Chapter 29


                “How do you plan on going about this Kev?” Howie hissed at Kevin, who was watching Brian running his hands through Nick’s hair and singing something very softly to him.

                “I don’t know, but I’m gonna do it, D,” Kevin turned to Howie, letting his control slip slightly so Howie could see his fear and uncertainty.  He guessed because Howie was next in line in age, Kevin felt he could let his guard down with him, but for the younger one’s he had to seem strong and confident, “Nicky’s seeing spots, and he’s already stopped on us once.”

                    Howie shuddered remembering the horrible event that had only happened hours earlier.

                “I don’t know when’s the next time they’re going to come check on us, so I figure I can go up there and knock on the door. You know, make a lot of noise and they’ll be sure to come right?”

                “Yeah, with their guns ready,” Howie said in a low voice.

                “Howie, I have to get their attention,” Kevin said, “If the other... other girl was still in charge I’d be sure someone would be down at least daily to check on us. But she’s not, it’s that maniac.”

                “Precisely, and the maniac is not exactly going to be understanding about Nick’s condition...”

                “But he will be understanding of the money factor!” Kevin said with a nod of his head, “Nick’s parents have the money. They can pay.”

                “Then why didn’t they just pay right off then?” Howie questioned.

                “I don’t know... Maybe our parents have something to do with it... But you heard what Nick said, they have the cash,” Kevin said, “All we have to do is make that clear to the kidnappers, and try to get a renegotiation.”

                “Kevin, you’re making it sound so easy,” Howie said.

                “Believe me, when money talks, everything it says is easy,” Kevin smirked. He made his way over to Nick and Brian.  Brian was pale and shaky as he held Nick’s head in his lap.  Nick’s face was whiter than milk, and his lips were getting a slight blue tinge to them.  His coughing shook him and Brian.  He ended with a loud wheeze, that caused him to moan and try to roll over. 

                “What are you gonna do Kev?” Brian whispered, he continued to stroke Nick’s hair.

                “I’m gonna get their attention,” Kevin said briskly, he looked towards the stairs, then back at Nick, “Don’t worry kiddo, you’ll be out there with your Mom and Dad before you know it.”

                He got a contemptuous snort followed by a cough and a curse from Nick.  Brian snickered, “That’s what you get for being a smart-ass.”


                Kenyon sat by the basement door sleeping on his gun.  Not the comfiest position in the world, but he was exhausted, and scared.  What had he agreed to.  Zalia was going to wuss out on the money agreement, Zalia’s dad was too bossy... but at least Zalia could guarantee them an out.  After having Brendon in charge for 10 minutes, Kenyon knew that when push came to shove he would have to fend for himself.  Brendon was his buddy, but frankly as a leader he sucked. Somewhere in this whole mess Brendon had gone power crazy.  Kenyon didn’t know his intentions were to kill everyone.  Sure he had gone along with a smile, because if he didn’t, he would have joined the others on the floor. Brody, now Brody was totally with Brendon.  He was just plain blood-thirsty.

                Brendon had raised the ransom without consulting them.  Now it would be even longer before they were out of this hell.  So long that Kenyon just knew the FBI would infiltrate the place and kill them all, or lock them up in jail for the rest of their lives.  They had killed two people, and kidnaped 5 others.  Five others, and, he thought about something, something Zalia said.  He shook it from his mind. He was about to see if he could find himself something eat, when something began to bang on the basement door. Not something, someone.  Those damn high-strung superstars think they can run everything. Kenyon donned his face mask and kicked the door open.  He saw the body of the oldest one stumbled back a few stairs. He stared at him hard, “Give me one good reason not to smash your face in with this gun.”

                “You have to let him out,” the oldest one showed no concern for his own well-being, no fear of standing in front of a large gun.

                “I have to let who out?” Kenyon began to tap his gun along with his toe.

                “Nick has to be set free. He’s not breathing so good, and if you don’t let him out soon, he’s gonna die,” the oldest one lowered his head.  When he raised his eyes again Kenyon could see the fresh tears brewing there.

                “Are you gonna cry Buttstreet?” Kenyon asked in a degrading voice, “You scared?”

                The green eyes before him boiled with rage, “No I’m not gonna cry you pitiful excuse for a....” he froze when he remembered just who held the power, or in this case, the gun.

                “Ok look, I know you guys wanna get your cash and go right, well what if I were to tell you that Nick’s parents actually have the cash.”

                Kenyon’s eyes gleamed with interest, “Have the cash?”

                “Yeah, his parents take in some of his income,” Kevin said, “and they can pay right away.  If you can let him out....”

                “How do I know you’re not yanking my leg Buttstreet?” Kenyon moved closer to Kevin pressing the gun to his forehead.

                Kevin stood tall staring Kenyon dead straight in the eye, “Do I look stupid enough to lie to the person who has the gun?  What would I get out of this?”

                Kenyon blinked, thinking it over.  He glanced past Kevin and over the rail to see the other four guys.  Three staring up at him anxiously, and one lying on his back with his head in a lap. 

                “Are you sure about this?” Kenyon asked, directing his gaze back to Kevin.

                Kevin nodded.

                “What about the rest of your parents?  Are they holding back too?” Kenyon narrowed his eyes. 

