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“More!” Melody demanded. Lance smiled at her, not hearing the door open.

“Once upon there was a handsome prince named Joshua. He was the most beautiful prince in the world. He had a friend named Joey and a friend named Justin and a friend named Chris.”

“Daddy,” Melody announced.

“Right. That's your daddy. There was also a princess named Melody.”


“That's right. But Prince Joshua was very lonely, and he didn't have anyone to make him happy. So one day, a man named Lance came to his castle.”

“Lance! You Lance!” Melody pointed at Lance.

“Yep. That's me. Lance was lonely, too, and he and Joshua fell in love. Lance moved into the castle, and everyone lived happily ever after. The end.”

“Yay!” Melody clapped her hands.

Josh smiled from the doorway. “Hey there.”

Lance looked up and blushed. “Oh. Hi. Chris and Joey went shopping.”

“I figured,” Josh said. Justin looked over Josh's shoulder.

“Jussin!” Melody yelled. She flew off of Lance's lap and ran to hug Justin's legs.

“Hey there, babygirl,” Justin said.

“Where Daddy?” Melody asked.

“At the store. He needs to find a bed for you, and something for you to eat.”

“I'm hungry,” Melody announced.

“It IS dinnertime,” Lance said, looking at the clock. “How about something quick, like spaghetti!”

“I like pasghetti,” Melody announced.

“Pasghetti it is,” Lance said, laughing. He went into the small kitchen and Josh followed him. Justin took Melody out onto the balcony.

“Hi.” Josh kissed the back of Lance's neck.

“Mmm. Hi, yourself.”

“You excited about going to school?”

“Not as excited as I am about the thought of ravaging your gorgeous body tonight,” Lance said. Josh moaned and pressed against Lance.

“Did you ever notice how drama seems to follow Justin around like his shadow?”

“This isn't Justin's drama, for once. It's Chris' drama.”

“I cannot picture him as a father,” Josh said, shaking his head. Lance turned around in Josh's arms.

“Do you ever think of having children?”

“Me? No…not really. I like kids…they're cute and all, but I'm too selfish.” Josh kissed Lance on the nose. “I don't like sharing you with anyone. And I'd have to share you with a baby.”

“You're not sharing me,” Lance promised. “I'm all yours.”

Josh was giving Lance a tender kiss when Justin and Melody returned. “And that's Uncle Josh and Uncle Lance trying to get some booty in the kitchen,” Justin told her.

“Booty,” Melody repeated.

“Justin!” Lance almost yelled. “Don't be teaching her that stuff!”

“She's gonna hear it sooner or later, living here,” Justin pointed out.

Someone knocked on the door, then opened it. “Hey,” Joey said. “Chris is up in the apartment, unpacking, if someone wanted to talk to him.”

“Joey!” Melody said happily.

“Go to Uncle Joey,” Justin said, handing her over. “I need to go talk to Daddy.” 

The door to Chris' apartment was open. Justin tiptoed inside, then watched Chris unpack the groceries. “Hi,” Justin said shyly. Chris froze and slowly turned around.

“Hi,” Chris said, not smiling.

“Look, I know I was a big freaking baby, and I'm sorry. I just…okay, this is gonna sound SO hypocritical…but I got jealous. You had sex with someone else. A WOMAN. And she gave you what I never EVER could. And now…you have to watch out for Melody, and maybe you won't have time for me.” Justin pouted and looked at his feet. “And I know I sound about six years old, and I'm just sorry.”

“Justin.” Chris came around the counter. He put his arms around Justin. “That means more to me than you could know.”


“I know we've been together for a few months now, but I still worry. I'm worried you'll go running back to the way you used to be, seeing all these different guys and forgetting about me. But you saying this…that you're worried I won't have enough time for me…it shows me you really do love me.”

“Of course I do!” Justin said in surprise.

“Well…I know it for sure, now.” Chris gave Justin a sweet kiss on the lips. “And Melody will just add to our happy life, okay, baby?”

“Okay,” Justin sighed, resting his head on Chris' shoulder.
