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Stay The Night

By:  Lara


“Oh, man, that’s gross.” Eighteen-year-old Justin frowned as he looked at the brown liquid coming out of the bathroom faucet.  “Disgusting.”

“Yeah,” Lance answered.  “Now what?”

“Now we see if anyone else has this problem.”  Justin bounced out of the bathroom and ran to the hallway. 

Lance sighed, frowning.  He was two years older than Justin, but he still felt as if they were miles apart.  Even after the two years the group had been together, Lance still felt like the outsider.  He quietly went into the hallway.  Justin was talking with Chris and Joey.  Lance hung back, leaning against the wall.  Joey caught his eye and grinned.  “Hear ya gotta sludge problem there, Poofu.”

“Yeah,” Lance said, scuffing his toe on the carpet.

“I’m rooming with Chris,” Justin decided.

“What?” Chris whined. “What if I have a girl coming over?”

“Keep it down. Or share her,” Justin said, perking up.  Joey laughed.

Lance sighed again, hoping that Joey would ask him to room with him.  Justin and Lance never got the single room, so they were used to sharing space with someone else.  Lance thought he liked Joey best of all.  But more than likely, Joey would be bringing a girl back with him after he went clubbing, and Lance would only be in the way.  Maybe there was an extra room on another floor…

“What’s going on?”  JC appeared in the hallway, and Lance ordered his heart not to leap.  JC was so beautiful, and Lance was one hundred percent in awe of him.  He was handsome and sexy and he could sing and dance…and Lance knew he could write songs, too, even though they hadn’t really been used yet.

“Me and Lance gotta find someplace to sleep.  Our water is nasty.” Justin put an arm around Chris.  “Chris gets me.”

“Retard.”  Chris shoved Justin away and they began to wrestle in the middle of the hallway.

Lance looked at Joey, mentally begging him to ask. Lance was too shy to bring it up, but he wanted someone to want him as their roommate. He knew he was quiet and not a good dancer, but he wasn’t too much of a dork.  “Stay with me, Lance,” JC said.  Lance’s head whipped around.


“Yeah, me. What’s wrong with me?  I got cooties or something?”  JC leaned in his doorway and made a face.  “What’s with the attitude?”

“I…uh…no attitude.  Wow, JC.  Thanks.  I’ll get my things.” Lance went into his room, face burning.


Lance shifted his bags and knocked on JC’s door. JC threw it open and grinned. “Here you are.”

“Yeah.”  Lance stepped inside, carefully tucking his things into a corner of the room, so as not to disturb JC’s space.

“What’s with the pillow and blanket?” 

Lance tossed the blanket and pillow onto his suitcase pile. “I thought I’d sleep on the floor…you know…”

“Lance, it’s a freaking queen-sized bed.  You afraid to touch me?”

“God, no!”  Lance said before he thought.  He blushed and looked at his sneakers.  “No…of course not.”

“Good.”  JC checked his watch.  “Don’t we have to be somewhere in like twenty minutes?”

“Radio interview,” Lance said immediately. 

“Cool.  Then dinner, right, with that magazine interviewer?”  Lance nodded.  “How about we just pick at something and then order in up here?”

“You’re not going out?” Lance asked.  JC usually went out with Chris and Joey, though he didn’t bring back people the way they did.

“Nah…I figured I would stay to entertain you.”  JC’s blue eyes were bright.

“You don’t have to do that,” Lance whispered. “I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“Lance, for God’s sake…you’re not an inconvenience, okay? I asked you to stay because I like being with you. I like your company. You’re more mature than the others…and I like talking to you.”  JC put a hand on Lance’s shoulder and Lance felt fire run through his veins.  “Okay?”

“Okay,” Lance said, finally smiling.

“Now relax. You’re tense.”  JC lightly massaged Lance’s shoulder and Lance thought he was going to die.  A knock at the door made him jump.  “Go away!” JC yelled, grinning at Lance.

“What’s going on in there, young men?  If it’s rated R or worse…why the hell wasn’t I invited?” Chris yelled.  Lance laughed and JC rolled his eyes.

“Moron.”  JC tugged on his sneakers. “Let’s go.”


Although it was a warm June day and the radio station seemed to have no air conditioning, Lance was shivering. He kept looking at JC, who kept giving him these smiles. They were…encouraging.  Encouraging Lance to do what, he didn’t know.  The interview took over an hour, and it was obvious that Chris and Justin were soon bored.

“I think Lance should sing a solo,” Chris said.  Lance jumped out of his reverie, and Joey laughed.

“Yeah, a solo. Sing, Lance, sing!”  Joey chanted.  Lance blushed and shook his head.

“Nah…I’m harmony, man. I don’t sing lead.”

“Does that bother you?” The interviewer pounced, and Lance got nervous.

“Uh, no, of course not.  My voice isn’t right for that. Justin and JC, they should have the leads.  They were born to do it,” he said weakly, wanting to hide under the table.


JC sat next to Lance at the table during their dinner interview.  Lance toyed with a chicken Caesar salad.  JC slurped quietly at a bowl of beef vegetable soup.  “Dude, they’re paying!” Joey hissed, poking Lance.  He motioned to his own prime rib.  “Eat up!”

“Me and Lance have plans for later.  We’re saving room,” JC said, putting an arm around Lance.  “Isn’t that right, Poofu?”

Lance nodded proudly. “Yeah, plans.”  JC was acting like spending time with Lance was special.

“What kind of plans?”  Justin leaned across the table.  The interviewer was deep into conversation with Chris about his new business ideas.

“Nothing you need to know about.  It’s just gonna be me and Lance.  You guys go out and have fun.”  JC sat back, giving Lance a secret “just between us” kind of grin.

