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Justin frowned as he opened the door of his suite and saw a small table set for two. Candles were lit, and covered silver platter sat at each seat. He then remembered his visitor and sighed. He went to the shower, trying not to care. It was something he had perfected, not caring. He knew he had a job to do, and he knew it was what was going to happen, whether he liked it or not, but it had been so easy to push out of his mind.

Justin had made sure that JC, Christopher, AJ and Nick had been seated in close proximity to Lance Bass. That way he could make it seem as if he were looking at Lance, but the entire time he had eyes only for JC. And JC knew it. JC would blush with pleasure whenever Justin threw a smile his way, and Justin put 110% into his performance that night. It was all for JC.

But now Justin had to slam on the brakes and throw himself into another mode entirely. Playing with JC was all well and good, but now Justin had to act. He had to entertain. He had to make Lance Bass feel as if he were the most important man in the world…and all the while try to keep from sleeping with him as long as possible. No one but someone like JC Chasez could have made Justin Timberlake even consider something like this. 

When Justin came out from the bathroom in his satin robe and pants, Lance Bass was removing his suit jacket and carefully hanging it on a hanger in Justin's closet. “Good evening,” Lance said with a smile. “I hope you don't mind that Mr. Fatone let me in.”

“Of course not.” Justin casually drew the robe closer around him. “I figured you'd be here before I came out.”

“You were incredible tonight,” Lance said softly. “Truly amazing. I felt as if I were the only one in the room, and you were singing just for me.”

“Thank you,” Justin said, dipping his head bashfully. When he looked up again, Lance was holding out one of the chairs for him. Justin thanked him again and sat down.

“This smells wonderful,” Lance said, sitting down as well.

“Joseph knows food,” Justin told him. “There are chefs in his family somewhere.”

“I brought you something,” Lance said before he uncovered his food. Justin looked at him, smiling slightly. He expected the usual, flowers, an article of clothing. His eyes widened as Lance held out a small velvet box.

“You didn't have to do this,” Justin said, taking the box.

“I wanted to. You deserve to be surrounded by beautiful things,” Lance said. Coming from a lesser man, the words would have sounded feminine, but from Lance they sounded sincere and appropriate.

“Thank you, Lance.” Justin opened the box. Inside was a gold bracelet, simple yet obviously expensive.

“You have such strong arms and nice hands…I thought this would look good around your wrist.” Lance took the bracelet and put it on Justin's arm. “Do you like it?”

“It's beautiful. Thank you.” Justin uncovered his dinner, but had suddenly lost his appetite. 

“Yes, Kevin. I know…I…we're starting rehearsals and I'll be in the theater twenty-four seven,” JC promised, taking another swallow from the bottle. “Drinking? Hell, no. I'm not drinking. Look, Kevin, either you're my boss or you're my friend. You hafta pick one.”

“Hey, JC,” AJ called, opening the door as he knocked.

JC almost dropped the phone. “Okay, Mom. Yeah. Happy birthday. Love you.” JC hung up and gave AJ a grin. “Hi, there.”

“This doesn't seem like you,” AJ said, taking the bottle of Jim Beam from JC's hand.

“So?” JC shrugged and flopped down onto the bed. He was still in his suit from the performance earlier. “Wasn't Justin brilliant tonight?”

“Absolutely,” AJ agreed. “I wanted to talk to you about Nick, JC.”

“Nicky? What a sweet kid,” JC said, sighing. “Gorgeous eyes. I love blue eyes.”

“He has a crush on you,” AJ said slowly.

JC grabbed the bottle back. “I know. He's such a nice guy. I'm sorry that it can't work between us.”

“Why can't it?” AJ asked.

“Because I'm in love with someone else. It's a love that's fucking up everything in my life, but you don't find true love every day,” JC said, sighing. “And now he's with HIM.”

“JC, I warned you about Justin,” AJ began.

“And you're jealous. You must be in love with him yourself,” JC said angrily.

“No…I'm not. I'm just worried about you because you're a nice guy,” AJ said. “You really think Justin Timberlake would take the time out for true love? That's too expensive for him.”

“Justin loves me, AJ,” JC insisted. “It's not his fault that he has to fuck Lance Bass to get ahead in life. He loves me.” JC buried his head in his hands. “Go away. Why'd you have to come here? You're just reminding me that he's…he's…”

“I'll leave,” AJ said, concerned. “Call if you need me.”

“Whatever.” JC shoved a pillow over his head, ignoring the fact that he was pouring alcohol all over his bed. 

“Are you okay? You hardly ate a bite,” Lance said. Justin was out on the balcony, staring towards JC's apartment building.

“Yes. Sometimes after performances I'm starving, other times I can't eat a bite. I'll have some fruit later,” Justin promised.

“Come here.” Lance took Justin's hand and led him inside. Justin allowed himself to be led to the bed. Lance sat and motioned for Justin to sit with him. “You're more intoxicating than any drink or drug, Justin,” Lance whispered, his hand coming up to cup Justin's face. “I feel like I can't get enough of you.”

“You do say the nicest things,” Justin said with a playful coyness. “You make this like a real date.”

“Well, isn't it?” Lance murmured, his voice low in Justin's ear as he began to kiss Justin's neck.

“No. I mean, on most dates, people just don't jump into bed, right?” Justin said nervously. Lance pulled back and stared at him.

“What's going on?”

“I just…I thought this could be different, different than what I usually do. You're entirely different from any man I've ever been with…and I feel different when I'm with you,” Justin said truthfully.

“What are you saying?” Lance said, his beautiful green eyes narrowing.

“I thought…I thought we could take it slow,” Justin whispered, running his hand up the silk that covered Lance's thigh. “Prolong the pleasure…make it last. Don't you want that?” Justin purred in Lance's ear as his hand moved higher. He felt Lance gulp for air. “Instead of just taking me…you could just enjoy me every night, little by little.”

“Every night,” Lance gasped.

Justin slowly moved until Lance was flat on his back. He leaned over Lance and began to kiss him. “And every night we'll move things a little bit further.” Justin tried not to think of JC as he undid the button of Lance's pants.
