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“Okay…did you put the tablecloth on?”

“Yes, Lance.”

“And the flowers?”

“Yes, Lance.”

“And we can comfortably fit five and a highchair, right?”

“Yes, Lance.”

“And the candles?”

“We decided no candles because there isn't really enough room.”


Josh put his hands on Lance's shoulders. “Baby, relax. It's only Chris, Justin and Joey.”

“Yeah, but this is Thanksgiving. I want them to be glad they're here and not with their families.”

“Sweetie, you're adorable.” Josh hugged Lance. “Everything's going well here…why don't you go change clothes?”

“But I was gonna wear this,” Lance protested.

“Honey, you have flour and gravy and stuff all over your stomach.” Josh poked him. “Go.”

“Okay…just…keep an eye on things.” Lance hurried into the bedroom. Josh sighed and looked at the immaculate kitchen. Lance had immediately volunteered to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and he refused to let Josh help. He finally allowed Josh to clean up as he finished things, as long as Josh stayed out of his way in the tiny kitchen.

Lance was just reappearing when someone knocked on the door. Josh opened it. Chris was carrying Melody, and Justin was carrying something in a box.

“Uncle Lance! We getted you…” Melody began, but was quieted by Chris' hand over her mouth.

“Now, you know we decided that Justin would get to tell,” he gently scolded, and she nodded.

“What's going on?” Josh asked in confusion.

“We bought a present for you,” Justin said. He hugged Josh with one arm and kissed his cheek.

“Me?” Josh looked at Lance. “Did you know about this?”

“No,” Lance said, staring at Justin. “What the hell did you do?”

“Since you have a kitten…” Justin petted Josh's head. “We figured Josh should have one, too.”

Josh stared down at the box in Justin's arms, noticing the holes poked in the side. A very indignant cry came from inside the box. “A…kitten?”

“A kitten, Uncle Josh!” Melody yelled. “A baby kitten!”

“You did such a good job finding Melody that we figured you were ready for the responsibility,” Chris told him. Justin sat the box down and Josh knelt beside it.

When he opened the box, two green eyes peeked up at him. “Meow,” the kitten said, jumping out onto Josh's knee. The kitten was grey with black stripes, with a white neck and white socks. “Hi!” Josh said in surprise.

“You told me no pets,” Lance said to Chris.

“I'm the landlord. I can break the rules.”

The kitten walked up Josh's arm, sat on his shoulder, walked under his hair to the other shoulder, then down his arm. “Meow,” she said again, before scampering off to explore.

“We have litter and a litter box and food down at Justin's place,” Chris told Josh.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” Joey said, walking in the open door. He stared as a grey blur scampered by his feet. “Is that a kitten?”

“Yes,” Lance sighed, wondering how in the world he had acquired a kitten. He looked at the delight on Josh's face, and smiled. “Josh, do you think you can handle locking the kitten in the bathroom until dinner is over?”

“Yes,” Josh said, running after it.

“What are you going to name it?” Chris asked.

“Sasha,” Melody announced, and everyone stared at her. “Her name is Sasha,” Melody repeated.

“Where'd she get that?” Justin asked, and Chris shrugged.

“Sasha it is,” Lance said, picking up Melody and putting her in her high chair.

“Uncle Lance made you a yummy dinner, Mel,” Josh said as he carried the kitten to the bedroom.

“Yummy!” Melody slapped her high chair. Lance and Joey brought the food to the table.

Everyone took their seats around the small table, with Justin and Chris on either side of the highchair. “At home we usually say something we're thankful for,” Justin said softly, looking around.

“I have too many things,” Chris said, picking up Justin's hand and kissing the palm.

“Okay, no mushy stuff. Thanksgiving is for eating, and this looks GOOD,” Joey said. “Let's dig in.”

“Wait.” Josh slapped Joey's hand. “Go ahead, Lance.”

Lance closed his eyes. “God, we thank you for today. We thank you for everyone at this table, and for the love in this room. Please remind us to be thankful every day and not just today, and help us to all be together at this time next year. Amen.”

“AMEN!” Melody shouted. “I want turkey!”

“You're teaching her right,” Joey said in approval, reaching for the mashed potatoes.

“No more babysitting by Uncle Joey,” Justin said. “Note to self.”

Everyone chattered as they filled their plates, but Josh couldn't keep his eyes off of Lance. Lance looked at him and winked, squeezing his hand before picking up Josh's plate.

The End

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