Life’s Greatest Gift

By Vicki

Mary looked over at her friend and smiled. Vicki had moved in with her three months before after a falling out with her best friend. Her parents had helped her move there. Mary liked having Vicki around helped with the lonely days in her big house. Mary and Vicki had met on line as chat buddies and had become quick friends. Their similar interest in the group the Backstreet Boys didn’t hurt either.

“ Hey Vic you going to be ok while I am gone. I have to work.” Mary asked her friend.

“ Yea I should be.” Vicki answered her. Vicki had been working but had hurt herself and wasn’t able to work.

“ You sure?” Mary asked placing her hand on the cast that took up most of Vicki’s left leg.

“ Yea I think I can hobble around here for a few hours” Vicki said giggling.

“ Don’t forget I only asked to get out early cause of what happened to you.” Mary said grabbing her purse and leaving the house. Vicki went back to playing with her laptop when someone signed in she thought she knew.

* Hey BABY* the message said as it popped up.

“ Hello?” She answered it unsure of whom it was. She knew she wasn’t dating and not many people talked to her any more.

“ You don’t know who this is do you?”

“ Not right off hand” She answered.

“ Its Nick. Sorry Kevin has the day being gone so I decided to use his msn to chat. Did I scare you?” He asked

“ No just surprised I hadn’t heard from any of you in months. What have you been up to?”

“ Well busy actually my new album is complete and I was going to send you a copy but your mom said you didn’t live at home any more. What happened?” He asked her. she looked at the screen unsure of how to answer it.

“ Had a falling out with a friend. No biggie. I am staying with my friend Mary.” She told him.

“ Oh is that the friend Kevin has been chatting with lately.”

“ Probably, he hasn’t chatted with me lately. So what has been up other than that?” She asked him changing the subject.

“ Well actually I found out you had left your moms and wondered if maybe since I am in the area if you maybe wanted to go to lunch. I mean unless Mary and you have busy.”

“ Actually Mary is working. Left me all alone.” She said

“ Ok well Kevin and I are in the area and he knows where Mary lives I will have him swing by and come and get you.”

“ All right.” Vicki said unsure. He hadn’t bothered to tell her that he knew she was living with Mary.

“ See you soon then. Bye.” And with that he signed off. Vicki looked at her computer and smiled. She disconnected and shut down her computer. Her eyes light up and she hobbled around trying to get things together. She had met Nick once before when Howie had come to her hometown on business. She had liked Howie but he was dating so her and Nick had gone out for coffee once. He had told her the next time he was in town he would come to see her, but with what had happened.  

About an hour later Nick walked up to Mary’s door and knocked. Vicki slowly made her way to the door making her way around her own cat and Mary’s cat she finally opened it. Nick gasped as he looked at her when he saw the cruches and the cast.

“ Hi Vicki.” Nick said smiling his best smile. She looked up into his eyes and then tilted her head at Kevin.

“ Hi guys. Sorry Kevin Mary isn’t here.”

“ I know she is working. Nick told me. What did you do?” He asked pointing to the cast.

“ I am clumsy. Broke it at the hip. All the way down the leg. I am going to have this thing on for a while. And with me living with Mary I was supposed to be working. And it seems I might have to go home soon cause of it.” She said sadly.

“ I doubt Mary would Kick you out.” Kevin said

“ You ready. I am supposed to pick up Mary in a little while.” Kevin said again

“ Yea kind of.” She said looking down. That was when Nick noticed she was only wearing a long tee shirt.

“ Uh where are your pants.” Nick asked her.

“ I haven’t figured out how to get them on.” Vicki said blushing. Mary had always helped her dress since she broke her leg.

“ You got a skirt?” Kevin asked.

“ Yea.” She answered him. Nick and Kevin entered the house.

“ Where is your bag?” Nick asked her

“ In the room where I sleep.” She said looking at him. He walked into what he hopped was her room. He came back out with a long denim skirt.

“ Here let me help you.” Nick said helping her into the skirt. He then lifted her into his arms and carried her out to the SUV that waited outside. Kevin shook his head and closed the door and followed them. They arrived at Wendy’s a short time later. Kevin went inside and came back out with Mary on his arm. They had been dating for a while and even Vicki didn’t know that. Kevin had gotten a divorce a year before after he and Kristin had gotten into a huge fight and then found her in bed with his bodyguard. Mary smiled up at Kevin as he opened the door and noticed Nick sitting in the back.

“ Nice to see you again Nick.” She said then she noticed Vicki.

