Chapter 26


                “Are you gonna go in there, or are we just going to sit outside?” Denise McLean was saying to the FBI agents who stood with their little ear pieces and their fancy guns looking impassive, “Hey listen. If you guys are gonna just sit here, give me your damn gun, and I’ll go in and get my kid!”

                There was a rallying chant from the other parents and some bystanders outside the roped off area.  The proximity of the motel and some of the yard had been taped off. Only the FBI or police were allowed to cross the yellow tape to the hotel.  Because of the high maintenance of the captives and their parents, yet another barrier had to be set up to keep reporters, fans, and other bystanders away from scene, and away from the parents of the captives.  The parents stood just outside the first line of police tape with the paramedics. The roar of hundreds of teenagers and the clicks of many cameras were almost deafening.  Almost 6 television cameras were outside, each with over dressed reporters in front of them trying to capitalize from the situation. Every now and again one of the snakes would get through and start firing questions at one of the parents.  That was when a security team had to be called in just for the protection of the parents.

                “I’ll teach them a thing or two,” Denise was going on angrily, “Nobody messes with my kid without having to answer to me! Move, let me in there!” Denise actually started moving towards the yellow tape to crawl under it.  She was restrained lightly by one of the security guards, “Sorry ma’am, but you can’t cross the tape.”

                “But those imbeciles aren’t doing anything!!” Denise yelled, making sure the FBI heard her clearly.  She saw the ears of one agents turning red, he whirled around and stormed toward Denise, “We are doing everything we can at this point in time! Do you want your child back alive? If we barge in there, I can assure you that is not what he will be when we bring him out!”

                Denise paled, “You son of a....”

                Ring! Ring!  Someone was ringing. “Answer it!”  There was a phone inside the FBI van, and an agent was answering it, “Hello?  Yes you are speaking with one....”

                “Is it them?” Paula Dorough questioned loudly.

                “Yes, yes.... Yes. How are the captives?” the agent spoke calmly. Others were jumping into the van lifting large headsets and setting them over their ears.  “Good... ok.  Can we speak with them.  Ok, yes.  Yes, I will write it down.” Someone handed the agent on the phone and note pad and a ballpoint pen.  “Total of 6 million dollars... nothing larger than 100's... A helicopter? Ok. Ok. 24 hours?  How about... 24 hours. Ok.”  He hung up the phone looking nonplused, “They want 6 million, a helicopter, and all within 24 hours.”

                “Six-million?!” Jackie Littrell shouted, “We have 2 million together now.  Ask if they’ll take that! It took almost 48 hours just to get that!”

                “Calm down Jackie, we’ll get it,” Harold said stiffly, “Did they say we could talk to the boys?”

                “No, no contact,” the agent shook his head negatively.

                “How did they say they are?? How’s Nick?” Jane Carter was thrusting herself towards the FBI.

                “All prisoners are fine,” the agent said, he turned to his fellow agents and they began talking and confirming plans and operation away from the parents.

                “Damn them,” Denise cursed, “What are we gonna do about the money? Everyone’s doing everything they can to get into the accounts and get us the money, it’s just a slow process!”

                “We only need 2 million more,” Bob Carter said, “I do believe we could have that within 24 hours...”

                “Two million more, just what are you....” Harold narrowed his eyes, “Just how much of your son’s money is going into this?”

                “Does it matter Harold?” Jane demanded, “How can you care about something like that when we’re standing outside a building where our children are being held at gunpoint?!! What kind of a parent are you?”

                “One that doesn’t STEAL from my kids!” Harold shouted at her.  He gave both Bob and Jane degrading looks.

                “Harold stop it!” Jackie grabbed his arm, “They’re right! Just leave it alone!”

                “It’s wrong Jackie! I will not just drop my morals, my honor...”

                “Fine, fine, you don’t want our money then we won’t give it to you!” Bob yelled back.

                “Well it’s not your money I don’t want, because you don’t have any of your own... It’s your son’s money!” Harold snapped back at Bob.

                Bob was ready to throw a fist in Harold’s mouth, but stopped himself and mentally shook himself, “This isn’t the time nor place for this Littrell.”  He and his wife went to stand on the other side of the ambulance, away from the other parents. 


                Leslie Carter kept checking the clock.  Her parents had been gone since 11 that night.  It was now 7 am the next morning.  No one had been able to sleep.  She stared into the sleepless eyes of her brother and sisters who stared back into hers.  They had been flipping through the channels and quickly discovered that every news station in town was covering the story.  They saw footage of the awful looking motel where their brother was being kept. They caught glimpses of their parents looking very angry.  They stood away from the other parents. Leslie still could not understand the problem the other parents had with the fact that Nick shared his income.

                “I should be there,” BJ was muttering to herself. 

                Leslie shot her a look, “Beej, get off it already. They’re scared, ok? They want us to be safe.”

