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“So, should I save you a spot at a table in front?” Justin asked Chris as he shoved some things into his small bag.  Some of the performers left their things at the club, but Justin didn’t trust most of the people at the club.

“No.”  Chris looked at Justin strangely. “Justin, I can’t go out tonight.”

“Why not?”  Justin looked honestly confused.

“Justin, I have a daughter.  She’s asleep on your sofa right now. Once I’m sure she’s really and truly out, I’m going to carry her back and put her to bed. And then I’m gonna curl up in front of the TV and jerk off to thoughts of my sexy boyfriend.” Chris smiled at Justin.

“You’re not coming?” Justin frowned. “Chris, I told you, I’m introducing a whole new act tonight, and I really wanted you to see it.”

“Justin…I can’t just leave Mel here and run off to watch you,” Chris said gently.  “Think a little.”

“I am thinking,” Justin snapped. “Get Joey to watch her for a few hours.”

“Joey will be at the club,” Chris reminded him.  “He’s part owner. Of course he’ll be there.”

“Then we’ll get Josh or Lance to watch her.”

“This is Josh’s first weekend night off in a while.  The last thing they want to do is watch a little girl.”  Chris reached up to touch Justin’s curls.  “I’ll go next weekend.” 

“Never mind.” Justin jerked his head out of the way.


Justin took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I know you can’t leave. I was…I was just looking forward to having you there down in front.”  His pout made Chris want to jump him.

“Look, baby, I’ll do my damnedest to get there NEXT weekend, okay?  Go ahead…I know you need to rehearse.  Knock them on their asses.”

“I love you,” Justin said, pressing his forehead to Chris’.

“I love you, too, baby. And I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” Justin whispered, giving Chris one kiss after another.

Chris groaned and finally shoved Justin away. “Go before I tie you down and make you stay.”

“Hmm…” Justin said thoughtfully, grinning. “Later.”


“You’re WHAT?”  Lance practically yelled into the phone.

“Baby, they called while I was at the bookstore today.  They need me bad…and it’s Saturday. I can make some good money.”

“How about making love to your boyfriend?” Lance snapped, hating his tone the instant the words came out.  “Josh, I haven’t seen you in days.”

“You saw me yesterday,” Josh reminded him.

“And barely for five minutes.  I had a whole special evening planned.”

“I’ll be home early.”

“You will not. It’s Saturday. I won’t see your face before two in the morning.”  Lance pulled at his hair in frustration. “Josh, your working two jobs helps, but you don’t need to work yourself into the ground just for me.  College isn’t that expensive.”

“No, but there’s the loss of your salary.  THAT is expensive.  I’m sorry, Lance.  I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Fine.”  Lance hung up without saying I love you.  He glared around the room for a moment, then grabbed his jacket.


“Thanks. You guys are great!” Justin gushed, blowing kisses at the audience.  He caught sight of the two men from the grocery store, and blew them extra kisses.  They giggled and waved.  As Justin exited the stage, he saw Lance in the crowd.  He frowned.  Why had Chris lied to him?

When Justin came out after removing his makeup and changing into a tight tshirt and tighter jeans, he saw Lance at the bar.  His eyes widened as he approached.  Four empty shot glasses were in front of Lance on the bar.  “Hey.”

“Hey.”  Lance ran a finger along the edge of one of the glasses, then licked his fingertip.  “You were outstanding, as usual.”

“Thanks.”  Justin fidgeted for a moment.  “Chris said you and Josh were having a special date tonight or something.”

Lance snorted and waved for another shot.  “We were supposed to.  But then work called, and he went running.”

“Better than a baby calling,” Justin muttered. Lance giggled.

“You’re jealous of a child?”

“Shut up, Lance!” Justin snapped.

“Aw, poor Justin.”  Lance kissed Justin’s cheek.  “All alone because of a two year old.”

“Lance, shut up!”  Justin yelled, but Lance only giggled again.

“Lemme buy you a drink,” Lance said, giving Justin a hug.  “Because our men love work and babies more than us.”

“Amen, sister,” Justin said, motioning for the bartender.


“I feel like I haven’t had sex in YEARS,” Lance said to Justin as they helped each other out of the club many drinks later.