“ Vicki did they take you from the house?” She asked giggling

“ Well I didn’t drive myself silly. So yea they did.” Vicki said looking at her.

“ How did this happen? Mary I mean her broken leg. You never told me you just said she broke it.”

“ Vic do you want to field this one?” Mary said looking over her shoulder at her. Vicki turned a beautiful shade of red as she looked at her friend then over at Nick and up at Kevin.

“ I fell out of a tree.” She said looking down.

“ You fell out of a what?” Nick asked looking at her.

“ A tree.”

“ And how did you pull that off?”

“ Getting my cat. She has never been out of the house and well she got scared and climbed the tree. So I went up after her but the branches did hold my weight and I fell hard. Broke it all the way to the hip.” She finished blushing. Kevin shook his head and held Mary’s hand as they drove down the road.

“ I just have one question.” Mary asked.

“ You knew what happened you were home at the time.” Vicki looked at her.

“ Not that where are your cruches?”

“ Oh we left them back at the house Nick carried her outside. Once he helped her dress.”

“ Oh Vicki he helped you dress.” Mary giggled as she watched her friend blush.

“ You know I can’t do that alone yet.” Vicki said her voice shaking Nick took her hand in his.

“ Hey don’t cry.” He said whipping the tears that had started to fall away. Mary turned around in her seat.

“ Hey honey I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Mary said.

“ I know its ok Mary.”

“ Then why are you crying?”

“ I don’t know. I guess I am very emotional lately. I mean I see how happy you are with Kevin and I see I don’t have that.” She said sadly. Nick reached out and took her hand in his.

“ Hey who says you don’t?” he said soothingly.

“ Only in my dreams Nick” Vicki said looking back towards the window as the city went by. Mary looked up at Vicki threw the mirror she could see Vicki was kind of down.

“ Kevin why don’t we take them with us. I mean take them with us.”

“ I know what you mean. How long has Vicki been down? I mean I haven’t talked to her online in a while.” He asked her

“ Since she fell. I mean she has been very down since she broke her leg. Always on her computer working on something.” She said looking towards the back. Vicki had lay her head on Nick’s shoulder he pulled her close as he noticed she was tired.

“ Vic did you take your meds before Nick and Kevin had come over?”

“ Yea.” She answered sleepily. Nick kissed the top of her head and held her close as she drifted off.

“ Why don’t you drop us off at the house.” Nick said

“ You sure?”

“ Yea She is sleepy and I can order a pizza if she gets hungry.” Nick said feeling Vicki slid closer.

“ All right. But if you..” Mary warned Nick

“ I wont. She is a very nice person. And I have chatted with her online for a while. I wouldn’t do anything to her.” Nick said as Kevin pulled the SUV to a stop in front of Mary’s house. Nick lifted Vicki into his arms and walked to the door. Mary hurried over and opened the door. Nick walked inside and placed Vicki on the couch and walked over to wave goodbye to Mary and Kevin as they pulled out of the yard. Nick looked to see Vicki sleepily trying to sit up.

“ Hey there your going to end up falling off the couch.” He said quickly moving to her side. She looked at him strangely and reached her hand out.

“ Can I have my glasses?” She asked reaching for the glasses laying on the table.

“ Oh sure. Are you awake enough?”

“ No but I cant sleep while your visiting.” She said sitting up.

“ Yea you can. That was why I had Mary and Kevin bring us back here. You were basically sleeping in the car.”

“ Sorry the pain pills do that to me.”

“ It’s ok. I understand.” He said to her. He could see that she was still rather sleepy and didn’t want her to fight the meds.

“ I am kind of hungry.” She said yawning.

“ How bout I call for pizza and you see what is on TV.”

“ All right” Vicki answered taking the remote and flipping the TV on. She flipped threw the channels, as Nick called for the pizza. He stood in the next room when he heard something fall to the floor he peeked back out and found that Vicki had gone back to sleep. He had finished the call and sat down on the floor next to the couch watching TV.  

Several hours later Kevin and Mary had returned to find Nick sleeping near Vicki as she too slept. Mary smiled and led Kevin into the house.

“ Are you sure you want me to stay?” Kevin whispered to her.

“ Yea I do.” Mary said smiling at him. Kevin took her hand and walked into the bedroom. Vicki stirred a bit hearing their voices but relaxed and went back to sleep.

Mary looked into Kevin’s green eyes as he pulled her close and kissed her soft lips.

