The Game Is Over

By:  Carm


Joey Fatone stood in front of the video game, moving the large machine from side to side as he clicked buttons hard. The machine tilted to the side as he moved, then fell back on the bottom. The joystick was going crazy, and the game pounded between the button clicks and the moving stick. At sixteen years old, he was cute to say the least. A not always good little Italian boy at best.


A brunette walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked to her for a second, then turned his attention back to the game. She crossed her arms and sighed, waiting. Five minutes passed and he didn’t turn back around. She twirled her finger in her long locks and sighed again. “Joe.” He didn’t turn around. “Joey, come on. I need to talk to you.”


“No, thanks.”


“Wha-- What is wrong with you Fatone?”




“Then why are you being an ass?”


“Because you’re a bitch, Sarah.”


She took a step back, applauded. No one would dare speak to her like that, head cheerleader and one of the most popular girls around. “How-- you-- ugh!”


“Could you come back later? I’m playin’ a game.”


“I am NOT coming back later. You are gonna talk to me, now!”


Joey sighed, but continued with the game. “There’s nothing to talk about. Besides, I saw Angelo come in the arcade. Shouldn’t you go back to him?”


Her scolding glare didn’t falter. “What on earth are you talking about? I had no idea--”


“Whatever.” He waved a hand at her, brushing her off quickly. “I’m not an idiot, ya know.”


“I know you’re not. You’re just--”


“What? Too easy?” He smirked. “Too easy to get one over on. Well, guess what. You didn’t get a damn thing over on me. I know all about it.”


“I still don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.”


“Ya know, Sarah, you are so full of it.”


“Ya know, for my boyfriend, you sure have a funky attitude. Could you just cool it, man?”


“What? Don’t want the whole arcade to see you get dumped?”


“What!! Dumped!! *I* don’t get dumped! I am the dumper not the dumpee!”


“Well, looks like that has changed.”


“And exactly why am I being--” She couldn’t even say the word. It was something she used to refer to other people, not to herself. She was flabbergasted at just the thought. “I have never been anything but caring to you and--”


“Just chill out, girl. You played games, I’m not playin’ anymore. Simple as that.” His body moved and he cursed under his breath as he lost another man. “Dammit. Anyway, go on over there to Angelo, wish him my best.”


“Joey, come on,” Sarah said, moving closer to him. He didn’t bother to shrug her off.


“That-- we’re just friends, ya know? No big deal. Seriously. It’s all just-- fun. You’re the one I really like- a lot.”


Joey sighed. He kept one hand moving fast on the board as he quickly pulled out a quarter from his pocket. “Call it in the air,” he said, tossing the coin up.


“Tails!” Sarah called, slightly confused as to what was going on.


Joey watched the coin land, then turned his attention back to the game. With a smirk, he said, “Heads. Too bad. I win, you lose. Bye!”






“Come on.”




She huffed and folded her arms. “Fine, then! Be like that. You’re worthless anyway. I should have known I could do better than someone dating the bottom of the barrel kiss ass like that other girl.”


“Whatever, Sarah.”


“You’ll never date in this school again.”


“There are other schools.”


Sarah started to speak again, then changed her mind. She twirled around on her heel and stomped off, across the arcade to the other side of the game she’d been playing and pouted. Joey barely recognized her retreat until he lost his last man. A computerized voice came out. “Game Over.” Joey slammed his fist down hard, making the quarter on the board jump. “Bitch,” he muttered. “She made me lose.”


The End


Please tell Carm what you thought of this story!