Let Me Mend Your Heart

By:  Vicki

She stood looking out of the large window at the city below. She had anger filling her every thought of what she had seen earlier that day. She never knew that it could have been possible that he would have cheated on her.

“ Baby please talk to me I never meant to cheat on you never.” He said to her threw the locked door.

“ NO I will never forgive you.” She shouted back. It hurt badly. Everything he had told her and what is the one thing he said he would never do was break her heart.

“ But what are you going to do you can’t stay in there forever?”

“ Matthew you want to bet I can’t stay in here forever this is my house I want you out of it.” Sandy screamed threw the door.

“ But San what are you saying?”

“ That I want you out of here. I found you cheating and all you can do is ask me to forgive you.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ Listen to me Bitch.” Matthew screamed kicking the door and opening it. Sandy screamed and backed away from the doorway as he stormed towards her.

“ Get out.” She cried. Matthew grabbed her arms and slammed her against wall.

“ Your mine and I will do what ever I choose.” He said slapping her hard across the face.

“ No you wont and not in my house. Get out of my house.” She yelled at him as he hit her again. She reached for the phone to call her friend. She didn’t even get the chance to dial as Matthew hit her with it knocking her unconscious. He looked down at her and kicked her in the ribs he turned on his heal and left.  

Lisa looked at her watch once again wondering where her friend was. She was supposed to have met her an hour ago. Sandy had never been one to be late but she had been talking bout breaking off her relationship with her long time boyfriend. Lisa looked over at her boyfriend as he chatted with his friends. Lisa had invited Sandy over to meet them figuring that she might be able to set her friend up with her boyfriend Kevin’s young friend Nick.

“ Baby what’s wrong?” Kevin asked as he pulled her close when he had seen her pacing.

“ She isn’t here yet Kevin this is like her to be late. And she was so looking forward to meeting Nick.”

“ Hey if you want Lisa I can go over there and see if she needs a ride maybe she is having car trouble.” Nick said standing. Lisa looked at him and knew maybe that was what had happened but why hadn’t Sandy just called. She walked over and dialed Sandy’s number. She waited a few and finally hung up when no one answered.

“ She isn’t answering maybe she is stuck somewhere.” Lisa said hopping that was it.

“ What is it your worried bout. I know you said you didn’t like the guy she was currently dating. I mean honey didn’t you say she was breaking it off with him. What is it bout him you don’t like?”

“ He hits her from time to time. She has been to the hospital more times that I can count. Kevin please let Nick go over there like I said maybe its nothing and I am just being my usual worrisome self.” She said looking up into his eyes.

“ I have no problem with him going over there. Brian you want to go with him?”

“ Sure since he doesn’t know where she lives and I have met her before don’t want Nick scaring her.”

“ Hey I wouldn’t scare her.” Nick said defensively. Kevin laughed at this and shook his head.

“ Go you two.” Kevin said looking at them. Nick grabbed his keys from the table and hurried from the house Brian close behind. Brian gave Nick directions to the house and sat in the passengers seat and watched the Florida coastline go past. 

Sandy slowly began to feel her world coming back to her; she lay face down on the hard wood floor of her two-story beach house. She moaned in pain she could hear the sound of someone knocking at the door but she couldn’t get herself conscious enough to enough to answer it.

“ Help me.” She called as loud as she could.

“ I think I heard someone” She heard what she thought was Brian. She rolled her pain filled body on to her back and waited for the room to stop spinning. She heard the spare key in the door and someone enter.

“ Oh my god San. Sandy, talk to me. It’s Brian.” Brian said dropping down next to her. He saw the remains of her phone shattered on the floor. Nick looked down and saw blood running from the back of her head and bruises that took up most of her face and arms. He bent down and lifted her into his arms. She tried to open her eyes and look at him but couldn’t keep them open.

“ Your ok we wont hurt you. Brian here are my keys lets get her to the hospital.” She heard the man holding her say.

“ What’s your name?” She asked her voice just above a whisper.

“ I am Nick. Now rest your safe we are taking you to the hospital.” He said as he held her close while they sat in the car. Her head rested on his shoulder as he tired not to cause her pain as he held her close.

“ Is she ok?” Brian asked looking over at Sandy, who hadn’t moved in a while. Her breathing was slow and shallow and Nick’s shirt was covered in her blood. He came to a quick stop in front of the hospital. Nick jumped from the car and hurried inside while Brian parked. Nick stopped as a nurse pulled Sandy from his arms.

“ Help her please.” Nick said as the nurse nodded at him.  

Brian hurried into the waiting room to find Nick sitting alone.

“ Hey is she ok?”

“ I don’t know. They took her from me and left. I came and sat here. I wasn’t sure what to do does she have family?”

“ Nope Lisa is it. Sandy’s family died a few years ago.” Brian said sadly.

“ How come you know so much bout her when I have just met her”

“ Lisa has told us a lot bout her and with Lisa dating Kevin I learn a lot.” Brian said looking at him.

“ Is she nice?” Nick asked.

“ Yea she is. Very nice Nick she has been a good friend to Lisa and Lisa tried to set you both up more because she saw you were unhappy and Sandy needed someone like you.”

“ What happened with that guy she was dating?”

“ He is a creep and he is what did this to her. Nick she needs someone like you buddy I am not just saying that because you are my best friend I have seen how Matthew can treat her.”

“ Speaking of Matthew what does he look like?” Nick asked seeing a man enter the hospital in a rush. Brian looked up and saw that it was the man they had been speaking bout.”

“ That would be him.” Brian said, grabbing Nick’s arm to keep him seated. 


“ I am here looking for Sandy Hawke I was told she was brought here.” Matthew said looking at the nurse in front of him.

“ Yes she was we are treating her at the moment what are you to her?’ She asked looking at him.

“ I am her boyfriend. I had left her alone at home today. I found a message on the machine that she was brought here.”

“ Ok sir those men brought her in.” She said pointing over at Nick and Brian. Matthew looked over at them and then back at the nurse.

“ Can I see her?”

“ Yea come with me.” She said leading him from the room. She pushed a curtain away so he could approach Sandy’s side. He took her hand in his and kissed it. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at him. She screamed when she saw it was Matthew. He clamped his hand over her mouth and looked into her eyes.

“ Don’t you dare tell them I did this.” He hissed at her as a nurse came running and saw what he was doing. Nick and Brian close behind her.

“ Get away from her you creep.” Nick yelled pushing Matthew away from Sandy.

“ San honey you ok?” Brian asked as she began to shake with fear.

“ Make him leave.” She said looking up at Brian.

“ Ok.” He said looking at Nick who was struggling with Matthew. “ Nick get him out of here.”

“ No problem Bri.” Nick said lifting Matthew and making him leave.

“ You can’t leave me Sandy and you know it.” Matthew screamed as Nick threw him from the room. Sandy was crying against Brian’s chest.  

“ I hope everything is ok.” Lisa said looking at Kevin and AJ

“ Don’t worry if there was something bad they would have called baby.” Kevin said as Lisa sat in his lap. It had been two hours since Nick and Brian had left. AJ looked up as he heard a car pull into the driveway. He stood and saw that Nick Brian and Sandy were walking towards the door. Sandy’s head was lowered so no one could look at her face.

“ They are here.” AJ said moving aside as the door opened. Nick led Sandy into the house and had her sit down on the couch.

“ San what happened honey?” Lisa asked getting down in front of her friend. Sandy looked up at her, her eyes were red from crying plus they both were bruised most of her face was bruised. Lisa pulled her friend into a warm hug and then noticed that she had a huge bandage on the back of her head.

“ Guys?” Lisa asked looking up at them.

“ We found her unconscious on the floor of her place, her phone shattered near her.”

“ We think that Matthew hit her with the phone.” Brian said looking at them. Sandy looked up at him and then over at Lisa. Lisa had sat back down with Kevin and looked into Sandy’s pain filled eyes. Sandy slowly stood and then headed out of the room and up to one of the guest rooms. Kevin watched as she left and then felt Lisa stand and head for the stairs.

“ Let her rest Lisa she will be fine.” Kevin said looking at her.

“ He hit her again and this time did some damage.” Lisa shouted looking back at the five men in the room.

“ But Nick and Brian got to her before something bad did happen.” AJ said

“ But something bad did happen. She was hit so hard she has stitches he has never hit her that hard” Lisa said anger filling her voice.

“ Lisa this isn’t helping her. We will all stand beside her and see if she gets better. Maybe she has finally left him.”

