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The group of friends ate dinner in Josh and Lance's apartment.  Melody's antics made them all laugh, and as Justin watched Chris' face light up every time Melody called him "Daddy," he thought that  just maybe it was all worth it.

"I think it's bedtime for the baby," Chris announced as Lance and Joey washed dishes. "C'mon."

"Yeah, Justin, way past your bedtime," Josh teased.

"Ha ha," Justin snapped. He wasn't in the mood for Josh. He had been gone from Chris for a while, and now that he was back, he hadn't had more than five minutes alone with his boyfriend.

"C'mon," Chris repeated, and Melody looked at Justin.

"Jussin comin', too?"

"Of course," Chris answered before Justin could reply. "Sometimes Justin stays in my apartment."

"Good," Melody said. She ran to hug Joey, who picked her up with soapy hands.

"Don't you think you're scarring her for life?" Joey teased. "She doesn't need to see you two getting freaky."

"She won't SEE anything," Chris retorted. "And Jenn had no problem dropping her here, knowing my lifestyle, so I don't see a problem, either."

Melody gave Joey a big hug, and she hugged Lance as well. "Say bye to Josh," Justin said.

"Bye," Melody said, frowning. Josh gave her a kind smile, but made no attempt to hug her.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow or something," Chris said, picking Melody up.

"Don't you have to work tomorrow?" Joey asked.

"I called and said I couldn't make it tomorrow." Chris had picked up some work doing landscaping around their small town. "They understood. I have to do more shopping."

"Shopping!" Justin said to Melody. "I love shopping."

"Me, too," Melody replied, though she really didn't understand.

"Good night, all," Chris said over his shoulder as he carried Melody out.

They went back to Chris' apartment. Justin clumsily brushed Melody's teeth and washed her face as Chris prepared the small cot in the living room. "All set," Justin said finally, helping Melody pull her pajama bottoms up after she went to the bathroom.

"Daddy!" Melody yelled, running through the apartment. She hefted herself up onto Chris' bed with great effort, then giggled as she bounced up and down.

"No, Mel…this is where Justin and Daddy sleep," Chris told her. "I have a nice bed made up for you in the living room."

"No." Melody pouted.

"I think she must be secretly related to you," Chris said to Justin. "Look at that pout."

"Funny." Justin smiled at Melody. "Don't you want to see your new bed?"

"I wanna sleep here. Wif Jussin and Daddy." Melody began to sniffle. "Don't wanna new bed!"

Her sniffles turned into crying, which turned into wailing. Chris looked at Justin in alarm. "Maybe we should just let her sleep in here. For tonight."

"Chris, I have enough experience with little kids to know you can't spoil them when they cry," Justin said. "She should sleep out there."

"But it's her first night in a new place," Chris protested. "There's room."

"I'll just sleep at home tonight," Justin said, shrugging. He didn't feel like sharing his first night back with Chris.

"Jussin, no!" Melody screamed, hugging his legs. "Stay! Stay wif me and Daddy!"

"Okay," Justin sighed. He picked Melody up and she began to stop crying. Chris turned down the covers and got the pillow from the cot. Justin sat her down in the middle of the bed. She looked up at him with wet eyes as Chris covered her. "We're gonna go into the living room for a little bit. You fall asleep, and we'll be back soon, okay?"

"'K," she said, yawning.

"Good night, baby." Chris kissed her forehead.

"Jussin!" Melody held out her arms and Justin sighed, hugging her.


"We're alone," Lance murmured, enjoying the silence of the apartment.

"Didn't someone say something about ravaging someone's body?" Josh asked innocently. Lance moaned quietly.

"C'mere." He led Josh to the tiny bar by the kitchen. Lance shoved some books off a stool.

"Hey! Aren't those your new expensive school books?"

"Fuck the school books." Lance bit at Josh's neck as his hands fumbled with Josh's jeans.

"Shit!" Josh hissed. Lance got the jeans down and Josh kicked them off. Lance pushed at Josh's back until he bent over the stool. "Don't move."

Josh felt like an idiot with his bare ass in the air, but it only lasted a second. Lance soon reappeared, and Josh felt the coolness of lubricant as Lance's fingers slid inside. "Baby," Josh gasped.

Lance didn't work on him for long. Josh was more than ready and willing. "Wanted to fuck you all night," Lance grunted as he thrusted, and yet again Josh found it hard to remember the sweet and innocent boy who had wandered into the bookstore at the beginning of the summer.

"Lance…so good…" Josh panted, holding on to the legs of the stool.

Lance had a firm hold on Josh's shoulders, using them to push Josh back onto his cock.

"Baby…love you…" Lance groaned as he came. He pulled out and took a step back, pulling Josh by the arm.

Josh stood up straight and Lance whirled him around. He barely had time to breathe before Lance was on his knees, sucking Josh to an incredible orgasm.