“ I love you.” He said as he pulled her shirt over her head.

“ And I love you. Do you think those two are ok out there?” She asked as he kissed her neck.

“ Yea they are fine. How long is Vicki going to be in that cast?” He asked her as she led him to the bed.

“ Six months bones literally shattered. It’s going to take a while to get her better.” She said pulling his shirt over his head. She kissed his chest as he pulled her closer.

“ MMM that feels good.” He said running his fingers threw her long hair.

“ Make love to me Kevin.” She said pulling him to the bed. He began to kissing her neck making his way down her body, causing her to moan the whole way.  

Vicki woke early the next morning. She had thought she was alone and rolled right off the couch and right onto Nick.

“ Well good morning to you too.” He said with a laugh

“ Sorry.” She said attempting to get back up. He giggled as he helped her to her feet. Grabbing her cruches he handed them to her. She made her way down the hall and heard giggling coming from Mary’s room. She shook her head and walked into the bathroom. Smiling as she had actually done this task without help she started to make her way into her room to change. When she feel again.

“ Damn it.” She yelled hitting the floor hard. Nick came running down the hall to see her on the floor.

“ You ok?”

“ Ok who fell?” Kevin asked opening the door his fatherly since kicking in. He looked down to see Vicki sitting on the floor.

“ And how did you get there?” He asked as Nick helped her up.

“ My cat.” She answered him as Mary appeared behind him.

“ Jeeze Vic why were you in the hall to begin with?” Mary asked her.

“ I wanted to change I mean I did sleep in these cloths actually a shower would be nice.” She pouted.

“ I can help you with that.” Mary said moving past Kevin and helping Vicki back into the bathroom. She came back out a second later and walked into Vicki’s room.

“ Hey what you doin?” Kevin asked coming behind her. She looked up holding clean cloths for Vicki.

“ I am getting some clean cloths for Vicki.” She said kissing him and walking back into the bathroom.

“ I will start breakfast.” He called threw the bathroom door. He heard the water start and walked down the hall to where Nick was waiting.

“ Is she ok?” Nick asked Kevin

“ Yea. Mary is helping her at the moment. From what I remember of seeing Vicki those few time we actually made it to her town she doesn’t seem the kind of person that likes being unable to do things.”

“ Yea so I noticed. She woke me this morning.” Nick said giggling.

“ What happened?”

“ She fell off the couch. And right on top of me. You know I would love to see her smile.”

“ Yea she has a pretty smile. Howie liked it.”

“ Apparently not enough. He is with Lee isn’t he?” Nick said looking at Kevin.

“ Yea he is but that wasn’t cause he didn’t like her enough it was cause he was busy and so was she.” Kevin pointed out. Nick nodded and followed Kevin into the kitchen. 

Mary helped Vicki pull a clean skirt on as she looked at her rather depressed friend.

“ Hey don’t look so down. Come on Nick wants to see you smile.” Mary said putting her hand on Vicki’s chin having her look up.

“ I know. But what bad timing I have a broken leg and can’t even get threw the house without falling over something. Mary I fell off the couch right on top of him” She said blushing.

“ Honey that isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Maybe he would like to do something with you today.” Mary said helping Vicki to stand. They exited the bathroom they both could smell something good coming from the kitchen.

“ MMM Kevin is cooking.” Mary said with a smile.

“ Good cause I can’t and I have read Nick can burn water.”

“ I can not.” Nick said hearing them coming down the hall.

“ The hell you can’t Nick. Heck you have burnt mac and cheese. Brian was mad about that.” Kevin said seeing the girls coming into the kitchen.

“ Go sit at the table.” Nick said pointing towards the other room. Vicki hobbled to the other room and looked at the table, she usually sat in the living room since she had a hard time sitting at the table. She looked sadly at Mary who was gazing back at the kitchen. And hobbled out to the living room and sat down. She looked down at her leg and a few tears ran down her cheeks. It wasn’t fair, she had only been there for a short time and actually hurt herself. Nick noticed she wasn’t at the table and saw her sitting on the couch. He put his hand on her shoulder she whipped her eyes and looked up at him.

“ Hey you ok?”

“ Sorry I don’t mean to look so emotional.”

“ Hey its ok.” He said lifting her into his arms.  

It had been two months since Kevin had brought Nick over to Mary’s and had watched Vicki smile again. Mary had been the one to call him telling him that her friend had hurt herself and was rather depressed. Nick had come and it had made a world of difference in her life. Now Mary and Kevin watched the two lovebirds,

“ Aren’t they cute. I love the fact that Nick had made her smile. I wasn’t even sure she knew how any more.”