“ Maybe finally.” Lisa said sitting back down. They all settled in for the day’s events chatting bout the up coming tour. Nick occasionally looked towards the stairs.

“ Ok so when does the new tour start?” Lisa finally asked looking at them.

“ Next month. Are you sure everything is going to be ok honey by then?” Kevin asked her.

“ Yea maybe I can bring Sandy along this time. I mean maybe it will do her some good to get way from Matthew.”  

Sandy sat down on the bed and cried she loved Matthew but couldn’t bare him beating her again. She could hear Lisa yelling downstairs and that was her fault as well. She slowly stood and made her way down the backstairs out threw the kitchen and out of the house. The soft ocean air blew her long red hair out of her face. She could feel the sting of her head wound as the breeze blew her hair. She reached up and rubbed her sore cheeks and walked down the driveway and out of the yard. She had to think and doing it there wasn’t helping. Her vision was still very fuzzy but she didn’t care she needed somewhere to think. As she walked down the road she stopped a small park a few blocks from Lisa’s house she walked into it and sat down. Not the smartest thing she did but at that point she didn’t care. Her whole body hurt from Matthew’s attack. She heard children playing and then saw a set of sneakers walk up to her.

“ Are you coming home?” She heard a familiar voice ask. She began to shake and then looked up at Matthew who stood before her.

“ Not with you I am not” She said

“ Yes you are.” He said grabbing her arm roughly and pulling her towards the car. Shoving her into the passenger’s side he walked around to the drivers side and getting in. She looked over at him as he drove the car down the road. Tears ran down her cheeks as they pulled into her drive way. He walked around the car and pulled her harshly from the car.

“ Lisa will notice I am gone.” She said fear filling her voice.

“ If she did she would have noticed by now. Don’t lie to me Bitch.” He said slapping her across the face. She whimpered and looked up at him. He pulled her into the house and closed and locked the door. Matthew shoved her into the living room pinning her to the couch be began to pull her shirt over her head. Tossing it to the floor he began kissing her neck as he unhooked her bra and pulled it off.

“ Please don’t.” She said crying.

“ Shut up.” He said as he kissed further down her body as he pulled her sweat pants off roughly ripping them in the process. He pulled his own pants off she began to struggle under his weight. He ripped her panties off and shoved in to her hard causing her to cry out in pain.  

“ Lisa do you mind if I go check on Sandy?” Nick asked

“ Sure Nick go ahead.” Sandy said smiling. He was going to be good for Sandy and Lisa was happy for that. Nick had hurried up the stairs and then returned as quickly.

“ She isn’t there.” He said out of breath. Lisa stood and ran upstairs and noticed the back stairs door was opened. She walked down and entered the kitchen and saw that the door going outside was also opened.

“ She is gone. Come on I think she has gone back to her place.” Lisa said grabbing her keys.

They hurried to the Sandy’s home; they could see Matthew’s car in the driveway so they knew something was wrong. Lisa knocked at the door noticing it was locked.

“ Sandy, Sandy open up.” She screamed into the door. She looked up as she heard a high-pitched scream from inside.

“ We need to get in there.” She said looking at Kevin. Kevin nodded and looked at the others.

“ Ok well I will buy her a new door.” Kevin said as he kicked the door. Nick joined in as the door finally gave way and literally fell off the hinges. They hurried into the house to find Matthew holding Sandy to the couch. Nick roared and jumped on Matthew throwing him off of Sandy. Sandy pulled her legs against her chest and began to sob. Nick began pounding on Matthew hitting him over and over till Kevin pulled him off.

“ Nick stop. I don’t think he is going to hurt her anymore.”

“ He wont hurt anyone any more.” Nick said letting Matthew drop to the floor. He then stood and looked over at Sandy who was now wrapped in a blanket and being held by Lisa. Nick walked over and pulled her into his arms. She shrieked and pulled away.

“ Give her time. Come on lets let the police talk to her and get Matthew out of here.” Kevin said helping his friend to his feet. Nick felt kind of sad because he wanted Sandy to like him and with all that has happened she was pulling further and further away.

“ Sandy he isn’t going to hurt you.” Lisa said to her friend. Sandy buried her face into Lisa’s shoulder and cried even harder.

“ Miss can we ask you a few questions.” An officer asked.

“ I guess.” Sandy said sitting up.

“ Do you know the man that did this?” He asked her.

“ Yea I do.”

“ And his name?”

“ Matthew Williams we were dating till he beat me the other day.” She said looking at the officer. The officer looked at the bruises that took up most of her face and neck.

“ Do you mind if we take a few pictures?” He asked her as a female officer came up to her.

“ Sure why not. Those will be the only pictures I will be able to have taken for a while.”

“ Awe San don’t worry honey your going to be back to your job soon enough.”

“ No I wont and I will never trust another man as long as I live.” She spat. Nick looked towards her. A single tear ran down his cheek.  

It had been a bad three months since the attack since Matthew had been put in jail. Sandy had decided to join Lisa while she toured with Kevin. Kevin had watched Nick love Sandy from a distance. He wanted to hold her tell her he would never hurt her ever.

Lisa knew that Sandy has feelings for Nick and she had seen her want his touch. She looked around and found her friend watching the rehearsal with great interest as Nick danced around the stage.

“ Hey why don’t you tell him you like him?” Lisa asked her friend.

“ No I swore never to trust a man ever.” She said shaking her head.

“ But in three months you have seen that Nick cant and wont hurt you.” Lisa said pulling her friend into a warm hug. “ Honey you cant avoid love forever.”

“ I can try.” Sandy said. Her heart ached to hold Nick to have him tell her he loved her. Sandy stood and walked away from the stage. Nick turned and saw her retreating figure. He jumped from the stage and took off after her. Lisa smiled as she watched him take off after her.  

“ Hey what’s wrong?” Nick said coming up behind her.

“ Please don’t.” She whispered.

“ I wont hurt you. I told you that three months ago. I told you that the other day when we kissed baby please what’s wrong?”

“ Baby?” She turned and looked at him tears in her eyes. She had been nothing but mean to him and yet he loved her.

“ Yea baby. I love you Sandy.”

“ But I have been so mean to you lately. Yet you still seem to love me.” She said looking at him.

“ Yes because I want to give you time. Give you the time you need and want. I don’t want you to think I am the same as Matthew. I want you to love me in your own time.” He said as he felt tears run down his cheeks. She brushed them away and kissed his cheek.

“ I am not ready yet. I am sorry.” She said hurrying from the room. Kevin came up behind his friend.

“ Give her time.”

“ All I want her to do is let me mend her heart.” Nick said feeling badly.

“ Come on lets go rehears Sandy will come around.” Kevin said leading him back to the stage. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Lisa had found Sandy and was leading her back to the seats.

“ San sit. I will be right back.” Lisa said walking towards the stage. Kevin lowered down to eye leave with her and smiled.

“ Lisa what’s wrong?” He asked looking at her.

“ I want to know if Nick knows how he can prove to her he cares.” Lisa asked looking into his green eyes.

“ Let them be for now. Nick wants to do something during the concert tonight. And so do I.” He said kissing her forehead. Lisa looked into his beautiful green eyes and ran her long red fingernails down his cheek.

“ You know I love you.” She almost purred at him.

“ Lisa not here baby.” He giggled. Lightly running her fingers over his jaw line she lifted up on to her tiptoes she kissed his lips. Sandy watched from the fourth row and felt a single tear run down her cheek. She slowly stood and made her way out of the arena making sure she wasn’t noticed.  

Sandy looked around outside and felt the warm California breeze blowing her long red hair as she walked away from the arena. It was already getting dark and she could hear the noise of girls screaming as they had seen her exit the back of the arena and the awes of disappointment that she wasn’t one of the boys. She smiled at the security as she made her way down the street.

“ Don’t go far.” Geo warned her.

“ I know. Don’t worry Geo I wont.” She responded walking down the street staying within site of Geo. She couldn’t believe they had gotten an arena near the ocean. She sat down on a bench and smelled the sweet ocean air. Her mind was so jumbled thinking of why she ever let Matthew into her heart and could she ever let Nick in. She wasn’t even sure he would make her happy. She hadn’t heard footsteps approach her till a hand touched her shoulder. She was so far into her thoughts she actually screamed.

“ Hey San its ok it’s just me.” Geo said sitting down next to her, he hadn’t meant to scare her but he had seen her sitting on the bench and the others had told him it was time to go. He had gone to get her.

“ Sorry I didn’t mean to be jumpy was there something you needed Geo?”

“ Yea its time to go.” He said holding out his hand to her.

