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By:  Lara



Lara stared at the ground as her plane slowly began its descent towards the Orlando airport. She realized she was frantically clutching the armrests and she ordered herself to slowly flex her fingers.

“You okay, sweetie?” The little old lady next to her asked.  “Afraid?”

“Yes,” Lara said with a smile, though the fear she felt was NOT a fear of flying.


“I have to go. No…Lance…not now,” Chris called over his shoulder as he headed for the front door.  “Josh…keys…” JC tossed Chris the car keys from his seat on the floor in front of the television.

“Chris…I need you to sign this,” Lance almost whined.  Chris whirled around and grabbed the pen from Lance.  In an instant, Lance’s hand was pressed flat against the wall.  Chris had one hand on Lance’s wrist.  The other, the one holding the pen, was raised in the air, ready to strike. 

“Do you WANT me to stab your hand?”

“No…no, Chris,” Lance said, gulping loudly.  Chris heard the Playstation game freeze behind him.  He looked over his shoulder.  JC was staring, and Justin was staring, controller limp in his hand.

“Then leave it. Let it go. I’ll be back in an hour, for Christ’s sake.”  Chris stabbed the pen into the wall next to Lance’s hand and left. 

Lance sat down on the floor next to JC, his face whiter then usual.  “He’s just nervous,” JC said consolingly.  “He hasn’t seen her in a while.”

“Yeah,” Lance said, slowly flexing his fingers.


Brian got off the Greyhound and stretched. He knew that Kevin would be furious with him for traveling across the country on a bus, but he needed the time to himself. And there had been time.  LOTS of time.  He never knew Kentucky was so far from Florida until he clocked the time on a Greyhound bus.  He hefted his backpack up and went out to claim his luggage.

“Need a cab, Mister?”  A man asked.  Brian nodded.  “Right this way!” The cabbie said cheerfully, grabbing Brian’s suitcases and wobbling to a battered yellow taxi. “Where to?”

“Huntington Hills…um…” Brian dug through his pocket.  “Six-fourteen Huntington Drive.”

The cabbie turned to stare.  “Ritzy.  Ya got family there?”

“You could say that,” Brian said, plopping down in the backseat.


“Dammit,” Chris swore under his breath. He KNEW this was the right airline…KNEW this was the right flight.  JC had checked it, and JC always triple-checked everything. He would really need to kick JC’s ass if he was wrong.  The plane was almost empty, and the only person coming out of the gate was…

“Chris?” The woman said uncertainly, flipping her long dark hair over one shoulder.  “Chris?”

“Lara?” Chris asked, astonished.  She smiled a bright smile. The next minute she was enveloped in his arms.  “Oh…damn…Lara…I’ve missed you so much…”

“We talked on the phone yesterday,” she reminded him, giggling through her own tears. 

“But I haven’t seen you for four damn years.”  He pulled back to look at her. “I didn’t even recognize you. Your hair…it’s so long…was it always this dark?”

“Yes,” she sighed happily. “What’s this?” She attempted to run her hand through his spikes.  He moved his head.

“My hair, silly.”  He hugged her again.  “My baby sister.  Shit…this is gonna be great having you here.”

“Baby sister?  I’m only one year younger then you,” she playfully slapped him.

“But I’ve told all the guys how awesome you are,” he said, grabbing her carryon bag.

“About these guys…” Lara said doubtfully. “They know…I mean…”

“That your dad fooled around with my mom and she had you?”  Chris said gently.  She nodded. “They’re great guys, Lara…the best.  I told them how it was and they are fine with it. They knew what would happen if they weren’t.”

Lara frowned but followed him to the baggage carousel.


“Bone.  Get the door.”

“Busy,” Alex said, scrunching around on the sofa to get comfortable.

He felt himself scooped up from the couch and harshly deposited on the floor. “You heard Kevin. Get the damn door,” Nick growled, blowing his bangs up from his forehead.

“Damn Neanderthal blond pretty boy,” AJ griped. He dusted himself off and headed for the door.  He looked through the peephole and yelped in surprise.  “HEY!”

“What now?” Kevin sighed, putting down his pen and rubbing his temples.  Life just couldn’t be easy lately.

“HEY!”  He heard Nick scream, and laughter filled the vestibule.

“NO way!  What are you doing here, you dumbass? Why didn’t you call?”  Howie shouted.  Kevin sighed again and got up from the table.  A slow grin covered his handsome features as he saw the uncertain figure in the hallway.

“Hey,” Brian said softly, fidgeting.

“Hey, Cuz.”  Kevin enveloped him in a huge hug. “Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?”

“I wanted to surprise you.”  Brian welcomed his tall cousin’s embrace.

“You sure as hell did.”  Kevin gave one more squeeze, then let him go. “How long are you here for?”

“As long as you’ll have me,” Brian said softly. The room grew somber. “It’s over.”

“Sorry,” Kevin muttered, not really knowing what else to say.

“Excellent. B-Rok is back, and now things can REALLY go back to the way they were!”  Nick exclaimed.  Brian looked confused, and Kevin gave Nick an evil glare.

“AJ, take Nickolas outside and remind him what I told him earlier about keeping an eye on his mouth,” Kevin said softly.  He turned to Brian. “C’mon upstairs…let’s get you settled. Your old room is still ready for you.”


Chris kept glancing at Lara throughout the drive to his house.  He couldn’t believe she was here. His baby sister, no matter WHAT she told him.  Yes, he had other sisters, TRUE sisters, but Lara was the closest to him in so many ways.  She was smart, and pretty, and artistic. He couldn’t WAIT to hook her up with Josh…but that could be dealt with later.  She had just graduated with her doctorate in Shakespearean literature…or something…he wasn’t sure…but she was here now.  Here to live with him and work in Florida, and just become part of the gang. HIS gang.

“So…tell me again?” She said shyly as they pulled into his driveway.  “You’re in a singing group…and they all live here…girlfriends, too?”

“No.  Me and Lance and JC and Justin and Joey live here. Yes. My girl Julie lives here, yes.  On occasion, Lance’s girlfriend Stacey and Justin’s girl Shelley will crash here, but Joey doesn’t have a girl.  Either does JC…that’s Josh.”  Yet, he added to himself.  “I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

“I hope they like me,” she said softly.

“They have no choice,” he told her sternly, his dark eyes stormy.  He jumped out of the car and helped her out, then hurried up the walk.  He unlocked the front door and slowly moved aside.  “We’re back!”  He called, and she knew he expected a response.  She heard footsteps from every direction…overhead…down the hall…in the next room.  People soon filled the hallway, and she shrank back shyly.  “This is Lara…my sister…” Chris said, giving her a gently shove forward.

“I’m Lance,” said a blond with incredible green eyes. He gave her a shy smile, and she immediately liked him.  His hand was soft in hers as he shook it.

“Justin,” said a young man with closely shorn hair.  He was tall and thin and graceful, and he knew that he was gorgeous.  But he had a contagious bright smile.

“Joey,” said a larger man with dark hair and eyes.  He looked like a big teddy bear, and the smile that reached his eyes brightened his whole face.

“And this is Josh,” Chris said, as if making a grand announcement.  JC gave him an annoyed look, but not where Chris could see.

“Hi there, Lara. We’ve heard a lot about you,” JC said politely.  Lara shook his hand and grinned.

“You’re the pianist,” she noted.  He nodded.  “You have long pianist fingers,” she told him, and he laughed.

“Let’s go upstairs…Julie is getting your room ready…” Chris said, taking her hand.  “Joey…bags…” Chris ordered over his shoulder.  Joey obediently grabbed the bags and followed the brother and sister up the steps.



Lara met Chris’ girlfriend, Julie, and liked her instantly. It was obvious that Chris was “in charge” regarding the group, but Julie made it perfectly clear that he was NOT in charge of her. She had a sunny aquamarine and cream guestroom ready for Lara, and Lara gratefully accepted her suggestion to take a shower and clean up. Julie shooed Chris out of the room, and Lara sank into an apple-scented tub with a sigh.


“She’s just like you said she’d be,” Julie said to Chris, once they were alone in their suite.  Justin was back with the Playstation, Joey had run out for some dinner, and Lance was on the phone.  She gave Chris a kiss.  Chris hugged her and kissed her forehead.  Only with Julie would he let the defenses down and be himself one hundred percent.

“I was afraid she wouldn’t be.  What if she changed? What if she didn’t like me?” Chris said.

“How could she help it?”  Julie pointed out, kissing him again. He growled playfully and tossed her onto the bed, giving her a passionate kiss.  He sighed and lay his head on Julie’s chest.

“I just wanna protect her, though. Pennsylvania’s not all that big…and there are assholes around here who might try to get to her…you know…because of me and the guys.”

Julie poked him. “Chris, you guys aren’t Mafia or something.  Just because you’re still stuck in that stupid feud…”

“Kevinicus Rex and his little boytoys are worth feuding with,” Chris snapped.  “They won’t let it go.  Their little Pixie Boy ran off with his bimbo, and finally we were on top. Even though we only got together to perform as a group every once in a while, we were still number one…and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that.”

“Are you gonna tell her about all this?” Julie asked with a sigh.

“I have to.  That big shindig with Jive is next week…and I want her to go. As JC’s date.”

Julie sat up.  “Chris…”

“What?  Like he could do better?”

“Why?  Why Josh? Why can’t he find his own date?”

“I want him to stick with one of our own…Lara, too.  They’d be great for each other.”

“Fine,” Julie said with another sigh, laying back down.  “I’ll take her shopping for something to wear.”


“Where’s Nick?”  Brian asked Kevin as Kevin helped him slide his suitcases onto the top shelf of his closet.

“Out with AJ. They’ll be back in a bit,” Kevin hedged. “Hungry?”

“STARVING,” Brian said.

“I’ll have Howie run out and get dinner,” Kevin suggested. They went downstairs, where Howie was on the phone.  Kevin made a motion and Howie quickly hung up.

