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“Is it rude for me to ask how you made all this money at such a young age?” Justin said, pouring Lance another glass of wine.

Lance settled back on Justin's bed, stretching out his legs. He wore a simple yet obviously expensive sweater and a pair of dress pants. Justin assumed this was Lance's way of dressing down. “It might be rude coming from anyone else but you,” Lance teased gently. “But YOU can ask anything you want.”

Justin handed him the wine. “I don't know much about you, I'm afraid. Joseph is very protective about what I read and see. I guess he worries about me.”

“He worries about losing you, Sweetness,” Lance said, toasting Justin with the glass. “You should be guarded like a priceless jewel.” Justin blushed politely and sat down on the bed. “I grew up in Mississippi, in your average home. I went away to college, majored in business. I had a hunch about an investment and put in every dollar I had, as well as every dollar my family had.”

“All on one investment?” Justin gasped. He couldn't imagine taking that sort of risk.

Lance shrugged. “It paid off. I made a few more investments, started my own company…and now…” Lance waved his hand in the air. “Now my parents have a mansion in Mississippi and a home in Hawaii.”

“Wow,” Justin said faintly. “I think if I ever had money like that, I'd move to Hawaii, too.”

“A little beach bunny,” Lance said playfully. He motioned for Justin to come lay next to him. “You'd be gorgeous on the beach…all tan and hot.” Lance ran a finger down Justin's arm. “You are so hard to resist, Sweetness.” Lance licked at Justin's lips. “I pride myself on my self-control…but you are testing it.”

“I'm not making you mad, am I?” Justin deftly turned his head so the arch of his neck was available for Lance's lips.

“Not angry…mad as in crazy, maybe,” Lance whispered, his hand sliding down Justin's chest. Justin playfully squirmed away. No need for Lance to find out that he wasn't hard in the slightest. Usually Justin could muster some sort of erection with a man, but since he had met JC, JC was the only man who could turn him on.

“Tell me what you want,” Justin whispered, sliding down to unbuckled Lance's belt. “Tell me what you want to do to me when the time comes.”

“Mmmm…” Lance rumbled in his low voice as Justin kissed his inner thigh. “I want to undress you inch by inch…see that beautiful body…”

“Uh-huh,” Justin murmured, licking Lance's length through his underwear.

“Ah…” Lance hissed. “And then I'd bend you over the bed…rub my hands down your back, and then…”

“And then?” Justin asked, working the boxers down.

“And then I'd get you ready…work that tight hole open…and then I'd…” Lance thrusted up as Justin took him into his mouth. “Then I'd fuck you…fuck you so hard…oh, fuck…” 

“Amazing,” JC said, shaking his head. “You are amazing.” Justin blushed and said nothing.

“He's just another diva,” Christopher said gruffly, which meant that he also was impressed.

“You learned all that overnight? I mean, we just gave you the damn thing yesterday, and I know you were, uh, busy.” JC tried to speak casually.

“I turned in early,” Justin said truthfully. He had worn Lance out early and sent him on his way. “I guess I'll go shower. I…uh…have an appointment today.”

“An appointment?” Joseph asked. He had turned up for the last fifteen minutes of group rehearsal to see how things were going, though Christopher had explained that it was too early for much progress.

“Yes.” Justin's face was a mask of innocence. “My presence is requested.”

“I see,” Joseph said, smiling. “Have a nice day, Justin.” Joseph practically danced up to his office.

“Sorry I can't make our rehearsal,” Justin said politely to JC.

“That's okay. I know you have…obligations,” JC said carefully. “It's still early. We'll worry about private rehearsal later.”

“Okay. Bye, Christopher.” Justin headed for the stairs.

Christopher studied JC carefully. “You are the dumbest person I know.”

“Thank you.” JC kept his face blank. “To what do I owe this compliment?”

“You're falling for Justin Timberlake? Do you know what he is?”

“No, Chris, tell me.”

Christopher sighed and sat down, pulling his chair close to JC's. “JC, I like you a lot, and I really don't like anyone. You…Justin…” Christopher sighed again, trying to be tactful for once in his life. “Justin's basically a prostitute, JC. A high-level whore. Joseph recruits the men and Justin does what they want. He's good at it, and the money is big. VERY big. Lance Bass big, if you catch my meaning. Justin would never want you.”

“Who says I'm not paying him? I come from money, you know that.”

“You're not his type, JC, or should I say you're not JOSEPH'S type. You don't have a chance.”

“That's where you're wrong, Chris.” JC stood and chucked his friend under the chin. “I have a chance. True love always does.” JC smiled and went to wait by the side door. 

“So, where are we going?” Justin asked as soon as he met JC.

“We need to hurry, or we'll be late.” JC led Justin a few blocks away from the theater before hailing a taxi.

“JC! Where are we going?” Justin whined. JC gave him a quick kiss to keep him quiet, then put his arm around him.

The drive was short, but Justin was on pins and needles the entire time. Surprises were rare in his sheltered life, and he didn't know what was going to happen. He stared in awe as he got out of the cab. JC paid the driver. “Well, c'mon. It's about to start.”

“We're seeing a show?” Justin said, his mouth falling open.

“Yes. West Side Story just happened to be in town, and we're seeing the matinee. Come ON, Justin.” JC tugged at Justin's sleeve.

Justin silently followed JC to the box office. They bought tickets, which were for seats in the back, but Justin didn't care. JC handed him a program, but he could only stare at the cover. “You're amazing,” Justin whispered after they were in their seats. “I love you.”

JC swallowed the lump in his throat. “I thought you told me you are incapable of falling in love. Too expensive.”

“I think this is a price I'm willing to pay,” Justin said softly as the house lights went down.
