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Rain Or Shine

By:  Lara




“And I’m saving all my love…yes, I’m saving all my loving…I’m saving all my love for you…” Justin sang along with the airport sound system as he shouldered his duffle and picked up his suitcases.  It had been a wonderful two weeks with his family, but he was glad to be going back home.  Home to Josh, home to Lance…and home to Chris.  He had really missed Chris.


Justin daydreamed about Chris as he went out to wait for a taxi.  Chris and Joey had wanted to come pick him up at the airport, but he told them not to bother.  Joey’s car was on its last legs, and Justin liked the thought of Chris at home, waiting for him. They didn’t live together yet, but they might as well have; they spent all non-working moments together.  Chris had done a few odd landscaping jobs as well as running the apartment building, and Justin performed at the bar, as well as doing some office work for Joey.


A childish giggle made him snap out of his Chris reverie.  A young woman was trying to find a taxi and keep an eye on her toddler at the same time.  “Do you need help?”  Justin asked, smiling down at the little girl.


“Yes,” the woman said gratefully.  “I’ve been trying to get a taxi to take me out to Sun Beach, but every time I say that’s where I’m going, they suddenly are off duty.”


Justin frowned.  He straightened the bandana that covered his curls, and tugged at his tight black tshirt.  “Assholes,” he muttered, then blushed a bit.  “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at the little girl.


“It’s okay,” the woman said, smiling.


“Up!”  The little girl said, reaching her arms up to Justin. The woman nodded, and Justin picked her up, easily slinging her onto his hip. 


“I have brothers,” he explained. “Okay…what we need to do is find a taxi with…yeah.  There’s one.”  Justin headed for a taxi a few cars down.  “Look for the rainbow stickers,” he told her, motioning to the tiny rainbow on the taxis bumper.  “Gay friendly cabs.”


“I…I see,” she said. “I’m, uh, still kinda new to all this.”


“I’m going to Sun Beach as well. Want to share?” Justin asked.


“I couldn’t impose.”


“Seriously. I am. I’ve been away from my man for FAR too long, and sharing the fare can only make it go quicker,” Justin told her, and she smiled.


“Okay.  Thank you.”


The driver got out and helped Justin load his suitcases into the trunk.  The woman had only a small suitcase and the child’s bag.  They climbed into the backseat, the woman carefully holding the child on her lap.  “My name is Justin,” Justin said.


“I’m Jennifer…and this is Melody.  She’s two.  I’m really surprised that she wanted you to hold her…she normally is quite shy around strangers.”


“Everyone loves me,” Justin told Jennifer, and she smiled.  “Even girls.”


“I bet,” she replied.  “So, you, uh, have a boyfriend?”


“Yes, Chris,” Justin sighed happily, and she smiled again.


“You’re lucky.  I’m single right now.  Melody’s father lives in Sun Beach, and I’m taking her there for a visit.”


“That sounds nice,” Justin said.  “Tourist season will be dying down about now…he’ll have more time to spend with her, I’m sure.”


“He doesn’t really have a choice,” Jennifer muttered, and Justin politely pretended not to have heard her.


“Melody…that’s an original name,” Justin said finally.


“I play the flute in a symphony orchestra,” Jennifer told her.


“Really? I’m a musician, too. Well, I sing…and I can play guitar and piano a bit.”


“You look like a creative person,” Jennifer told him, and he smiled.


“Oh, if you only knew the HALF of it,” Justin said.




As they entered the small beach town, Justin asked her where exactly she was going. Jennifer gave him the address, and Justin looked at her in surprise.  “That’s where I live!”  Justin narrowed his eyes.  “Did we have some kind of heterosexual fling a few years back that I don’t remember?”


Jennifer laughed as Melody climbed back onto Justin’s lap. “I’m sure I’d remember you,” she said. “You seem unforgettable.”


“Thank you,” Justin said proudly, and Jennifer giggled again.


The taxi pulled up in front of the apartment building.  They each paid their half, and Justin got his suitcases from the trunk.  “Well, Justin, thank you. It was very nice meeting you,” Jennifer said.


“Do you need directions?” Justin asked.


“No. I just need a minute. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him,” Jennifer said nervously.  Justin nodded.


“Good luck,” he said.  He bent down and kissed Melody’s cheek.  “Good bye.”


“Bye, Justin,” Jennifer said faintly.




Justin dropped his suitcases in his apartment and trotted down to knock on Chris’ door.  The door was thrown open, and suddenly Justin’s arms were filled with a short brunette man who was passionately kissing him. “Hi…Chris…” Justin panted as soon as he could get some air.


“Thank GOD you’re here,” Joey said, rolling his eyes. “He’s been a nightmare since you left.”


“I have not,” Chris said, his voice muffled in Justin’s shoulder.  Chris fisted his hands in Justin’s shirt. Normally he didn’t show a lot of emotion…but he had missed his boy.


“Hey, Justin,” Lance waved from the sofa.


“Hey, Peaches,” Justin said with a grin.  “Well, it’s nice to see SOMEONE missed me.”


“I was hoping you’d stay with your mother,” Josh said from his place on the sofa.  His place, as usual, was as close to Lance as humanly possible.


“You would’ve died without me,” Justin told him. He sashayed over to kiss Lance and Josh, making sure to give Chris a good view of his ass.


“Isn’t it time for you three to leave?” Chris growled, adjusting himself.


“Gay lust…I could SO write a book about it,” Joey said, rolling his eyes.  “You’re lucky that as a straight man, I am unaffected by homosexual signs of affection.”


“Whatever.  If you were smart, you’d be gay, too,” Lance told him. “Or you’d move somewhere else.”


“What?  And lower the testosterone level of this town by at least sixty percent?”  Joey asked.  Josh and Lance chuckled.


The doorbell rang, and Justin walked over to answer it.  “I still think Chris is right. You guys should leave us alone…” Justin gasped as he opened the door. “Jennifer?  Hi.  Are you okay?”


“Oh, Justin, hi,” Jennifer said as Melody squirmed in her arms.


“Baby, who is it?” Chris walked up behind Justin. “Jennifer?”


“Hello, Christopher,” Jennifer said, raising her chin slightly.  “This is your daughter…Melody.”