“ Ok” She said taking his hand and walking back towards the van that was waiting. Lisa looked at Sandy as she got into the van.

“ Why did you run off?” She asked her

“ I needed to think. Nothing more.” Sandy answered looking over at Nick. Nick held his hand out to her and pulled her genitally into the seat next to him. Sandy watched out the window as they came to a stop at the hotel where they were to rest up before the concert. Nick took her hand and led her into the hotel. Girls glared at her and threw things at her. She was scared as Nick put his arms around her protectively. Kevin stopped and looked at them as they entered the hotel. Lisa looked at her friend and shook her head.  

That evening Sandy sat in her hotel room it was only a few hours before they were to return to the arena and Nick had sent a gift over to her. She looked up as a knock came to the door. Smiling she opened it and nearly screamed as a hand clamped over her mouth and shoved her back into the room. Geo had been making his rounds when he saw the strange man shove Sandy into her room.

“ I am going to need a security detail to room 805 now!” Geo shouted into his radio. Kevin peeked out of his room with Lisa at his side.

“ Geo what seems to be the trouble?” He asked as his own bodyguard moved down the hall.

“ Someone just went into Sandy’s room and he wasn’t Nick.” Geo said looking at the seven security that were looking at him.

“ What do we do?”

“ We use the security key and go inside. I wont have anyone hurting anyone on my watch. And Sandy is a nice girl, Nick likes her a lot he has told me. I don’t think he could handle it if anything bad happens to that young girl.”

“ So I will keep Nick busy while you do that I don’t want him rushing in there.” Kevin said pulling Lisa with him. Knocking on Nick’s door he walked in with Lisa.  

Sandy fought against the man who held her she still couldn’t see his face as he wore a mask over it. He had pinned her to the bed and had ripped the sheets to tie her arms to the bed. He had gagged her and was now standing over her looking down at her crying form. Sandy looked up at the man pleading with him with her eyes, she could hear the door slowly opening and noticed he hadn’t seen that. She could see Geo in the doorway.

“ I have seen you with Carter and he doesn’t deserve you.” He said as he pulled a large knife. Her eyes grew wide as he moved it so she could get a better view. She cried harder as he started to lower it. Geo grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Sandy. Randy one of AJ’s guards untied Sandy’s arms and pulled her shaking form into his arms. Geo hit the man that had gotten into Sandy’s room knocking him unconscious on the floor. Nick burst into the room and grabbed Sandy from Randy. She grabbed on to him and cried.

“ Shush now its ok. No one will hurt you. How did that man get in here? Or even better how did he get past security?”

“ We were doing routine checks he looked like he worked here. I was going to find out who he was when Sandy opened her door and he shoved her inside.” Geo said trying to calm his charge.

“ That isn’t an answer Geo. Come on man no one should have been on this floor. Sandy did he hurt you baby?” Nick asked looking down at Sandy.

“ No” She whispered

“ Do you want to room with me?” Nick asked

“ Yea can I?” She asked looking into his concerned eyes.

“ Yea.” He said lifting her and leaving the room.

“ San u ok honey?” Lisa asked coming over.

“ Yea.”

“ Who did this?” Lisa asked shouting at the security in the hall.

“ He is being taken out of the hotel police are waiting downstairs.” Geo told her. He could see she was totally pissed he noted that Kevin was equally pissed.  

Later that evening Sandy had calmed down and was enjoying the concert when the music stopped and Kevin spoke. Lisa looked surprised as two dancers came out and led her to the stage.

“ Baby I love you.” He said into the hand held microphone.

“ I love you.” she said to him smiling wondering what he was up to.

“ As many of you know I have been seeing Lisa for a couple years now. And I have finally decided to ask the big question.” He turned to her and got down on one knee. Lisa’s eyes grew wide as tears began brimming and threatened to fall.

“ Lisa Matthews will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Kevin held out an open blue ring box, it held a beautiful heart shaped three-carrot diamond ring. Tears ran down Lisa’s cheeks as she fought to make the words form in her mouth. He held out the microphone to her. He knew that everything was riding on what she said at that moment it would make or break him. He had never been so nervous he had always performed and talked to large groups. But this was the one thing that made him sweat.

“ Yes Kevin yes I will marry you.” She said crying. Kevin pulled her into his arms.

“ She said yes she said yes.” He chanted as Nick smiled at his friend. Kevin kissed Lisa and held her close.

“ I love you.”

“ I love you too. Sit right here.” He said as a stool moved out of the floor. Lisa sat down and looked into his eyes. The music started behind her as Brian lifted a mIc to his lips.

“ It’s in the silences, words you never say. I see it in your eyes always starts the same way. It seems that everyone we know is breaking up. Doesn’t anyone ever stay in love anymore..”

“ I promise you from the bottom of my heart I will love you till death do us part. I promise you as a lover and a friend, I will love you like I’ll never love again, with everything I am..”

“ I see you look at me when you think I’m not aware. You’re searching for clues of just how deep my feelings are, how do you prove the sky is blue the oceans wide. All I know is how I feel when I look into your eyes.”

Nick moved back as Kevin and the others joined in on the chorus. AJ moved forward as he sang his verse.

“ There’s no guarantees that’s what you always say to me. And late at night when I feel the tremble in your touch I am tying to say to you I have never said to anyone.”

Lisa cried as they finished the song and Kevin pulled her into his arms. Nick looked over at the side of the stage Sandy stood smiling at her friend. Nick walked over to the edge of the stage and took her hand led her to the stage. Lisa looked at Nick strangely as he led Sandy to the stage.

“ Everyone this is my good friend Sandy. She has been feeling kind of down lately.” Nick said causing Sandy to blush. Brian genitally set her down on a stool as soft music began. Kevin released his hold on Lisa and moved over to Sandy.

“ Baby I know your hurting, Right now you feel like you can never love again. Now all I ask if for a chance to prove that I will love you.”

“ From the first day that I saw your smiling face Honey knew that we would be together forever.”

“ Ooh when I asked you out you said no. I found out that you had been hurt and you felt that you would never love again. I deserve a try just one honey. “

“ Give me a chance and I’ll prove this all wrong. You walked in you were so quick to judge But honey I am nothing like him…”

“ I’ll never break your heart I’ll never make you cry. I’d rather die than live without you. I’ll give all of me honey that’s no lie.”

“ AS time goes by honey you will get to know me a little better Girl that’s the way love goes. Baby, baby.”

“ And I know you’re afraid to let your feelings show. And I understand but baby its time to let go.”

“ Because I deserve I try just once give me a chance I’ll prove this all wrong.”

“ You walked in so quick to judge but honey he is nothing like me. “

“ Darlin why cant you seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. 

Nick moved forward as they sang the chorus looking into Sandy’s eyes which were filled with tears. As the song ended he pulled her into a hug.

“ I love you do you understand that.” Nick said as she held him tight. She looked up into his blue eyes and pressed her lips to his and kissed him passionately.

“ I Love you Nick.” She whispered in his ear. He pulled her back and looked into her shinning blue eyes.

“ What?” He asked holding the mic closer.

“ I LOVE YOU” She said giggling. The crowd screamed as Nick lifted her into his arms, she yelped slightly as he came in contact with her bruises. He pulled away and looked down at her. She kissed him and looked towards the others. Kevin was holding Lisa close and then smiled at her.  


They arrived back at the hotel hours later totally exhausted. Lisa had showed everyone that would look at it her lovely diamond ring. Sandy sat close to Nick in the dressing room her eyes closed her head rested on his chest.

“ Is she asleep?” Lisa asked,

“ Yea she is.” Nick answered lifting her shirt slightly. “ She has a huge bruise on her back.”

“ Must be from earlier don’t worry Nick she is fine. She finally admitted she loved you.” Lisa said looking at her sleeping friend.

“ Do you think it’s ok if I share a room with her I mean I will sleep on the couch.” Nick said quickly.

“ I understand what you mean Nick yea that’s fine I don’t think Sandy will mind. I will check on her tomorrow.” Lisa said smiling at Nick. Nick lifted Sandy into his arms as Geo entered the room.

“ Oh god did something happen again?” Geo blurted out.

“ Oh no she just fell asleep.” Nick said making his way from the room. Followed by the others as they headed to the hotel. Nick slid his key into the lock and opened the door. Sandy stirred a little as he set her genitally on the bed. She opened her eyes and looked up at him and smiled.

“ Hey.” She said as he moved away from the bed.

“ Hey did I wake you baby?” He asked

“ No you didn’t.” She smiled reaching out for him. He took her hand and allowed her to pull him back to the bed.

