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My Heart Is Lost Too You!

By: Retta

Song Of Same Title By Brooks & Dunn 

She hadn’t wanted to go. She hadn’t wanted to do anything since he had walked out on her. All she wanted to do was sit at home and cry. But her sister and nieces were fed up and decided to take her out. It had been 6 months since Oliver had left Retta and they felt that the time had come for her to start living again. So what if he had been in her life for the past 5 years, he left her and she deserved to find true love and not what he had offered her.  

So here they were at some concert that Jessie had won tickets/backstage passes for. Of course Retta had heard of them, and even liked their music. She was able to loose herself in the words and music of their songs. If only real love was like that. One man promising “with everything that I am.” But it had never happened like that for Retta. Even Oliver couldn’t promise that to her. So Retta stayed to the side of the room while Jessie, Colleen, and Becky were meeting the guys, she didn’t want to spoil it for Jessie.  

From where she stood Retta could see out of a window high on the wall. The moon was so full and seemed so close, what some called a Lover’s Moon, it held her in its spell.  

Maybe is was the moonlight

The scent of you on the breeze

Maybe it was you shadow that fell over me 

While she was transfixed on the moon suddenly a breeze carrying a wondrous scent brushed her face. Causing her to close her eyes and inhale deeply. It brought a smile to her face, the first in a long time. The scent reminded her of when she was a little girl camping at “The Boondocks,” as her and her sister used to call it, when her father was alive, before the cancer took him away. The memory brought a tears to her eyes.  

Such a beautiful stranger

Eyes darker than coal

Your first look crossed the desert into my soul. 

Standing there awhile, adrift on memory’s bliss, a shadow crossed her “vision” as a hand touched her face wiping away a tear. Startled, Retta opened her eyes only to be drawn into the most handsomest, chocolate brown eyes she had ever seen.  

“Why the tears?” he asked.  

Mi Corizon perdido en ti,

My heart is lost to you.

You have captured my love completely,

My heart is lost to you. Oh my heart is lost to you. 

It took her a minuet before she realized that he had spoken, “What?” she asked smiling.  

He smiled back and asked again, “Why the tears?”  

Retta then touched her cheek and realized that there were indeed tears falling from her eyes. She laughed a little, “I’m sorry! I was staring at the moon through the window up there.” she said while pointing up. “It just held me in its magic.” She drifted away again in thought for a moment then shaking her head she spoke again. “ Anyway, then a ‘breeze’ swept by me and it carried a scent that reminded me of when I was a little girl camping with my family, before my father died, and I guess remembering him is the reason for the tears. It was the scent of cool water. But don’t worry, they are happy tears of remembrance.”  

“I’m sorry! If you don’t mind my asking, when and how did you loose your father?” he asked with a sad _expression on his face.  

She smiled and gently touched his face, “Don’t be sad. It’s been about 20 years now and yes I miss him very much but I think he watches over me. He died of Lymphatic Cancer, still one of the incurable ones but I hope to see it cured in my lifetime.”  

He smiled then and said, “ I hope so too for you. Can I ask where you are sitting tonight?”  

She looked a little perplexed. “I’m not exactly sure where we are sitting but I know it is in the front row.”  

He laughed and asked, “How can you not know where you are sitting?”  

“Well, my niece, Jessica, won the tickets and brought her mom, sister and me so she has them with her.”  

“Where is your niece?”  

Looking around the room Retta spotted Jess talking to a tall, blond haired man. “You see that tall, blond haired man over there?” she pointed.  

“Yea, Nick.”  

“Oh cool, she likes Nick. Anyway, you see that girl,” and Retta started giggling at this moment. “The one Nick is hugging and kissing her cheek?”  

“Yea.” he said laughing.  

“That’s my niece, Jessica.”  

“She’s pretty.”  

“I’ll tell her you said that.”  

He looked around and saw that things were breaking up at this time so he turned to her and said, “Well it time to go. I hope you enjoy the show tonight.” He started to walk away but then he stopped and turned back to her. “Your probably gonna think I’m a idiot, but we have been standing here talking and I forgot to ask you your name.”  