“Yeah, Kev?”

“Dinner, Howie…something…” Kevin waved his hand in the air.

“Italian?”  Brian suggested.

“Yeah. Italian. Garlic bread, pasta, chicken parmesan, veal cacciatore…anything you think looks good.”  Kevin peeled some bills from his wallet and handed them over.  “Be careful.”

“I know.  Bye, Rok.”  Howie gave Brian a smile and darted out the door. Two seconds later, AJ and Nick came in.

“Where was D running off to?” AJ asked as Nick went upstairs.

“Dinner.  Brian’s hungry,” Kevin said, smiling at his cousin.

“Good. Me too.”  AJ gave Brian a hug. “It is GREAT to have you back, Bri.  Now I feel ready. We’re complete.”  Kevin gave AJ a warning look, which AJ took note of.  “The perfect circle, ya know?”

“I’m gonna shower quick before dinner,” Brian said.  He trotted up the steps and knocked on the door that used to be Nick’s. “Nick?”

“Yeah, one second.”  Nick answered the door in sunglasses.  “Hey, Frick!”

“Nick…it’s not sunny in here.”

“Well…yeah, but…” Nick couldn’t dodge Brian’s hand, and the sunglasses flew off.

“Who hit you?”

“Well…I fell when me and AJ went on an errand and…”

“Did someone hit you?”

“Well, my mouth got in the way of my brain again,” Nick said, smiling sheepishly.  Brian’s eyes grew stormy.


“No, Brian.  Don’t,” Nick begged.  “If you say anything it will make it worse. I DO need to think before I talk…and I just got reminded of it again.”  Nick paused. “Things…aren’t the way they were when you left.  Things have changed.”

“I’ve changed, too, Nick.”  Brian sighed. “I’ll see you down at dinner, okay?”


“Pizza!” Joey announced cheerfully.  NSYNC members came running from all corners of the large house.  Julie and Lara came to the dining room last.  Chris held out a seat for each of them, and Justin poured them each a soda.

“Where’d you get this from?” Justin asked Joey.

“Pinamonte’s.  You know…where they sell pizza and subs and the good stuff, too?”  He said, his mouth full of mushroom and pepperoni pizza.  “Oh…saw Salsa there, too.”

Chris stiffened. “Did he say anything to you?”

“Nah. Just gave me one of his homo little looks.  I’m surprised they let a little guy like him out alone…but I didn’t see Rex, or Golden Boy, OR Dollar Bill.”

Lara was confused.  “Um…”

Julie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Childish game. You’ll learn to ignore it.”

Lara looked to Chris, who put down his slice of pizza.  “Okay.  There’s this…group…rivals, I guess you could say.  They came onto the scene the same time we did, but faded out…one of their members got married and moved out. They still do stuff in the area, still make money, but WE’RE on top and they’re not,” he said proudly.

“The names?” Lara asked.

“The one I saw today…Howie Dorough…he’s Latino…” Joey shrugged. “We call him Salsa.”

“Basically they think they’re insulting them if they don’t use their actual names,” Julie told Lara.  “See? Childish.”

“And Golden Boy…the blond…the supposed cute one,” Justin added, relishing his place as NSYNC’s “cute one.”  “Nick Carter.”

“I think I’ve heard of these guys…Backstreet Boys or something?” Lara asked. Justin nodded. “I wouldn’t know them to see them, but the names sound familiar.”

“AJ McLean…we have it in good confidence that he…uh…” Lance paused politely.

“…whores…” Justin added helpfully.

“Okay,” Lance said, glaring at Justin.  “Whores…himself.”

“Like a prostitute?” Lara gasped.

“He doesn’t have to,” Justin pointed out. “Just likes to. The slut.”

“So he’s Dollar Bill,” Lance explained with his lopsided smile. 


Chris frowned.  “Kevin Richardson. He’s in charge over there.”

“Rex…like king…” Lara mused.  “You guys are nuts.”

“You just watch yourself,” Chris warned. “I don’t want you going around the city for a while if one of us isn’t with you.”

“Chris, I’m not four. I don’t need a babysitter,” Lara snapped.  She stood. “I’m not hungry anymore.  Joey, thanks for running out for dinner. I’m off to bed.”  She stomped out of the room. Chris watched her with a doleful sigh.


“Hey, dinner!” Howie shouted, carrying four bags of containers into the kitchen. 

“Sweet!” AJ said.  He and Nick set silverware and plates on the table while Brian found some beers in the refrigerator.

“Guess who I saw?”  Howie asked as he sat down.  “The Stallion.”

“Oh God you’re KIDDING.”  AJ rolled his eyes. “I’m surprised they let that embarrassment walk around on the street.  Was he alone?”

“Yeah…just looked at me but didn’t say nothing. He was getting pizza.”

“High class,” Nick remarked, and the others snickered. All but Brian.

“You guys are STILL in the middle of this thing?”

“We would stop, Rok, but they keep up with it,” AJ protested.  “That pineapple headed dumbass leader of theirs rubs it in every chance he gets.”

“They’re still together, I take it,” Brian said slowly.  Kevin nodded.

“Yeah…Albie does his acting thing…Brillo went solo for a while…and Stick writes and produces, but they put out singles on occasion.”

“Okay…Brillo’s gotta be Timberlake…the Stallion…Joe Fatone…Stick I’m assuming is Chasez, because he was ALWAYS thin…but Albie?” Brian asked.

Nick waved his hand in the air.  “The pale one…um…” He grasped for a name.

“Fish something…Bass!”  AJ said helpfully.  “Lance! That’s it!”

“Yeah, Lance,” Nick finished.  “You know how white he is…kinda like one of those albinos.”

“You guys are messed up,” Brian said, shaking his head.

“They think they rule the fucking town, Brian,” AJ said quietly. “Rule everything. Rule the bars, rule the studios, rule the damn radio stations. And sooner then you think, we’re gonna start to change it all.”



Lara’s anger had disappeared by the time she got up the next morning, but it reappeared when Julie suggested they go shopping. “There’s a huge business thing we need to go to,” Julie told her.  “We’ll need something REALLY nice to wear.”

“Sounds fun,” Lara said, smiling as Julie handed her an orange.  She began to peel it.

“What sounds fun?” Chris asked as he came into the kitchen.  Lara turned up her cheek to kiss. He did, then gave Julie a sweet kiss on the lips.

“Shopping with Julie,” Lara said.

“I thought I’d call Shel and Stacey, too,” Julie said.  Chris nodded in agreement.

“I’ll see if Joey or JC are busy. They can drive you.”

“No…my car’s back from the shop.  I can drive,” Julie told him. He shook his head.

“No way.  You’re not going without one of them.”

Lara turned on him, glaring. “Chris, what the HELL do you think is gonna happen to four GROWN women shopping in a mall? I refuse to let you baby me like this. This isn’t New York, and you’re not some hit man.  This is Florida, and you’re my brother.”

“Lara, you don’t understand,” Chris began weakly, not used to anyone but Julie standing up to him. Lara kicked her chair back furiously.

“I’ve grown up, okay? I don’t need you watching out for me. And really, do you think Josh or Joey would LIKE to stand around and watch us shop? I mean, how boring!”

“Joey might,” Justin volunteered from the doorway.  Julie hid a laugh in a cough.  Chris whirled around.

“Don’t you have something to do?”

“Nope.”  Justin sauntered in and stole an apple from the bowl on the table.  “Besides…the Backdoor Boys won’t be bothering our girls.  I have it from a good source that the Pixie is back in town. ALONE.”

“You’re kidding,” Chris gasped. “So they’re ALL here?”

“Sounds that way,” Justin said around his apple.

“Get JC and Joey out of bed.  We need to talk. NOW,” Chris ordered.  Justin sighed and went towards the stairs.  Chris kissed the foreheads of his girlfriend and his sister.  “Gotta go.  Business stuff. Have a nice day shopping and call if you need anything.”  Julie and Lara stared after him as he hurried up the stairs.


Brian woke up around eleven, and for a minute he didn’t know where he was. He smiled as he stretched. It had been forever since he had slept this good.  It just felt…right…to be back here. Back in this house, back in this town, back with the guys.  He had caught the vibe that Kevin was looking to regroup, to get the “band back together,” so to speak. And Brian was all for it.

He slowly sat up, stretching once more.  What he DIDN’T like was the way Kevin bossed everyone around…like they were some kind of gang and he was the fearless leader.  But from the way it sounded, that was EXACTLY the situation…a situation that was mirrored in the camp of the NSYNC guys.  Brian shook his head.  Weird.  He padded over to the adjoining bathroom and turned on the shower, still deep in thought.


Lara liked Shelley and Stacey as much as she liked Julie. They were a tight-knit trio, but they welcomed her eagerly.  They were soon laughing and joking around as they strolled through the shopping mall. “You should have seen her,” Julie told them. “She sure put my Chris in his place.”

“It’s about time,” Stacey said. “No offense, Jules, but he’s getting to be a real asshole lately…telling everyone what to do.”

“I heard what he did to Lance yesterday,” Shelley added.  Stacey and Lara stopped walking as Julie glared at her.

“What did he do to Lance?” Lara asked.

“Yes, WHAT did he do to Lance?” Stacey asked angrily.  Shelley sighed and looked at Julie.

“Lance was bugging him when he was trying to leave to pick Lara up, and Chris got pissy with him, that’s all,” Julie promised.  Lara sighed.

“Sorry he’s being a bully. I’ll talk to him.”


Julie and Stacey found dresses quickly, but Lara and Shelley were still looking around lunchtime.  “Let’s put these in the lockers,” Julie suggested, motioning to their bags.  “We’ll grab some lunch at the Rainforest Café, and then we can keep looking.”

“Good call,” Stacey agreed, and they headed for the lockers. 

