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Split Personality

By:  Lara 

“Safety’s Just Danger…”


I do not trust so I cannot love…can’t no girl be trusted…and I would not dare to open up…this life of yours is dusted…

“Wow…these suites are incredible!” The girl turned around in circles, wide-eyed.

“I know…I’d give my right leg to be able to afford something like this.” Her friend’s voice was high pitched and just on this side of annoying. He smiled and pulled a bottle from the refrigerator.

“Wine?” He popped the cork without waiting for an answer. They looked at each other and giggled nervously.

“Um…we aren’t old enough to drink,” the first girl answered.

“But we’d love wine,” her friend finished, glaring at the first girl.

“Good.” He handed her a glass. “Here you are…um…”

“Angie,” she finished, pushing her blond hair from her face. “This is Missy.”

“Right. Missy…Angie…pretty girls…pretty names…” The smile that charmed thousands flashed across his face as he put an arm around each of the young blondes. “Why don’t we take this into the bedroom?”


Can you help me…does anybody hear me…can they even see me…this is my reality…



“No…stop it…” AJ growled, slapping Howie’s hand away. “I’m sleeping.”

“Yo, Aje…we’re pulling in for a pit stop…you want dinner.”

“Yes, whathefuckever, Howie, just GO AWAY.” AJ pulled his pillow over his head.

“McDonald’s…” Kevin sang in a high voice. AJ moved the pillow slightly.

“McDonald’s…” AJ repeated. “Get me something, D.” The pillow was replaced.

“SOMEONE was up late last night,” Howie said, laughing as he, Brian and Kevin went into the McDonald’s. Nick was busy with his Playstation and AJ obviously wasn’t getting up.

“More than one of us, I’m assuming,” Kevin teased lightly. “I saw you weren’t hurting for company.”

“Either were you…or Nick…and didn’t I see Brian talking to someone, too?” Howie retorted.

“I went to bed alone last night, for your information,” Brian said, heading for the bathroom.

“Yeah yeah…Reverend Brian…I know…” Howie rolled his eyes, then turned to Kevin. “So…that chick you picked up at the club. She gotta friend? She was cute.”


Said I’ll say it again…you’re my only friend…I protect you from the world, basically, I protect you from yourself…Though I can’t go on…I’m not satisfied with this being the end…this is just the beginning…


“Okay…Jessie, right? You come over here.” He motioned to the chair.

“Shouldn’t I undress?” The young girl asked.

“Nah…not yet. I’ll tell you when I’m ready for you.” He kissed her sweetly and she never noticed the evil gleam in his. “Now you…um…Sheila, right? You come here…” He gently took her hand and led her to the edge of the bed. Her clothes were quickly discarded and he slowly laid her down on the bed, kissing her all the while. “There…aren’t you pretty…” He turned to the third girl, who stood shyly in the back of the room. “Come here, sweetheart…come on…don’t be afraid. You love me, right?”

“I do,” she said, her blue eyes huge and adoring. “I really do!”

“I know,” he whispered, stroking her blond hair from her face. As he kissed her, he nimbly unbuttoned her blouse, rubbing his thumbs against her nipples as he removed her bra. “Go with your friend.” He gave her a gentle shove towards the bed. “Lay down, Lila,” he whispered, and she took her place next to her friend. The two girls smiled at each other nervously, and he knew they had never done anything like this before. He reached into his bag and pulled out a bunch of silk scarves. Sheila’s eyes widened.

“Look…um…I don’t think…”

“I didn’t ask you up here to think, baby.” He quickly tied her hands to the headboard, and grabbed Lila’s before she could resist.

“This is too weird,” Jessie began, backing away. He finished his task, then turned to her.

“Going somewhere?” He sat her down hard on the chair and heard her whimper. He stroked her cheek. “Relax, sweetie…you’re safe.” He handed her a Polaroid camera. “You have a very special job to do.”


Tell me why can’t I just reach up and simply touch the sky…tell me why can’t I spread my arms and fly and fly and fly…tell me why can’t I say this why can’t I do that? Tell me what do they want from me…tell me how to act…


“Should we ask him?” AJ whispered to Kevin. He frowned.

“I dunno…he never goes along anyway,” Kevin whispered back. Brian watched them, chuckling.

“Okay, what’s the big secret?” He wandered over and stood in front of them.

“You never go out with us, Rok, so we stopped asking. I mean, we know you don’t like clubs and…”

“What do you mean?” Brian interrupted AJ. “I love clubs.”

They exchanged looks. “But when we go out, you never come along,” Kevin pointed out.

