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Justin came over to JC's almost every night, even after Joseph returned.  Joseph thought he was at Christopher's, and sometimes he was.  Sometimes they hung out with Nick and AJ and Christopher, and Justin had a wonderful time.  He never got to spend a lot of time with other people.  Joseph felt it was better to keep him above everyone else.  But Justin loved being with AJ and Nick, especially AJ. AJ was kind and sweet behind the rough exterior, and he had a wonderful gravelly voice.  Justin loved to harmonize with him. Nick kept slightly away, giving Justin an aloof attitude that puzzled him.

"Why doesn't Nick like me?" Justin asked AJ one day.  They were cleaning up after dinner, which they all took turns doing. JC, Nick and Christopher were sitting in the other room, talking about something.

AJ looked at Justin out of the corner of his eye. "You really want to know?"

"Of course. No one likes the fact that someone doesn't like them," Justin replied.

AJ smiled. "And normally everyone loves you, am I right?"  Justin blushed and AJ laughed a bit. It was a friendly laugh, and Justin smiled back.  AJ sighed and leaned against the counter.  "Nickolas has a nice, healthy crush on your man there."

"Josh?"  Justin narrowed his eyes as he looked at Nick.

"Don't worry. JC knows about it, and Nick knows he knows. Nick also, obviously, knows about you and JC. He won't be trying to get on him or anything."

"He wouldn't...he wouldn't tell anyone, would he?" Justin asked softly. "Like Joseph?"

"No. Nick's not that kind of guy. He might be hurting, but it's not in him to intentionally hurt someone else."

"Good," Justin said, relieved.  He made sure to be extra nice to Nick after that, and little by little, Nick began to thaw.


As opening night drew near, everyone got nervous.  Joseph got nervous because it would be the first performance in his new theater.  Christopher was nervous because it was his first REAL show, and it would reflect upon every bit of talent he had.  JC was nervous because he had promised to give Kevin something by the end of opening night.  The only problem was, he was also planning on leaving with Justin after the performance.

Justin was a bundle of emotions as the performance got closer.  JC had finally convinced him to leave.  JC had shown him how wonderful true love could be, and Justin decided that he wanted it forever.  All the time.  Not just here and there.  JC showed him how cruel Joseph was actually being to him without even trying. Joseph was hiding Justin from life, using him to get money and security.  And in all that, Justin had no money or real security of his own.  And more than anything, Justin was nervous about Lance. Lance clearly expected them to sleep together almost immediately after the show that night, even though there would be a party for the cast.  Lance didn't care. He had everything planned out, and it would take all the planning JC and Justin could come up with to get Justin out of it.


"I don't know about this," Nick sighed as he and AJ walked to their dressing room.  They were doing two weeks of full costume rehearsals, and everyone was already exhausted. "What do we owe them?"

"Nick, JC made sure you and I had amazing parts in this show. Even after they're gone, we'll still be able to go on."

Joseph whistled as he walked through the backstage area, checking yet again for any safety hazards. The last thing he needed was a lawsuit. His ears perked up as he overheard his performers as they walked by him, not even noticing him.

"But do you really think anyone will come after Justin's gone?"  Nick asked. Joseph froze, every bone in his body turning to stone.

"Of course they will.  Don't you think he and JC deserve to be happy?"  AJ asked.  "And Justin deserves to be free."

Joseph waited for the men to walk down the hall before he turned and almost ran to his office.  He picked up the phone and dialed a number he had written on the blotter on his desk.  "I need to speak to Lance Bass. Yes, I know he's busy, ma'am. Tell him it's Joseph Fatone, calling on behalf of Justin Timberlake."


"I was in an important meeting, Fatone," Lance snapped as soon as he entered Joseph's office. He wore a black suit and looked as if he had been at a funeral instead of a meeting.

"I know, Mr. Bass, and I apologize. But this is important."  Joseph's hands shook.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Trust'll see why.  It involves your investment."

"Justin?" Lance asked.  He frowned. "Is he sick? Is something wrong?"

"Something's very wrong. Apparently he's been screwing us both, Mr. Bass."

"He hasn't been screwing me at all," Lance corrected. "A situation that will soon be remedied, thank GOD. I don't have infinite patience."

Joseph seemed slightly shocked by Lance's admission, but did not say anything about it.  "Justin has been seeing someone behind both our backs.  They plan on leaving sometime soon...I'm assuming after the performance."

"No."  Lance slapped his hand down on Joseph's desk.  "He will not. He's mine.  He belongs to me."  Lance closed his eyes and controlled his temper. "Who is this other person?"

"The co-creator of the show.  JC Chasez."

Lance looked at the ceiling.  "That son of a bitch." He closed his eyes again, then opened them.  "This will not happen."  He stood.  "Do not say anything to Justin. If he deserves any punishment, I will give it to him. I'll also be checking into this Chasez.  Say nothing, understand me?"

"Yes, sir," Joseph said unhappily.  Lance strode out of the room without another word.