They were almost at the locker area when they heard a sprinkling of coins hitting the floor. “Oh for fuck’s sake!” A woman snapped, looking down in dismay as a pile of coins hit the floor.  “No…hold on, Nick,” she said into her cellphone.  She balanced the phone between her shoulder and her dark hair as she bent down. “I was digging in my pocket for my lighter and change just flew. Hold on.”

“I’m gonna help her,” Lara said, striding over.

“Lara, no!”  Stacey whispered, grabbing for her.  Lara bent down and began to pick up the change.

“Hey, thanks,” the woman said, looking at her curiously.  “No, not you, Nick,” she snapped into the phone. “Look…Nick…I have to go…no…Nickolas Gene, if your ghetto booty isn’t at my apartment at six tonight, you will be sorry you were put on the damn planet.  Goodbye.”  The woman hung up and gave Lara a grin. “Boyfriend.”

“I see,” Lara smiled back and handed her the change. “Here ya go.”

“Thanks.”  The woman started to say something else, then looked over her shoulder at the three women by the lockers.  “Oh…you’re one of those?”

“One of what?”

“One of the Sink Girls?”

Lara looked over her shoulder.  “Oh, well…they’re friends of my brother, Chris.”

“I see.”  The woman looked her over.  “Well, thanks again, sister of Chris.  Later.”  The woman strode outside for a cigarette. 

Stacey and Shelley hurried over.  “Are you crazy?”  Stacey asked.

“Who was that?”  Lara asked.

“That’s Dawn…Nick Carter’s girlfriend,” Julie explained gently.  Lara gave her a blank look. “The Golden Boy?”

“Oh,” Lara said, then looked at the others.  “Why shouldn’t I have helped her?  She’s a human being.”

“At times,” Shelley muttered.  “She’s a flaming bitch, Lara, even with people she LIKES.  You’re lucky she didn’t kick your ass.”

“For helping her pick up her change? Whatever, Shelley.” Lara helped Julie shove her bags into a locker.  “You sound like Chris. I’m not supposed to talk to people or help them out, just because they are involved in SOME WAY with the Backstreet Boys?”  Shelley and Stacey nodded as one, and even Julie smiled apologetically. “Whatever.  Let’s eat. I’m starving.”



“Remind me again why we have to go to this thing?” Brian mumbled as he straightened the tie that Nick wore.  Under strict orders from Kevin, all five Backstreet Boys were in immaculate suits. Nick and Howie wore black. AJ wore white, Brian dark blue, and Kevin dark green.

“Because it’s a Jive thing, and we can’t let the Kitchen Sink boys think we’re out of the picture all together,” Nick recited carefully, giving Brian his goofy smile.  “Plus Dawn told me if I didn’t take her to this thing, she’d castrate me.”

Brian grinned as well. He liked Nick’s bossy girlfriend.  She took no shit from anyone, not even Kevin.  Nick was the only Backstreet Boy with a steady girlfriend. Kevin kept two or three girls around to take to things, but for the most part the rest of the guys were single.  His smile faded and he heaved a deep sigh. “There you go. You are presentable.”

“Thanks.” Nick turned to Brian, closing the bedroom door behind him.  “Brian, do me a favor.  Do what Kevin says…join back up with us.  You should really do it. We could be on top again.”

“Nick, I’m not into that anymore…I’m not a Backstreet Boy anymore.”

“You’ll always be a Backstreet Boy,” Nick chided gently. “No matter how much I hang with Dawn, or how many people Aje sleeps with, no matter how many guys Howie shags…we’re all Backstreet Boys forever.”

“You really think Howie’s gay?” Brian asked.  Nick nodded.

“Yeah. And that’s cool with me. Whatever floats his boat.”

“Go ahead down. I’ll be there in a second.”

“Okay.” Nick gave another lopsided grin and went out the door.

Brian sat down to put on his socks and shoes.  Kevin had talked with him for almost three hours the night before. Now that he was back, now that the sham of a marriage of over, Brian’s place was with the Backstreet Boys, more than ever.  They could be back on top, Kevin insisted.  They could be number one once more…their rightful place.  Brian told Kevin that he wasn’t really interested, that he hadn’t sang in almost two years, but Kevin told him it didn’t matter. He was a Backstreet Boy…and they would remind everyone of this at the party Jive was throwing that evening.


“What is that?” Chris stared at Lara as she came down the stairs.

“A dress,” she said simply, whirling around in front of him.

“Says who?”  Chris demanded.

“Calvin Klein?”  Justin replied, quoting “Clueless.”  Lara laughed.

“Too short. Upstairs. Change,” Chris ordered.  Lara lightly slapped him on the cheeks.  “You’re so cute when you’re fraternal.”  She looked down at the short midnight blue dress.  “I love this dress.  I might just wear it every day for the rest of my life.”

“Wow,” JC said, inhaling sharply as he came around the corner from his room on the first floor.  “You look…wow.”

She blushed prettily.  They had formed a hasty friendship, since Chris was hell-bent on them spending together.  “Thank you,” she said, shyly accepting the white rose he held out for her.

“Ladies!  Charming and gorgeous as usual,” Justin said with his sunny smile, holding his hand out to Shelley. She led Julie and Stacey as they came down the stairs. 

“You’re full of it, Timberlake,” Shelley said, laughing.

“You’re worth it,” he whispered, kissing her cheek.

“Wow.”  Lara mimicked JC as she saw the giant stretch limo in front of Chris’ house.  “We can fit all nine of us in there?”

“You could fit Rhode Island in there,” Lance said, laughing at Chris’ extravagance.

“Nothing is too good for my sister,” Chris proclaimed.  Julie elbowed him.  “OR my girlfriend,” he added quickly.


Flashbulbs popped as they got out of the limo. Everyone waved and smiled as the fans cheered, but JC made sure to keep a hand on Lara’s arm the entire time.  She liked that. He was courteous and kind…but she thought of him as just another brother…just like Chris or Joey or Justin or Lance. He didn’t do the things for her that Chris wanted him to do.  Chris wanted her to fall in love with Josh…wanted her to find someone “in the group,” as Chris said.  She sighed.

“You okay?” JC yelled over the crowd. She nodded.

“So many people!”  She said loudly.  He shrugged, used to the crowds.  He carefully guided her into the large convention center where the party was being held.

Lara was amazed by how many people she knew. Famous people. And she was with another group of famous people.  It all went to her head and she giggled. She couldn’t help it.  JC handed her a glass of champagne.  “To first dates.”

“To first dates,” she repeated, clinking her glass against his.

They stood for a moment and talked, and she couldn’t help but notice the large bodyguards behind them.  Justin came over with Joey. “See? I told you. The Pixie is back.”

JC strained to see over all the people.  “I can’t see anything. Lara, would you excuse me?”

“Yes,” she said politely, though she was annoyed by the childish war they had going with the group of men across the room.

“I’ll be back,” he promised, then followed Justin and Joey to a spot where they could see better.  She set down her glass on the buffet table and stood alone. Julie, Stacey and Shelley were deep in conversation about something, but at that moment she didn’t feel like joining them. It was all so overwhelming. She looked across the room and caught sight of a beautiful woman dressed in black.  She was on the arm of a tall handsome blond. He laughed at something, and even the woman with him had to smile. It was the woman from the mall…Dawn…so the blond was Nick Carter. 

Lara sighed, then began to walk through the ballroom.  One of the bodyguards stepped up behind her.  “I’m just going to the restroom…do you think I’ll be safe?” She almost snapped.  He smiled politely and stepped back.  Instead of heading for the restrooms, however, she made her way down to an indoor garden on the bottom floor. 

Lara walked through the aisles, inhaling the sweet scents and trying to ground herself. This was all too much…the group…the feud…the harshness of Chris’ attitude when dealing with the men he called his brothers.  It wasn’t the brother she knew, and it frightened her a bit.  “Excuse me,” a voice said behind her, and she whirled around.  A man with bright blue eyes and an elfin smile stood behind her. “I didn’t mean to startle you.  I just wanted to warn you before I started walking through.  Do you mind?”

“Of course not,” she said apologetically.  “I needed to get away,” she said, wondering why she told him.

“Me too,” he admitted. “It was…”

“Busy…” she finished, and he laughed.

“Yeah…busy…” He buried his face in a rose.  “I love roses.”

“Me too…white ones are my favorite,” she said.  He plucked one and handed it to her. She took it, Josh’s rose long forgotten.

“It goes with your dress,” he said, then grinned.  “Hey…we match.”

Lara looked from her blue dress to his blue suit. “Yeah,” she giggled.  His ears perked as music wafted in from the ballroom. “Are you a musician?” She asked.

“I used to be,” he said softly. “Now I’m not so sure.”  He looked at her.  “You?”

“No…I’m a teacher…scholar, I guess you could say, too.”

“Interesting.”  He held out a hand. “This one is slow. Dance with me?”

She carefully placed a hand at his shoulder as he held the other hand.  They swayed lightly, looking into each other’s eyes.  “I should probably get back,” she whispered.

“Yeah, me too,” he murmured.  They stopped dancing and looked at each other.

“I KNOW I saw him walk out this way, Nick,” a female snapped.  They released each other just as Nick and Dawn entered the far doorway.

“I’m sure she just needed space, Justin,” Shelley said as she and Justin came through the other door. The six people stared at each other.

“The Pixie,” Justin said in disgust. 

“That’s her…the one I told you about…Chris’ sister,” Dawn said to Nick. 

“Brian…Kevin’s looking for you,” Nick said softly.  “Let’s go.”

Lara and Brian looked at each other in dismay.  “You’re Chris’ sister?” Brian asked sadly.  She nodded.

“And you’re a Backstreet Boy…” her voice trailed off.

“Lara, c’mon,” Justin insisted.

“Brillo, why don’t you go grow some hair?” Nick snapped.

“At least I can grow hair quicker then you can grow a brain, Golden Boy,” Justin growled back.

