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JC whistled as he walked into the theater for rehearsal. Only two more days until the performance. Then he and Justin were free to leave and start their new lives together. He had found the pile of money buried in Justin's clothes the night before. He had never really thought that Justin would take the money from Joseph. He knew that Justin viewed Joseph as a sort of surrogate father, no matter what Joseph had asked him to do. But he did also believe what he had told Justin, that Joseph owed him.

JC had been up late the night before, writing a goodbye letter to Kevin that he would mail the day of the performance. He had tried to explain about what he had found, and had apologized profusely for running. He knew that he would be abandoning the promise he had made to the citizens of the city, as well as abandoning one of his best friends. But he needed to go. He had never been truly happy as a police officer, and he was happy with Justin. JC also wrote a letter to his mother, explaining things and promising to let her know he was safe.

He stopped short when he reached the front row. Justin was sitting alone, head in his hands. “Hey,” JC said softly, putting a hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin jumped a mile into the air.

“Hi,” Justin said, keeping his face down.

“Only two more days,” JC whispered.

“Right. Um, don't you need to go sit with Christopher?” Justin said nervously.

“Are you afraid of me?” JC teased.

“No! Never of you,” Justin said, averting his face. JC touched Justin's chin and gently turned Justin's face towards him. Justin blinked back tears.

“Who did this to you?” JC gasped.

“No one. I'm so clumsy, you know, I fell getting out of the shower,” Justin said, shrugging. He saw Joseph in the shadows of the stage, watching them.

“You're the most graceful person I know,” JC snapped in a whisper.

“Look, Josh, just go over to Christopher, okay? We need to start rehearsal.”

“I got your clothes and the money…they're all packed.”

“You need to unpack them,” Justin said. “I'm not leaving with you.”

“You're what?” JC whispered.

“I changed my mind. True love is just a fantasy…something made of fluff and dreams. My life is here, doing what I do.”

“With Lance Bass?” JC said before he thought. He saw Justin's eyes widen with fear. “He did this to you?”

“Go away,” Justin begged, glancing towards Joseph. JC followed his gaze.

“We're not done here. We need to talk. I'll be in the bathroom at the beginning of the second act. You're not in the first three scenes. Come find me.” JC gave what looked like a friendly pat to Justin's shoulders, then went over to talk to Christopher.

Justin looked at Joseph, who was smiling and nodding at him. 

JC was leaning against a sink when Justin came into the bathroom. “I only have a minute. Joseph will look for me.”

“What happened?” JC demanded.

“Lance. I…he…he knows, Josh. He knows about us. He knows we're leaving. Joseph knows, too,” Justin babbled. “I…he…he hit me…and he's so angry. If I don't do what he wants, he'll withdraw the rest of his funding and sue Joseph. I have to go with him after the show. We're going to an apartment so he can…he said…” Justin blinked back the tears. “Dammit, why did I ever get involved with you?”

“You were never afraid of sex before,” JC said lightly.

“This isn't sex anymore, Josh. It's possession. He plans on using me so hard I won't be able to even sit up. He told me.” Justin wiped at his eyes. “And I think he'd hurt you. When he talked about you…he just hates you. You need to go where it's safe.”


“He and Joseph know something about you, Josh, and I don't know what it is. It has to be dangerous. Please,” Justin pleaded. He threw himself into Josh's arms and kissed him passionately. “I didn't mean it. What I said. Loving you has been the most wonderful thing in my life. But now I need to let you go.” He kissed JC again and ran out of the bathroom.