“I’ve had sex…but it seems like he’s distracted,” Justin told him. “Hey, how’d you get here?”

“Taxi…I knew I’d be getting shitfaced tonight.  What time is it?”  Lance threw his watch up into Justin’s face.

“Late…almost two-thirty.  I drove, but I can’t drive now.”

“Can I crash with you? Don’t wanna wake up the little Worker Bee,” Lance said sarcastically.

“Sure. Let’s have them call us a ride.”  They stopped at the security booth, where Joey was talking to one of the bouncers. “Hey! Joey! Get us a ride, dude!” Justin said cheerfully.

Joey did a double-take. “Shit, you guys…where are Josh and Chris.”

“We dunno and we don’t care,” Lance said, hugging Justin close to him. “Just me and Justin tonight.”

“Get them a ride,” Joey told the bouncer.  He walked them out to the parking lot. “What the fuck, you guys?”

“We needed a night out. Just the girls,” Justin said.  “Me and Peaches, we needed some fun, since our men are sooooooooo responsible.”

Lance giggled. “Yeah. Responsible.”

“Thank God you’re not driving,” Joey muttered. Five minutes later a cab arrived. “Be careful getting upstairs, you two.”

“We will. I love you, Joey.” Justin threw himself into Joey’s arms and gave him a smacking kiss.

“I love you, too, J.  Night.”  Joey helped them into the cab and sighed as it drove away.


Lance flopped onto Justin’s sofa.  “I’m not even tired.”

“Me, either,” Justin declared, throwing himself onto Lance’s lap.  Lance grunted, then shifted a bit.  Justin snuggled up close.  “This feels good.”

“Yeah.”  Lance closed his eyes, imagining that the soft curls and long legs belonged to someone else.

“I miss snuggling. I miss hugging and kissing and not worrying about who’s gonna wake up from their nap.”  Justin squirmed a bit and Lance moaned.  “Peaches!”  Justin gasped in mock astonishment.  “Are you getting horny?”

“Getting?” Lance asked with a laugh. “I’m Mr. Perpetual Horniness.”

“Me, too,” Justin said.  He stroked Lance’s cheek. “Sweet Peaches.”

“Mmm.”  Lance briefly closed his eyes, then looked down at Justin. “Sweet Justin,” he whispered, before bending down to kiss Justin.

Justin was very briefly shocked, but he quickly warmed to the kiss, letting his tongue flicker at Lance’s lips. “God…Peaches…you’ve been learning.”

“I’m good, too,” Lance murmured, his hand sliding up Justin’s leg. 

“Lance…” Justin whimpered.  He ran his fingers up through Lance’s hair as the kiss deepened.  Lance slowly dipped him back until they were both laying on the sofa.

“You feel…so good…” Lance gasped as Justin pinched at a nipple.

“Want you, Lance…want you in me…”

“Fuck, yes…” Lance tore at the buttons of Justin’s tight jeans, grasping at the package inside. It had been so long, and Justin was so willing.

“Lance…” Justin whispered, arching up to the touch.  “Fuck me, please…need it…lonely…”  A ringing phone made them both jump.  Justin rolled off the sofa, determined to get whoever it was off the phone immediately.  “It’s fucking two in the morning!” Justin snapped.

“I’m sorry, Justin. It’s Josh.”

“Josh,” Justin whispered, looking at Lance.  Lance sat up, adjusting his shirt.

“I wondered if you knew where Lance was.  His car’s here, but he’s not.  And we kinda had a fight…”

“Yeah, he’s here,” Justin said carefully, watching Lance’s eyes fill with tears.  “He’s, uh, asleep on the couch. We drank, and we got a cab back here.”

“Oh, thank God,” Josh said gratefully.  “Tell him I switched and got off until five tomorrow…I’ll be here when he comes home.”

“I’ll tell him.  Bye, now.” Justin hung up. “He thought something happened to you. He switched shifts and will be home til five tomorrow.”

“I’ll just, uh, sleep in here,” Lance said softly.  Justin nodded and stumbled to the closet to get him a pillow and blanket.  They couldn’t meet each other’s eyes.