“Okay…okay…I’m coming…Justin, let’s go.”  Lara hurriedly started to push him toward the door, giving Brian one last sad look over her shoulder.

“Where’s Kevin?” Brian was saying to Nick, sending Lara one last desperate glance.

“I can’t believe you were standing there talking to him like that!”  Shelley was saying to Lara. “Chris is gonna flip.”

But Lara wasn’t thinking of Chris. She was thinking of high cheekbones and blue eyes and a sweet kind smile.



“Kevin’s going to kill you,” Nick moaned as they stood outside so Dawn could smoke. “He’ll kill you and then he’ll kill me.”

“Nick, my cousin will NOT kill me, OR you,” Brian said, smiling at Nick’s melodramatics.  “Especially since he’s not gonna know.”


“He means don’t be a tattletale,” Dawn said surprisingly, inhaling deep on her cigarette.  “After all, they were just talking.”

“But, Dawn…” Nick began.

“Right…we were just talking,” Brian added eagerly, not looking forward to a skirmish with his cousin.

Dawn glared at Nick and he sighed. “Fine. I won’t say anything. But if he finds out, I’m making sure he knows I thought we should tell him.”

“God, you are such a drama queen sometimes,” Dawn sighed, stomping out her cigarette.  “Let’s dance.”  She took Nick by the arm and led him inside.  Brian remained outside, trying to figure out what had just happened.


“Look, Justin, just don’t say anything, okay?”  Lara begged.  “We were just talking. That’s all. Two strangers having a friendly conversation.”

“You don’t HAVE conversations with them,” Justin muttered. “But I won’t tell Chris.”

“Me either,” Shelley volunteered.

“Thank you,” she said, standing on tiptoe and kissing Justin’s cheek.

“What’s this?” Chris wandered over.  “You kiss Josh…NOT Justin.”

Lara rolled her eyes. “Yes, Dad.”

“Where IS Josh?”  Chris demanded.

“He went to talk to…someone…” she said vaguely.

“Here he comes,” Shelley said. 

JC smiled at Lara. “I’m sorry…I came back and you were gone.”

“I…needed air,” she told him. “I’m not used to all this.”

“Would you like to dance?” JC asked as a fast song came on.

“Good luck,” Justin remarked.  “JC is crazy on the dance floor.”

“Well, I like crazy on the dance floor,” Lara said, giving JC a flirtatious grin that made Chris smile in satisfaction.  JC took Lara’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

“I’m sorry…about Chris,” he said finally.  “He’s kinda pushy.”

“I’m sorry, too,” she said.  “I like you a lot, JC, but…I’d rather choose my own boyfriends.”

“Well, maybe I’ll be one of your choices,” he said with his bright grin. She grinned back.


“See? She’s over you already,” Nick muttered to Brian as they watched JC dance with Lara.  “Though you’re MUCH better then the Stick.”

“Nick, let it go,” Brian muttered.

“Hey there, boys,” AJ said cheerfully, tossing back the last of his drink. “Hey…who’s the cutie with Stick?”

“That’s the sister of their fearless leader,” Nick told him.

“Really?  Hmm…” AJ thought for a moment. “Well, it’s obvious who got the looks in THAT family.  How pissed would Kevin get if I jumped in there and danced with her?”

“Pretty damn pissed,” Kevin said from behind them.  AJ actually blushed.

“Well…it was a joke, you know.”

“I know.”  Kevin looked down at Brian.  “You gonna do this?”

“Yeah,” Brian finally sighed.  What did he have to lose?


“Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?” The bandleader said.  Everyone stopped dancing and the room became quite.  “I am fortunate enough to make this special announcement.  A certain group of men who we have not heard from in a while have decided to grace us with a song.  There also is a rumor that they will be headed back into the studio soon.  Please welcome them back onto the stage.” He stepped aside as five men stood in front of five microphones.

“Oh, you’re fucking KIDDING me,” Joey moaned, his arm around a pretty blond. 

“I WAS hungry,” Justin muttered, on his way to the buffet table. “But now I might be sick.”

The members of NSYNC and their girlfriends huddled in a corner.  JC stood with his arm casually draped about Lara’s waist, but she didn’t feel it. She could only see Brian, only hear his voice.  He sang lead on the song as it started, and she couldn’t take her eyes from him. He had the voice of an angel.

“This is just wrong,” Chris snapped. “I can’t believe management is letting this happen.”

“Of COURSE they’re letting it happen,” Lance said. “It’s more money for them.”  His bandmates glared at him. “But…uh…yeah. It’s WRONG.”

“He’s not all that cute,” Shelley whispered to Lara. “He looks like an elf…a pixie.”

Lara ignored her.  Brian’s blue eyes seemed to search the crowded room, and Lara unconsciously took a step forward.  His eyes found her and a smile lit up his face.  Nick noticed Brian’s stare, and he frowned, missing a cue. The NSYNC men cracked up.

“Golden Boy is just stupid.  He’s already forgotten the words,” JC said, laughing.

“Does he look pudgy to you?” Joey titled his head, studying the tall blond.

“I think you guys are rude.  Rude and childish,” Lara snapped.  She pulled away from JC and turned to glare at Chris. “I’m leaving.” She took off for the doorway and headed for the parking garage.


The song ended, and Brian watched with dismay as Lara ran out of the ballroom.  He smiled, said hello to the room, then darted out after her.  He found her in the parking garage, desperately looking for the limo that had dropped them off.  “Hey,” he said breathlessly, running up behind her.  She whirled around. 

“Hi,” she said shyly, realizing that she still clutched the rose he had given her. Everyone had assumed it was the flower from JC.  “Shouldn’t you be basking in the limelight?”

“Nah…I basked enough for one night.”  He shuffled uncomfortably. “You’re…um…leaving?”

“Yeah.  My brother and his little playmates pissed me off,” she growled.  Brian bit back a remark and smiled. 

“How are you getting home?”

“THAT I don’t know.  I can’t find the limo, and I KNOW Chris will be out here in a minute to bitch at me.”

“Let me call you a cab,” Brian said, leading the way to the security office. “Can you get a taxi out here?”

“Sure thing, Mr. Littrell,” the guard said, recognizing him instantly.  The guard picked up the phone.

“You ARE him,” Lara said finally. “Brian Littrell.”

“Yes…and I hear your name is Lara?”  She nodded. “Are you Lara Kirkpatrick?”

She shook her head.  “Long story…but the last name is Logan.”

“I see.  Well, Lara Logan, can I escort you home?”

Shock darted through her eyes.  “I don’t…I think that…”

“Nothing will happen to me,” he promised.  “Unless you think that Chris…”

“Chris would never hurt me,” she said quickly.  “I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I promise I’ll be careful…and no one needs to know,” he said as the taxi pulled up in front of the garage.  He helped her into the backseat.

They sat in silence for a moment. “Your voice…it is amazing,” she said quietly. “All of you…you sing so well.”

“It’s been a while,” he said. He decided to tell the truth. “I got married and left the group…and now I’m getting divorced.”

She impulsively grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah…well…Kevin insists it’s because she’s an outsider.”

“Pick someone within the group,” she murmured, hearing Chris in her head.  Brian laughed.

“Exactly.”  They chatted lightly until the taxi pulled up in front of Chris’ house.  “Can you get in?”

“I know where he hides the key,” she told him.  They looked at each other.

“I want to see you again, Lara,” Brian told her.

“I want to see you, too, Brian, but it’s hard,” she said with a sigh.  “Chris is all paranoid that one of your friends will jump me or something, and he doesn’t want me out alone.  I feel like I’m five years old or something.”

“Can you get out at all tomorrow?” Brian begged. He wanted to see her again so badly.

“I’ll try…maybe I can go shopping,” Lara suggested.

“Come to the Pavilion.  It’s a huge shopping area with all kinds of little tables on the patio. We can meet there and not really be seen,” he said.  “Around noon?”

“Okay…I’ll try.”

“Here.”  Brian scribbled down his pager number. “If you CAN’T make it…page me.”

“What if you can’t?”

“I WILL,” he promised.  He leaned forward and kissed her before she could reply.

“I need to go…” Lara hopped out of the taxi and ran to the house before anything else could happen.



Lara woke up at eight the next morning, sighing a happy sigh. For a moment she couldn’t remember why she was so happy, then it hit her. Brian. She was going to meet Brian today.  She laughed and threw her pillow into the air. As she caught it, however, her laughter faded. How the hell was she going to convince Chris to let her out of the house.


The situation resolved itself easier then she had expected.  The NSYNC boys were in an uproar over the performance of the Backstreet Boys, and Chris and JC spent most of the morning on the phone, arguing with people.  Lara dashed around the house cheerfully, cleaning and straightening things as she whistled happily. 

“Um…we have a maid,” Joey told her.

“I know,” she replied, carefully arranging some flowers she had cut from Chris’ beautiful garden.

Justin stumbled into the kitchen sleepily.  Lara kissed his cheek and handed him a mug of coffee.  “Here you go, J.  No cream, extra sugar. Sweet just like you.”  And because he looked so adorable first thing in the morning, she kissed him again.

“You keep kissing him,” Chris pointed out as he hung up his cellphone. “Is there something I should know?”

“NO,” Justin said, annoyed, though he smiled at Lara. “I love Shelley.”

“Good…because Lara is with JC.”

It was Lara’s turn to be annoyed.  “Lara isn’t WITH anyone. Lara is a grownup and will choose her OWN dates.”  But she bent down and kissed JC’s cheek, giving his shoulder a squeeze.  “HAPPY?”

“For now,” Chris said, dialing again.

JC put his arm around Lara’s waist and gave her half a hug. “This is useless. I can’t get a hold of ANYONE.  I cannot believe you dragged me out of bed to do this.” Chris gave him an evil look and he changed the subject. “I think we’ll have to go downtown today to get some answers and to find out what’s going on.”

“Where’s Lance?” Chris said as someone put him on hold.

