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Room Service

By:  Lara


“Kayla, I can’t do this,” I moaned as she shoved me into a storage room.  “I have lost all my nerve.”

“Lara, just put this on and shut up!” She shoved a shopping bag at me.  “You don’t know how much I’m risking on your little adventure.” I pulled out the clothing that she had shoved into the bag and stared at it.  “You brought black stockings and black shoes, right?”

“Yes,” I said.  I started to pull on the stockings, and followed them with the short black skirt, white tuxedo shirt, and short black blazer.  “How do I look?”

“Like you work here.  Oh…one more thing.”  She pulled something out of her pocket.  “Here.”  She placed a silver nametag in my hand, “Lara” written on it in black lettering.

“You’re sure he’s here.  You’re sure you saw them upstairs,” I said as she straightened the black string tie at my collar.

She sighed with exasperation.  “Yes, Lara.  Nickolas Carter is upstairs in Room two-twelve.  I checked them in myself.  The other guys are in separate suites on the same floor.”

“I can’t do this,” I said for the nine hundredth time.  “No one will believe I work here!”

“You damn well better MAKE them think that, or my ass is out on the street,” she reminded me.  “If anyone finds out I let you into this hotel to impersonate a room service waitress just so you can jump Nick Carter’s bones, I’m in big trouble.  Besides, didn’t you always say you enjoyed acting class in college?  This is your final exam.”  She shoved me towards the elevators.  “Room two-twelve.  GO.”

“Wait!” I cried, digging my feet in.  She stopped pushing long enough for me to take off my wedding band and move it to my right hand.


I stood outside Room two-twelve, staring at the door.  This was my only chance to do this, I told myself.  How in the world would I ever find myself in this situation again?  I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.  “Room Service, Mr. Carter.”

The door opened and there he was.  He wore a University of Florida sweatshirt and black sweatpants.  His blond hair was growing out again, and flopped over into his eyes.  He eyed me up and down and smiled.  “I didn’t order room service.”

I almost fainted at the trademark killer Carter smile.  “I…I know.  But Miss Payne at the front desk sent me up to check and see if there was anything special you needed.”

“Come on in.” He moved aside and swept his arm out.  I practically tiptoed into the suite.  The living room was already trashed.  Clothes, books, CDs, and other personal items were strewn from one end of the room to the other.  “I’m kinda messy,” he apologized.

“I see,” I said before I thought.  I mentally kicked myself.  Hotel help didn’t say things like that.  “Is…uh…is there anything I can get you?”

He thought for a moment, his beautiful blue eyes seeming to move far away.  “I could REALLY use a cheeseburger.  Now that this tour is done, I can get anything I want.  Oh, and fries, too.”

“Anything to drink?”

“Um…whatever you bring up. I don’t care.”  He looked at me speculatively.  “Does everyone get their personal room service person?  I mean, are AJ and Brian getting treated like this?”

“I’m sure I don’t know, Mr. Carter,” I said in what I hoped was a professional tone.  “I just do as I’m told.”

“I’ll remember that,” he teased.  I nodded and left the room.

“Kayla, he wants a cheeseburger!” I hissed as I approached the front desk.

“Then go to the kitchen and order one for him!”  She hissed back.

“But, Kayla, I…”

“You’ve been lusting after this idea for months.  Go do it or I will!”

“Okay, okay,” I grumbled, heading towards the hotel kitchen.

“Mr. Carter?”  I knocked at the door.  “I have your dinner.”

He opened the door, inhaling deeply.  “Oh…french fries.  Yum.”  He took the plate from me as well as the glass of soda.  “Thanks.”  I shut the door behind us.  “Do you want some?” He asked, taking a huge bite of the burger.

“No, thank you.  I already ate.”

He flopped down in front of the TV.  “Would you mind maybe picking up a bit?  I figure you were gonna ask if I needed anything else, and that would be a big help.”

I mentally fumed.  I didn’t pick up after my husband like that.  “Of course, Mr. Carter.”  I began to pick up clothes and books, drawing pads and CDs.  I was bending down to pick up some socks when I heard the TV click off.