She laughed. “I’m sorry! I forgot to introduce myself as well. My name is Retta Cavanaugh.”  

“Well Retta, its been nice to meet you. I’ll see you in a little bit, and I hope you enjoy the show.”  

Retta gave him a quizzical look as he walked away. She watched as he went over to Nick and asked Jessie, who was still talking to Nick, something. Jessie pulled out the tickets and showed them to him. He nodded, kissed her cheek, looked one last time at Retta and smiled then took off out the door. Nick then took Jessie’s hand and kissed the back of it before heading out of the door as well.  

Colleen and Becky walked up to Retta at this point. Colleen spoke up, “It’s time to go to our seats.”  

“Well sis, you may have to get the tickets from Jess and guide her to her seat.” Retta said laughing.  

“Why?” Becky asked.  

“Because it was bad enough when he hugged her and kissed her cheek but just now before he left, Nick grabbed her hand and kissed it as well. She is gonna be in seventh Heaven for at least a week.” They all had a good laugh as they went over and got Jess and headed to their seats. Their seats were very good, just a little left of center. While the opening act was on they talked about the meet-n-greet. They met them all, especially their favorites.  

And then Becky floored Retta. “How did you enjoy talking to Howie, Retta?”  

“What do you mean did I enjoy talking to Howie? Howie as in Howie of the Backstreet Boys?”  

“Yea, I saw you talking to him at the meet-n-greet.” said Becky  

“That was Howie? I didn’t get his name. We just talked a little and he wondered where we were sitting.” Then Retta laughed. “I didn’t even ask him his name. I guess he just thought I knew who he was. Oh well he was really nice to talk to.”  

“What did you talk about?” Colleen asked.  

Retta smiled a little and said, “Nothing to much, just this and that. He wondered where we were sitting and I told him that I didn’t know and then I pointed Jessie out to him and said she has the tickets. He went over and asked her something and she pulled out the tickets and showed them to him.”  

By this time the opening act was done and the stage was set for the concert everyone had come to see. When the guys took to the stage the screaming from the fans was deafening. Retta couldn’t help but watch him all night as he performed. And that song kept playing in her head every once and a while.  

Maybe it was the music,

The way it moved with your hair

Or the heat of the moment,

That hung in the air. 

Every once and a while he would look at her and she would be lost again in his eyes.  

But when I saw you there dancing,

Mesmerized by your gaze

There was some kind of magic,

That led me away. 

During Howie’s solo song, My Heart Stays With You, he was throwing out roses to the fans that had notes attached to them. When he got down by Retta he looked right at her then looked down to a guard standing near them. Then he threw some in the area where she was sitting but Retta stayed by the rail and the guard handed her a rose just like the others but it smelled of the scent from earlier, Cool Water. Then she read the note she knew it was only for her. It said two things.  

Can I have your phone number?

Mi Corizon perdido en ti! 

Howie went on farther down the stage throwing roses. The guard had been in front of them all night so it didn’t seem out of place for him to talk to them. “Do you have an answer for him?” he asked. “Take your time I’ll be here the rest of the night.” So when Howie came back by and looked at her she gave him a little nod of her head. He smiled, winked and went on and finished his song.  

Which was good cause Retta had to get one of her cards out of her purse but she didn’t want to seem obvious about it. She also wanted to write something on it as well. So the next time all the guys had a costume change she sat down and wrote what had been on her mind since she had first seen him.  

(756) 555-1234

My Heart Is Lost To You


When the guys took the stage again they stood up by the rail again so Retta talked to the guard again and while everyone was distracted by the guys she handed the card to him. The guard smiled and said that he would get it to him next costume change.  

Retta enjoyed the rest of the concert even though she didn’t know where this would lead to, if anywhere, but just to get to know him at this point would be enough for her for her heart was lost to him.  

The End

Tell Retta what you thought of this story!

Disclaimer: I don’t know, haven’t met them or even been to a concert, yet, of the Backstreet Boys. I wish I have. I don’t know anyone who does know them, same a before. Just had to write this Challenge out before it drove me crazy in my mind.