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Lance stared at the television, not really seeing what was on the screen. He couldn't believe how things had turned out. He had started out planning on paying Justin and JC back for the way they had treated him. It wasn't their fault, really; half the time they didn't know WHAT the hell they were doing. Justin was just all about Justin, and JC usually didn't pay attention to very much outside of his art and his music. It had hurt Lance at first, seeing how quickly they noticed him when he became more physically attracted, but then it was fun reeling them in. And easy, too…amazingly easy. It was enjoyable to play with them…to make JC realize that people saw through his shy, quiet veneer. And Justin…how fun to dominate him!

But then it all changed. He started to fall for them. Fall for them both. And he had invited them to dinner fully expecting to make a decision. He expected JC to gracefully bow out, acting as if he were above it all. Lance expected Justin to throw a temper tantrum and stomp away from the table. But apparently, they felt something for him, too, because they had looked really shocked at the sight of each other.

A knock at the door startled him. He yawned and looked at the clock. He was surprised to see that it was almost eleven o'clock. Lance looked through the peephole and his mouth fell open. He slowly opened the door. “Uh, hello?”

“Hi.” Justin gave him his dazzling smile. “Can we come in?” He leaned on JC, who had a comfortable arm around his waist.

“Sure.” Lance stepped aside and JC and Justin helped each other in the door. Justin stumbled into the living room and flopped onto the sofa. JC let his hand pass over Lance's shoulder in a brief caress before sitting on a chair. “I, uh, what are you doing here?”

“We can't just stop by?” Justin asked innocently.

“You're the one who ran away from the table,” JC pointed out.

“Aren't you two mad at me or something?” Lance scratched his head, thoroughly confused.

“We never said we were mad at you, Lance,” JC pointed out.

“We talked about things, and then we decided to come here,” Justin said. He struggled to his feet and walked over to Lance. “We missed you.”

Once again, the alcohol made Justin snuggly and intimate. He put an arm around Lance's shoulder and kissed Lance's neck. “Um…” Lance looked at JC, who smiled.

“Relax, Lance. We both know that you can't decide…that you never meant to have things end up this way.”

“So, now you're both here to MAKE me decide?” Lance asked weakly. It was hard to think rationally with Justin Timberlake's soft lips sucking on your earlobe.

“No, Lance.” Justin drew back, wide-eyed. “We both want you.”

“But, uh…” Lance took a step back, trying to make sense of the whole situation. “Are you two drunk?”

“Sure,” JC said cheerfully. “But not TOO drunk. We want to share you.” JC came up behind Justin, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist. Justin sighed happily, leaning back against him. “Your little plan gave us something to think about. Why can't we ALL be together?” JC nibbled at Justin's neck as his hands slid down Justin's chest. Justin moaned and arched back.

“Oh my God,” Lance whispered. “You mean…the three of us?”

Justin gave Lance a lazy grin. “It's about damn time you caught on.” Justin moved forward to shyly kiss Lance's cheek. “You can fuck me…JC can fuck you…and God only knows what could happen between me and JC.”

“Let's go upstairs,” JC said.

“I still think you two are drunk,” Lance said, unable to believe his luck

“For God's sake, Lance,” Justin said, annoyed. “Do you want us or not? Me and Jayce could just go to my house and get it on…if you're not interested.”

“I'm interested,” Lance said quickly.

“Good.” JC grabbed Lance and gave him a forceful kiss. “Let's go, then.”