“You have nice legs…what’s your name again?”

“Lara,” I said, not turning around.

“Lara, you have nice legs.  That skirt really shows them off.”  I heard him move closer.  “And I love when a woman with nice legs wears black stockings.”

“Just the uniform, Mr. Carter.”  I turned around to find him standing right behind me.

“Call me Nick.  I like a woman in uniform,” he told me, reaching up to unclasp the pin that held my long hair in place.

“Oh, really,” I said, my voice quivering. He had hardly touched me and already my muscles had turned to oatmeal.

 “Yes,” he murmured against my neck.  He lightly dragged his lips across my throat as his hands undid the buttons to the blazer.  It fell on a pile at my feet.

“Mr. Carter, I don’t think…” I began, but my voice would not go louder than a whisper.

“Don’t think, that’s right,” he murmured against the other side of my neck.  He pulled back.  “Aren’t you here to give me what I need?”

“Well…I…” I babbled.  He took my hand. 

“Come with me.”  He led me into the large bedroom, complete with a king-sized bed. He stood me in front of the dresser mirror, and took his place behind me.  His fingers deftly unbuttoned the buttons on the tuxedo shirt, and I watched as my stomach and bra were revealed.  I took a deep breath as he moved the shirt down my arms and onto the floor.  He hissed in a breath as well as his fingers traced the lace of my bra.  “Beautiful,” he murmured, reaching back to undo the bra clasps.  Once my breasts were free he began to lightly trace them with his fingertips, causing goosebumps to break out all over my body.  “My hands look good there, don’t you think, Lara?”

“Oh, yes,” I moaned.  He whirled me around and his lips finally met mine in a brutal kiss.  My fingers wove into his hair as his hands grabbed my backside, grinding my body against his.  We walked towards the bed, never breaking the kiss.  He sat on the edge of the bed and made quick work of my skirt, stockings and underwear.  I tore at the sweatshirt until his smooth chest was bare.  He grabbed me by the backside and laid me down with my legs off the edge of the bed.  His mouth immediately went to the center of me, licking a line up and down until I knew the wetness was everywhere.  When I had dreamt of this situation, I had pictured him kissing my entire body before gently making love to me.  This was nothing like the dream…this was better.  His tongue lapped at my clit as his fingers plunged into me again and again.  I moaned his name, grabbing at his hair and pulling it.  He moved up to face me just before I came.

“You’re here to serve me, right?”

“Yes…oh God yes…” I moaned as his fingers kept pumping.  He stopped what he was doing and lightly pushed on my shoulders.  I moved down his body, taking his sweatpants with me.  His large cock was rockhard, a few drops of precum glistening on the tip.  With a moan I slowly slid him inside of my mouth.  His back arched and he gasped.  His fingers wrapped in my hair and he pushed my head down to surround him again and again.

“Oh…fuck…Lara…damn…” he panted, clenching his fingers as I sucked on his balls.  He suddenly grabbed my hair and yanked me up to the bed.  He rolled me onto my back and began to slam his cock into my welcoming wetness.  My nails clawed his back as he fucked me.  Gone were any thoughts of sweet lovemaking.  I wanted Nick now and I wanted him just like this.

Just as my orgasm was building he started to moan my name.  His mouth clamped onto the tender meat of my shoulder as he spurted inside of me.  With a scream I came around him, my muscles milking every last ounce of him. 

He rolled off of me, breathing hard.  He slowly crawled up the bed and tugged at the covers until we could climb under them.  He cradled me in his arms, placing my head on his chest.  I tenderly kissed his pecs and nipples.  His hand lazily stroked up and down my back.

“Kayla got you the uniform, huh?”

I nodded.  “I almost lost my nerve, but she kicked my ass into gear.”

He laughed.  “Mrs. Carter, I truly didn’t know you had it in you.”

I looked up at him and melted as I saw his blue eyes shining down at me, full of love and satisfaction.  “I love you, Nick.”

“I love you, too, baby.” He took my right hand in his and carefully slid the ring off.  He placed it back on my left ring finger, where he had put it the first time two years earlier.  “Happy anniversary.”

The End

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