                “No,” Kevin said squarely, “Nick is 20 years old, he got into this business when he was 12.  His parents managed his money, and they still kind of do.”

                Kenyon continued to stare at Kevin long and hard before nodding briefly and moving back out the door, closing it behind him.


                “How’d I do?” Kevin said coming down the stairs and sitting down beside the others.  AJ clapped for him, “You were good Kev, couldn’t have done it better myself.”

                Kevin smiled slightly, even Howie looked pleased with his performance.  He frowned down at Nick whose eyes were closed.  They opened and focused on Kevin, “I thought you reeked...” he said in that flat tone, letting everyone know he was joking.

                Kevin ruffled his hair, “You can’t smell anything, Nick, what would you know about reeking?”

                Nick was about to comment when Brian burst in, “Well hell, maybe that ain’t such a bad thing.  One week, no showers, five guys...” He made a sour face letting everyone know what he was indicating.

                Nick chuckled weakly, “Oh yeah, the ‘funk factor,’ I didn’t even think about it.”

                “Shut up Nick,” Howie grinned, “The Funk Factor?”

                “The Funk Principle?”

                “Janet Jackson, Nick?” AJ questioned.

                “Yeah, so?” Nick said, “I like that song!” Howie began to hum the tune to “The Pleasure Principal” by Janet Jackson. 

                “You think it worked Kev?” Brian asked looking at his cousin, “Do you think they’ll...”

                “I mentioned the ‘M’ word Bri, they’re definitely gonna talk about it!” Kevin said, “We’ll just have to pray that they’ll talk about it and come to the right conclusion.”


                “Bullshit!” Brody yelled, “I bet all those parents are holding back on the cash! We should raise the damn ransom! Tell them there’s something wrong with all those fags down there, and get their parents to pull out the bu-koo bucks!”

                “I don’t know Brody I just really believe what he said.  It makes sense, ya know.  And besides Carter’s not looking so good, and I really been thinking about something Zalia said...”


                “Zalia said if Carter dies it’ll be considered murder.  Do you know how many murder raps we’ll have to do time for if we get caught!” Kenyon was yelling.

                “But we won’t get caught!”

                “We will if we keep playing this stupid raise the ransom game! They’ve got 6 mill now! We should freakin’ take it and get the hell out of here. The longer we stay the longer we take the risk of the Feds busting in here and shooting us all!”

                “Kenyon, maybe we should have shot you along with Zalia and...”

                “No,” Brendon held up a hand to silence them both.

                They both turned to stare at Brendon, “The Carters have the cash so you say?”

                Kenyon nodded.

                “Well, lets just verify this information shall we, then we’ll make the plans,” Brendon said sounding very amused, “Get me the phone.”

                “But Bren...”

                “ARIELLA!” Brendon bellowed.

                Brody and Kenyon silenced and listened for the soft footsteps of Ariella’s small feet.  She entered with her head slightly bowed.  Her long auburn hair masking her face.  Brendon took her chin in his hands and lifted her small face to his.  Though turned black and blue on one side of her face, she was still ravishing to Brendon’s eyes.  “Ariella dear, this is your decision.”

                “Her decision!  That’s not fair she’ll decide to...”

                If looks could kill Brody would have been dead where he stood from Brendon’s glare.  “Ariella,” he spoke curtly, keeping his eyes on Brody and left hand on his gun, “Carter.  Keep him or let him go and charge an early release fee?”

                Ariella’s face wore a mask of puzzlement, “Let him go? Why?  Is he worse?”

                Brendon smiled, “You’re such a sweetheart, much too sweet for the likes of me, huh?” He kissed her then. The kiss was long and violent, it left her lips raw and bleeding.  Brendon smiled with her blood on his lips, “I’ll take that as a yes.  Go get the phone, love?”

                Ariella stood stunned, rubbing her sore lips, then turning to do Brendon’s bidding.

                “That bitch,” Brody remarked, “I bet the sex isn’t even that good... Why keep her around?”

                “Are you blind, she’s beautiful!” Brendon laughed, “You’re only upset because you don’t have one. A beautiful sex goddess who will fulfil your every wish and desire... The things that woman can do with her hips is incredible.”  He sighed in complete sexual fantasy bliss when Ariella reappeared holding the phone. From the look on his face Ariella knew that Brendon would once again demand sex from her... and if she didn’t give it to him willingly, he would force himself upon her.  She winced thinking about the last time.  He had been so rough and she was sore for days. No, tonight, she decided she would give into him.  Anything to keep him from becoming angry.

                Brendon smiled at her lovingly and caressed her face softly.  Ariella almost smiled at him.  She always wondered what she was doing with him, and just when she thought she would kill herself, Brendon was gentle. When Brendon was gentle he was the most beautiful man on the earth.  He could be so harsh and so mean, but other times.. Other times his other side showed, the side Ariella loved.  The one that would touch her softly and call her pet names.  The one that would tell her she was beautiful and smart, and everything her mother was not.  Brendon kissed her softly on the cheek and dismissed her.  She cringed as she felt Kenyon and Brody’s eyes trailing after her as she walked.  They both knew Brendon would kill them if they ever laid a hand on her, but their eyes still unnerved her. 

                Brendon dialed the digits carefully and calmly, “Hello, FBI, I want to make a proposition...”


< The Boys In The Basement >