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“Who is it?” Justin called, continuing to glare at JC.

“It's me, Justin,” Joseph called. “I have your visitor with me.”

Justin paled slightly. “It's Joseph, with Mr. Bass. You need to leave.”

“How?” JC asked, looking around. “We're on the sixth floor!”

“Get under the bed!” Justin snapped. He shoved JC towards the large bed and JC squirmed underneath it, sneezing as he inhaled the dust. “Quiet!”

Justin opened the door, allowing his robe to fall open slightly. “Joseph. I'm sorry.” His blue eyes flickered to the man with Joseph and he gave him a charming grin. “Hello. I'm Justin Timberlake.”

The blond man in the black suit took the outstretched hand. “Lance Bass,” he said, smiling in return. Justin recognized the look in the green eyes all too well. Lance Bass' hand was soft. It was obvious he had never done a hard day's work in his life. The black silk suit seemed to have been designed especially for him, and Justin knew now why Joseph had said he had amazing eyes.

“Dinner will be served momentarily,” Joseph said, resisting the urge to rub his hands together with glee.

“I was wondering if maybe we couldn't go out for dinner,” Justin suggested, giving Lance his full attention. “If Mr. Bass didn't mind. I get so tired of eating up here…Joseph practically keeps me captive.”

“And I can see why,” Lance said, finally releasing Justin's hand. A perfect blush covered Justin's cheeks and he dipped his head modestly.

“I'd be willing to pay my own way,” Justin said innocently, and Lance dismissed that with a toss of his head.

“Impossible. I would love to take you to dinner, Mr. Timberlake.”

“Justin,” Justin corrected. “Would you mind waiting downstairs? Perhaps in Joseph's office? I'll be ready before you know it. Just need time to pretty myself up.”

“You hardly need time for that,” Lance told him, and Justin blushed again. “I'll be waiting downstairs.”

“Hurry!” Joseph hissed over his shoulder.

Justin waited until he heard them walk down the hall before going over to the bed. “Get up!” He slapped the mattress and JC rolled out.

“You are quite the actor,” JC said, brushing dust from his good suit. “You'll kiss anyone's ass that throws money in your face.”

“What I do is none of your damn business,” Justin said angrily. “You need to leave. If Joseph catches you here, God knows what will happen.”

“Does he really keep you captive?” JC asked gently.

“No,” Justin said. “Of course not. He…I'm…I'm special. He protects me.”

“You are special,” JC agreed, and Justin blushed a real blush this time. “Why do you need to go out with this man?”

“He's promised money to the theater. I can become a real actor, not a plaything on the stage for horny men to jack off to later,” Justin told him.

“You'll sleep with him tonight?” JC asked sadly. Justin smiled.

“You sound jealous. I might. I might not.”

“You sleep with him for money. What about love?”

“Love is an expense I cannot afford,” Justin told him.

JC grabbed his hands. “You did feel something. You told me you could fall in love with me.”

“That was when I thought you were one of the richest men in the world,” Justin insisted, trying to pull away.

“I want to talk to you some more,” JC said. “Can't we just talk?”

“I need to get ready. Lance Bass is waiting for me.”

“I'll wait for you to come back,” JC said.

“No.” Justin shook his head. “I can't. I don't want to.”

“Look in my eyes and tell me that,” JC said softly. Justin did as he asked.

“I…” Justin faltered. “I don't know when I'll be back.”

“At least an hour, right?” JC asked. “I live a few blocks over. In an hour and a half, I'll be on the street watching for you. How can I get back into the theater?”

“There's a side door in the alley,” Justin whispered. “You can get in there.”

“Okay.” JC leaned in and gave Justin a chaste peck on the cheek. “I'll watch for you.” JC grabbed his jacket and hurried out of the suite. Justin reached up and lightly touched his cheek.