“ Let me change and I will be right with ya.” Nick said pulling his hand from hers.

“ What afraid to change in here?” She giggled.

“ Yep. Afraid that you might jump me.” He said laughing. She waited till he had left the room and moved to his bag looking for a long shirt to change into. Finding his jersey she pulled her cloths off and pulled it on. Dropping her cloths on the floor she climbed back into the bed. Nick exited the bathroom and smiled at her when he noticed her cloths on the floor.

“ I got warm.” She said smiling at him. He looked over at his bag and noticed she had gone into it.

“ And took a shirt.” He noted. She smiled and motioned for him to come to the bed.

“ Come on Nicky I don’t bite.” She said giggling. Nick moved over to the bed and sat down next to it.

“ Nope I will respect your feelings and stay right on the couch.”

“ I want to feel you next to me. Please.” She pleaded with him.

“ I don’t know.”

“ Oh Nick its not like I am going to do anything please, you make me feel safe.”

“ Ok.” He said climbing into the bed next to her. She waited till he had settled in and laid her head on his chest. He ran his fingers over her back as he felt her breathing slow as she starts to go to sleep.  

It had been almost four months since Kevin had purposed and Lisa and Sandy were working on the wedding. Nick and Kevin had gone out one after noon during the break they had and left Sandy and Lisa alone.

“ Nick what are you thinking?”

“ I love her I want her to be my wife what more do you think I am thinking.”

“ I know that but are you sure you want to do it during the reception?” Kevin asked.

“ Is that ok?”

“ Yea its cool Nick but I got to make sure to let Lisa in on this secret so she isn’t like I am going to kill Nick.” Kevin said as they came to a stop at the jewelry store. They walked inside and a young girl smiled at them.

“ Mr. Carter. Are you here to pick up your gifts today?” She asked him.

“ Yep I am.” Nick said watching the girl go and grab two boxes and handed them to him. Nick pulled his credit card out and paid for them both. Once he had done that he looked at Kevin and headed for the door.

“ What did you get her?” Kevin asked looking at him

“ You can wait till I purpose. Till then shush.”

“ Oh come on Nick I want to see what it looks like.” Kevin said reaching for the boxes.

“ No. I want it to be a surprise and even you can wait.” Nick told him.

“ But Nick come on what if Lisa asks?”

“ Tell her the truth you don’t know.” Nick said with a laugh.  


Three more months had past and Kevin still hadn’t found out what Nick had for Sandy. He was now standing in the small room off of the main part of the church. Brian had entered the room and looked at his cousin.

“ Hey Kevin what is wrong man. You are marring the woman you love.”

“ Just nervous that she might say no. I mean she has loved me this long.” Kevin said looking at him. Brian shook his head and moved forward to his cousin to fix his tie.

“ Kevin she wont don’t worry. Your family and friends are here and waiting for you to come out and wait for her.” Brian said leading him towards the door. Kevin walked out and saw everyone smiling at him waiting for the wedding to start. Kevin looked towards the door and noticed Nick pacing back and forth holding a box in his hand.

“ I’ll go get him don’t you move.” Brian said walking down towards Nick.

“ Nick buddy what are you doing?” Brian asked him.

“ Thinking that Kevin is getting married and I am scared out of my mind.”

“ Why? Its his wedding.” Brian asked having his friend sit down.

“ Because Kevin said I could purpose to Sandy at the reception.” Nick said opening the box so Brian could see.

“ Oh my goodness.” Brian said taking the box from him. “ It is beautiful Nick. She is going to love it.” Brian handed him back the black velvet box.

“ I hope so. She hasn’t talked bout marriage but that of Lisa and Kevin. So I wasn’t sure she could handle it right now.”

“ Nick it’s been almost a year since you finally admitted you loved her.”

“ I know and I have been there threw everything she has been threw but I mean her heart has been broken so many times I don’t want her to think that is what I am going to do.” Nick said looking at his friend.

“ She loves you she has told Leigh that many times when she has gone shopping with her. Nick, remember you helped heal something she never knew was broken. Come on buddy its time to watch our big brother get married.” Brian helped his friend to his feet and walked out to where AJ Howie and Kevin were waiting. Kevin hugged Nick and smiled.

“ Don’t worry she loves you. and look.” Kevin said turning him as the music started and Sandy walked down towards them. Her long dark blue dress flowing as she walked her hair pulled into a cascade of curls that surrounded her face, a ring of flowers on her head. She held a lovely bouquet of roses in her hand. She stopped just off to the side of the others. Sandy smiled as she looked over at Leighanne, Sarah, and Lee. Brian smiled over at his lovely wife. Everyone stood as they looked down to see Lisa start to make her way to Kevin. Kevin smiled as Lisa came into view her long white dress the intricate bead work had been hand done, the neckline was a diamond shaped with a lace material under it. Her hair was done the same, as Sandy’s in a cascade of curls surrounding her face her vale covering her beautiful features. She took his hand as he offered it to her. They both turned and faced the Minster before them.  

Hours later they stood in the reception hall. Kevin and the rest of the boys had decided that they would sing one song then they would allow the DJ they had hired to play for them. Kevin watched his bride mingle threw the large crowd that had been invited to the wedding.

“ Can I have everyone’s attention” Nick said holding a microphone in his hand. At his left was Sandy who was looking at him strangely.

“ Thank you. As you all know we are here to celebrate the new marriage of Kevin and Lisa. Congrats you two, Lisa welcome to the family. But with permission of Lisa and Kevin I have something to ask Sandy.” He said taking her hand and pulling her to a standing position. Sandy smiled at him and titled her head wondering what he was going to ask.

“ Go a head Nicky.” Kevin urged Lisa smiled as she took Kevin’s hand in hers.

“ I am.” Nick said. Nick got down on one knee and looked up into Sandy’s blue eyes.

“ Sandy my love I have wanted to ask this for a while I want to know if you will do me the honor of being my wife.” Nick asked as he watched tears form in Sandy’s eyes.

“ Yes Nick Yes I will.” She kissed him as he put the ring on her finger.

“ I have one more thing for you.” He said opening a black velvet box that held the necklace he had bought for her.

“ It says A Broken Heart Now Is Mended. And inside there are two pictures one of you alone and one of you and me together. Mending your heart is what I wanted to do and I did.” He said as the guest awed. Sandy let her tears flow as he put the necklace around her neck.

“ I love you.” He said to her

“ I love you more.” She said with a laugh. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her neck. Kevin watched his friend and looked over at Lisa.

“ What?” Lisa asked giggling.

“ Aren’t they cute?” Kevin asked kissing her. Lisa looked toward her friend and smiled at her new husband.

“ Yes they are. And I love to see her happy. She is so happy.” Lisa said with a smile. She was hopping that nothing would happen during this happy time. As the evening progressed Lisa had an uneasy feeling.

“ Baby what’s wrong?” Kevin asked pulling her close.

“ I have the weirdest feeling something is going to go wrong.”

“ Nothing is going to go wrong baby we have the best security in the world nothing is going to happen.”  

Sandy and Nick were off to the side just being each other. Sandy ran her fingers down his cheek. Kissing him lightly.

“ I love you. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you.” Sandy said

“ I have always wanted to hear those words from you. I love you so much” He cooed into her ear. His lips brushed her ear and it sent a shiver down her spine. He kissed her neck as his hands moved down the back of her dress. She leaned against him as he sat back against the love seat that had been set up, his lips still kissing lightly across her neck. Her eyes were close as she leaned against him.

“ Come on lets go sit outside.” Nick whispered in her ear. She nodded her head a bit fuzzy from the champagne she had been drinking. He took her hand and led her from the room. Once outside there was a beautiful swing Nick guided her to it. They cuddled together as they watched the stars.

“ My don’t you two look lovely.” They heard a male voice say. Nick sat up and looked at the person as they came into view.

“ Matthew.” Nick spat pulling his rather tipsy girl closer.

“ Yep and I would mind you take your hands off my girl.” He said holding out a gun.

“ She isn’t with you any more Matthew and it’s been almost a year. She is with me.”

“ Go away Matthew you made me hurt so bad please just leave.” Sandy said looking up at him.

“ Don’t talk back to me girl.” He said hitting Nick across the head with the gun. Nick fell to the ground in an unconscious heap. Sandy shrieked and dropped down next to him, Matthew grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.

“ Let go.” She said struggling to get free. He looked down at her as she tried to get back down to Nick.

“ Shut up. We are leaving.” He said pulling her towards his car.