“But I can’t go out!” Justin pouted.

“Too bad,” Lance said quickly, and was rewarded with JC’s grin.

“Yeah, Curly.  Too bad.”


“I’m hungry for something totally off the wall,” JC said, grabbing the room service menu as soon as they entered the suite.  “Something I shouldn’t eat. Ice cream. With whipped cream. What do you say, Lance?”

“Sure, whatever you want, Jayce,” Lance answered.  JC sighed and tossed the menu to Lance. 

“You pick something.  Order chocolate ice cream and a big bowl of whipped cream for me. I need a shower.”  JC yanked his shirt over his head and headed for the bathroom.  He soon came back out, shirtless. “Lance, are you gonna have fun or what?”


“You look like hanging with me is the scariest thing you’ve ever experienced.”

If you only knew, Lance thought. “It’s not…I just…I guess I’m surprised you wanna hang with me.”

JC walked over until he was inches away from Lance. “Lance, it’s been a long day. I need to unwind.  Justin and Chris are too hyper, and Joey only wants to party. That leaves you. I’m glad it’s you, okay?  I want to hang out with you. Deal with it.”  JC’s hands were firm on Lance’s shoulder, but his eyes twinkled. “Okay?  That’s an order. I’m older, and you have to do what I tell you.”  Lance nodded.  “You give in too easy.”  JC ruffled Lance’s hair and headed back to the bathroom. Lance fell onto the bed, groaning as he adjusted the erection that JC’s authoritative tone had given him.


“What did you order?” JC asked when he got out of the shower.  He had only a towel slung low around his slender hips, and Lance forced himself to look at the TV and not JC.

“What you said…and strawberries for me,” Lance said softly.

“Strawberries?”  JC whipped off the towel and used it to dry his hair.  Lance bit back a whimper.  “That’s kinda odd. But cool.  Strawberries and whipped cream are delicious.  BTS.”  Lance gave him a confused look.  “Better then sex, Lance. Jeez…you one knitting needle short of a sweater there?”  JC chuckled.

Lance blushed.  “I’m gonna shower now.” He grabbed his toiletry bag and ran into the bathroom.

When he came back out, JC was paying the room service attendant. He wore a pair of jeans and no shirt.  Lance quickly dressed, yanking on sweatpants and an old tshirt.  “Here we go, Lansten.” JC carefully set the tray down on the nightstand.  “Ice cream…strawberries…whipped cream…can it get better then this? I got us some soda, too.”

“Cool.”  Lance started to sit on a chair as JC sat on the bed.

“Get your ass over here, Bass. There’s room enough for both of us on this bed.” JC patted the mattress next to him, and Lance slowly sat down.  JC handed Lance a dish of ice cream.  “Whipped cream?”

“Sure,” Lance said softly, and JC gave him a generous amount.  Lance watched JC lick his own fingers and quickly looked away. 

“And here are your strawberries.”  JC sat the dish between them and dipped one of the red berries into his ice cream. “Mmm…” JC said, popping the fruit into his mouth. He licked his lips. “Divine.”

Yeah, you are, Lance thought, but looked at the TV.  “Glad you like them,” he said weakly.

JC leaned back on one arm. “Whatcha watching?”

“Star Wars,” Lance answered.  JC’s face lit up.

“My favorite.”

“I know,” Lance said quietly.  JC looked at Lance for a long moment.  He picked up the remote and muted the TV.  “What’s wrong?” Lance asked, biting his bottom lip.

“You are.  You’re tense. What’s up?”

“N-nothing,” Lance stammered, blushing.  JC took one of the strawberries, dipped it in Lance’s whipped cream, then slowly pushed it at Lance’s mouth. Lance could only eat the fruit, and his tongue unconsciously licked over JC’s slender fingers. JC hissed in a breath. His blue eyes were smoky.

“Taste good?” JC asked.  Lance nodded.  “Felt good,” JC whispered.  “I wanna see if it really did taste good.” JC took Lance’s bowl and set it aside.  He got on his knees, leaning towards Lance. His fingertip traced Lance’s red lips. He licked his finger.  “Very good,” he said softly.  Lance swallowed hard.  “Hungry?”

“Very,” Lance said before he could stop himself. JC grinned.

“I hoped you’d say that.”  JC’s lips were cool from the ice cream.  Lance barely had time to register the fact that JC Chasez was kissing him before JC’s tongue slid inside his mouth.  “Lance,” JC murmured against his mouth.

Lance fisted his hands in JC’s shirt, trying his best to kiss JC back. He knew he wasn’t good at it; he felt clumsy.  “JC…” he breathed, pulling away and gasping for breath. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?  I kissed you. Didn’t you want it?”

“God, yes,” Lance said desperately. “I’ve wanted it forever.”

“I’ve been dying to try and find a way to get you alone like this without scaring you,” JC said, pushing Lance down onto his back. His hands roamed across Lance’s chest as his mouth nibbled along Lance’s face and ears.  “I’ve wanted you for so long…wanted you to stay the night with me…”

“Oh, Jayce…” Lance sighed, his fingers bravely running along JC’s arm.  “I’ve loved you forever.  I’m just…I never…”

“Oh, it’s okay, Lance.”  JC slowly and tenderly kissed Lance, bringing Lance’s arms up above the head.  He pinned Lance to the mattress.  “I plan on teaching you everything I know.”  He kissed Lance, sucking on Lance’s bottom lip. Lance whimpered and writhed.  “Nothing’s stopping me now.”  He released Lance’s hands and began to slide Lance’s shirt off.

The End

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