“ She did its just she never thought she could hurt herself like that and someone would still care bout her.” Mary said looking at him. Kevin held her hand and kissed her as they approached the duo.

“ Hey you two ok?” Mary asked seeing that Nick was holding Vicki close. She looked up and smiled as Kevin and Mary joined them.

“ Yep great.” Vicki said a huge smile on her face. Mary loved seeing Vicki smile and she had been doing that a lot lately. Nick had that effect on her. Mary was so happy yet worried cause Nick had suggested to Kevin he wanted to go further with Vicki but she still didn’t have use of her one leg and man would it be interesting.

“ What you thinking Mary?” Vicki asked her.

“ How cute you two are together.”

“ Thanks. And I already know what Nicky here is thinking and no sex little man.” Vicki giggled. Nick looked at her innocently and kissed her softly. Kevin pulled Mary close as he watched Nick and Vicki hold each other.

“ Mary baby Nick and I are going to go and get something to make for dinner you girls going to be ok here alone?” He asked kissing her cheek.

“ Kevin I lived alone for a while so I think we can handle a few hours without you.”

“ Ok.” Nick said kissing Vicki quickly and leaving the house. Mary settled in and looked at the TV Vicki had been watching a few minuets before.  

“ Man it takes them forever at the store” Vicki commented looking at the clock. It had been almost two hours since they had left and it was getting dark. Mary looked up when she heard a noise coming from the back of the house. Vicki reached down and lifted one of her metal cruches and held it as Mary stood. Walking into the other room she slowly backed back out towards Vicki. Vicki looked up as Mary reentered the room two rather large armed men with her.

“ What is going on?” Vicki asked seeing them. One of them moved forward toward her Mary reached out and hit him with the cruch that was up against the wall.

“ Stay away from her.” Mary said raising it like a ball bat. The other man looked at Mary and slapped her hard across the face causing her to drop the weapon. She looked towards the other man who had now gotten a strong grip on Vicki who was willing to fight him. He pressed his gun to her temple, Mary stopped in an instant as Vicki tensed.

“ I would stop unless you want your pretty friend’s brains all over that wall.” He said laughing. Vicki looked at Mary with pleading eyes as she felt the man pull her hands roughly behind her, tieing them securely Vicki looked up at him as he held out some cloth.

“ I said leave her alone.” Mary screamed, she watched helplessly as the man bound and gagged her friend.

“ You might as well sit down unless you want me just to shoot you” He told her. Mary sat down they tied her and made sure a gag was in place.

“ Ok Marty what do we do with them now? I didn’t think anyone would be here?”

“ Well Chris we could take them with us. I mean they are dating these two.” Marty said holding up the pictures of Mary with Kevin and Vicki with Nick.

“ Yea look at the money we could get more than what we could get for these things.”

“ And it wouldn’t be hard.”

“ All right lets get them out to the van. Watch that one’s leg. Seems she is rather clumsy.” Marty said looking at Vicki. She shook her head and struggled to free her arms. This couldn’t be happening Mary thought looking towards Chris as he lifted Vicki off the couch. Marty lifted Mary over his shoulder and carried her out to the van.  

Kevin and Nick arrived back at the house some time later. Kevin opened the door and noticed it was quieter than it should have been, that was when he noticed that the house was a mess and things were out of place. Vicki and Mary nowhere in site. Kevin spotted a note sitting on the couch where Vicki had been sitting.

“ Nick we have a problem.” Kevin said handing him the note. His eyes got wide as he realized that the girls had been kidnapped.

“ They want 2 million per girl. Kevin my god they could kill them.” Nick said tears ran down his cheeks.  

” Nick no problem we will get them back. I want to call the others.” Kevin said trying to keep the emotion out of his voice. Nick looked over at Kevin and put his hand on his friends shoulder.

“ The girls will be fine. Looks like they both put up one heck of fight.” Nick said picking the bent cruch he assumed was used to beat off the attacker. Nick looked back at Kevin who had now hung up the phone and dropped down on the couch. He could see something wet on the couch. He touched it and brought his hand up.

“ One of them is bleeding.” He said seeing that it was blood.

“ But the only one of them that is usually sitting on the couch is Vicki. You don’t think they hurt them do you?” Nick asked now on the verg of tears. Kevin pulled his young friend close as his own tears ran down his cheeks. Kevin had let the others know and Brian and AJ were on their way, AJ had called Howie and Howie was taking the next flight to Indiana.

