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Lance was in the middle of an incredible dream. Justin and JC were having sex, and he was right there in the room. They were moaning and hissing and panting…but he couldn't see them.

Lance's eyes fluttered open and he realized the room was dark, just like in his dream. He heard sounds similar to his dream, but then he realized he was awake.


“C'mon, Jayce. Slide down. You know you want it.”


Lance stared hard, but could make out nothing. He wanted to turn on the light, but he didn't want them to stop. He then remembered that it was HIS house. He could turn on a light if he wanted to.

Lance turned on a lamp by the bed, rubbing his eyes. His eyes remained wide open with shock as he looked at the chair by his bed. Justin was seated on the chair, slouching down slightly. JC had his back to him, and was slowly moving up and down on Justin's cock.

“That's right,” Justin mumbled, reaching up to weave his fingers through JC's hair. He tugged back and JC let out a hiss. “Ride it…you think you're so tough, making Lance your little whore…but you're not so tough.”

“God…” JC gasped, his legs shaking from the intensity of his movements.

“It was so easy to make you my bitch, JC.” Justin reached the other hand around to pinch a nipple. “All I had to do was ask. Ride my cock, Jayce…”

“Shit,” Lance whispered. They acted as if they didn't even know the light was on. Lance wanted to look away, but it was too good. Too beautiful.

“Lance,” JC said softly. “Come over here.” Lance practically fell out of bed, walking on his knees. He made to the chair and looked up at JC. “Suck me,” JC ordered, moving a hand from the arm of the chair to hold his dick out for Lance. “Suck me.”

Lance moaned and eagerly moved to allow JC's cock to enter his mouth. He didn't even have to move his head; JC's up and down motions on Justin moved his cock in and out of Lance's awaiting mouth.

“God…Lance…he just got so tight,” Justin grunted.

Lance reached down to jerk himself as he sucked JC. He heard JC whimper, felt JC's hand tighten in his hair. “Lance…baby…so good…” JC panted, cumming into Lance's mouth.

“Don't stop, Jayce, please,” Justin begged. JC drew upon the last of his energy and began to move as fast as he could. “That's it…fuck me…God…” Justin thrusted up into JC, cumming harder than he ever had before.

“Fucking hell,” Lance whispered, cumming onto his floor. He thanked God for crème colored carpet as he lay his head on Justin's knee. 

When Lance woke up the next time, he was snuggled between Justin and JC. JC had a protective arm around his waist, and his own arm was thrown over Justin. Justin had his hand tucked up on Justin's smooth chest, Lance's fingers just below Justin's chin. Lance lay his face on Justin's back, trying to figure out what had happened. He had fooled around with JC. He had fooled around with Justin. He had tried to make a decision and couldn't, and then they had just shown up…and given him the most spectacular sex of his young life. And now…now he was confused. He still didn't know who to choose. Justin was sexy and spontaneous, full of talent and energy. He could be cocky, but had the sweetest personality, like when he had come to Russia to bring Lance home. JC was artistic and pretty, laid back and smart. Lance didn't know what to do.

He decided to get up and make breakfast. He was sure everyone would benefit from French toast. He wiggled out of his little cocoon and tiptoed out the door, after grabbing a pair of sweatpants from a drawer. 

“Coffee,” Justin mumbled, burying himself under the blankets.

“Hmm?” JC asked, not even awake.

“Smell coffee. Get me some,” Justin ordered, himself only half-awake.

“Screw you. Get your own,” JC said, opening one eye. He was tucked in neatly behind Justin's long body. “Where's Lance?”

“Who?” Justin's eyes opened when JC pulled a curl. “Ow!”


Justin smiled sleepily and stretched. “Must be making us breakfast. I love Lance.”

“So do I,” JC said seriously. Justin stopped stretching.

“I meant it.”

“Me, too.”

“He can't decide.”

“We can't make him decide,” JC said. “It's all of us or nothing.”

“Are you serious?” Justin gasped. “A threesome…relationship?”

“Why not? Who knows us better than, well, us? We already love and protect each other. And…I love you, too, Justin,” JC said shyly.

“Do you think he'll go along with it?” Justin asked, blushing at the way JC was looking at him.

“I think he might. If he didn't have strong feelings for us both, last night never would have happened.” JC slowly pulled himself out from under the covers and pulled on his pants.

“Right.” Justin blinked and got up.  

“Hi,” Lance said, not turning around from the stove. “Coffee's ready…breakfast will be, too, in a minute.”

“Lance, I love you,” Justin burst out. Lance dropped his spatula and turned around.

“Justin!” JC hissed. He smiled at Lance. “It wasn't supposed to start out like that, but, I love you, too.”

“What?” Lance gripped the handle to the oven door.

“We don't want you to choose,” JC said gently. “We want…we want it to be all of us or none of us.”

“All three of us?” Lance stared at JC, then Justin.

“You choosing will only make someone unhappy,” Justin said, walking over. He hugged Lance, kissing his cheek. “It's weird, it won't be easy, and we can't tell many people. But I want to try.”

“Me, too,” JC said.

“This is…whoa.” Lance closed his eyes for a brief moment. “Okay.”

“Good.” Justin beamed at Lance. “Can I have my breakfast now?”

“Spoiled brat,” JC snapped. Justin stuck out his tongue and went to the table, waiting patiently for his breakfast. Lance turned back around, unable to keep the smile from his face.

The End 


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