“ NO! NICK! HELP ME!” She screamed, as she pulled harder to get away. She could hear someone coming. “ ANY ONE HELP ME!” She screamed again and then her world went black as Matthew hit her.

“ Sandy?” Matthew heard a voice say. “ Sandy answer me. Randy get Kevin we have a problem” Geo said coming around the corner.

“ Are you sure there is a problem I really don’t want to ruin his wedding day?”

“ DO you want to have to tell him we have lost Nick and Sandy?” Geo asked him.

“ Fine I will go and get him.” Randy said hurrying back inside. Geo pulled his gun and slowly moved so he could see what was going on. He spotted Nick laying face down on the ground unmoving. He slowly moved further as he spotted Matthew holding Sandy’s unmoving form in his arms.

“ Put her down man.” Geo said raising his gun.

“ She is mine I have watched him play her for these last months she is my girl and I am taking her home.”

“ She doesn’t love you any more. She is going to marry him.” Geo said regretting the words after they had left his mouth.

“ She what? The little Bitch.” He looked down at Sandy. He looked towards Geo and then his car.

“ Please just leave her here. Leave her alone.” Geo pleaded with the man. Kevin came out of the hall followed by the others. Brian dropped down by his now awaking friend.

“ I wont leave her here. She is to be with me.” He said looking down at her again and now she was looking at him. She reached up and scratched his face causing him to drop her. She scrambled to get to anyone as Matthew regained his composure and raised his gun and fired. Everyone stopped waiting to see what had happened. Sandy fell into Geo’s arms. Nick screamed as he saw blood running down from the back of her dress.

“ Baby I cant loose you.” He sobbed taking her from Geo.

“ It hurts Nick. I cant breath. It really hurts.” Sandy said closing her eyes.

“ No don’t close your eyes. Stay with me.” He said looking up to now see Lisa and Kevin standing over him. Brian had hurried to call an ambulance and the police as Kevin looked up at Matthew who was now standing looking at them. Kevin roared and tackled him. Lisa couldn’t stop him fast enough.

“ Why do you keep popping up?” Kevin screamed as he punched Matthew.

“ She was mine and now no one can have her.” He said laughing as Kevin hit him again.

“ Sir, please let us have him.” An officer asked Kevin trying to get him to let go.

“ Here he is yours he isn’t worth it.” Kevin said shoving Matthew towards the officer.  

Nick sat in the waiting room his shirt covered in blood his coat sitting over the back of the chair. Kevin came running in with Lisa at his side. Brian Howie and AJ coming in behind him.

“ How is she?” Lisa asked dropping down next to him.

“ I don’t know they took her into the ER and haven’t come to get me.” Nick said tears running down his cheeks.

“ She will be fine Nick we know she will.” Lisa said putting her hand on his shoulder.

“ Excuse me who is here with Sandy Hawke?” A female doctor asked.

“ I am her fiancée is she?” Nick asked standing.

“ The bullet went threw her back and has snapped her spinal cord.” She said calmly.

“ Oh my god.” Nick said nearly falling down.

“ We have taken x-rays and ct scans and found that she is paralyzed from the waist down. We are waiting for her to wake to tell her. I am sorry.” The doctor said looking at the group.  

Nick sat crying in the waiting room after the doctor had left them. Kevin tried to calm his friend.

“ She will be ok.” Kevin said.

“ But she wont be able to walk.” Nick sobbed.

“ Mr. Carter?”

“ Yes.” Nick said

“ Miss Hawke is awake and is asking for you.” A nice nurse said.

“ Thank you.” Nick said looking at the others.

“ Go we will wait here. Tell Sandy we love her.” AJ said pulling out his cell phone to call Sarah. Nick nodded and followed the nurse down the hall and stopped at Sandy’s room. He stopped and looked towards the nurse that still stood there.

“ Go on. She is waiting for you.” The nurse said pushing him towards the door. Nick lowered his head and walked inside.

“ Nicky don’t cry.” Sandy said reaching out for him.

“ He shot you. I could have lost you.” He said as tears ran down his cheeks.

“ I know. I should have had him arrested sooner. I didn’t think he would go this far.” She said as tears ran down her own cheeks.

“ Miss Hawke?” The doctor interrupted as she came in.

“ Yes Doctor.” Sandy said looking past Nick.

“ I have some news”

“ What?”

“ We have seen the x-rays and ran some tests and we have to tell that you are paralyzed.” She said looking at Sandy’s _expression.

“ I..I am what?”

“ Paralyzed from the waist down. The bullet snapped your spinal cord.”

“ Oh my god.” Sandy said as tears began to flow again. Nick tried to calm her.

“ I am sorry.” The doctor said as she left the room. Nick held Sandy’s body close as she cried. He reached over and buzzed the nurse.

“ Yes?” The nurse asked.

“ Can you get my friends?” He asked

“ Yea are they in the waiting room?”

“ Yes they are.”

“ Ok.” She said leaving the room to retrieve his friends. A few minuets later Kevin and Lisa entered the room followed by Brian Howie and AJ.

“ Hey girl how’s it going?” Lisa asked coming towards her. Sandy looked up at her, her eyes red from crying

“ I hate him.” She said tears running down her cheeks.

“ We know honey.” Lisa said hugging her friend.

“ He was arrested. And with this he will be put away for a very long time.” Kevin said looking at Sandy and Nick. Nick looked up at Kevin, and then quickly spoke.

“ Uh Kev can I talk to you guys for a sec.” Nick said as Sandy held his hand tighter.

“ Nick?”

“ It’s ok baby I will be right back. Here you might want this.” He said holding out her necklace.

“ Here let me put that back on for you San.” Sarah said taking the necklace from Nick. Sandy moved her hair and allowed Sarah to up the necklace on her as Nick and the others left the room. 

“ What is wrong Nick?” Kevin asked after they had left the room.

“ We go back on tour in three weeks I don’t want to leave her alone.” Nick said looking at them.

“ We know Nick. But what are we going to do with so little time?” Brian asked his friend.

“ I want someone on equipping my bus for wheelchair access.” Nick said looking at them a new determination had replaced the look of loss in his eyes.

“ Who is going to tell Sandy?” AJ asked looking at them. “ And what about Management. I mean they aren’t going to be happy.”

“ I don’t care what they think. Had we gotten rid of that man before she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.” Nick shouted looking at them all.  

” Nick calm down. We know that this will be done. I will make some calls. Make sure everything is set up, but are you sure that she is going to be released that soon?” Kevin asked

“ I will get her a nurse if need be I don’t want to leave her alone here.” Nick said looking at them.

“ All right Nick I will make the calls why don’t you go back in there and talk to her.”  

” And I will talk the doctor and see what we can do.” Brian said watching Nick.

“ All right.” Nick said going back into the room where Sandy was. She looked up and smiled at him. He knew she was going home soon and wanted her to be happy.  

Three months seemed to fly by as they rushed to get things ready during their week off they had gone home. Sandy wheeled herself around the house trying to keep from hitting things. She had already broken Nick’s lamp and knocked over several CD stands. She was getting frustrated as she tried to get something to drink from the fridge.

“ San where are you?” Nick called out as he came downstairs.

“ Kitchen damn it I can’t get to the glass.” She shouted.

“ Sorry babe if you move your chair back you will find them in front of you.” Nick said sliding her chair back and showing her he had moved them.

“ Oh. I didn’t know.” She said dropping her eyes.

“ I didn’t get the chance to tell you. Baby please don’t cry.” He said lowering down to look into her eyes. He whipped the tears away.

“ It’s not fair.” She said looking into his blue eyes.

“ I know but we will make the best of it as it is.” Nick said kissing her cheek.

“ When are the others getting here?” She asked him looking towards the fridge.

“ Soon. Please don’t turn away from me baby. I know you still feel like I shouldn’t love you but I do everything bout you.” Nick said kissing her neck and lifting her from the chair. She looked into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. He carried her up to their room and laid her genitally on the bed. Kissing her lips and then her neck and then he locked eyes with her. His hands slid down her body sliding off her jeans. 

Kevin pulled his car to a stop in front of Nick’s beach house as he looked over at Brian and AJ. Howie was to meet them in an hour he had family business to finish. Kevin got out and went to the door.

“ Hmm I wonder where they are.” He said looking to see Nick’s SUV was still sitting in the yard.

“ Honey calm down. I have a spare key.” Lisa said coming up behind them.

“ Hey when did you get here?”

“ Kev you have to learn to look out your back window.” She said kissing his cheek. She put the key in the door and slowly opened it. The all went inside and looked around. AJ walked into the kitchen and noticed that Sandy’s wheelchair was sitting there and she wasn’t.

