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Right As Rain

By:  Lara


“You are not a puppy!”  Emmett whined as Brian Kinney shook his dark hair.  Drops of water landed on everyone in the immediate vicinity.  A dull rain was falling on the city, and Brian’s hair sparkled with raindrops.

“He just humps everyone like a dog,” Ted said, smirking into his drink.  Brian raised an eyebrow.


“Hardly.  I’d love to see your medical history.  I bet…”

“Boring,” Brian said, turning his back on Ted. He smiled at Michael.  “Have I missed anything?”

“Not really…the selection really isn’t that good tonight,” Michael told him.  Brian threw an arm around his best friend’s shoulders.

“Get me a drink?”

“Get your own,” Ted told him. “Michael isn’t you’re slave, you know.”

“That’s okay,” Brian said suddenly.  He straightened up, tugging at his damp sleeveless shirt.  “I’ll get it.”

Everyone followed the direction of his stare.  Emmett’s mouth dropped open. “No. Oh, no. Not even you.”

“What?”  Brian asked innocently, a devilish smirk beginning to cross his face.

“Do you even know who that is?”

“Yes.  It’s the man I plan on waking up next to tomorrow.”

“That’s not a man,” Emmett said. Brian said.

“Excuse me?”

“That’s Lance Bass…you know…the music group NSYNC?”

“No way.  Those guys are just kids,” Brian scoffed.

“Like you have a problem fucking kids,” Ted said, and he and Michael chuckled.

“He is NO kid. He’s in his early twenties…” Emmett stopped talking as Lance bent over the bar, his pants tightening over his round ass. “Lord have MERCY.”

“I’ll see you guys later.”  Brian began to stride across the dance floor to the bar on the other side.

“I can’t believe he’s even trying this,” Emmett said.  “There’s no way.”

“This is Brian,” Michael said sadly.  “There’s always a way.”


“Can we leave yet?” The large black man said to Lance.  He leaned on the bar, but he was obviously uncomfortable.

“I thought you were okay with my life choice,” Lance teased him gently.

“You know that ain’t it.  I just…I stick out like a sore thumb here. I’m bigger than three of these guys put together,” the bodyguard protested.

“You can go home, you know.  No one knows me here. I’m not exactly what they’re into,” Lance pointed out.

“Excuse me. You’re Lance Bass, right?” A voice said behind Lance.

Lance slowly turned around and looked up into a pair of steel eyes.  Lance swallowed deeply and actually stammered.  “Uh, well, yeah.”  This stranger was looking at him as if he were dessert.  And suddenly Lance really wanted to BE this man’s dessert.

“Nice to meet you.  My name’s Brian.”  Brian looked Lance over from head to toe, and obviously liked what he saw.  “I was ready to leave.  Would you like to come with me?”

Lance knew he should say no. All kinds of warning bells were going off in his brain.  His dick, however, was deaf to the bells and only thought about one thing: getting Brian alone.  “Well, I just got here, and I didn’t even start my drink…”

“You can drink at my place. I have a loft nearby.  My jeep’s right out front.”  Brian turned around and started through the crowd, obviously expecting Lance to follow him.

“Go home,” Lance said to the bodyguard, who began to protest.  “I’ll be fine. Go back to the hotel.”  He hurried across the dance floor, following Brian’s back.

Brian went to a black jeep and climbed in behind the wheel. He gave Lance a sexy grin when he saw Lance hurry out onto the sidewalk.  “Come on.”

Lance was barely in the passenger seat before Brian zoomed out into traffic.  “So, you, uh, live nearby?”

“Pretty close.”  Brian zoomed down cross-streets and alleys until Lance was thoroughly confused…not that he knew Pittsburgh all that well, anyway.  “You doing a show here or something?”

“We did…and another one tomorrow,” Lance said.  That was safe enough.  That was public information.

“Well, I’ll make sure not to keep you up too late, then,” Brian said softly, and Lance now knew what people meant when they talked about porn voices.

Brian parked the jeep on the street and got out.  Lance followed him into a freight elevator and leaned against the wall as Brian closed the gate and pushed the button. Lance thought Brian might try to kiss him, but Brian didn’t even look at Lance.  The elevator stopped, and Lance followed Brian out into a small hallway.  Brian unlocked a large steel door and slid it aside.

“Wow, this is nice,” Lance said.  The apartment was a huge room, without a whole lot of furniture.

