Chapter 20
“There’s a snake in the toilet, dear AJ, dear AJ...”
Nick was singing absently as he lie with his head in Howie’s lap. He used his finger to conduct his venture
into a solo career. AJ sat on the floor
beside them grinding his teeth, “That’s not funny Nickolas.”
“Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I guess I’ll go
eat... snakes,” Nick changed his tune, smiling lightly.
“You know what, I think you’re feeling better. Therefore I can kill you now!” AJ tried to
make a lunge at Nick but Kevin caught his arm, “Cool it AJ. Nicky knock it
Nick broke off in the middle of Paula Abdul’s song,
“He’s a cold-hearted snake, look into his eyes... Ok Kev.”
“Thank you,” Kevin nodded. There was a creaking noise from the upstairs. The door was opening.
“Again? Haven’t they already teased us enough for one
day?” AJ was muttering as he heard the footsteps. Three ninjas... no make that two ninjas and a girl, a normal
dressed girl in a mask. The girl stood back on the staircase while the other
two fully dressed ninjas came onto the landing.
“What now?” Kevin grunted.
“Here,” the first ninja held out a plastic bag with
the logo of a convenience store on the side, “this is for Carter.”
Nick sat up with a groan, “For me?” Howie kept a hand
on his back, “Don’t get up Nicky.”
Kevin was the one who stood and walked towards the
first ninja to take the bag cautiously.
He was hesitant to look inside so he held the bag clenched tightly at
his side.
“There’s no bomb in there, relax,” a female voice
from the top of the stairs said startling everyone including the ninjas. “If there are anymore complications do not
be afraid to let one of us know...”
“Even the psychotic trigger happy one?” Nick asked as
he sauntered near Kevin and confiscated the bag that was supposed to be
his. He opened the bag slowly and
peered inside, “Chips Ahoy... Fruit Roll-ups...Praise the LORD!” The bag was
tossed aside as Nick hugged a pack of Benadryl Gelcaps to his chest. He then sat on his knees beside the bag to
continue digging through its much needed contents. Brian came to join him,
smiling up at the ninjas, he guessed there really was a first time for
everything. He wrapped an arm around
his friend and rubbed his shoulders as he sorted through all the goods. Juice
boxes, candy... “Thank you,” Nick spoke up. It was the first non-sarcastic
thing he had said to the ninjas. In his
relief, he finally let his guard down; his control slipped, and his true
weariness showed.
Ariella knew she had done the right thing after
seeing the boy’s eyes light up when he saw what she had bought for him. She knew she had been right. He was so pale and weak looking and she
hoped whatever she put in the bag would be able to help him. Sean and Ramon
were attempting to ascend the stairs, but they couldn’t because... “Oh!”
Ariella felt herself blush. She was
blocking the stairway. She apologized quietly and began to move up the stairs
where Zalia stood waiting for them all.
“So what the hell is all this stuff gonna do? Is it
gonna help him?” AJ asked sitting across from Howie who was searching the
cabinet for a bottle of water.
“I don’t know. I just hope it’ll bring down some of
the swelling,” Howie said, “His breathing is scaring me. If we don’t get out of here soon I’m afraid
“Hisssssss....” Brian and Nick slunk into the back
where Howie and AJ were foraging through the pantry. AJ whirled around with his
eyes narrowed, “I will kick your asses if you make one more....”
“Hisssss....” AJ’s eyes widened as he realized the sound
wasn’t coming from them, “Oh shit. Oh
shit!” He jumped up on the counter, “The snake got out!”
He heard the familiar noise of snickering, and his
eyes bulged with disbelief as he saw Kevin appear behind Nick and Brian with a
great big smile on his face, “AJ, you’re such a dork.”
“Hissssss....” Nick, Brian, and Kevin all went
together, then laughed. Howie snickered
and tossed Nick the bottle of water. AJ
climbed off the counter grumbling to himself.
Lets see how many cards he could cross of his Christmas list....
four. Sorry guys, but no gifts from AJ
this year.
“It’s time to switch to decaf J,” Brian said patting
AJ’s shoulder.
“Screw you B,” AJ countered. “How long do you guys
think it will be til that money gets gathered and we’re out of here?”
“Well, the negotiation was made that one guy said, so
it can’t be that long,” Kevin said sounding tired, “No more than 2 Nicky.”
Nick rolled his eyes and set down the extra tablets.
“I can’t wait,” Brian spoke wringing his hands
together and biting into a cookie, “A bath, real food...”
“TV, Nintendo, Sega....” Nick said taking a swig from
the water bottle.
“Sunlight!” Howie pronounced.
The others nodded.
“And most of all a bathroom without reptiles crawling
around in it!” AJ said still looking a bit jumpy about the snake scare.
Kevin, Howie, Nick, and Brian all looked at each
other, then... “Hissssssss.....”