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True Love

By:  Lara


JC Chasez grabbed the tea kettle just as it began to whistle. He poured the water over his teabag, put the kettle back onto a cool burner, and turned off the stove. He spread cream cheese onto his blueberry bagel as the tea steeped, and carried it all into the tiny room he called his office. He set his breakfast at a safe distance from his laptop and opened the bottom drawer of his desk. He pulled out the small revolver and put it within easy reach. Even after almost two months, he still was a bit paranoid.

The computer booted up and he stared at the picture on the desktop. Two men, so obviously happy and obviously in love. Both with blue eyes. The older man was himself…thin, with wavy brown hair and high cheekbones. The younger man had curly blondish-brown hair and the most amazing smile JC had ever seen. He touched the screen, letting his finger run over the younger man's red lips.

JC sighed and opened the word processing program. As he pushed the disk in with one hand, he reached over to turn on the small stereo. He smiled as he heard Nat King Cole's voice pour from the speakers. “There was a boy…a very strange enchanted boy…” JC hummed along as he stared at the monitor. He knew what he wanted to say, and writing came easy to him. Getting the full force of his emotions down…reliving the memories…that's what was hard.

JC sang along with Nat King Cole. “The greatest gift…you'll ever learn…is just to love and be loved in return…”

JC closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. He began to type. “This is a story of true love…”