“Still in bed,” Justin said. “Shel went home last night but Stacey stayed over. They’re still sleeping.”

“Joe, wake him up.  We need to get downtown,” Chris ordered.

Lara couldn’t believe her luck. Everyone would be gone and she could sneak out unnoticed.  She whistled again as she peeled some oranges and bananas and put them on the table for everyone.  “Thank you,” JC said, smiling at her. She sighed. She wished she could like him…but she just didn’t feel anything but friendship towards him.  He knew this, and she hoped he would start to find someone else. Maybe that way Chris would leave them alone.

“Wanna come see where the business side of the music business happens?” Chris asked as Joey went to waken Lance.  Lara froze.


“Hey,” Julie said, padding into the room in bare feet. She kissed Chris good morning.  “What’s going on?”

“We have to go downtown and find out what the hell happened last night, and if the Pixie’s return means that the Boytoys are getting back together,” Chris said. “Lara’s coming. Wanna come along?”

Justin watched Lara carefully at the mention of Brian, but her face was unreadable.  “Lara didn’t say she was coming along,” he pointed out.

“Yes…Chris…actually I have plans…lunch with a friend,” she said vaguely.

“What friend? I didn’t know you knew anyone in town,” Chris asked.

Lara wildly searched her brain for a name.  “Katherine Howard,” Julie said finally. “I introduced them last night, and Lara mentioned they were gonna have lunch today.”

“Oh…she’s cool. I like her,” Chris said. He hung up his cellphone with a sigh.  “I need a shower.”

“Joey…dammit…quit touching me,” Lance snapped as Joey ran after him down the hallway.

“I wanna make sure you’re awake,” Joey teased.

“I AM.  Quit pinching my ass,” Lance growled, his voice deepened by his newly-awake status.  “We’ll start calling you Salsa…”

“Euw.  I’m as straight as they come,” Joey snapped.

“Lance, get your pinched ass in gear. We need to go downtown.” Chris took his coffee and went upstairs, followed by JC and Justin.  Lance grabbed some fruit and coffee and went up as well.

Julie turned to Lara.  “Who are you meeting?”

“A friend,” Lara hedged.

“Anyone I know?”

“Julie, I couldn’t tell him who it is.  It’s not…one of us…and I know Chris would flip.”

“It’s a guy then?”

“Yeah,” Lara said, smiling happily.  Julie sighed, then smiled as well.

“Who am I to get in the way of a smile like that?  Just be careful…and don’t worry. I’ll cover for you.”

Lara squealed and hugged Julie, then went running upstairs to tear through her closet.


Brian paced in the atrium of the shopping mall.  He was twenty minutes early, but he couldn’t sit at Kevin’s a moment longer. He was SO damn tired of hearing everyone crow about how wonderful they had been the night before.

“Did you see their faces?” Howie asked excitedly. “They loved us!”

“Did you see Brillo’s face? He was an interesting shade of green,” Nick added, chuckling. Any time he could make Justin miserable was a definite accomplishment.

“ALL the Sink Boys looked kinda ill,” AJ agreed. 

Brian couldn’t wait until he could get out of the house.  He gave errands as an excuse; he was not planning on living with Kevin and the rest of the guys, and wanted to start shopping for furniture and things.  Kevin was determined to keep Brian with them, and Brian was determined to remain independent.  He loved his cousin and loved the rest of the guys, but rejoining the group did not mean he was going to give up his life.

His blue eyes searched the crowds of people. She hadn’t paged him, but what if she couldn’t? What if Chris had her locked up somewhere? What if Justin and his girlfriend had told Chris and…Brian shook his head. This wasn’t a fairytale, where the evil warlock locked the princess in a tower.  Chris was a human being…Brian was sure of it…probably.

“Brian,” a soft voice said behind him. He whirled around, his face lighting up.

“Hey,” he said, unable to keep from smiling.  “You made it.”

“Yes, thanks to you and your friends,” Lara said as they walked to a corner table of the café.  “Chris and everyone were so freaked out over your performance that they went downtown to talk to management.”

“Wow…didn’t think we were THAT good,” Brian said with a grin.  Lara laughed.

“I thought you were that good.”  They sat down and a waiter appeared. They ordered sandwiches and drinks and he walked away.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” Brian said, taking her hand and holding it.  “I was so afraid you’d cancel.”

“I was worried I couldn’t get out, but then they all left…” Lara let her words trail off.  “Julie knows…I mean, she knows I came to meet someone, but she doesn’t know who.”  Lara’s eyes were sad. “I hate lying to people I care about.”

“I know,” Brian said, remembering how sad Nick had looked when Brian had said he didn’t want company while shopping.

“I’m sure if they knew you, I mean, REALLY knew you, they’d like you,” Lara insisted. “Chris isn’t an asshole ALL the time…and the other guys have been so nice, accepting me immediately because I’m Chris’ sister.”

“That’s important,” Brian told her.  “Nick and Kev and Aje and Howie were nice to Leigh…my wife…but they never really accepted her, because she was on the outside,” he remembered dolefully.  “It’s nice that they let you in so quickly.”

“Chris keeps trying to hook me up with Josh,” Lara said, rolling her eyes. “Keeping it in the family, so to speak.”

“Josh…that’s Stick…I mean, the thin guy, right?”

Lara laughed. “You guys have nicknames, too?  You’re kidding!”

“I don’t,” Brian said quickly. “But they do.”

“Tell me.”

“Well, Josh is Stick…Joey is the Italian Stallion…Justin is Brillo, cuz before he chopped it he had REALLY curly hair…Lance is Albie, short for Albino…”

“Oh, that’s mean…” Lara said, but she was laughing.   “What about Chris?”

“None that I know of,” Brian replied.  “Though I’ve heard Dawn call him the Pineapple Head.”

Lara choked on her iced tea.  “From the braids…oh…stop…I can’t breathe…” she giggled.

“What do they call us?” Brian was almost afraid to ask.

Lara composed herself.  “Kevin…he’s the tall one, right?”

“He’s my cousin,” Brian told her.

“Oh, really?  Well, they call him Kevinicus Rex, because he acts like he’s all royal or something.  Howie is Salsa, the blond one is Golden Boy…and the little tattooed one…” Lara stopped.


“They think he um…well…prostitutes himself…and they call him Dollar Boy.”

Brian couldn’t help but smile. “I wouldn’t put it past AJ to do that, just because it’s wrong to do it.”

“I think it’s kinda juvenile,” she told him. “It’s just silly. The whole feud thing is.” She watched him carefully.  “You don’t think the way they do, do you?”

Brian thought for a moment. “Professionally, yes. We are rivals in music. We were on top together, then the Backstreet Boys kinda fell down, while your brother and his friends stayed up there. Now Kevin wants us on top again, and I want to help him.”  He looked her in the eye. “But personally, I have nothing against them. How could I hate someone who has a sister like you?”

Lara blushed furiously and said nothing as their lunch was served. They chatted lightly as they ate, learning about each other.  “Now what,” she asked finally when their plates were empty.

“I don’t want to leave yet,” he said. “How long can you stay out?”

“Well…I’m not sure when Chris will be back,” she said softly. “But I don’t want to leave yet, either.”

“Let’s just walk around, okay? I’m pretty sure no one we know will be here…that is, if you want to.”

“I want to,” Lara answered, smiling up into Brian’s blue eyes.


AJ hummed to himself as he walked out of the Armani store.  The suit was incredible, and he KNEW it would knock ‘em dead.  He headed for the shoe store and froze.  He leaned on the balcony and looked down into the café.  That was Brian, he was sure of it. Brian and a girl.  AJ half-hid behind a potted plant and continued to watch.  Brian threw down some money and stood, pulling the chair out for the girl. AJ chuckled. Freaking Brian…always the gentleman.  Maybe it was just some friend from before he had left.

But the way he placed a protective hand on the girl’s back proved to AJ that this wasn’t just a friend. When the girl turned and looked at Brian, smiling sweetly, AJ gasped. It was the girl from the party…Chris Kirkpatrick’s sister.  AJ closed his eyes. Fuck.  Kevin was going to go ballistic.



“He was WHAT?” Kevin almost screamed.  Even AJ shrank back a bit.

“He was…uh…with her.  Like on a date.”

“Brian. Brian Thomas Littrell. Brian Thomas Littrell my cousin…was on a DATE…with Chris Kirkpatrick’s sister?”

“But they were just talking,” Nick said weakly.  Kevin turned to look at him.


“Last night…at the party…” Nick wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

“You saw them together at the party and you didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t want to tattletale,” Nick said bravely. “And they WERE only talking.”

“I don’t fucking believe this,” Kevin growled, pacing.

“Kev, I don’t see what the big deal is,” Howie began.  An evil glare from Kevin shut him up.

“Howie, this is a HUGE deal, and I’m sure if Chris knew, he’d feel the same way.”  Kevin and Chris held a grudging respect for each other, though they’d never admit it.  “She’s just using him to get to us…to find things out.”

“She seemed nice,” Nick said softly.  “But you’re right,” he added hastily as Kevin turned the glare on him.

“Okay…here’s what we’re gonna do.  AJ, you need to find out stuff about her…and you need to get with her.  Meanwhile…”

“Whoa.”  AJ held up a hand. “I’m gonna WHAT?”

“Get with her. You know.  Do the old Bone thing.”

“Sleep with her?” AJ’s voice rose an octave.

“To prove to Brian that she’s not what he wants.”

“I can’t just get some random girl to sleep with me!” AJ protested. Three pair of eyebrows raised.  “Okay, maybe I can, but she’s like…a NICE girl.”

“You could charm the habit off a nun, Aje. Do it.” Kevin turned to Nick. “YOU’RE gonna call Brillo and tell him what’s going on.”

Nick laughed.  He couldn’t help it.  “ME?  Call HIM?  Are you nuts, Kev? He won’t talk to me…and I don’t have his number.”

Kevin handed Nick the phone. “FIND it.”