“ Well I am thinking Nick and Sandy are busy.” AJ said laughing.

“ Well how busy can they be?” Howie asked looking at them. Lisa looked at him and punched his arm.

“ Let’s see this is the first time they have been alone. And you’re asking how busy they can be? Geese D you’re really slow.” Lisa said laughing at him. She walked towards the stairs and started up them.

“ Baby where are you going?” Kevin asked watching her go upstairs. She heard giggled and moans. She walked up and knocked at the door slowly pushed it open.

“ Hey you two lovebirds” She said entering the room. Nick rolled over and looked at Lisa who was standing in the doorway.

“ Hello Lisa where are the others?”

“ Downstairs they didn’t think I would actually come in here.” She said laughing.

“ Lisa that isn’t funny.” Sandy said lifting slightly to look at her. Lisa smiled and shook her head.

“ Come on you two get dressed and come downstairs I will have your chair waiting at the bottom of the stairs Sandy.” Lisa said backing from the room. Sandy reached up and touched Nick’s face.

“ Hey that means you have to help me get back into those.” She smiled pointing the pile of cloths on the floor.

“ Oh I do, Do I.” He laughed kissing her again. She ran her hands up his back over his beautifully muscular back. He moaned into her mouth as she found a hot spot.

“ Nick we have guests.” She said finding his ticklish spot. He giggled and pulled away.

“ All right let me help you then.” He said helping her get dressed again and then getting dressed him self. He lifted her into his arms and walked from the room and down stairs. Setting her in her chair she turned around to face the group in the living room.

“ Hey you two you did remember we were leaving today right?” Kevin asked giggling as he looked at them both. Both flushed and sweat soaked.

“ I did.” Sandy said wheeling into the kitchen to get the juice she had originally gone in there to get.

“ Nick you didn’t remember we were leaving today.” Kevin said looking at him.

“ Sorry.” He said lowering his head they all looked up, as there was a crash in the kitchen.

“ Damn it.” Sandy said wheeling out of the kitchen, soaking wet.

“ Dropped the juice dear?”

“ No I like being wet. Yes I dropped the juice.” She spat angrily. Nick lowered in front of her and grabbed a towel and cleaned her face.

“ Now San don’t be mad.”

“ It’s not fair I hate this thing.” She said hitting her hands on the chair.

“ Do you need help changing?” Lisa asked her friend.

“ I have to shower.” She whispered looking away from them all. She turned her chair and wheeled down the hall towards the lift Nick had had put in the house. She set herself up on it and went upstairs.

“ I’ll help her.” Nick said started up the stairs. Lisa caught up with him.

“ Has she coped with being able to have to shower alone yet?”

“ No she needs help. I haven’t had the chance to get a shower that is for her.” Nick said silently he felt badly talking bout this with Lisa.

“ Let me help her she might need a friend for a little while. Go down stairs and get your things into the car. I will help her shower and change then we will be right down.”

“ All right.” Nick said turning round and walking down the stairs.  

Lisa walked inside the room to find Sandy in the middle of the room crying.

“ Honey calm down it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It was an accident.”

“ One that is going to happen a lot. He is trying to make things better for me but I still cant be independent” She sobbed as Lisa helped her change. She couldn’t believe that she had to have someone help her do the basic things. Lisa had set up a warm bath and had helped her into it letting her bathe herself.

“ You doing ok honey?”

“ Yea I am.” She said sadly. Sandy just wanted to sink into the water and disappear but she knew that wasn’t going to happen.

“ I have your clean cloths picked out do you want to have me help you dress or would you like me to get Nick for you?”

“ Uh Nick please.” She said from the bathroom.

“ All right honey.” Lisa headed down the hall and downstairs. Nick stood as she came down.

“ What’s wrong?” Nick asked seeing she had come down alone.

“ San wants you to go and help her to dress.” She said looking at him. Nick stood quickly and headed upstairs.

“ Why didn’t you help her?” Kevin asked looking at her.

“ She didn’t want me to it was bad enough she was crying. Honey she is so bad off. I mean depression is something that has set in.” Lisa said looking at everyone. AJ stood as he spotted the lift lowering as Nick and Sandy came downstairs.

“ Hey kid how you doing?” He asked kissing her cheek. He could see that her eyes were red from crying.

“ I am ok. Sorry it took so long.” She said looking towards the floor. AJ put his hand on her chin and genitally raised her face to look at him.

“ Sweetie it’s ok. You do know that right. We love you for who you are not who you wish you were.” AJ said hopping to make her smile. She looked up in his brown eyes and smiled.

“ I know I just don’t feel it’s fair my life was finally perfect and then this happens.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ San we love you for you.” Kevin said coming over to her. “ And we have set it up that you’re going to come along with us on the tour again. Had the buses set up so we can get you on and off of them.”

“ Without help?” She asked hopeful

“ Yea without help.” Kevin said as she smiled and looked at Nick. Nick smiled big and lifted her into his arms and kissed her sweetly.

“ Well baby I have your things ready for you in the car and looks like we are leaving today. Do you want to ride with me or anyone else?”

“ With you.” She said with a smile.  

Several hours later Sandy snuggled with Nick, as the buses got ready to leave. Nick ran his fingers over her arms genitally as she relaxed against him.

“ Baby you still awake.”

“ Hmm?” She mumbled half asleep.

“ I’ll take that as a no.” He giggled as he heard the bus door open.

“ Nick?” Brian started

“ Shush she is sleeping what?”

“ We are bout to leave do you need anything or are you and San ok?”

“ She is asleep so she is fine and I have enough stuff round here to keep me busy for a while. Thanks man.” Nick said looking up at him.

“ No prob. We will be in our first stop in eight hours. If I recall, Geo is up front.”

“ Ok thanks.” Nick watched his friend leave the bus. He quietly slid out from under Sandy and walked towards the front of the bus to look outside.

“ Wow check out the fans.” He said to Geo.

“ Yea they are here to see you guys off. Here this is for Sandy.” He said handing a teddy bear to him.

“ Where did you get it?” Nick asked looking down at it.

“ That young girl over there in the wheelchair handed it to me as I started walking this way. So I brought it here.”

“ That’s so nice. San will like it.” He said setting on a table near the doorway.

“ Well why don’t you sit down we are bout to get underway and then if you need someone to chat with we can.” Geo said.

“ Nah I think San and I are going to rest in the back I am going to take the bear and move her to the back and go to sleep with her.” He said grabbing the bear walking over to Sandy lifting her into his arms and carrying her towards the back.  

It had been several days since the tour and resumed and Sandy was enjoying herself watching rehearsal one afternoon. Sandy watched as Nick performed watching his every move. She looked over and saw a few fans had found their way inside and were watching them. Nick waited till he had finished had gone to the back to shower and change. Sandy had started that way when Kevin stopped her on her way to the back.

“ How are you feeling today Sandy?”

“ Good. I am getting used to this thing” She said pointing to the chair.

“ When are you and Nicky getting married?”

“ I don’t know we haven’t talked about it in a while. I guess he is afraid to bring it up. Go shower you stink.” She said laughing.

“ Hey that’s not funny” He said kissing her cheek. He hurried to the back as she made her way back to Nick’s dressing room. She reached up and opened the door and came face to face with Nick kissing a girl. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at the scene before her.

“ YOU BASTARD” She screamed. Nick pulled away from the girl and looked at Sandy.

“ Sandy it’s not what you think.” He started.

“ Then what is it?” She said Kevin had come running when he had heard Sandy yelling. He looked in the room to see Nick with a young fan. The girl seemed rather confused at the scene before her. As Nick begged Sandy to understand. Lisa came running down the hall to her sobbing friend.

“ Sandy what happened?”

“ He. He was kissing that girl” She said

“ Sandy she is a fan that asked for a kiss nothing more.” Kevin said looking at her.

“ A fan alone in Nick’s room. I don’t believe you Kevin siding with him.”

“ Lisa you know that fans get in from time to time,” Kevin started trying to keep the peace with is wife. He didn’t need that kind of fight on his hands. Nick moved closer to Sandy and placed his hands on her chair.

“ Leave me alone.” She said wheeling away from him. Nick looked at Kevin with sadness. Lisa went after her friend after she shot Kevin an angry look. Kevin shook his head and looked at the young girl.

“ I am sorry I didn’t mean to start a fight.” She said looking at them both.

“ I know. She has been very emotional lately.” Kevin said looking at the girl.

