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Your Girlfriend’s Back

 By:  Lara


“I thought you said this was gonna be small and intimate!” JC yelled over the music as he hugged Justin.

“As small and intimate as I can get, anyway,” Justin replied with a grin. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

“Anything for you, bro,” JC said. He hugged Justin again. “Happy twenty-second, babe.”

“Thanks, Jayce.”  Justin hugged JC tight, then moved on to greet other guests.

There couldn’t have been a more eclectic group of people, from actors and actresses to pop stars to rock stars to people who had barely finished their fifteen minutes of fame.  Justin didn’t even really remember inviting most of them, but he didn’t mind. He grooved a bit on the dance floor, then hit a private room to play some video games.

A few games and a lot more drinks later, Justin reappeared.  He greeted and thanked some more people, cut his cake, then moved back to the dance floor. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. There was Britney, looking beautiful as usual. He kissed her cheek, welcomed her hug and best wishes, then danced with her for a few moments before moving on.

JC was in a dark corner of the bar, leaning casually and sipping at a fruity drink. “Hey there, birthday boy.”

“Hey.”  Justin waved his hand and the bartender handed him a bottle of water. He gulped at it, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Was that Britney?”

“Yeah,” Justin panted.

“And I saw Jenna earlier…and I think I saw Alyssa.  What the hell?”

“Jayce…” Justin sighed.

JC smiled. “My girlfriend’s back and you’re gonna be in trouble…” JC sang.

“JC, you’re an idiot,” Justin snapped. He hated when people brought up his revolving door relationships.

“Hey la…hey la…my girlfriend’s back…” JC continued. “My girlfriend’s back, she’s gonna save my reputation…if I was you, I’d take a permanent vacation…”

“Fuck you, JC!”  Justin almost yelled.  JC stopped singing, but didn’t stop smirking.

“Want to?” JC asked, leaning in close.  Justin stared at him.  “It’s a simple question, J. Do you, or don’t you?”

“You’re an idiot,” Justin repeated, his voice filled with disbelief.

“You have a private room set up for you, right?” JC asked.  Justin nodded and stared towards a corner of the bar.  “C’mon.”  JC grabbed Justin’s wrist and tugged him through the dance floor.  Justin managed a few half-hearted waves, but could only stumble after JC.

JC pushed him through the door, turned on a light, then locked the door.  “JC, what the hell?” Justin gasped.

“You said you wanna fuck me.”  JC pulled off his lightweight shirt, the fabric falling from his skin with a light sucking sound.  His skin was sweaty, and it shown under the light.  “Don’t you?”

“JC,” Justin said, swallowing deeply.

“It’s been FOREVER, J.  Don’t you miss me?”  JC ran a hand down his chest.

“I’m straight,” Justin said weakly, and JC laughed.

“Sure you are, Justin.” JC ambled over and grabbed between Justin’s legs. “If you’re straight, what’s this?”

“God,” Justin said in a strangled tone.  JC licked at the moisture on Justin’s neck and grinned.

“Mmm…I want me some of that.”

JC’s mouth was wet and hot on Justin’s as he reached under Justin’s shirt to pinch at his nipples.  “JC…God…” Justin panted.  He arched towards JC’s touch, his hips grinding at any place on JC that they could reach.  JC stepped back and gracefully slid out of his loose pants.  He wasn’t wearing anything underneath.  “C’mere.”  JC waved at Justin, and Justin silently moved closer.  JC left Justin’s shirt on, but pulled the hat from Justin’s head. “I hate when you wear these things.”  He shoved at Justin’s jeans, allowing them to pool at Justin’s knees. “Oops, wait. Need a few things.”

JC totally ignored Justin’s erection as he knelt down to grab something from his own pants.  He then pulled the belt from the loops of Justin’s pants.  He gave a little push at the back of Justin’s knees, and Justin fell to the floor.  “Dammit, JC!” Justin yelled.

“Quiet,” JC ordered.  He pressed himself against Justin, making Justin go flat on his back. Before Justin knew what was happening, his hands were bound together above his head, connected to the leg of a desk by his own belt.  “How pretty.”  JC straddled Justin’s stomach, stroking himself with one hand as he ran a finger down Justin’s chest.

“JC…don’t…” Justin begged. He could feel his erection throbbing against JC’s ass, and he wanted more.  It HAD been a long time, but he had been convinced he was NOT interested in men, no matter HOW much JC turned him on.

“The birthday boy shouldn’t have to ask twice,” JC said primly.  He picked up what he had retrieved from his pants.  He slid back to sit on Justin’s thighs, carefully unrolling the condom and placing it on Justin’s cock. “Love this,” JC whispered, stroking the condom down, then covering it with lubricant.  “And I’m ready for it…I spent a full hour before I came here just touching myself and thinking of you.”

“Jayce,” Justin gasped.  JC moved forward and lowered himself down.  “Fuck…”

“That’s right…thought about fucking you as I touched myself…” JC’s eyes fluttered closed as he slowly rode Justin.  “But it wasn’t this good…oh fuck no…”

“Jayceeee…” Justin whined, tugging at his restraints.  He was unable to keep from thrusting up into JC’s tightness.

“Did your girlfriends do this for you, Justin? Did they give you this?” JC asked, his eyes never leaving Justin’s face as he let Justin fuck him. 

“No…oh God, JC, no…” Justin bucked up wildly, needing to feel more of that heat.

“Come on, baby…fuck me…” JC grunted, beginning to stroke himself.

“Jayce…you’re so…gonna…” Justin panted. His hands clutched at the leg of the desk as he came, pushing up with all of his might.

“Ah, fuck,” JC hissed.  He pulled a few more times, then came onto Justin’s chest, coating his shirt with white streaks.

“Dammit, JC, my shirt,” Justin griped, but the words were barely air as he tried to get oxygen back into his lungs.

“Poor you,” JC mocked, slowly moving up and off of Justin.  “Make sure and open my gift right away, then…it’s the box with the paisley wrapping paper. I bought you a new shirt…kinda figured you might need one.”  He deftly undid the belt around Justin’s hands, and Justin sat up.

“You planned on seducing me?  At my own birthday party?”

JC smiled lazily. “Baby, there’s no seducing the willing. I just wanted you to remember what you were missing.  I’m here for you any time.”

“JC, you’re such a whore,” Justin said in a tired voice.

The smile never wavered as JC leaned down to kiss Justin’s forehead. “Baby, I’m not the one with the freshly fucked ass and cum stains all over my shirt, now, am I?”  JC quickly got dressed and left the room.

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!