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“We brought you something.” Justin plopped down on the sofa next to JC, handing JC a large box.

“You didn't have to,” JC said softly, toying with the twine that tied the box shut.

Lance looked over from where he was talking to Joey. He smiled at JC and winked. “You guys need anything?” Lance asked. They were all at Lance's house, celebrating his return with a private party for just the five of them.

“I'm fine,” Justin said. JC simply nodded, blushing. “So, open it! We both picked it out.”

JC frowned at the wording Justin had used. He made it sound like he and Lance were…well…a couple. And they couldn't be. Not after what had happened between JC and Lance. “Okay,” JC said finally. He undid the twine with his slender fingers and slowly opened the box. “Wow…Justin. Thank you.” He ran a hand over the painting that was inside the box.

“We saw the coolest stuff along the river. This guy, C, he was amazing. You would have loved his work. His name's on there and everything. He's just starting to get gallery work. He's from Italy, actually…spoke English perfectly. We saw it and thought you'd like it.”

“I do. Thank you.” JC smiled at Justin and carefully closed the box.

“Look, JC…I know you and I have had some kind of weirdness between us lately…and I don't want it to be that way,” Justin began slowly.

JC wanted to yell, “Then why did you run off with Lance, you dick?”, but he didn't. He simply shrugged. “We're grownups, Justin. We aren't always best friends.” JC stood up. “I'm gonna put this in the car.” He brushed by Lance on the way. “Thanks, Lance. It's great.”

JC headed for his car, wishing he could just jump behind the wheel and drive away to cry. He knew it was insane to be jealous of Justin. Number one, like he was any competition for Justin. And number two, Lance had never really promised him anything. JC had just assumed. Like he had told Justin, they were grownups, and JC needed to accept it all like a grownup.

“Hey.” A low voice behind him made him turn around.

“Hey,” JC said softly. “I really do like it.”

“I thought you would. And I got you this.” Lance held out a bag. “Justin doesn't know.”

“Is it a big secret?” JC asked, smiling slightly.

“He woulda whined, wondering why you needed an extra gift.” Lance rolled his eyes.

“Thanks, Lance,” JC said as he pulled the bottle of French wine from the bag. “I know I'll love it.”

“Ya know what I'd love?” Lance asked in an extremely low voice.

“N-no,” JC whispered.

“Put the wine in the car.” JC almost threw the bag onto the seat. “C'mere.” Lance took JC's hand and led him to the garage.

“Won't they look for us?” JC said weakly.

“Who cares?” Lance unlocked the door to the garage and they stepped inside. Lance shut the door and pushed JC up against it. “I've thought about this all fucking day.” He unbuckled JC's belt, shoved down his jeans, and smiled as he saw that JC was going commando. “And it's exactly how I was thinking about it.”

“Lance…ah…fuck…” JC gasped as Lance took him into his mouth. “We…shouldn't…”

“I wanna suck you, Jayce. Don't you wanna fuck my mouth?” Lance licked up and down.


“Do you want him out here, too?” Lance asked.

JC's mind whirled for a brief instant, imagining the thought. “N-no…I just thought…”

“Don't think,” Lance whispered, and JC stopped thinking. 

“So, uh, are you gonna be okay?” Justin asked Lance. He had stayed to clean up, something that earned a ton of teasing from Chris. Justin never helped anyone clean up.

“I think so,” Lance said, shrugging. “I have to be.”

“We're here for you,” Justin said, putting a hand on Lance's shoulder. Lance smiled and kissed Justin's knuckles. “So, I was wondering, um, do you want me to stick around for a while?”

“Actually, I'm kinda beat,” Lance said. He winked. “I never really did get to catch up on much sleep in Paris.”

“Right,” Justin said, nodding and trying to smile. Lance had disappeared with JC for a few moments, and when they returned, JC was all smiles. Justin sighed. “So, uh, I guess Jayce liked his gift.”

“I think he did, too,” Lance said. “I made sure to tell him you chose it. That you were thinking of him when we were together.”

“I was not thinking of him when we were together!” Justin snapped.

“You talked about him an awful lot…does someone have a crush?” Lance teased.

“No,” Justin retorted, but he briefly thought of JC's soft hair and blue eyes and endearing giggle. “No,” he repeated. “Look, Lance, I'll let you get your rest. Call if you need anything.”

“I will.” Lance cupped Justin's chin in his hand and kissed him. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” Justin whispered, not wanting to move. He finally made himself turn around and leave the kitchen, ignoring the erection that painfully rubbed against his boxers.