“ I think I will go now nice to have met you Nick.” She said turning on her heal she left the room. Nick sat down on the couch and sighed.

“ I blew it Kev.”

“ NO you didn’t San didn’t take what you did right. Maybe we should just say we are sorry.”

“ Yea San did take it the wrong way.” Brian said coming out of the shadows. He had been in the room the whole time he had seen the girl with Nick and knew that she was just there as a fan nothing more,

“ How long have you been there Brian?” Kevin asked him looking towards his cousin. Brian looked up at him and smiled.

“Long enough.” Brian said he could see that Nick had royally screwed up and felt badly bout it.  

Lisa moved down the hall and found Sandy crying,

“ Sandy honey you can’t stay mad at him forever”

“ The Hell I can’t He kissed that girl and didn’t feel badly bout me finding him. All because of this chair he is looking for someone who can walk.” She said threw her tears.

“ He is not.” Lisa said she had wanted to defend Nick but yet do the same with Sandy.

“ Yes he is. He doesn’t look at me the same way as he did before.”

“ Honey don’t do this to yourself.” Lisa said getting down so she could look Sandy in the eyes.

“ I love him Lisa and he did this.” She wheeled down the hall away from her friend she needed time alone. She made her way past security and outside. She looked at the young girls that had lined the outside of the arena waiting to get in for the show.

“ Hey aren’t you Nick’s fiancée”

“ I am supposed to be.” She said looking at the girl

“ Nick is a nice guy and seems to be happy with you. Don’t break his heart.” She said Sandy smiled and shook her head.

“ No worries bout me breaking his heart him breaking mine but not me breaking his.” she said looking at the girl.

“ Nick loves you. He tells everyone that is willing to listen to him that he would never hurt you for anything.” The girl said looking at her. Sandy smiled and thanked the girl and wheeled back inside. Lisa sat in Kevin’s dressing room while he tried to calm his now angry wife.

“ Kevin that isn’t the point he should have never kissed the girl the way he did. I don’t care if she was a fan.”

“ Lisa honey think about it this way he didn’t mean it he didn’t think that Sandy was going to take it the wrong way.” Kevin said to her.  

Hours later the concert had started and Nick still couldn’t get Sandy to talk to him, she had refused as she sat in his dressing room. Nick had tried everything he could think of to tell her he was sorry. Lisa had watched them and wondered what Nick was going to do make her understand. Kevin watched his young friend as fumbled around under the stage to get his things.

“ Nick don’t worry she will forgive you.” Kevin said trying to get him to calm down.

“ She hates me.” He said looking at him. The next song was about to start and they needed to get up there.

“ Don’t worry Nick. We will talk to her after the show.” Kevin said leading him back to the stage. Lisa had gotten Sandy come out of the dressing room to watch the show.

“ I don’t want to be out here Lisa.” Sandy said

“ I don’t care. You can’t stay mad at him forever and he did try to explain what had happened and I also found out that if you had looked Brian was in that room too.”

“ He was I didn’t see him. All I saw was Nick kissing some girl.” She said turning and looking at her friend.

“ You were to upset to look.” Lisa pointed out to her. Lisa smiled as several dancers approached them.

“ We need to take you up there.” The said looking at Sandy, she looked at Lisa who shrugged her shoulders as Sandy’s chair was lifted and she was brought onto the stage. Brian moved over to her and wheeled her all the way onto the stage. Fans screamed and waved as she came into view. Sandy smiled and blushed as she looked out at the signs and everyone who held them.

“ Sandy I know I have done things that have made you cry after I had told you I never would.” Nick said coming over to her. Sandy looked towards him as he spoke. A tune began to play as Brian moved forward and brought the microphone to his mouth to sing.

“ Even a lover makes a mistake some times. Like any other fall out and loose his mind. And I’m sorry for the things I did. For your teardrops over words I said. Can you forgive me and open your heart once again.”

“ It’s true, I mean it, from the bottom of my heart”

“ What ever happened I know that I was wrong? Can you believe me or maybe your faith is gone.”

Nick got down in front of her for his verse.

“ But I love you and I always will so I wonder if you want me still. Can you forgive me and open your heart once again.”

Sandy smiled as Nick got down on his knees in front of her. His own blue eyes filled with tears as he looked at her. She looked into his eyes and reached out and touched his face. She loved him with all her heart and knew she couldn’t stay mad at him.

“ I love you.” She said looking at him. She whipped the tears from his eyes and pulled him close so she could kiss him. Brian smiled as the song came to an end and looked at the duo.

“ Baby I am so sorry for what had happened. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think me kissing a fan would do that to you.” Tears still ran down his cheeks as she pulled him to a sitting position in her lap.

“ I know. Please don’t cry Nicky. I know that you would never hurt me.” She kissed his lips. Fans roared as the two made up. Sandy held Nicky in her arms as he cried and then finally composing himself he kissed her again and stood. He helped her off the stage and went to wash his face so he could go back on stage to be with the rest of the guys.  


Three days later Sandy and Nick were well on they’re way to getting back to the way they had been.

“ Hey you two” Lisa started when she entered the bus. She could hear giggling.

“ What?” She heard Nick ask. Sandy giggled more and Lisa wondered what those two were up to.

“ Nick Sandy I hope you both are decent.” Lisa said walking down the hall towards the room that she knew they were in. She pushed the door opened and blushed as a rather Naked Nick looked up at her.

“ Hey there Lisa.” Nick said almost laughing.

“ I uh I didn’t you two hear me calling to you?”

“ Nope.” Sandy said looking past Nick. “ Sorry Lisa seriously we didn’t hear you.”

“ I can see that. Nick please put on something. Anything at all.” Lisa said her face now a bright crimson red.

“ Awe Lisa can’t handle seeing me this way.” Nick said reaching for his shorts and quickly pulling them on. Lisa sat down on the bed and watched Sandy as she rolled over on to her back and pull the sheets up further. Nick sat back down and kissed Sandy.

“ What was it you needed Lisa?” Sandy asked looking past Nick again.

“ I just wanted to let you know we will be leaving soon.”

“ Ok. And just telling us threw the door would have done what for u?”

“ Oh shut up.”  

Three days later Sandy sat outside the arena looking at the stars late at night the show had ended she was waiting for everyone to be ready to go. Geo was supposed to be watching her but had been called back inside. Sandy leaned back against the back of her chair and listened to the sound of the trucks being loaded.

“ Sandy?” She heard a calm male voice ask.

“ That’s me.” She said never really turning the chair around. She felt hands on her shoulders. Thinking maybe it was another guard she paid it no mind. His hand drifted down her body and she wiggled a little as it made her feel uncomfortable.

“ Don’t.” She said.

“ But you always liked it when I touched you.” His voice now playful. Sandy looked up and saw Matthew standing over her.

“NICK! GEO ANYONE!” She screamed as his hand clamped over her mouth.

“ Baby didn’t you miss me?” He said moving in front of her his hand still on her mouth. He looked up past her as two more men walk forward.

“ What about that fiancée of hers?”

“ I want his ass dead. He took her from me.” He said looking up at them. Tears ran down Sandy’s cheeks. She heard the door open behind them. But they were out of site so someone would have to come looking for where her screaming had come from.

“ Damn it Sandy you have a big mouth. Secure her I want her in that van now.” Matthew said. The men moved forward and tied her arms directly to her chair. A gag swiftly pulled into place. She struggled to free herself from them. Tears ran down her cheeks as the person she had heard came into view. Nick looked around not seeing her in the darkness. She made a noise to get his attention. Matthew and his friends had moved back so he couldn’t see them.

“ Oh my god, San are you ok baby?” He came to her side. “ Geo I found her bring the others” He called out. She struggled as he looked towards where Geo was coming from she needed him to look at her. Nick looked down at her seeing that she was trying to get his attention. He moved the gag so she could talk.

“ Nick he is right there.”

“ He who honey?” He said as he heard a noise. Matthew came into view

“ How did you get out of jail?” Nick hissed at him.

“ Probation does wonders. I have been watching you both for a while I know your security detail and watch how they change shifts.” He said laughing at Nick. Nick put his hands on Sandy’s chair and pulled it backwards. Nick looked to see Geo and Randy coming towards him. He was trying to get her away from Matthew. Matthew raised a gun at them.

“ Matthew please you said you loved me but yet you wont let me move on. Let me find someone else to love.” Sandy pleaded with him.

“ You always said you would love me and that you would never leave me.”

“ Matthew you beat me. I couldn’t stay with you any more. I never said I didn’t love you. I will always love you.” She said hopping he would just leave.

