JC, then shocked JC with a wink.

“Bring me back something,” Justin said. He sauntered over to Lance and hugged him, moving his tall frame against Lance until Lance was pressed against the wall. Alcohol always made Justin feel extra sexy. Lance reached down and playfully grabbed Justin's ass.

“Only if you promise me to come out to at least three people while I'm gone,” Lance said, trying to keep a straight face.

“I have already. You, Jayce, Chris, Joey, my Mom, my stepdad, my dad…”

“That doesn't count,” Lance said quietly. “For you.”

“For you.” Justin surprised Lance by kissing him on the nose, then he pulled back. “Come back, Basstronaut Lance.”

“Basstronaut?” JC said, wrinkling his nose. For some reason, for most of the evening, Justin had irritated the hell out of him.

Lance laughed. “I like it. Good night, guys.”

“Bye,” Justin said faintly, watching Lance go down the hall.

“Later,” JC whispered. Lance's door closed and JC glanced at Justin.

“He's looking good,” Justin observed in what he hoped was a casual tone.

“Yeah…really toned and everything.” JC played with a belt loop on his jeans.

“Yeah…I didn't really notice it before,” Justin said, wishing that he had.

“Me either,” JC said, realizing why Justin had bothered him all night. A New and Improved Lance had suddenly appeared to rock JC's world right before leaving it for God knew how long…and apparently he had appeared in Justin's world, too.
