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“I have an idea,” JC said once they were all up in Lance's bedroom. “Why don't you sit down…” he pushed Lance onto the bed. “And Justin and I will undress. Okay?”

“Yeah, um, sure,” Lance said, still unable to keep a truly rational thought in his head.

“Okay,” Justin said softly, smiling at JC. Their mouths met eagerly as hands began to tear at clothing. JC shoved the dress coat from Justin's shoulders, then began to unbutton Justin's shirt. Justin sighed as JC's hand moved over his bare chest. JC's slender torso was soon revealed as well, and they spent a long time kissing and caressing before moving on to their pants.

Lance could barely stand it. He watched as inch by inch of strong smooth skin was revealed on both Justin and JC. He had seen both, touched both, but seeing them touching each other was something else.

“Well…I see why Lance enjoyed playing with you,” Justin said in amusement, fondling JC's hard cock. “I can imagine why he'd like having this inside of him.”

“He loves it,” JC hissed in Justin's ear. He nibbled down Justin's neck, his eyes meeting Lance's. “Don't you, Lance?”

“Yes,” Lance whispered.

Justin grabbed JC's bare ass, pulling him as close as possible for a deep kiss. He finally pulled away and looked at Lance. “Aw…Lance looks so lonely.”

“Come here,” JC ordered, and Lance stood on shaking legs. JC walked around behind him, making Lance stand between him and Justin. JC tugged at Lance's tshirt, pulling it up over his head. “Tell him to suck you,” JC murmured in Lance's ear.


“You heard me. He told me you're his top. Tell him.”

“S-suck me,” Lance said in a quivering voice. JC reached up to pinch at a nipple and Lance hissed.

“Say it like you mean it.”

“Suck my dick, Justin,” Lance said, looking Justin right in the eye. Justin let out a small moan and fell to his knees, making quick work of Lance's pants.

“Shit…I didn't believe he actually would do it,” JC whispered, still shocked that Lance had such power over Justin.

“Ah…” Lance moaned, his head falling back onto JC's shoulder. Justin let his tongue work over Lance's cock for a long moment before finally drawing him into his mouth.

“Is he good?” JC asked.

“Yes,” Lance panted.

“Do you want to cum?”

“Oh, FUCK, yes,” Lance managed to gasp, grabbing the back of Justin's head and thrusting into his mouth.


“Wh-wh-what?” Lance stammered.

“Don't you cum, Lance. I want you to cum inside of him. I wanna watch you fuck Justin…and maybe while you're doing that, I can play with you.” JC reached down between their bodies to tease at Lance's entrance. “Maybe I can even fuck you at the same time. I've seen people do that before, you know.”

“Oh…Justin…” Lance moaned.

“Make him stop, Lance.” JC bit down hard on Lance's shoulder. “Make…him…stop.”

“J-Justin…st-stop,” Lance ordered. “Stop NOW.”

Justin pulled back. He hadn't heard one word of their conversation. He had been too intent on making Lance feel good. “Why?” Justin asked unhappily. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Oh, no.” Lance pulled Justin up and kissed him. “You were just right. I wanna fuck you. Don't you want me to fuck you, baby?”

“Yes,” Justin said eagerly. He kissed Lance passionately, then leaned over Lance's shoulder to quickly kiss JC.

“Where's the lube and condoms, Lance?” JC asked. Lance motioned to the nightstand. He continued to kiss Justin as JC went over and found what they needed. JC wiggled between them, tilting his head back to kiss Justin as he began to lubricate Lance's cock.

“That looks so hot,” Justin breathed over JC's shoulder.

“Not as hot as it will look when he fucks you,” JC told him, smiling. He bit at Justin's chin, then moved out of the way. “Get him ready, Lance.”

“How do you want me?” Justin asked, sitting on the bed. He had liked it with Lance behind him. It was so fierce and fast and hard.

“On your back,” JC decided. “At the edge of the bed.”

Justin shimmied to the end of the bed and lay back. Lance knelt between his knees on the floor and began licking his way up Justin's thighs. “Yes…” Justin moaned. JC smiled. Justin was so damn easy. “Oh…Lance…” Justin gasped as one of Lance's fingers began to work inside.

“Don't take too long, Lance,” JC told him. “I can barely wait.”

“You're not the boss of everyone,” Justin snapped. “He can take his good old time.”

“The quicker he fucks you, the quicker you feel good,” JC reminded him. “And the quicker I make Lance feel good.”

“Asshole,” Justin muttered, and Lance bit down hard at Justin's hipbone. “Ow!”

“Be nice, Justin, or you'll have to sit and watch me and Jayce,” Lance scolded.

Lance's bed was high, and when he stood, he was able to easily tilt Justin's hips up to the right level. Justin's cock bobbed slightly in the air, and Lance placed one gentle hand on it as he eased inside. “Oh…fuck…Lance…” Justin sighed.

“No…put him back down,” JC told Lance. “I want you to bend over him…on the bed.”

Lance carefully settled Justin back on the bed and wrapped Justin's long legs around him. He leaned over Justin's body, moving inside with steady thrusts. Justin moaned and looked up at Lance. Justin began to stroke himself, watching the lust in Lance's eyes. “Don't…cum…” Lance told Justin. “I want this to last. I want this to…ah…” Lance gasped, eyes fluttering closed.

“That feel good, baby?” JC asked, and Justin realized that JC was touching Lance. “You want my big dick in there?”

“Yes…” Lance begged. “If you can.”

“I'll die trying,” JC told him. They heard the wrapper of the condom, and Justin watched as Lance stopped moving. Justin felt JC spread Justin's legs out a little wider around Lance, so he'd have room to move, and then Justin heard a tiny squeak from Lance. “Oh…yeah, baby…you're so tight. Go ahead…fuck him.”

“I…I can't…” Lance panted. JC gave a short thrust and Justin let out a yelp of pleasure as Lance was pushed inside, hitting just the right spot.

“Oh, yes, you can…”

“Lance…don't stop…” Justin begged. JC chuckled.

“I like hearing Justin beg. Do it again, Lance.”

“You'll be the one begging when I'm done with you later, you smug little fuck,” Justin snapped at him. JC only chuckled again. He let Lance start the rhythm, and soon he was moving perfectly with Lance's thrusts into Justin.

“Justin…so good…” Lance panted. “Love you…love you, too, Josh…”

“Motherfucker, I'm gonna cum…” JC moaned. He grasped Lance's hips even tighter. He intensified his thrusts, which made Lance move even harder into Justin.

“Shit!” Lance yelled, bright lights dancing beneath his eyelids. Justin, who had been quickly stroking himself, let out a short gasp as he came, feeling Lance throb inside of him.

“Fucking good…” JC mumbled, cumming as well inside of Lance.

JC pulled out first, slowly moving away from Lance. Lance slid out of Justin, falling to the floor by the bed. JC lay down next to Justin, who carefully stretched his legs out. “That was better than I expected,” Justin said in a quiet voice. “Lance, are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” Lance whispered.

“C'mere, Lance.” JC held out his hand and Lance slowly climbed onto the bed. JC moved so Lance could spoon between him and Justin.

“I do love you,” Lance whispered to Justin. Lance looked back over his shoulder. “But I love you, too,” he told JC. “I don't know what to do.”

“Who says you have to do anything?” Justin asked. Lance gave him a quizzical look. JC smiled at Justin over Lance's shoulder.

“Just sleep, Lance. Rest.” JC kissed Lance shoulder and rubbed his back in a soothing motion until Lance fell asleep.