“ Kevin we could loose them.”

“ No they are fine I know it. Mary is strong she will be fine.”

“ Yea are you sure? I mean Vicki is kind of broken.” Nick said tears running down his cheeks. Kevin looked up as there was a knock at the door. Nick whipped his face and looked towards the door as Kevin answered it.

“ Kevin you weren’t really clear on the phone.” Brian said looking at his cousin, he could see that Kevin had been crying and could see past him that Nick still was. AJ came up behind him.

“ They were taken.” Kevin said silent tears running down his cheeks, his green eyes full of fear.

“ What happened?” Brian asked as Kevin stepped aside to let them in. AJ moved over to Nick trying to comfort his young friend.

“ We left to get some things to make dinner. We didn’t think anything would happen and it kind of took us a little longer to get back, when we arrived back at the house the living room was a mess and the girls were gone. I found a note on the couch where Vicki had been sitting when we had left. Telling us that we needed to give them 2 million dollars a piece for the girls or they would kill them. Brian what are we going to do?”

“ We are going to get it and get them back.” Brian reassured his cousin. Kevin dropped down next to Nick and began to cry. Brian had never seen Kevin loose it like this and it bothered him, Kevin was always the one they could come to bout things and now it was him that had something wrong and needed everyone else’s help. Brian knew Kevin loved Mary, she had been there for him after his divorce and he cared about her himself. Brian looked over at his best friend and remembered when Nick first started talking about Vicki how she had made him smiled how his eyes lit up at the mention of her name. Nick was his happiest when Vicki was around. Even though Vicki had a broken leg she still seemed to find her way to him. Mary always seemed to be sure that the two were together. Brian noticed Nick and Vicki were as inseperatable as Kevin and Mary.  

Vicki moaned as she felt pain shoot threw her leg. Mary looked over at her friend as they both lay in the back of a van. She could tell they had been driving for hours, she wished she could see outside to know where they were. She felt the van come to a stop and the two men in the front got out and the sliding door opened. Mary scooted back trying to keep away from their captors, Vicki couldn’t care she hurt too much to care. Chris grabbed Mary’s legs and pulled her back towards him, pulling her from the van and over his shoulder he started towards the house. Marty grabbed Vicki’s already throbbing leg and pulled her harshly towards him causing her to cry out in pain. He just laughed at her as he pulled her from the van.

Mary could see it was a house they were going into somewhere away from others. She could tell it hadn’t been used in a long time. Mary was dropped roughly to the hard wood floor of one of the rooms she scanned the room and saw chains coming from the wall. It seemed they had been planning it for some time. Chris grabbed Mary and pulled her towards the chains. Mary tried fighting him but with her arms tied behind her she didn’t do very well. He pulled her close and hooked her arms to the chains then untied her. Mary pulled against the chains trying to get to Chris. Chris stepped out of the way as Marty came in with Vicki, she was pissed and tried fighting him. He hit her broken leg causing her to cry out in pain, but she stopped struggling. He dropped her on the floor and chained her next to Mary. Pulling her ropes off he backed away. Mary looked over at Vicki who leaned back against the wall.

“ Enjoy your stay ladies.” Marty said leaving the room. Mary reached up and pulled her gag free and then did the same with Vicki.

“ Hey you ok?” Mary asked her friend, concern in her voice.

“ Yea I guess. What are they going to do to us Mary?”

“ I don’t know honey.” Mary told her. Vicki scooted closer to Mary as far as the chains would allow.

“ I wish I had my meds my leg is killing me.” Vicki said looking at her friend.

“ Actually I have one of your pills in my pocket.” Mary said trying to get into the pocket finally pulling a pink pill from it. Handing it to Vicki, she popped it into her mouth and swallowed it painfully.

“ And in one hour I am going to be worthless.” Vicki said sadly.

“ Honey you cant help me much as it is.” Mary said, Vicki looked at her tears in her eyes.

“ Oh honey I didn’t mean it that way.” Mary said hugging her. Vicki looked up at her and nodded.

“ I know. I want to go home back to Nick.”

“ I know honey I want to be back with Kevin.” Mary said looking up as the men entered the room again. Vicki moved closer to Mary.

“ Well ladies its time to talk to your men.” They said moving towards them. Vicki looked at them her eyes cloudy as her meds began taking effect. Mary pulled against the chains as Chris approached Vicki with what she hopped wasn’t a weapon.