“I’ve had a great day today,” Lara said softly to Brian as he walked her out to catch a taxi.  “I hate going home.”

“I know…but Kevin’s gonna wonder what had me out so long.”  Brian sighed. “Once I have my own place, we can just hang there.”

“I hate this sneaking around.”

“I hate it, too, Lara, but for now we have to.”  Brian gently cupped her face in his hand.  “I want to see you again. When?”

“I don’t know…I’ll have to page you,” she said softly. “Not for a few days. I need to get my resume typed up and everything…”

“You have a computer?” Brian interrupted. She nodded. “Email?” She nodded again, smiling.  “What’s your addy?”  She pulled a scrap of paper from her purse and wrote it down.  He tore the paper in half and gave her his address. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.”

“I need to go,” she whispered as the taxi pulled up.  Brian pulled her to him for a passionate yet quick kiss. “Bye.” She hopped into the taxi and it sped away.


“Okay…here goes nothing…” Nick picked up the phone and began to dial.  He had been on the phone for over an hour, cashing in favors and tracking down Justin Timberlake’s cellphone number.


“God…you’re white, don’t you know that?” Nick said in disgust.

“Who the hell is this?”


“Nick Lachey?”

“Yeah…like he’d be calling YOUR scrawny ass. It’s Nick Carter.”

“The Golden Boy?”

“Whatever. From the Backstreet Boys.”  He heard a scuffle, then a weird noise, then Justin saying ouch.  “What’s going on?”

“I’m in the hall closet.  Chris would kick my ass if he knew I was talking to you.”

Nick was surprised to hear this. Apparently Chris had as tight a hold on his bandmates as Kevin had on them.  “Sorry.”

“Whatever. What do you want?”

“Chris has a sister?”

“Yeah…Lara…what about her?”

“Um…well…” Nick fidgeted, wanting to protect his best friend but wanting to protect his ass as well. “She’s been seeing someone.”


“It’s Brian.”

“The PIXIE?”  Justin almost yelled.

“Yeah, the Pixie.  And we thought…I mean, I thought you should know.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Telling lies like this.”

“Look, Brillo…Justin…I swear on my life it’s not a lie.  AJ saw them and…”

“Yes, and AJ ALWAYS tells the truth, I’m sure. Probably was a Boy Scout or something.  Look, Goldie, quit calling me and quit lying about Lara. She’s like a sister to us all, and if you don’t stop talking trash about her I will kick your ghetto booty ass.”  Justin hung up and Nick sighed, looking over at Kevin.

“He didn’t believe me.”

“Well…we’ll let Aje work his magic, and then we’ll see what happens.” Kevin smiled at AJ, who was staring out the window and frowning.  “Right, Aje?”

“Yeah,” AJ said faintly, trying to figure out HOW the hell he was gonna pull this off.




Justin couldn’t believe the nerve of Nick Carter. Calling HIM and accusing Lara of dating the Pixie.  Justin shivered at the thought.  However, he found himself watching her at dinner that night. She was extremely cheerful, laughing and joking, and flirting with JC.  REALLY flirting with JC. And JC flirted right back.  Chris looked pleased with himself.


Lara couldn’t get online fast enough that night. She had promised Brian that she would be on by nine, and it was already nine-fifteen.  It had taken every acting skill she had to make Chris believe she was truly tired and ready for bed at nine-fifteen.  She dug out the paper that Brian had written his email and instant message address on.

“Hey,” she typed.  “I’m online now…sorry I’m late!”  The return ding made her smile.  It was immediate.

“Hey, beautiful,” Brian wrote. “I was worried!”

“I would have faked pneumonia if it would have gotten me here any sooner!” She told him. “Chris wanted to talk.”

“I miss you already,” Brian wrote, and she blushed. 

“I miss you, too. I don’t know when we can meet again, but it can’t be soon enough.”


AJ watched Brian carefully over the next few days, but nothing had changed.  He acted the same, and was so…Brian…that AJ was beginning to think that he had been imagining things.  Brian didn’t make excuses to go anywhere odd, he didn’t try to get out of meetings with management. He was…normal. 


“Hey…Josh…” Lara poked her head into the study, where JC and Justin were brainstorming some lyrics.  “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, sweets.”  JC tossed his notebook to Justin.  “Flip through those.”  He followed Lara out to the deck.

“Oh…sorry, Chris. I didn’t know anyone was out here,” Lara apologized. Chris got up from his lounge chair. 

“No…you guys hang here.”  Chris darted inside, more then happy to leave his lovebirds alone.  Lara sighed.

“Josh, I need a favor.”

“You got it.”  JC leaned against the railing.

“I need you to go out with me the night after tomorrow…but not with me.”


“I’m…meeting someone and I need an alibi.  Chris wouldn’t approve.”


“You know…kinda how he wouldn’t approve of you and Becky so you haven’t told him yet?”

JC frowned.  “You know about her, huh?”

“JC…I’ve seen you around her. You like her and she’s crazy about you. You two should go for it.  C’mon…if it was me, I’D lie to help YOU.”  Lara placed a hand on his shoulder.  “JC…he’s amazing. And one day, I’ll introduce you guys to him.  Please?”

“Fine. Where are we going and what time? I’ll call and see if Becky’s around.”


“Dammit, Kevin, I hope you’re happy,” AJ griped to himself one afternoon.  Kevin, Brian and Nick had gone to play basketball, leaving Howie and AJ alone in the house.  Howie stood guard while AJ searched Brian’s room. He hated doing it…but he needed to find out something. ANYTHING.  He was digging through some folders next to Brian’s computer when the idea hit him. He flipped the computer on.

“What are you doing?” Howie asked curiously.

“Remember when my email account got broken into?  Brian let me use his…and if he hasn’t changed the password…” AJ trailed off as he signed onto the internet. “Why the HELL didn’t I think of this before?”  AJ’s eyes scanned the titles of the emails Brian had saved. He didn’t want to read all the gushy details, he just wanted to… “A-ha!  Here it is.  Tomorrow night they’re going to a movie and to dinner.  I can crash that little date easily…as long as you can stall Brian until it’s too late.”

“Me?” Howie squeaked. “Don’t get me into this.”

“Howie…just come up with some big drama.  He’ll want to help you. Make sure he can’t be alone to call her or anything, okay?”

“Okay,” Howie sighed, totally not into the idea at all.


“You kids have fun,” Chris said, smiling broadly as JC and Lara went out the front door. “I’m so glad you two are getting along.”

“No thanks to you shoving us together all the time,” Lara said, but she kissed his cheek.

“I just want someone worthy of you, little sister.”

“I guarantee you that I’ve found someone totally worthy,” she promised, smiling as she thought of Brian.


“I need your help, Brian…please…” Howie begged. “Can’t you come over for five minutes?”

“Howie, you hardly even stay at the damn place. Do you need to move it now?”  Brian grumbled, checking his watch.

“Bye, Aje!”  He heard Nick yell loudly. “Behave!”

“My cat’s stuck under it,” Howie said desperately.

“Your cat is under your armoire?”


“Fine,” Brian sighed. “I was on my way out anyway.”  Brian hung up and quickly changed clothes.

“Hot date tonight?” Nick asked.  “You and AJ.”

“Nah…just going over to help Howie with something,” Brian hedged.  “You guys wanna come help?”

“No,” Nick said, and darted upstairs without another word.  Brian looked to Kevin.

“Pulled something in the gym…sorry.”  Kevin smiled apologetically.

“Whatever. We’ll probably hang out afterwards, so I’ll see you tomorrow or something,” Brian said, hurrying out the door before Kevin could say anything more.


Lara paced in front of the deli next to the movie theater. It was ten minutes until the movie started, and Brian was supposed to have been there ten minutes before that.  She was worried. What if something had happened? An accident…something serious…

“Excuse me.”  Lara turned around. Her eyes widened. “You’re Lara, right?”

“Y-y-yes…” she stammered. “You’re AJ.”

“Yes. Yes I am.” AJ pulled off his sunglasses.  “You were supposed to meet Brian here, weren’t you?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine, I promise you that,” AJ said. He looked uncomfortable…embarrassed.  “He said to tell you that…” AJ sighed.  “I gotta be honest with you.  He SAID to tell you something important came up…but honestly, he’s with Howie right now.  They’re hanging at Howie’s apartment.”

“Oh,” Lara said, a hurt look on her face.

“I know the feeling. I was on my way for a date myself, and she called and bailed on me.” AJ’s brown eyes ran over her.  “Are you hungry? Would you like dinner?  I have reservations for two at a sweet little restaurant.”

“I…well…” she hedged, her eyes searching the crowd.

“Trust me,” he said gently. “He won’t be coming.  And I saw him leave his cellphone and pager on Kevin’s dining room table.”  AJ amazed himself yet again with his lying capabilities.

“He did?” Lara whispered.  She squared her shoulders and looked at AJ. “I’m starving. I’d LOVE to go to dinner with you.”


Kevin stared at AJ across the breakfast table. “Take them off.”

“No.  I like them on.”

“AJ, it’s ten in the fucking morning. Take the sunglasses off.” 

AJ slowly pulled the sunglasses from his face, wincing at the bright light.  Howie gasped. “Who did that?”

“No one,” AJ snapped, reaching up to tenderly touch the bruise around his eye.  “Can I have the orange juice, please?”

Kevin handed him the carton.  “Who…hit…you?”  He growled, ready to get revenge immediately.

AJ blushed and stared at his juice.  “Um…Lara.”

“What?” Howie almost yelled.  Nick jumped as he entered the room.

“What happened?”

“Lara hit AJ,” Kevin said, unable to keep the smirk from his face.

Nick smothered a laugh at the fury in AJ’s dark eyes.  “What happened?” He asked, trying to keep a straight face.