“ But he took you away from me.” He hissed raising the gun at Nick.

“ I left you and I have paid for that you took the use of my legs from me because you didn’t want me to leave you. And yet you call that love. You don’t know what love is.” She screamed at him. She could see that his two friends had vanished when Geo and Randy had come into view. Randy came up behind Matthew and was about to tackle him when Kevin beat him to it. Kevin tackled Matthew and struggled for the gun as it suddenly went off.  

” KEVIN!” Lisa screamed as the two men stopped moving.

“ OH! Please no Kevin?” Sandy looked up at Nick as Geo untied her hands. She reached out once her hands were free. Kevin slowly got up with Nick’s help.

“ Kevin tell me your ok” Lisa said moving forward.

“ I’m fine. Has anyone been hurt? San are you ok?”

“ Yea scared but fine.” Sandy answered. “ Is he dead?”

“ I don’t know.” Kevin answered as he heard police cars in the distance.

“ He’s dead.” Randy said standing slowly. “ And he is still holding his gun. It just went off its not anyone’s fault.”

“ I fought him for the gun.”

“ And you’re lucky not to have been killed.” Lisa said taking his face in her hands. He leaned into her touch and looked into her worried blue eyes.

“ Hey I am fine.” He said as he pulled her close.

“ Baby are you sure your ok?” Nick asked getting down so he was next to her chair. He could see she wanted to cry. Lisa looked as her friend.

“ Honey he can’t hurt you any more.” Lisa said holding Kevin close. She could feel Kevin was shaking badly he was shaken up but not hurt.

“ Kevin you ok?” Sandy asked holding Nick’s hand.

“ I killed him. I actually killed him.” Kevin said when the events finally set in.

“ Kevin it was an accident. He was going to kill Nicky.” Lisa said running her fingers threw his hair.

“ Everyone to their buses now.” Randy said looking at them. He remained where he was as Geo escorted everyone to the buses.  


“ Why did you leave her alone?’ Nick shouted at Geo.

“ I was only gone for a few seconds I didn’t know that was going to happen.”

“ You should have known that something might happen. We have been getting letters for a while.” Nick said a little to loud as Sandy came from the back room.

“ You knew he was out.”

“ We have been getting notes but I never really thought that he was out.”

“ Its ok Nick.” Sandy said. Geo looked at them both He couldn’t believe that he nearly lost them both.

“ Nick Kevin wants to have all of us in one room for a talk. He wants it now.” Geo said breaking into their thoughts

“ Great. What does he want to yell at me for now.” Nick said taking Sandy’s hand in his. She looked up and smiled. He didn’t even wheel her into the next room he lifted her into his arms and walked to the room where Kevin and the others had gathered.

“ What was it you needed Kevin?” Nick asked once he had entered the room.

“ Where is Sandy’s chair?”

“ IN the room I didn’t bring it in here.” Nick said setting Sandy down on the couch. Sandy looked up and pulled him down next to her. Her wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

“ Well I brought you all in here to talk bout a certain couple.” Kevin said looking towards Nick and Sandy. Sandy shifted as all eyes came to her.

“ Nicky I love you with all my heart.” Sandy said looking at Nick, her hands now holding his face. He looked at her strangely

“ You set this up?” he said looking into her eyes.

“ Before what happened. Before Matthew appeared again I wanted to ask you the one thing you seemed to be avoiding. I don’t understand why cause you’re the one who asked me at Lisa and Kevin’s own wedding.”

“ What bout us getting married?” He asked tilting his head like a curious puppy.

“ Yes that would be it. I want it to be soon. Please Nick. I have waited all this time. Or have you changed your mind?” She asked a single tear running down her cheek at the fear that he might say he didn’t love her anymore.

“ Oh god no baby don’t think that I love you. I have never thought of anything else.” He said whipping the tear away.

“ So Nick what she is asking is how bout you let us plan you both a nice wedding.” Kevin said looking at them.

“ Kevin you want to plan a wedding?” Lisa asked

“ Yes I want to help my little bro plan his wedding.” Kevin said almost beaming. Brian laughed and looked at Howie and AJ.

“ Well Nick you nearly made the girl cry and now we have a wedding to plan.” AJ said walking over and lifting Sandy off the couch.

“ AJ where are you taking me?” Sandy asked

“ Don’t worry I am not going to hurt you.” He said laughing. Nick started to protest as AJ left the room with Sandy. Kevin shoved him back down on the couch and crossed his arms.

“ Don’t worry she is going to be fine.” Kevin said looking at his puzzled friend.  

“ AJ put me down.” Sandy protested. AJ laughed and continued down the hall. Leigh was waiting for them as they came down the hall.

“ Leigh what are you doing here?”

“ Helping you get ready.” She said as AJ brought her into the room. Lisa hurried down the hall after she had slipped out of the room.

“ AJ you get back down there. Nick doesn’t look happy.” Lisa said out of breath.

“ Why what are you doing to Nick?” Sandy asked seeming upset too.

“ We aren’t doing anything to him honey. Don’t worry.” Lisa said calming her friend. Sandy wasn’t one for secrets and knew that Lisa was hiding something big. AJ kissed Sandy’s cheek and hurried from the room. Sandy looked around from where she now sat in front of a mirror. Sarah stepped out of bathroom with a long bag in her arms. She laid it on the bed and looked at Sandy.

“ Ok we have less than an hour to pull this off.” She said looking at them.

“ To pull what off?” Sandy asked.

“ A wedding dear. Kevin and I have seen you mope around here long enough.”

“ Your already married.” Sandy said looking at Lisa.

“ Not me. Jesse you’re slow today.”

“ Me?”

“ Bingo give the girl a cookie.” Leigh said to her. Leigh came up behind Sandy and began pulling her hair up away from her face.

“ Wow hey Lisa we are going to need some major cover up.”

“ Why? Oh lord Sandy did you see that you have a huge bruise on your neck.”

“ Figured I would. Matthew isn’t kind.” Sandy said never really taking her eyes off the mirror. She looked at Lisa who was now standing behind her. Lisa placed her hands on Sandy’s shoulders.

“ I am ok Lisa. Nick is my world now.” Sandy said placing her hands on her friends.

“ I know. I worry bout you and you know it.”

“ Don’t worry.”

“ We have to get her ready or the guys are going to get worried bout us.” Leigh said. Sarah came out of the bathroom wearing a beautiful bluish green strapless dress.

“ That is lovely.” Sandy said looking at her. Lee stepped out behind her in a matching dress. Leighanne walked into the bathroom once she had gotten Sandy’s hair done.

“ Ok now we are dressed your turn.” Leigh said reaching for Sandy. Lisa walked over and picked up the dress and pulled the cover off. Sandy smiled as the beautiful white dress.

“ Come on we have to get you dressed.” Lisa said lifting Sandy so that the others could help her. Sandy let a few tears run down her cheeks as they set her back on the chair.

“ Honey don’t cry.”

“ I always dreamed of doing this for myself.” Sandy said

“ I know baby I know.” Lisa said setting the vale on her head.

“ I need my chair.” Sandy said tears still rolling down her cheeks. Leigh brought her chair around and lifted her into it.  


“ Hey guys why am I dressing in this?” Nick asked finally frustrated with how he was dressed.

“ Dude don’t worry its going to be worth it I promise.” AJ said calming his friend.

“ If I don’t can I kill you?”

“ Sure.” Howie said. Kevin looked at him strangely but didn’t protest.

“ Hey guys its time.” Leigh said from the doorway. AJ looked at his friend as he could see the confusion on his face.  

It was a long wait as Nick stood at the front of the small room looking down the hallway. Kevin still hadn’t told him why they were there but music began to play. Lee, Leighanne, Sarah, and Lisa came down towards them. Kevin smiled and then listened as the music began again as Sandy made her way to them, she knew what was going on at this point and when Nick saw her so did he. Nick smiled as she came to a stop at his side. She reached up and touched his hand. The minister that stood at the front of the church smiled at them both.  

Two hours later Nick held Sandy close as they lay on the bed holding each other.

“ Baby I love you.” Nick said kissing her neck.

“ I love you too Nick.” Sandy said leaning against his chest. Her life was finally compete she was finally happy finally safe.

“ What are you thinking about?” Nick asked her.

“ How happy I am. How much my life had changed in such a small time. And now I am the happiest person alive at this moment.”

“ And so am I. You’re my world San everything I am and everything I feel at this moment is because of you.” Nick kissed her again.

They fell asleep knowing that they were finally together and would stay that way forever.

The End


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