“ Hey come on leave her alone.” Mary pleaded with him. Chris looked at her and then back at Vicki as he held out a saw and removed the cast she wore.

“ Don’t. Her leg is broken” Mary said as Vicki winced in pain as the cast came off. Chris discarded the cast and looked down at Vicki’s body as she tried to slide away from him.

“ Don’t worry I am not doing anything like that. Wouldn’t want a Backstreet Bitch anyways.” Chris said pulling Vicki’s leg causing her to scream in pain.

“ LEAVE HER ALONE” Mary screamed trying to get to Vicki.

“ Perfect I think their boys will love seeing this.” Marty said holding the camera, Mary let tears run down her cheeks.  

Kevin sat down on the couch and looked at his friend, AJ and Brian didn’t know what to do to console their friends. Brian stood and answered the door when he heard a knock. A young man handed him a package and then walked away. Brian looked down at it as he closed the door.

“ Guys this is addressed to both of you.” He said coming into the living room with it. Kevin looked up at him and took the package from him. opening it he noticed a video, he looked up at Mary’s TV and popped the tape into the player. Nick found the remote and handed it to him. Kevin pushed play and nearly fell off the couch when Vicki’s screams filled the room. Nick looked at the TV with a look of horror plastered on his face.

“ LEAVE HER ALONE” Mary screamed tried to get to Vicki.

“ Well boys you know they are alive. But you have twenty four hours to get the money or we kill them.” Then the screen went back. Nick began to sob as Brian tried to comfort his friend. Kevin was trying his best to hold it together but wasn’t really doing the greatest job as tears ran down his cheeks. AJ looked at his friend and pulled him close.

“ Kevin I swear we will find them.” AJ said to him.

“ Nick do you have your account book with you?” Kevin asked suddenly.

“ Yea I brought it with me cause I wanted to get Vicki something nice this trip. Why?” Nick asked whipping his eyes with the back of his hand.

“ We are going to get that money now. I want Vicki and Mary back here tonight.” Kevin said a new determination in his green eyes. AJ smiled he knew that Kevin had set his mind to something.

“ I want Vicki. I want to hold her in my arms.” Nick said crying again. Brian looked up at Kevin and helped Nick stand.

“ Lets go now.” Kevin said just as his cell phone rang.

“ Hello?”

“ Well Mr. Richardson I see your friends have arrived. I would advise getting the money we want unless you both would like to be one less girl.” He heard a voice say.

“ Don’t hurt them we will have the money within the hour. Please tell me where we can get them?” Kevin begged.

“ We will contact you in one hour to make sure you have the money ready.”

“ Please can I talk to one of them any of them?” Kevin begged. He heard the phone move and then a soft voice start to speak.

“ Hello?”

“ Vicki sweetie you ok?”

“ My leg hurts so bad Kevin. When are we going home?” She said.

“ Soon honey soon. Is Mary ok? 

” Yea she is ok.” Vicki told him. He could hear that she was crying.

“ Hey don’t cry we will have you home soon both of you.” He said trying to calm her. He then heard her whimper as the phone was taken away.

“ There you had the chance to talk to her. now you have an hour.” He said hanging up the phone. Kevin looked at his cell phone and then up at his friends. Nick looked at him expectantly.

“ Well is she ok?”

“ Her leg is hurting.” Kevin said looking at his friend.

“ We need to get that money.” Nick said heading for the door. He hadn’t left the house since the girls had come up missing. The others followed him to the SUV and they hurried to the bank. 

One hour later they sat in the SUV waiting to find out what was going on. The silence broke when his cell phone rang.

“ Well are you ready to play?” He heard a voice ask.

“ We have the money we want our girls.”

“ Meet us outside of town. Where no one will see us.”

“ Don’t hurt the girls.”  

“ You do as your told they will be released unharmed.” The Kevin heard nothing. He took the keys and started the car and drove to where they had been told to go.

“ Well ladies its time to go.” Chris said coming into the room where the girls were, Marty came in behind him holding rope and some cloths. Vicki was tied and gagged first and then Marty moved to Mary. Mary looked at him with defiance in her eyes but when Chris held a gun to Vicki’s head she calmed allowing Marty to tie her. Marty lifted Mary over his shoulder and Chris lifted Vicki, she moaned in pain. They were both loaded in the van and Chris and Marty went up front. They felt the van move forward as they drove to the destination. Vicki let tears run down her cheeks as she looked towards Mary. Mary looked into Vicki’s eyes and nodded. They felt the van jerk to a stop.