“I…well…we had dinner, and then we went for a walk. She’s nice, by the way,” AJ interrupted himself. “Funny and smart and no wonder B-Rok has the hots for her. Anyway, I tried to kiss her and she pushed me away.  Tried again, and she pushed again. Tried a third time, with some hands, and she punched me. Not SLAPPED, PUNCHED.”  AJ smiled. “She’s a hellion.”

“Shit.” Kevin rubbed his eyes.  “Well, that plan is shot.”

“Kevin…she really likes him. I mean, she was really hurt when he didn’t show up,” AJ began.  A deathly look from Kevin silenced him.

“Howie…I need you to do something for me.”

“Sure, Kev, what is it?”

“I need you to call Al…I mean, Lance. Lance Bass. I know you can get his number.”

“Kevin, if Brillo wouldn’t talk to me, what makes you think Lance will talk to Howie?”  Nick wanted to know.

“You and Justin hate each other. Howie is able to get along with EVERYONE, and Lance is “the nice one” of those guys. He’ll talk to Howie…and he’ll get the message to Chris.”


Brian yawned and padded over to his computer. He had tried and tried to email Lara, but had received no response.  By the time he had finished at Howie’s, it had been way too late to meet her, and he had no way of contacting her except online.  He decided to try once more, and was delighted to see that she was online.

“Lara!”  He messaged. “I’m so glad to see you’re on. I am SO sorry about last night. Howie called and I had to stop by…and he wouldn’t let me go.”

“That’s not the story I hear,” she wrote back.  “Sounded to me like you WANTED to go hang with him.”

“What?”  Brian said out loud as he typed the word.  “Lara, I swear, I was on the way out the door, and he said his cat was stuck under a piece of furniture.  I go over there and the cat’s not anywhere in sight, but he kept me there anyway.”

“Then why did you leave your pager and cell at Kevin’s?”

“Lara…I didn’t…” Brian stopped typing. “Wait. Who told you all this?”


“Alex who?”

“Alex…I mean, AJ.  AJ McLean.”

Brian stared at the monitor.  “Can you get somewhere to call me?”

“Um, yes.”  Lara’s name clicked off the screen and Brian quickly grabbed his cellphone. It rang immediately.


“Brian, if you were just playing with me…”

“Lara, wait. What were you doing with AJ?”

“He showed up at the movies last night and told me you couldn’t make it…that you had decided to hang with him instead of with me.  He said his date bailed, and we had dinner together.”

“Oh, no,” Brian whispered, falling onto his bed.  “Then he knows. And if he knows, so do Howie and Kevin. Shit.”

“I’m sorry, Brian,” Lara said, almost in tears. “I thought you…he said that…”

“Don’t cry, sweetheart.  AJ can be very convincing when he wants to be.”

“Not all that convincing,” she said, smiling through her tears.  “Just wait until you see him.”

“Oh no,” Brian said, laughing.  “Hey…can you get away? Like, now?”

“I don’t know,” Lara whispered. “Chris wants Josh and I to go for lunch with him.”


“JC…Chris wants us together so we’re pretending to be…but he has a girl that HE likes, named Becky, and, well…I only want you,” she confessed, and Brian smiled from head to toe.

“Get away,” he urged. “Come to my apartment. I’m half moved in, and I can use the excuse of moving more stuff.  Please…Lara…I need to see you. We need to decide what to do.”

“Okay,” she finally said.

“And Lara? I love you.”

“I love you, too, Brian,” she said with a smile.


Chris, JC and Justin were at the kitchen table, arguing about who should get their thank yous first on the new CD.  Chris thought they should go by age, starting with the oldest.  Justin thought they should go by age, starting with the youngest.  JC thought it should be alphabetical, though he really could have cared less.  “Hey.”  Lara leaned around Chris from the back, giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. “Can we do lunch tomorrow? I have some stuff I want to get…clothes for my interviews next week.”

“Sure,” he said, looking at JC. “You mind?”

Lara gave JC a look that he immediately understood.  “Of course not.  Do you want me to come along?” He asked out of politeness.

“Nah…I don’t think you wanna stand around and hold my purse all day.” She walked over and kissed him lightly on the lips, then kissed Justin on the cheek.

“Me too?”  Lance asked, wandering into the room.  She laughed and kissed his cheek as well. 

“You too.  See you guys later.” She hurried out the front door, grabbing the keys to one of Chris’ cars as she went by the hall table.

“So…I think I should be first.  Me, then Jayce…”

“No.  Youngest is best.  Me, then Lance…”

“No.  Alphabetically. Lance, then me…” JC interrupted.

“Thank yous again?”  Lance said, groaning. His cellphone rang.  “Hello?” He shouted over the arguing. “Who?”  He sat down hard and the three men stopped talking. “Yes, Howie…I know who you are.”  Lance’s green eyes flew to Chris as he listened.  “Right…yes…she is…no…not now…”

Justin swallowed deeply. This could only be one Howie…and he could only be calling for one reason. Nick Carter must have been telling the truth.


“Hi.”  Brian had the door of his apartment open before Lara could knock. She fell into his arms. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” she said softly. His lips searched hers, kissing her insistently. 

“Lara…I…” He tried to pull back, but he couldn’t get enough.

“Brian…please…” she begged, dropping her purse to the floor and kicking off her shoes.  “I want you so badly…let’s talk later…love me now…”

Brian’s apartment had no furniture yet, so they didn’t even bother moving to the bedroom.  He slowly undressed her, his eyes roaming over each inch of skin as it was uncovered. Her hands shook as she removed his clothing, but soon their naked bodies were pressed against each other.  “I love you so much…” he whispered as she kissed his chest.  “I want to be with you forever.”

“I don’t care what they say,” she said softly, coming back up to kiss his cheekbones and even his eyelids.  “I love you…and you’re the only one I want to be with.”


Two Days Later


Kevin distanced himself as much as possible from Brian. If Brian noticed, he didn’t say anything. Kevin watched his cousin carefully, his heart sinking. Brian was his usual happy self, but there was something else behind those blue eyes.  He was in love, all right.

Kevin drummed his fingers on the table as he waited in the kitchen for the others.  They were supposed to go to management for a meeting, but he had other plans for them first. He thought about this girl…this Lara.  AJ and Nick both insisted that she was a sweet girl, nice, smart, funny. Just like Brian.  But it wasn’t RIGHT.  They were finally pulling themselves up on top again, and the LAST thing he needed was Brian falling head over heels for someone from the NSYNC camp.  Chris would talk her into spying on them…Kevin was sure.


“Come on, guys, let’s go,” Chris said wearily, waiting by the front door. They were late for rehearsal on the set of their new video.  He sighed deeply, hearing shrieks of feminine laughter from the second floor. Julie and Lara were in Lara’s room talking about something. 

Chris wondered if Julie knew about Lara’s new boyfriend.  He kicked the rug angrily.  Fucking Brian Littrell.  How could Lara do this to him?  Chris had already chewed JC a new asshole, but he was convinced that JC really didn’t know who the secret boyfriend was…just that she was seeing someone that no one knew about.  Chris didn’t know much about the Pixie…he guessed that was a GOOD thing. And he did want his little sister happy. But a Backstreet Boy?  No way.  All he was looking for was a way to break them down…if not on his own, then with a little suggesting by Kevinicus Rex.


 “Hello?”  Brian asked, shoving Nick off of him as they sat in the back of the van.

“Hi,” a voice said shyly.

“Hello there.” Brian tried to disguise the delight he felt as he heard Lara’s voice.

“Bad time?”

“No…not really.  Hey…Kevin…isn’t the office back there?”  Brian asked, pointing to a turn the driver missed.

“Yeah…but I want to check out this stage…maybe we can use it for the video.”

“Okay,” Brian said, going back to his call.  “We’re supposed to meet with management, but Kevin wants us to look at a stage for a new video.”

“Soundstage Seven,” Nick read.

Lara heard him. Her voice filled with panic.  “You’re at Jive?”

“Yeah…why?” Brian asked.

“Brian, my brother’s there…Stage Seven…they’re rehearsing!”


“Please…no trap doors,” Joey begged as he watched Chris and Wade go through some choreography.

“We wouldn’t do that to ya, buddy,” JC said, throwing an arm around him.

“Holy fuck,” Justin murmured, staring at the doorway.

“Is that who I think it is?” Joey gasped. 

“Yeah.  Chris?”  Justin said, his eyes never leaving the doorway.  Chris froze.

“Wade…why don’t you take five?” Chris asked.

“But, Chris, I…”

“TAKE…FIVE…” Chris ordered, and Wade practically scampered out of the room.  Chris’ eyes narrowed as he saw Brian.  Brian’s eyes widened and he looked at Kevin.

“Kevin, what the hell are we doing here?”

“We need to have a talk.”  Kevin ignored Brian and looked at Chris.

“Sure…as long as you get the Pixie out of here.”  He turned to Brian, glaring. “Keep away from my sister!”

“Your sister is a grown woman. She can do what she wants,” Brian replied.

“Brian, keep out of this,” Kevin growled.

“Keep out of it?  It totally involves me. Me and Lara.”  He turned to Chris. “Chris, please.  Your sister is wonderful.  She’s everything I could want. I love her.”

“Too bad. Her place is with JC.” 

Everyone looked at JC, who blushed.  “Chris, c’mon, man.  Me and Lara are friends.”

“She dates you.  She doesn’t date one of them.”

“You guys are acting so childish. ALL of you,” Brian said, looking at his own bandmates.

“Yeah, I guess you’re not so childish, out seducing innocent women,” Chris snapped.

“I’m assuming she’s not that innocent…bet she puts out for B-Rok here,” AJ said. Chris almost hit him. Brian almost hit him.  Nick put a hand on Brian’s arm, and JC mirrored the motion on Chris.

“How’d you get that shiner there, ya skank?” Joey asked.  Brian had to hide a smile.  “One of your customers not get off right?”

“Leave him alone,” Howie snapped.

“Salsa, at least he can get a girl to do more to him then just fix his hair,” Justin added.  Howie took a step forward.