                “They’re treating me like a child! I’m 18, and if I want to see my brother then I should be able to!” BJ lie back on the bed she was sitting on.

                Aaron glared at her, “God BJ, just give it up. You act like some injustice was done to you or something. At least Mom and Dad found it fit to even tell you themselves what was going on.  Do Angel and I ever hear anything?”

                BJ stared at Aaron incredulously, “How dare you speak to me like that...”

                “Well how dare you speak to Mom and Dad like that!” Angel fired back in her brother’s defense, “We could hear you in here!”

                BJ’s eyes enlarged, “I can’t believe you’re all gonna be against me like this! I just want to see...”

                “Just like we all do too!” Leslie pointed out, “and we’re here, not there. You’re not the only disappointed one BJ, so stop trying to get pity from us!”

                “I am not.. Oh my God!” all eyes went to the TV as the noise of a bullet penetrated the airwaves.


                “Damn it!” Sean hissed dropping the gun that had backfired and nearly took off half his head.

                “Sean what happened?” Trinity asked running to her boyfriend.

                “I don’t know... the gun just went off, it’s like someone tampered with the trigger or something,” Sean said wiping his forehead, “I have to get another one from upstairs.”

                Trinity nodded, “Let me see that one. I’ll figure out what’s wrong with it later. Maybe I can fix it.”

                Sean nodded looking tired, “Trin, we been up all night.... and they don’t have the money yet.  I don’t want to...”

                “I know, neither do I. But we have to let these people know we mean business,” Trinity said in a hard voice, “Until we make it clear that we will harm our captives unless they give us money, we won’t get anything.  They may think we’re bluffing.”

                Sean sighed, “I hope they don’t.”

                Zalia entered the room looking nervous, “Maybe we should have given them more time.  They said they have some of the money now...I’m really debating on just taking what we can get and going...”

                Trinity was nodding, “This is way over our heads.”

                “I’m gonna call my father and ask...”

                “And ask him what Zalia?” Brendon came into the room, speaking in his cool manner.

                “Tell him,” Zalia put a special emphasis on “tell”, “That we are through.  We will accept whatever they have now, and we’re getting our asses out of here!”

                “Oh really? You are? That’s the new plan?” Brendon questioned raising an eyebrow, his face remained as cool as ever.

                “Yeah, it is,” Zalia raised her chin, “Do you have a problem with that plan Brendon?”

                “Well, since you asked....”Brendon smiled slowly, “Yes, I do.”

                Zalia blinked back her anger, “Then that’s just your problem...”

                “Yeah, and yours too, think fast Zalia,” Brendon spoke suddenly and before anyone could blink, move, or think, he pulled out his gun and fired.  Zalia’s body flew back with amazing force colliding with the wall.  Blood poured from a hole in her side, her body slumped on its side.  Sean and Trinity gasped.  Trinity pulled our her gun and immediately took a shot at Brendon, but ,”Shit!” her gun backfired.  She heard Sean cry out behind her.  He crashed down to his knees as blood leaked from his chest, “SEAN!!” Trinity screamed and dropped beside her boyfriend. “Sean, Sean stay with me baby, Sean, please baby.  Sean no, no! Sean I’m so sorry!” Trinity held her now still boyfriend’s body to her chest.  She lowered him to the floor and laid her hand over his chest to try to stop the bleeding.  Her hands were masked in blood, she removed the top of her cat suit with no shame to plug in the hole, “It’s gonna be ok Sean... just hold on.”

                She heard the sick noise of three people laughing.  She looked back to see Brendon, Kenyon, and Brody looming over her with twisted smiled on their faces.  That was when it dawned on her, “You tampered with the guns...”

                They nodded, but Brody was the one who really stepped forward, “It was my idea.”

                “You bastards... you traitors...” Trinity was saying, “Where’s Ramon?”

                “Ramon?” Brendon’s eyes were wide with innocence, “Why who’s... Oh, you mean him?” Trinity almost screamed when she recognized the blood soaked body of her friend being dragged in by Kenyon.  Kenyon’s hands here red with Ramon’s blood.        

                “Ariella?” Trinity asked weakly.

                “She’s upstairs doing what I asked her,” Brendon said with a smile, “She’s such a good girl... and now Trinity I want to see how good of a girl you can be when your life is put into question... Are you with us, or against us?”

                Trinity stared at the now cold bodies of her friends, and at the cold body of her beloved boyfriend.  Her eyes blazed with anger and hatred, “You’d better kill me now too, because I will never be a part of anything you assholes start!  You’ll all go to hell!”

                Brendon chuckled, “Only after you my dear, I’ll see you there.” With those words he squeezed the trigger once again and Trinity, tall, proud Trinity fell to the floor.... half of her face on the wall, the other half lost amongst the mess of bodies below her.


< The Boys In The Basement >