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“Lance, this is so cool,” JC said as they headed back to the hotel after a long day of training. Lance had shown JC around, and JC had even gotten to work on a few of the machines. He didn't know HOW Lance could put up with the physical strain, not to mention all the things he had to learn. JC was really impressed. “I'm so proud of you.”

“Really?” Lance stopped walking and looked at JC.

“Yeah.” JC studied him. “Why?”

“You, it's just…no one beside my mom and dad has said that to me yet,” Lance said softly.

JC put a hand on his shoulder. “Trust me, Lance. We're all damn proud of you. Every one of us, okay? You're going where no boyband member has gone before!”

“You're a fruitcake,” Lance said, laughing. He surprised JC by putting an arm around his waist as they headed to their room. “So…all done packing?”

“Of course. I barely UNpacked,” JC pointed out. “No need.”

“Good. Then we have the rest of the evening to do whatever.” Lance gave JC a special smile as he unlocked the door. JC felt a hopeful shiver pass up and down his spine, but he tried to ignore it. Lance couldn't mean THAT. It would be nice, but there was no way. JC had been very careful to hide these newfound yearnings for Lance.

“So, uh, what do you want to do?” JC asked, kicking off his shoes as he entered the room.

“Can I ask you a question?” Lance leaned back on the door after closing it.

“Of course.”

“Are you a top or a bottom?”

JC almost fell over his shoes. “What?”

“You heard me. I think sex is the ONE thing we've never talked about. Not seriously, anyway.” Lance's face was perfectly calm. JC, however, was trying to remember to breathe. Lance. Talking about sex.

“Well, I guess I, um, I'm a bottom,” JC said. “Yeah.”

“Have you EVER been on top?” Lance asked innocently.

“No. Not really. I just, no.”

“I find that incredibly hard to believe.” Lance pulled off his shirt as he talked.

“Lance, what are you doing?” JC whispered.

“Undressing to take a shower,” Lance said, just as innocently as before. “You coming?”


“Look, JC. I haven't gotten laid in God only knows how long. You were sweet enough to come here…but I don't really think it was simply out of friendship.” Lance's track pants hit the floor, along with his boxers. JC swallowed deeply and tried not to stare. “Come on.” Lance disappeared into the bathroom. JC quickly undressed, wondering what in the world was going on.

“Look, Lance, it isn't why I came here,” JC insisted as he entered the bathroom, and he honestly believed it wasn't. He was incredibly attracted to Lance, but it was much more than sex…wasn't it?

“Sure it wasn't,” Lance said with a friendly smile. He stepped into the shower and beckoned for JC to join him. Against his better judgment, JC followed him. Lance stepped back into the water, letting it stream down his body. JC swallowed deeply and watched. Lance spluttered for air, then smiled again. He switched places with JC so JC could get wet. “Look, JC, I know you. I know you're not some nellie bottom boy. You're stubborn when it comes to things you want, and you're a perfectionist. That's top all the way.”

“But, I never…”

“JC, quit playing the meek little bottom with me,” Lance snapped. “I've watched you. Right before I left, you changed. You've been different since you got here. It's like all of a sudden you know what you want, and it's me.”

“Lance, this is WAY out of the blue,” JC stammered. Lance squirted some shampoo onto his hands and began to wash JC's hair. JC moaned and let his head fall back.

“JC, are you telling me that you don't want to haul my ass out of this shower and fuck the living hell out of me?” Lance whispered. JC almost fell out of the shower. This was NOT how it was supposed to happen. Lance was supposed to be shocked and surprised and seduced…NOT JC. “Well?”

“Yes,” JC admitted.

Lance didn't reply. He carefully rinsed JC's hair, then handed JC the bar of soap. Lance then shampooed his own hair, and quickly soaped himself all over. They both rinsed, and Lance turned off the water. They stood, dripping and staring at each other. Lance smiled at JC, and the devil was in that smile. “Well?”

JC carefully stepped out of the shower stall and headed into the bedroom. “I don't know about this.”

Lance stood in front of him, green eyes innocent and obedient. “Don't disappoint me, JC. You know what you want…take it. We both need it…and it's been so long.”

JC grabbed Lance by the shoulders, fiercely kissing him. Lance had been right. JC did have a very dominant personality, though no one ever believed it. Lance…at his mercy. JC's hand slid down to tug at Lance's hard cock. “Fuck,” JC gasped as Lance thrust up into his hand.

“There's lube and condoms in my bag,” Lance panted as JC rubbed his body up against Lance's. “I'm always prepared.”

“My little Boy Scout,” JC said, shoving Lance back onto the bed. JC dug through Lance's small duffel until he found what he was looking for. He began to lube his fingers, preparing to get Lance ready.

“No,” Lance said, grabbing JC's wrist. Lance smiled at him. “Don't waste too much time. I want this. Want you NOW.”

JC moaned quietly and got himself ready. He saw the initial wince of pain on Lance's face. “Lance…”

“I'm fine, JC. Just fuck me for God's sake. I like…the pain…” Lance whispered, and JC slid inside. 

JC watched Lance sleep, smiling at how sweet and innocent Lance looked. This was all so amazing. Not QUITE the way JC had planned it, but who cared? Lance had wanted him, too, and had made it everything JC had imagined, and better. And when Lance got back from space, there were so many opportunities, so many things to plan. JC ran a finger down Lance's cheek, then kissed that smooth cheek. Before falling asleep himself, JC lay back on the pillow, smiling in satisfaction at the look on Justin Timberlake's face when he realized that, for once, he couldn't get everything he wanted.