“Brillo, you’d better shut the hell up or you’ll be losing more then just your hair.”

“Guys…please…” Brian begged. “I love Lara, and she loves me. You guys are gonna have to deal with it.”

“If you EVER touch my sister again, I will kick your ass from here back to the backwards ass state you came from,” Chris said softly, his eyes dark and dangerous.

“And if you touch my cousin, I’ll kill you,” Kevin said just as softly.

“Please…” Brian stepped between them. “Stop it…let’s talk like adults.”  But a set of brown eyes and a set of green eyes refused to waiver as they glared at each other over his head.  “You’re taking something simple like a gold record and turning it into something crazy.”

“Brian…” A voice called from the doorway.  He turned his head and Chris aimed a punch.  Kevin shoved Brian to the floor and took the punch square on the jaw.

“Kevin, don’t!” Brian yelled, but Kevin was already pushing Chris to the ground, ready to kick him. 

Lara screamed as she ran towards the group of men, who had quickly broken into pairs and were beating the hell out of each other.  AJ had Joey by the hair, and was pounding him surprisingly hard for someone so small.  Justin and Nick were eyeing each other carefully, taking slow punches while trying to inflict pain as well.  Lance had Howie pinned on the ground, placing well-thought punches on his sides and chest.  “STOP!”  She screamed.  “Stop it!”

Kevin glanced towards her, which was all that Chris needed. He shoved Kevin up with all his might and punched. Hard. He caught Kevin in the nose, and blood flew. He hit him again, shoving him back against a wall.  Kevin’s head cracked against the cement, and he slumped to the floor.  Brian glared at Chris ferociously, picking up a small piece of wood from the scraps around the set.  Before Lara could stop him, he took careful aim and clocked Chris on the side of the head.  Lara screamed again, running to her brother’s side.

“Chris…oh Chris…” She cradled him in her arms.  “Chris…” she sobbed.  His eyes opened once, then closed.  She looked up at JC, who was the only one who had stayed out of the fight. “Josh…”

“I’ll do it…” He reached for his cellphone and dialed for an ambulance.

“Brian…c’mon…” AJ released Joey and grabbed at Brian. “Grab Kevin and let’s go!”

“Oh my God…Lara…” Brian knelt by her side.  “I’m sorry…I didn’t…he…Kevin…”

“Get away from me!” She snarled.  “Don’t fucking touch me!”

“Brian, come ON!”  Nick shouted, grabbing Brian and pulling him towards the door.  Howie and AJ helped Kevin to his feet and led him out of the soundstage.

“Why?”  Lara asked, glaring at Justin and Lance and Joey. “Why did you guys do this?  Why did you start it?”

“We didn’t!” Justin protested.

“You saw what he did to Chris…he’s a monster,” Lance said.

“It’s all of your fault…ALL of you…and if Chris dies…it’s ALL of your fault,” she said, sobbing as she held her brother against her chest.



Lara rode with Chris in the ambulance, but she was not allowed to go into the emergency room with him. She sat in the waiting room with JC, Justin, Lance and Joey, staring at the floor.  Lance, Justin and Joey were given first aid for their minor cuts and bruises, but Lara had no sympathy for them. She sat next to JC on the sofa with his arm around her.

“Maybe if I would have just fallen for you, this never would have happened,” Lara said softly, ignoring the tears that still streamed down her face.

“Lara, you can’t control who you fall in love with,” he said gently, tilting her face to look up at him. “Though I myself can’t believe you didn’t fall for me.”  He was welcomed with a tiny smile, which turned into a frown as a group of men walked into the waiting room.  Justin and Joey jumped to their feet.

“No, please,” Lara said tiredly, walking in front of them.  “What are you guys doing here?”

“We…uh…we brought Kevin in,” Nick said wearily, running a hand through his hair.  He, AJ and Howie had also been treated for their bruises, and his blond hair was still slightly bloody.  “This was the closest hospital.”

“Where’s the Pixie?” Justin snapped. “This is all his fault in the first place.”

“I’d say it’s all HER fault,” Howie retorted, pointing to Lara.

“Stop it.  Now,” Lara said sharply, holding a hand up.  “Grow the fuck up, okay? This has gone too far for too long…and because of it, Chris may…” she gulped in a breath.  “Chris is seriously hurt,” she finished. She looked up at Nick.  “How IS Kevin?”

“He’s gonna be okay.   Big bump, slight concussion.  Might do his bossy ass good, actually.” Nick couldn’t help but smile.

“Where IS Brian?”  She added.

“He’s…um…in with Kevin,” Nick told her.  She nodded slowly and returned to her place next to JC.  The Backstreet Boys took various seats around the room to wait for Brian. 

After a few minutes, Lara sighed and got up. She went to stare out a small window.  She heard footsteps behind her.  “I’m sorry. For…you know.”  Lara turned to look into AJ McLean’s brown eyes.  “I didn’t even want to do that. I mean, I DID, I mean, you’re cute and all…but Kevin wanted me to.  He wanted me to prove to Brian that you weren’t worth it.”  AJ actually fidgeted uncomfortably. “But I wanted you to…um…know that I didn’t think that way. And I’m sorry.”

Lara gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Alex. And it’s okay.  Kevin and Chris seem to think that the world is here just to do their bidding.” She leaned her head against the glass.  “And look where it got them.”

“Is he bothering you?” Justin walked over, dark blue eyes smoldering.

“No, Commando Justin, he’s not.  Relax.” She gave him a slight shove.  “You know, underneath all the bickering and fighting, I’m sure you’re ALL nice guys.” She raised her voice slightly. “Why don’t you try talking for once? I need to take a walk.”  She headed out of the waiting room and down a hallway.


Brian left Kevin’s room and sighed, leaning against the wall.  He was going to be okay. He was sore and irritable at being told he had to stay overnight, but otherwise he’d be his old self before he knew it.  Brian thought about Lara, wondered where she was. He was worried about her…and about Chris. He had never meant to hurt ANYONE, especially Lara’s brother.  It was just that when Chris had hit Kevin up against the wall, Brian had been filled with a rage he never knew he possessed. It scared him.

Brian slowly walked down the hall, following the signs that said “Chapel.”  Maybe some quiet solitude would help his aching heart.  He stopped short as he opened the door and saw another figure in the front pew.  He took a deep breath and slid in beside her. “Hi.”

Lara jumped and looked at him.  Her eyes grew cold and she moved away slightly. “Hello.”

“I guess Chris is here?”  She nodded sharply. “How is he?”

“I don’t know.  They were running all kinds of tests. He’s still unconscious, and they’re keeping his vitals strong, but they don’t know if there was any brain damage.”  Tears rolled down her cheeks and Brian felt physical pain.  “You may have given my brother brain damage!”

“Lara, I’m so sorry.” Brian felt tears spring to his own eyes.  “He hit Kevin…hurt Kevin…you know what it’s like to watch someone hurt the one you love. I just…got so angry…I didn’t even know I could get that angry…I was trying to stop them I swear to God…and then you walked in…” Brian put an arm around her. She fought, then collapsed against him.  “I love you so much…I would never intentionally hurt you…or Chris…like this.”  He kissed her forehead.

“He’s not that bad, Brian! None of them are!”

“Either are the guys I call MY brothers, Lara.  They’re just dumb.  Dumb and stuck in this retarded feud.”

“I know,” Lara sniffled, wiping her tears away.  “I wish Chris could just get over it and let me date who I want, let JOSH date who he wants, and worry more about himself and less about the whole Backstreet thing.”  She smiled faintly. “And it isn’t like he’s not brain damaged on a regular basis anyway.”  She felt Brian chuckle.

“Forgive me…please.  I didn’t mean to hurt him…or you.”

“I know you didn’t, Brian, and I’m sorry for the things I said.”  Lara rested her head on Brian’s shoulder and tried to relax.  A door opening made them both jump.

“Howie?” Brian said. “I…uh…”

Howie ignored him. “Lara…it’s Chris.”  Lara jumped up. “He’s awake.” 

Lara practically vaulted over Brian in her haste to get out the door. She ran down the hallways, turning left and right until she found the waiting room.  JC held out his hand.  “C’mon.”

Lara tried to keep up with JC’s long legs as he led her to a private room. The door was open, and Lance was sitting on the edge of the bed.  Justin was in a chair, and Joey was leaning against the wall.  “Hey, little sister,” Chris said weakly.

“Oh, Chris!” Lara ran over to carefully hug him. She placed gentle kisses on the bandaged head.  “I was so worried…they didn’t know…”

“I’m fine.  Hard head…you know that.”  He held her close.  He stiffened as he looked at the doorway.  “What’s he doing here?”

Brian hesitated, but Lance motioned for him to come in. “I’m sorry…Chris.  You hit Kevin…and I went ballistic.  I just wanted to apologize.”

“You need to let this go,” Lara told Chris.  “I’m in love with him.”

Chris winced.  “Do you know how much BETTER you could do?  You have JC…”

“No, she doesn’t,” JC said.  “She has Brian. I have Becky.”

“Becky?  Who’s Becky?”

“Not important now, Chris,” JC pointed out.  Chris looked at Brian.

“Aren’t you married?”

“Getting divorced,” Brian replied. “It didn’t work out.”

“I see.  You know she doesn’t have any money, right?”

“Chris!”  Lara almost yelled, slapping him.  Chris smiled up at her. 

“I was kidding.”  Chris looked at Brian.  “Fine.  If you wanna shack up with a loser Backstreet Boy, fine. But you will not play their music in MY house, and we will always be better then they are, understood?”  Lara giggled and nodded.

“I need to get back to Kevin,” Brian said.  “Want to come with me?”  Lara sighed and nodded, realizing that they had to face the other side now. She kissed Chris and hugged him hard.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Chris said, sighing as he watched her leave with Brian.  “Now who’s this Becky, JC?”

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!