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JC groaned as he opened his eyes.  "JC!" A voice yelled as someone pounded on the door.

"What?" JC yelled back.  He groaned again.

The door opened and Nick came in.  "Are you okay?" Nick gasped.

"Yeah." JC slowly sat up. "Just a bit hung over. What time is it?"

"Nine.  You're supposed to be at the theater at nine-thirty."

"Fuck."  JC rubbed his eyes.

"I brought coffee," Nick said shyly.

"You're an angel," JC said gratefully.  He looked down at the dirty sheets.  "Fuck," he said again.

"Why don't you shower?  I'll wait for you and walk over with you, if you want," Nick offered.

"Okay."  JC slowly stood and headed for the bathroom, inhaling the coffee as he walked by.

When he came out a few moments later, Nick had the bed stripped.  "I didn't know where your sheets were," he said.

"I only have one set," JC said, ashamed. At his real home, he had about ten sets of sheets, but he couldn't act like that here.  "I'll wash them later."

"Okay," Nick said.  He tried not to watch as JC dropped the towel around his waist and dug through drawers.  "I'm excited about the new show."

"So am I," JC said. He tugged on jeans and a tshirt, then threw a sweater overtop.  "It's my first work to ever be performed."

"It's great," Nick said loyally. "You're amazing. I mean, you have amazing talent."

"Thank you, Nick," JC said softly.  Nick really was a sweet guy. "God, I don't really feel like rehearsal today."

"You have it easy," Nick reminded him.  "You and Christopher sit there and yell at us when we mess up."

JC smiled. "Yeah, I guess so.  Well, we should go."  He grabbed his sneakers and slipped them on while trying to sip at the hot coffee.


When they reached the theater, Christopher was handing out the folders of music to the company. "Carter, where the fuck have you been?" Christopher screeched. His high voice echoed through the small rehearsal room.

"He's been rescuing your co-writer," JC said. "Quit yelling at him, Chris."

"See ya," Nick said softly, and went to sit by AJ.

"What the fuck ran you over?" Christopher asked.

"A bottle of Jim Beam and a broken heart," JC muttered. Christopher looked at him oddly and handed him a folder.

"Where's our little diva?"  Christopher asked the room.

"I think he's still upstairs," one of the men said.  "I haven't seen him yet today."

"He had a busy night," another singer said, and many of the men chuckled.  JC frowned and fell into his seat.

"Sorry," a voice said from the doorway.  Justin slowly made his way into the room, sitting on a chair near Nick.  "I overslept."

"Obviously," Christopher murmured.  Justin wore a large fleece sweatshirt and sweatpants.  His curls were everywhere and there were dark circles under his eyes.  "Okay, kids, let's start reading through this."

JC paid half-hearted attention to his partner. He was too busy trying not to look at Justin and wonder what had happened the night before.


"Okay, guys, that will do it for today.  We'll start serious rehearsals tomorrow. Read over this stuff and try to start learning it, okay?"  JC said, standing.  He threw away his empty coffee cup and went for the door.

"JC," a soft voice said behind him. "Wait."

JC stepped aside to allow people out the door.  Justin had a hand on his arm. "What?"

"Are you okay? You don't look very good."

"No better than you do," JC said, and Justin stiffened.  "I got drunk last night."

"Are you gonna get drunk every night?" Justin asked.  JC shrugged. "JC, nothing happened.  Well, not NOTHING, but not everything. I got him to agree to just taking it slow, like a tease.  I can string him along. I know I can."  Justin ran a hand through his curls. "I'm just so tired.  We were up late.  He left at like six this morning to get ready to go into his office."

JC took a long look at Justin. He looked so young and sweet. "Is Joseph expecting you to do anything this afternoon?"

"No...this is when I'm supposed to rehearse with you, remember?"

"C'mon. Let's go upstairs."  JC said goodbye to Christopher, AJ and Nick, then followed Justin up to his suite.  JC fluffed up the pillows and pulled off his sweater. "Let's take a nap."

"A nap?" Justin looked confused. "I thought you..."

"No, Justin. I'm not out to jump you all the time, though you make it damn easy to want you," JC said, watching Justin tug his sweatshirt up and off.  "You need sleep. So do I."

"I want to sleep with you," Justin said softly. He climbed into the bed and JC followed him.  Justin immediately curled up next to JC. "I've never just slept with someone before."

"I hope I'm a lot of firsts for you," JC said softly.

"Me, too," Justin said wearily.  "I'm sorry if you were mad."

"I'm not mad.  I just...nevermind," JC said, kissing Justin's forehead.
