Up Against The Wall

By:  Carm


Howie Dorough danced along with the music, taking in the atmosphere. It was a usual free night out and of course, he was going to have fun. He just wasn’t sure how much fun. He knew already that he was going to do some dancing, but he wasn’t really sure about the after. The after could be even more fun than the during. Howie was a laid back kind of guy and he was pretty loose. He always said that he had girls here and there that he’d hook up with but as for settling down-- that wasn’t his style. Almost thirty years old and he still believed it wasn’t time for the sedentary life. Besides, the jumping life was more his pace.


“Music’s pretty hot tonight,” he muttered to himself as he turned to a girl and winked at her. She licked her lips and Howie smiled. Definite possibility. The DJ was doing a really great job at keeping the crowd hyped up, mixing his pure dance, slow tunes and the occasional toss in of an oldie but goodie. There was a lot of fog in there, though from the props around, but it started to clear so it wasn’t too bad. His eyes turned toward the dissipating smoke and he stopped.


She was gorgeous. Her hair was cut close to her head, just a little more full than P!nk’s hairstyle. A black and silver headband slid back just a bit in the front of the fiery red. Her legs encased in black leather, and feet in chunky black boots, she was gorgeous. But, his eyes were on her fire engine red shirt, “Hollywood” sparkling across the baby doll tee.


Howie looked up surprised as the lights went down low, and the disco ball fell from the ceiling. He watched with bated breath as the sultry beauty walked over to him, grinning evilly. ‘Damn,’ he thought, watching her walk. Her body was more than enough to keep him watching. That and her eyes. They held an intense desire and hint of mischief. The girl definitely had game.


She took hold of his hand and led him farther onto the floor. She pulled her fingers through a gathering of his loose curls and grinned. No words were necessary as they danced. This wasn’t a get-to-know you dance. It was a dangerous dance. He recognized the song, and it fit perfectly with her. “Can’t Take Me Home” by Pink. What was red but a base element of pink anyway? Their bodies moved together, getting closer and closer. Soon, though the pace of the song sped up a bit, the two were grinding themselves at a medium pace, making sure their bodies touched and never released.


Before he knew it, they were off of the floor and off to the side in a dark corner. Howie was pinned to the wall and his mystery partner was all over him, kissing him and feeling his body. He was slightly nervous that someone would notice them, but looking over her shoulder he couldn’t even see the rest of the room, so he muttered, “What the hell.”


He turned their positions, pinning her to the wall this time. Her hands moved quickly to his pants, unfastening them and pulling him free from the loose khaki. With as much speed, Howie unzipped the leather and pushed them down her hips. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs about his waist. Still, there was no sound but the faint beat of bass from the blaring music as he thrust into her repeatedly. The occasional grunt slipped out but nothing more. An entire song and a half had passed by the time they were done and Howie let her to the floor.


They both fixed their clothes, then the woman pulled out a card and put it in his hand, finally speaking. “I might be here tomorrow. Who knows.” She walked away from him and he watched after her. A few people he knew were suddenly standing near him as he moved into the light enough to read the card. It was stark with nothing but her name written across in sprawling letters. “Emily,” he said softly. He heard someone laugh softly and turned to them with a smirk. “Saw, huh?” He got a few nods, then shrugged. “Don’t care. Sometimes, ya just get caught up when you’re against a wall.”




AJ McLean looked at his watch and jumped out of his seat. He’d been watching the show in the club for the past half an hour, taking a break from his hours of non-stop dancing. It was 2am, though, which meant it was time for him to hit the after hours spot. He had rested a bit, and was ready for some more fun. He made his way through the others leaving the club and sped off towards the next party of the night.


For a while, he didn’t think he’d find anyone suitable to dance with. They were all either clumsy or just not attractive to his sensitive eye. But, then he turned his head and grinned. There she stood, the dance partner for the rest of the night. Her hair was long and straight but had been pulled back in a tight ponytail, the end still hanging past her shoulder blades. Her pants were shining red vinyl, covering thick black boots. A little touch of skin peaked through between the pants and the dark black baby doll tee that she wore, Rebel encrusted across it. His head went up farther and he had to tear his eyes away from the protruding “Rebel” and he saw her face. The makeup was light with a sparkle, but what he saw was the smile. “Oh yeah,” he muttered, in the dim light, “that’s the one.”


He walked slowly to her and grinned. Her friends surrounded her, laughing softly and occasionally giving AJ a sly look. One whispered to her as a new song started, and they noticed her bobbing to the beat. It was an older song, what the kids of the newest generation called an oldie, but was just a good time for those who remembered TLC. “Creep.” The brunette looked to her friend, then AJ, then pulled her hair down and turned her back to him and began letting her body move slowly, inching closer and closer to him. “Definitely the one for tonight,” he murmured as she turned back to him.


She dropped her ponytail holder in a friend’s hand, then took hold of AJ’s leading him further into the dance floor. Not the center, necessarily, but the fringes of the crowded floor. Closer and closer they got, grinding against each other. Her back bent and he followed through with her and pulled her back up. The entire time, their bodies didn’t separate and they kept gyrating against one another.


And suddenly, they were rolling on a wall in the men’s bathroom. Bottoms were quickly shed and, with AJ leaning against the wall, he grabbed hold of her firm backside and lifted her onto him. She pressed her hands against the wall, keeping the balance between them as he repeatedly thrust into her. Someone came inside, then quickly left, but neither of them noticed, nor did they hear what should have been an identifiable, “My bad. I’ll come back later.”


They didn’t know how long they were in there, but all good things must come to an end and that great thing stopped with a flood and a stream. They cleaned themselves up and got redressed. The woman checked her hair in the mirror, refreshed her strawberry-kiwi lip gloss, and turned to him. “What are you gonna tell that new girlfriend of yours tomorrow?” she asked him with a smirk, the first words to be spoken the entire time. AJ just shrugged. “Not a damn thing.” She smiled and walked over to him, then kissed his cheek. “Name’s Carmaletta. Later.” AJ watched her leave and sighed.


A few minutes later, the same person entered the bathroom and laughed as he took on good glance at his friend. AJ looked up at the sound and sighed. “Howie? What the fuck are you doin’ here?”


“Lookin’ for more fun.”


“How’d you know?”


“Walked into the bathroom at the wrong time.”




“Dude-- got caught against the wall, didn’t ya?”


“Hell yeah. You?”


“Earlier at the other spot.”


“You tellin’ anybody tomorrow?”


“Hell no. You?”


“Why the hell should I?”


“Good point.” Howie smirked. “Ya know-- Mine found me under the disco ball.”


“Yeah? Mine was next to strobe lights.”


Howie laughed as he and AJ walked out of the men’s room and said to him, “Ya know-- I think I want a bathroom next time.” AJ looked at him confused. “There was a mirror angled over there at ya’ll. I’d have liked to have actually got a good look at her up against that wall.”


The End


Please tell Carm what you thought of this story!