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“I, uh, thought you were sleeping!” Justin said quickly.  Lance gave him a tired smile.

“I can sleep later. I’m hungry.”  Lance slowly sat up, his eyes never leaving Justin’s face.

“Well…why don’t I run out and grab us something to eat, and you sleep some more,” Justin said.  “You need it. You look like shit, Lance.”

“Thanks,” Lance said, giving him a playful glare.  He lay back down, however, wearily closing his eyes.  “How are you gonna get us something to eat?”

“Those tutors taught me enough French to get us sandwiches, Lance,” Justin said.  “Just relax. I’ll be back.”


When Lance opened his eyes an hour later, Justin had their tiny table set with bottled water and huge sandwiches.  Lance yawned and stretched, and Justin was unable to take his eyes off of him.  “Uh, I hope you like it,” Justin finally stammered.  Lance grinned as he sat up.

“I’m sure I will. I’m STARVING.”  Lance came over to the table.  “This looks great.”  He surprised Justin with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s eat.”

Justin bit into the giant sandwich and tried not to wear any of it.  His mind attempted to process everything that was going on, but it was too much. He simply concentrated on eating…something he’d been doing his entire life.  Lance nudged him with his foot and he jumped.  “Oh, I’m sorry.  What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything,” Lance said, laughing. “I was just wondering where you were.  Outer space?”  Lance tried to smile some more, but it faltered slightly.

“No, that’s YOUR domain,” Justin told him.

“Not anymore.”  Lance put his sandwich back on his plate.

“Lance, stop it.  These flights go up all the time, right? You can still do it.  Don’t lose your dream.”

“What’s YOUR dream?” Lance asked him.  Justin swallowed deeply.  Lately, his dreams seemed to always involve Lance and Justin and one body part entering another, but he didn’t think he should say that. Instead, he said, “Oh, I dunno…my album selling at least half-decent…getting some respect.”

“You’ve already done that,” Lance promised him.  “So…what should we do tonight?  No offense to present company, but I don’t feel like being cooped up inside all night. I’ve had enough of that.”

“No offense taken. Why don’t we go down the street and sit at one of those little cafes?  We can order a bottle of wine, drink in the scenery, just relax.”

“That sounds great.”  Lance gave Justin such a special smile that Justin felt goosebumps appear on his entire body.


“JC would be SO jealous right now,” Justin said as the waiter delivered their bottle of wine and a small plate of breads and snacks.  He looked across the street at the small art gallery.

“Why are you so worried about JC’s jealousy?” Lance asked innocently, and Justin almost spilled his wine.

“Well, this is totally his territory,” Justin began, then stopped. “I…I mean…art, wine, Paris…it’s not me.”

“Why not?”  Lance asked. “You’re the one who spent a month telling me I could be anything I wanted to be before all this space crap, remember? If you wanna be artsy and alcoholic, you can.”

Justin laughed out loud.  “No…not that. But JC’s so…cultured.  That’s cool.”

“You’re wonderful just the way you are,” Lance told him. “And it wasn’t JC who called me all the time and kept me from being homesick. He never called. You called all the time, Justin, and I appreciated it.”

“Really?”  Justin blushed.  “I mean, I was afraid I’d be bothering you.  I didn’t want to bother you.”

“You didn’t. I promise,” Lance said, putting his hand over Justin’s on the table.


Justin giggled as Lance unlocked the door to their room.  “You do realize that what’s in that room is probably more expensive than the room itself?” Justin asked.  “Think of all the shit in here that’s worth something…and this room cost about nothing to rent!”

“Yes, that’s true,” Lance said, nodding. They were both a little tipsy from the wine.  Justin giggled again as Lance closed the door, falling against Lance so they both leaned against the door.  “You’re smushing me!”

“Oh…sorry.” Justin moved ever so slightly but continued to press up against Lance. “You’re just comfy.”  Justin grinded his hips against Lance, feeling comfortable and sexy and turned on by Lance and the wine.

“You like the way I feel?”  Lance pushed back up, and Justin moaned slightly as he felt Lance’s erection.


Lance moved suddenly and Justin found himself face first against the door.  Lance caught him around the waist at the last minute, keeping Justin’s head from hitting the door.  Lance slowly pressed down until Justin’s erection was against the door, and Lance’s hardness was against Justin’s ass.

“I think you feel real good, too,” Lance murmured in Justin’s ear.  Justin was slouched slightly, and Lance could put his lips right against Justin’s neck.  “I wanna see if you feel good all over.”

“Yes,” Justin whispered against the door. Lance grinned and pulled back. 

“C’mon. Let’s move the beds together.”

“Why?”  Justin asked.  He had gotten busy in smaller places than a twin bed.

“Okay, we’ll just use one, then,” Lance said.  He began to undress, and Justin could only stand and watch him.  When Lance was down to his boxers, Justin was still fully dressed. “Now, that’s not fair.”  Lance walked over and began to unbutton Justin’s shirt.  Lance tilted his head up and finally kissed Justin on the lips.  Justin moaned and Lance sighed. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”

“Me, too,” Justin said.

“I thought so.  You’ve been so sweet to me.”  Lance finally shoved Justin’s pants down. “Nice,” Lance said, sighing again.  He pushed Justin gently, and Justin fell onto the bed face first.  Lance started at his shoulders and began to slowly kiss down Justin’s spine.  Justin moaned into the pillow. “I’m gonna fuck you so good, Justin,” Lance whispered, letting his tongue dance down Justin’s backbone.  “It’s gonna be so hot.”

“Wait a minute.”  Justin arched up slightly to look at Lance. “I don’t…I…”

“You don’t what?”  Lance stood and took off his boxers.  Justin couldn’t help but stare at Lance’s dick.

“I’m always…I don’t…I’m on top,” Justin finally said. Lance laughed.

“Of COURSE you are.  No one fucks Justin Timberlake, am I right?”

“Well, that’s not why but…”

“Yes it is.  No one gets the best of you.  Tonight, Justin, I am definitely gonna get the best of you…any way I want.”


Lance slept, and Justin stared at the ceiling.  He tried to think about the four hours that had just passed, but he couldn’t.  Everything kept coming back to the feeling of Lance’s cock sliding in and out of his ass, while he was on his hands and knees.  Lance kept hitting a place that made Justin scream, and the way Lance’s fingers had fisted in his curls, pulling back as he thrusted.  Justin actually blushed as he remembered.  He had never allowed himself to be anyone’s bitch…and he had definitely become Lance’s bitch that night.

Justin curled around Lance and sighed, snuggling close.  He liked the feeling.  And it had made Lance forget about his problems, if even for a few hours. Maybe this could work.  Maybe he and Lance COULD hook up.  Justin thought about the way JC had looked after his visit to Houston, and wondered if he looked the same.  Thinking of JC made Justin happy and sad at the same time. Even if JC had been a smug little bastard, Justin didn’t want to hurt him.  And he knew that JC would be hurt when he realized that Justin and Lance were together.  But as Justin closed his eyes, he remembered the feeling of Lance inside him, and thoughts of JC and his welfare were banished altogether.