“ All right get the girls out I see their boys are waiting.” They heard Marty say. The door slid opened and Mary was pulled first since she could stand on her own. And then Marty grabbed Vicki and held her up as they turned and faced Kevin and Nick.

“ Do you have the money?” Chris asked taking Vicki from Marty holding the gun to her head.

“ Yes right here.” Kevin held out the duffle bag.

“ Slid it over or I kill her now.” Vicki stiffened and began to cry.

“ Don’t here it is.” Kevin set the money down and slid it across the ground to Marty. Marty pushed Mary towards Kevin. Mary ran to Kevin and cried against his chest as he tired to pass her to AJ who stood behind him.

“ Give her to us.” Nick begged as he watched Chris hold Vicki closer.

“ Nah. I think I might keep this one she cant fight back.” Chris said as he could hear Vicki begin to sob.

“ Give her back. Your scaring her.” Nick shouted. Kevin tried calming his friend but knew it wasn’t going to happen.  

AJ moved Mary over to the SUV and began to untie her pulling the gag free first.

“ Is she ok?” Mary asked as AJ untied her hands.

“ I don’t know. Seems Chris wont let us have her back. Did they hurt you?”

“ No. took Vicki’s cast off and grabbed her broken leg I am amazed she is still conscious at this point.” Mary said looking towards where Kevin and Nick still stood.

“ Hey I want you to stay here. Don’t go running over there you might end up hurt.” AJ said having Mary looking at him.

“ But she is my friend.” Mary said.

“ And she is ours as well. Let us help her. Nick wont let her go without a fight.” AJ said knowing his young friend. They both looked up suddenly as a shot rang out.

“ NICK!” Kevin’s voice rang out Mary and AJ moved forward to see Chris Vicki and Nick on the ground.

“ Vicki! Nick!” Mary started forward. Kevin stopped her as he noticed movement. Nick slowly sat up Kevin slowly moved forward and touched his arm.

“ Are you hurt?” Kevin asked picking up the fallen gun.

“ No. VICKI” He said reaching out for her. She moaned as he touched her arm. He noticed a bit of blood.

“ Oh god Kevin I shot her.” Nick said pulling her into his arms.

“ Nick you didn’t shoot her that isn’t her blood.” Kevin said he could hear cops coming.

“ Its not.” He said as he began unting her.

“ Nick?” She asked once he had pulled the gag from her mouth.

“ Yea baby. I am here and your safe.” He said pulling her close. He could finally see that Chris lay unmoving on the ground. Nick lifted Vicki into his arms and walked towards the SUV as several police cars came to a stop near it. An ambulance pulled to a stop behind it. Marty had run and wasn’t seen going out of the area. The police looked at Kevin and then over at Nick who was holding his girl close. Mary had joined Kevin rubbing her soar wrists.

“ Can someone please tell us what happened here? We received a call about a kidnapping and then a shooting.” The officer said looking at them.

“ I am the one who called.” AJ said coming forward.

“ And what happened here?” he repeated as AJ began to explain that the girls had been kidnapped and were being held for ransom. Nick had walked over to the ambulance with Vicki as a strangely dressed paramedic motioned them over. Nick helped put Vicki in the ambulance and then climbed into it with her. The paramedic climbed in and strapped Vicki to the gurney, which seemed to puzzle Nick. He then turned and faced Nick raising a gun. Nick’s eyes grew wide as he moved back. The man used straps and strapped Nick to the seat. Grabbing some bandages he gagged Nick and then Vicki.

“ I will get my money.” He said looking down at them. Vicki struggled against the straps trying to get her arms free.  

Kevin looked at the officer and then towards the ambulance.

“ We have to go our friends are going to the hospital you can get some statements from us there.” He said taking Mary’s hand and leading her towards the ambulance.

“ Miss can we check your wrist?” A paramedic asked.

“ Sure but didn’t you just put my friend in there.” She said pointing to the now moving ambulance.

“ No. My partner is over there.” He said pointing to the man that was talking with AJ.

“ Oh God. I saw a man help Nick and Vicki into the ambulance. Officer the man there had a partner did you find him?”

“ No he wasn’t to be found.”

“ We found him and he now has his hands back on our friends.” Kevin said looking at the now retreating ambulance.

“ Oh god no. She was finally safe.” Mary said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ She still is miss.” The officer said.