“You stopped asking,” Brian replied. “You make it sound like I hate going out…like I think it’s sacrilegious or something.” The look Kevin and AJ exchanged told him they thought just that. “Jeez, I’m not God or anything.”

“You wanna come out with us tonight?” Kevin asked finally. “We plan on getting good and shitfaced. Tonight was a hellish show.”

“Yeah it was,” Brian agreed. “What about D and Nick?”

“Um, I think Howie’s got other plans,” AJ said. “And Nicky’s not feeling well. He’s gonna crash at the hotel or something.”

“Oh, that bites,” Brian said sympathetically, mentally reminding himself to check in on his best bud before going out. “Count me in, though.”

“Sweet.” AJ smiled happily. “Meet you downstairs after the show, then.”

“Cool.” Brian smiled at AJ and his cousin before wandering off.



So I’m putting it all on the table…you don’t know me well enough to label me sick or even disturbed…when you break it down, I’m just two boys trying to blend trying to vibe…trying to live just one life everybody’s got insanities…I got a split personality



“Kiss her…go ahead…” He ordered the girl on the left. It had been so long he didn’t give a fuck what their names are. He just needed the release.

“Hey, this wasn’t in the bargain…I want dick, not pussy,” she retorted. His hand flashed out to smack her cheek.

“You’ll get what I give you…but first you’ll fucking kiss her, hear me?” He snapped. Her friend began to sob and instantly he was contrite.

“Oh…I’m sorry…please don’t cry.” He slipped into the bed between them, cuddling her in his arms. “I promise you you’ll leave here with an experience you’ll never forget. I just want you to do what I say…don’t you want to make me happy?”

Trusting blue eyes stared up at him, and blond hair spilled across his arm. “Yes, I do,” she whispered. Her friend began to speak and she glared at her. “You’re everything I ever dreamt of…”

“Good…and now your dreams will come true…” he stood and looked at her friend. “Unless you don’t do what I want…and then it will become a nightmare.” He smiled the sweet smile. “Just do what I say…I would never hurt you.” He knelt by the bed, his voice a soothing sound as he began to sing. “Honestly now…either you stand for something…or get knocked down for nothing…sister don’t ache too soon.” He stood up and went for the camera as the girls stared at him, mesmerized. It was amazing how his voice could quiet them down…it was so familiar, even if the song wasn’t.

“…I thought it was understood, by everyone in this room…who’d ever come up short or won a race…safety’s just danger…out of place…” He motioned at them, and the one girl scrunched her eyes shut before kissing her friend. He smiled and continued to sing softly. “Truly now…people play tricks of the mind…shadows only follow behind…sister stay still…I thought it was the nature…of all on Malvern’s Hill who’d taken a leave off third base…safety’s just danger…out of place…”


Tell me why can’t I just reach up and simply touch the sky…tell me why can’t I spread my arms and fly and fly and fly…tell me why can’t I say this, why can’t I do that? Tell me what do they want from me, tell me how to act…


“So when are the rugrats due in?” Howie asked Nick. Nick threw his shoe at him. They were in AJ’s hotel suite.

“They’re not rugrats, and their flight lands in a half-hour. I’m gonna leave soon.”

“Want me to come with you?” Brian asked amicably. Nick frowned.

“Nah…I’m good. They’ll be out of hand, they’re so damn excited to see you guys. We’ll do dinner and then they’ll crash in my rooms. You guys can see them tomorrow.”

“Cool,” AJ said. He loved hanging with Nick’s siblings. “I bet they’re all so damn big we won’t even know them.”

“I saw a picture of Leslie in some magazine recently,” Kevin said. “Good looking girl.”

“Too bad her brother’s such a fat pig,” Howie said, and another shoe came at his head.


Tell me what do they see when they look at me…do they see my many personalities?


“Just take the fucking pictures, okay?” He yelled at the girl angrily. Things were NOT going as well as he had planned and he almost wished he hadn’t even started tonight. But it was an obsession now…and he couldn’t fight it. “Is this too difficult a job for you?”

“N-no…” she whispered. Her friend went over to comfort her.

“Come on, Daria, just do it. Do you realize who he is, what we’re doing? How many girls would KILL to be here?”

“It’s just…weird, Alicia,” her friend whispered.

“Thank you, Alicia,” he said, coming over to kiss her forehead. “Daria, listen to your friend. Just take the pictures.” He made sure the scarves around Daria’s ankles were tight around the legs of the chair before leading Alicia back to the bed, where her friend Samantha waited. “Now, where were we, girls?” He asked. They smiled up at him and went back to their work. He moaned as he felt lips and hands on his cock…his balls…

“This is weird,” he heard Daria whisper, but he also heard the click of the camera.

