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Chris rolled over, mumbling something that did not resemble English. He reached out for Justin, but the bed was empty. Chris rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, smiling as he stretched. He and Justin had made love twice on the sofa before coming to bed.

Chris sat up straight. They had made love on the sofa because he had a daughter. A daughter named Melody. Chris jumped up and pulled on a tshirt and sweatpants. He could hear the television through the closed bedroom door. He peeked out.

“Pooh Bear,” Melody was saying decisively.

“Okay. Pooh Bear it is,” Justin said, turning the channel with the remote. They were seated on the floor. Justin was leaning against the front of the sofa. One of the cushions from the sofa was on the floor, and Melody was sitting on it, her body language mimicking Justin's exactly. Justin glanced towards the doorway and smiled. “Hi there, Sleeping Beauty.”

“Daddy!” Melody yelled. She ran to Chris and he picked her up.

“Hi, there.” Chris kissed her cheek. “We should get you some breakfast.”

“No.” Melody shook her head. “Jussin and me had breakfast.”

“Cereal?” Chris asked, though he looked at Justin.

“Yeah!” Melody yelled. She squirmed until Chris put her down, then went to watch cartoons.

“Hi there, beautiful.” Chris leaned down to kiss Justin's forehead.

“Hi.” Justin gave him his gorgeous smile, then turned back to the TV.

Chris scrambled himself some eggs and made toast, then sat on the sofa by Justin's head. “Sleep good?” Chris asked Justin.

“Shh, Daddy!” Melody scolded.

“Of course,” Justin said softly. He reached up to squeeze Chris' knee. 

“Are you sure there's nothing else you need?” Josh asked Lance. Lance leaned on one arm and watched Josh bustle around the room, getting ready for his job at the bookstore. “Notebooks? A backpack?”

“I'm not starting high school, Josh. I have everything I need,” Lance teased. “I'm not twelve.”

“No. You're my sexy little schoolboy.” Josh pounced on Lance and growled. “Does this make me perverted?”

“Only if you expect me to prance around here in knee socks and a plaid skirt,” Lance replied, giggling as Josh nipped at his neck.

“Ooh…in ONLY knee socks and a plaid skirt?” Josh said hopefully. Lance slapped his ass.

“No…that's Justin.”

“Oh, yeah. Well, I can hope.” Josh got up and dug around in the closet for his shoes. He stood back up and smiled at Lance. “I hope you know how proud I am of you, Lance. Your going back to school…that's awesome.”

“I hate all the work it's causing you,” Lance said, pouting from his pillow.

Josh finished tying his shoe and crawled up to straddle Lance's waist. “Baby…you're so smart. You shouldn't be wasting all that working in a restaurant or in a bookstore. You love business, and you love learning about the law. Why shouldn't you put the two together?”

“Why don't I just get a business degree and then we can open a place somewhere?” Lance asked. “It would be quicker.”

“No, Lance. I won't let you short-change yourself like that,” Josh said. “So what if it takes a while? I love knowing I'll come home from work and you'll be at the table, studying hard…wearing your adorable little glasses.” Josh bent down and kissed Lance's nose. “And maybe one of those nights you'll be waiting for me in your knee socks and skirt.”

“Fat chance,” Lance said, playfully shoving at Josh's chest.

“I love you.” Josh kissed Lance, then swung himself off the bed. “I gotta go. I'll be late.”

“Love you, too,” Lance said wistfully, watching Josh hurry out of the bedroom.
