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“Hey.” Chris moved out of the doorway. “Glad you could make it.”

“No problem.” Justin moved inside Chris' house, a small box in his hands. “Though I was planning on sending my own, anyway.”

“Just send it with ours,” Joey said, his mouth full of potato chips. “It'll cost less for shipping.”

“Like we need to worry about shipping costs,” JC said drowsily from his seat on the couch. “Justin.”

“Hi, JC,” Justin said, looking at JC oddly. JC had been coldly polite to him in the four weeks after Lance's departure, and he couldn't quite figure out why. It was as if Justin had stolen JC's favorite toy or something, and Justin didn't know what was going on.

“Okay, so, me and Joey already have our stuff in here…” Chris lugged a huge box off the sofa. “JC says he wants his on top, because it's fragile, so it's your turn.”

“What did you get him?”

“Some sweatshirts, some dildoes,” Chris said, shrugging. “The usual.”

“Yeah, that's what EVERY boy gets in his care package while away at camp,” Justin said, rolling his eyes. He slowly unpacked his box. Joey chuckled as he saw what was inside.

“Justin, Lance is gonna love that stuff,” Joey said.

“I hope so,” Justin said. He had chosen carefully. A package of astronaut ice cream, a pack of Dr. Seuss stickers, a pair of Cat in the Hat socks, and the book Curious George Goes to Space. “I wanted to send him some butter pecan ice cream, but that would never work, so…” Justin waved a lollipop in the air. “I found a butter pecan lollipop.”

“Euww.” Joey wrinkled his nose.

“It will give him something to suck on,” Chris said, and Justin saw JC actually blush. Chris carefully packed Justin's things into the box. “Okay, C, it's up to you.”

“Okay.” JC dug through his bag and pulled out a large folder, stuck between two pieces of cardboard. “Make sure nothing digs into it from the bottom.”

“Yes, Anal,” Chris sighed.

“What is it?” Justin asked.

“None of your business,” JC said, and suddenly Justin wanted to know more than ever.

“C'mon, C…tell me.”

“A picture,” JC said briefly, and that was all.

“So, um, do you think we can visit him?” Justin asked nervously. Everyone stared at him. “What? He has to have some down time. And I bet he's incredibly lonely.”

“He's busy,” JC snapped. “He doesn't need you getting in his face.”

“I wouldn't get in his face,” Justin said, hurt.

“I'm gonna go home.” JC stood. “See you all later.”

“What was THAT all about?” Chris asked after the front door slammed. Joey shrugged.

“It's the diva time of the month, apparently. I'll help you tape this shut.” 

JC glared at Chris' house as he sat in his car in the driveway. Fucking Justin Timberlake. Not only was he sexy and perfect, but apparently he was a lot brighter than they gave him credit for. He had chosen things that would make Lance smile, and maybe feel less homesick. JC had drawn a stupid picture of the night sky, with planets and stars, and a tiny rocket ship. It was so stupid. Justin would win again…and Lance didn't even know he was the prize.