“Want that drink now?” Brian asked, heading to the refrigerator.

“Sure,” Lance said.  He leaned against a support beam in the middle of the living room and watched Brian. Brian grabbed a bottle of water for himself and mixed a drink for Lance without asking what he really wanted.

Brian sauntered over and handed Lance the glass. He lightly toasted Lance’s glass with his bottle of water.  “Bottom’s…up,” Brian whispered before drinking. 

Lance gulped at his drink.  It was strong, and it burned going down his throat.  But it was exactly what he needed.  “Thanks,” Lance rasped, and Brian chuckled.

Brian took Lance’s drink and set it down on a nearby table.  He then took Lance by the hand and led him to the large bed.  Lance looked at the bed, then looked at Brian.  “Aren’t you pretty?” Brian whispered, his fingers grazing Lance’s cheek.  Lance leaned into the caress, and it was then that Brian dove in to kiss him.  Lance moaned as Brian’s tongue moved into his mouth, and he felt Brian’s hands grab at his ass.  “I was always a sucker for a bass voice,” Brian whispered, biting at Lance’s neck as his hands left Lance’s ass. 

Brian stepped back and began to undress.  Lance could only watch as a strong chest was revealed.  Brian stopped and raised an eyebrow, obviously indicating that Lance should undress as well.  Lust fueled Lance’s movements, and he was naked almost before Brian was.  “Damn,” Lance muttered as his eyes drank in Brian’s naked body.  Brian drew closer once more, and Lance fell to his knees, his mouth immediately circling Brian’s hard cock.

“Fuck,” Brian grunted, his hands fisting in Lance’s short hair.  He slammed into Lance’s mouth, and Lance eagerly took him, letting Brian hit the back of his throat before pulling back to simply slide back down again.  Brian allowed this to continue, then pulled Lance back to his feet.

Brian shoved Lance onto the bed, and he slowly slid his way up Lance’s body, kissing and licking here and there.  Lance shivered as Brian’s tongue hit his cock, arching up to the feel of the wet touches.  Brian allowed his tongue to slide down below Lance’s balls for a brief moment before he sat up to kneel over Lance.

“I’m, uh, clean…just so you know,” Lance said quickly. “I know with the life I lead, you may, uh, wonder, but I wanted to tell you.”

“I could tell by looking at you.” Brian bent his head to lap at Lance’s nipple, and he was soon moaning quietly.  Brian pulled back again and grinned.  “And so am I.”  Brian leaned into a nearby nightstand and pulled out a condom and a tube of lubricant.  Brian tore the wrapper with his teeth and handed it to Lance.  Lance ordered his hands to stop shaking as he slowly sheathed Brian’s dick.  “Very good,” Brian said, closing his eyes briefly.

His fingers teased Lance’s entrance, and Lance moaned again.  The coldness of the lubricant was soon overcome by the heat of the pressure of Brian’s fingers.  “Yes…please…” Lance begged shamelessly.  Brian smiled and pulled away, then Lance’s feet were suddenly on Brian’s shoulders.  Lance felt Brian pushing, then he felt the familiar pain, then Brian was in…hard and deep and in.  “Fuck…”

“I never knew you little dancer boys were so limber,” Brian whispered in that husky tone, holding onto Lance’s thighs as he plunged in and out.

“Yes,” Lance groaned helplessly as Brian easily found just the right angle.  Brian released one thigh and slid the hand down to Lance’s cock.

“Can you keep from cumming?” Brian asked, knowing full well that the question would only bring it on sooner.

“I want to…but you’re so…hard…fuck…” Lance moved to meet every thrust, and soon Brian was sweating.  He was an expert at holding back, but the blond body before him seemed to pull every nerve to the surface.  “Please,” Lance begged.

Brian stroked in time with his thrusts, and Lance was cumming, streaming up onto his chest.  Brian watched, feeling the pressure build, and he was soon cumming as well.  He pulled out of Lance and fell to the side.  He looked at Lance, whose eyes were closed.  Lance’s smooth chest was heaving as he tried to calm his breathing.  Brian looked at him and grinned.  “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Lance panted, opening his eyes.  He smiled at Brian in return. “Best fuck I’ve had in a long time.  I don’t know HOW I’m gonna dance after that.”

Brian arched that eyebrow again.  “Oh, but this is only the beginning.”


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