“Honestly now…wholly in demand…coming off second hand…sister don’t unravel…” his voice was almost a whisper, as if he were singing to himself. He was…for some reason this song sent adrenaline through his veins. It didn’t make much sense, but as he well knew, a song didn’t have to always make sense for it to touch the listener. “…when there’s nowhere to go, except lawless travel…and an end to infinity’s space…” his hand yanked at blond hair as he came. “…safety’s just danger…out of place…”


Can you help me does anybody hear me can they even see me this is my reality…


“Brian!” Aaron yelled happily, throwing his arms around his brother’s best friend.

“Aaron? Oh my God…you are just huge!” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “How old are you now, twenty?”

“Thirteen and you know it!” Aaron pretended to punch Brian and he pretended to take it.

“Hey, Angel…Leslie…Damn, BJ, you’re looking might pretty.” He hugged the girls and kissed their cheeks. “Where’s Nick?”

“Out talking to Kevin. He’s been weird all day…like tired or something,” Leslie said, flopping down on Brian’s bed. “Grumpy as hell.”

“Les! I’m telling Mom!” Aaron announced.

“Tattletale!” Leslie snapped.

“Pottymouth,” Aaron retorted, sticking his tongue out.

“I’m glad to see some things never change,” Brian laughed. Nick appeared in the door.

“Hey, guys, AJ and Howie are in Kev’s room. Go say hi.”

“Cool…AJ usually buys us stuff!” The Carter kids almost ran their older brother over as they hurried out the door. Nick closed the door behind him and slowly advanced on his friend. He pulled a chair over and sat backwards. Brian sat on the edge of the bed.

“Um, what’s up? Les said you’ve been in a bad mood.”

“Just some stuff on my mind,” Nick said simply.

“Damn, Nick, those girls are getting so pretty. And Aaron! He’s so tall. I can’t wait to play ball with him.”

“You’re not going to play ball with him, Bri.” Nick’s eyes were like steel. “You’re not gonna play ball with him or spend ANY time with him, or the girls, when I’m not there. Understood?”

Brian’s smile faded. “Nick, what’s going on?”

Nick held his hands out. “Open your hands, Bri.” Brian did as he was told and Nick let a pile of Polaroids flutter to the floor. Brian’s face grew red.

“What are these?”

“You tell me.” Nick’s voice was calm.

“Looks like pictures of girls involved in consensual sex,” Brian replied, picking the pictures up. “Where did you get these?”

“Remember the night I was sick and you told me if I wanted it, you had cough syrup in your room? I went in there before you got back, and I was looking for the syrup and found these in your bags.” Nick stared at his friend. “What the hell, Bri? All these blond young girls. What the fuck?”

“They were all legal…and they all came up with me willingly,” Brian shot back.

“Okay. But they don’t look too willing here.” Nick picked up a picture of a girl tied to the bed, tears streaming down her face. “And this?” He picked up a picture of another girl who wasn’t crying, but a bruise spotted her cheek.

“She mouthed off to me.”

“I think you need help, Bri. This is just crazy. It’s just…”

“Not LIKE me? How the hell do you know?” Brian snapped. “Those girls thought, oh, it’s Brian. He’s safe. He’s okay. He’s not dangerous looking like Kevin or AJ or big like Nick. He’s safe. Well, maybe I’m not. And they found out too late. Safety’s just danger out of place, Nick.”

“Huh?” Nick was confused. “Brian, what about Leigh?”

“Leigh? Leigh? What ABOUT Leigh? What about Leigh, my fiancée, who I found fucking some guy in my bed with another girl right fucking next to her? What about Leigh, who I found tied to my bed while a guy ate her out and the other girl sucked his dick, huh? What about the pile of pictures I found in a shoebox in her closet after I threw her skanky ass out?”

“Brian, holy fuck…I never knew…” Nick whispered.

“That’s right. Because Brian Littrell is perfect. Brian Littrell is lovable. No one would EVER screw Brian Littrell over.” Brian threw the pictures in Nick’s face. “What I do in private is none of your business. You don’t mention this and I won’t bring it up again either.” For a split second, the anger left Brian’s face and he looked hurt. “I’d never hurt your brother and sisters, Nick…never…”

“You need to understand, Bri…I saw these…all these blond girls…and I…” Nick faltered.

“Guess I didn’t know you like I thought I did, Nick.” Brian walked to the door. “And don’t think you know me, because you don’t. There are two sides to every story…and two sides to me.” He walked out and slammed the door.

The End

Please tell Lara what you thought of this story!