“ How? I mean Vicki and Nick are together but she is been kidnapped again.” Mary shouted now angry.

“ Miss you need to calm down.”

“ No I promised her parents she would be safe living with me.” Mary said. Kevin pulled her close and tried to calm her.

“ Sir take her home and we will call you when your friends are found.” He said to Kevin. Kevin nodded and guided Mary to the SUV. The others went and got into the car. Kevin drove them silently back to Mary’s house. Mary cried against Brian in the backseat. Howie didn’t know what to do for her and AJ was at a loss. They had gone to get Vicki and Mary back and ended up loosing Nick and Vicki.  

Vicki lay on her back looking up at Nick, she could see he was trying to free himself. She moaned to get his attention he looked towards her as she shook her head telling him to stop. The Ambulance came to a stop and Nick looked up as the back doors opened.

“ You might be thinking that I will just move you from here but I am thinking it’s easier to just have you here. As you can see I have access to the greatest drugs. My father was a doctor so I know what to use.” He laughed pulling a needle and a vial from the small box. Nick struggled as Marty came towards him with the needle.

“ Oh don’t worry it wont kill you. Just make you sleep.” He said as he injected Nick with it. He watched as Nick tried to stay conscious but finally went limp. Marty turned and looked at Vicki who now was crying trying to get her arms and legs free. He injected her with what he had Nick and watched her finally go to sleep.

“ Now to call your friends.” He said seeing that Nick had his cell phone taking it from him he looked and saw he had his friends numbers stored in it. Hitting a key he heard the phone dial and then a raspy voice answer.

“ Well hello Mr. McLean.” The voice said. AJ looked at his phone and then at his friends.

“ Where are they?” AJ hissed into the phone.

“ Safe and sleeping for now.” He said to him. AJ tensed when he heard the voice. He knew they wouldn’t be ok.

“ I want to know why you took them.”

“ Because I want my money.”

“ You had your money then you dropped it. Give them back.”

“ Oh I will but now I want 8 million or I kill Carter first.” He said to them.

“ We already gave you 4 million I don’t think we can come up with another 4 million.” AJ said his eyes getting wide.

“ You better or you will find their dead body’s in an alley.”

“ How do we get in contact with you?”

“ I will be in touch. Oh look I didn’t give my lovely guest enough.” AJ could hear Vicki moan in the background then he heard a muffled scream then silence.

“ Hey leave her alone. What did you do to her?” AJ screamed into the phone.

“ Just gave her something to make her rest. This time she will be out for a while. I will be in touch.” With that AJ heard the phone line go dead, he looked at the others and then over at Mary.

“ They are safe. He wants 8 million and will be in touch.” AJ said sadly.

“ This is my fault” Mary said

“ No it isn’t.” Kevin said to her.

“ Yes it is. Had I never had her come here had her meet Nick. She wouldn’t be in this. Her parents thought I was a good person for her to move in with. I even told them I would look out for her.” She said screaming. Kevin stepped back and looked at her. She was loosing it and he hopped she could keep it together.

“ Mary, Vicki knew what Nick was and how it would be dating him.” Brian said to her. “ This wasn’t your fault or anyone else’s.” He said trying to calm her.

“ No I told Kevin to bring Nick here. I had seen how upset she had been and knew maybe she needed someone and I thought since Nick hadn’t been dating Kevin could bring him along. So this is my fault. Totally my fault.” She said tears running down her cheeks.

“ Mary calm down.” Brian said.

“ Calm down Calm down my friend is missing and you want me to calm down. To hell with you Brian.” Mary shouted at him as she got in his face. He looked at her and then slapped her hard across the face. Only to be rewarded with a punch that knocked him hard to the floor.

“ Oh my god.” Kevin said looking from one to the other. Mary had her hand on the now red place on her cheek. Brian rubbed his sore jaw.

“ Are you two quiet finished?” Howie asked from his place on the couch.

“ Oh Brian I am so sorry.” Mary said reaching out for her friend. Brian pulled away from her at first but then pulled her into a warm hug.

“ It’s ok. He’s my best friend she is his girlfriend. We will get them back. Are you ok?”

“ I am ok.” She said as she sat down on the couch.

“ I don’t want you two fighting over this. We will get them both back and they will be safe and sound.” Kevin said looking at them both. Mary sat down next to Brian as they wondered what they were going to do next.

“ Well we can’t go and get money today so it will have to wait till tomorrow morning. We still have the four million from the first exchange so we need to get the money for this one. I don’t want anyone going anywhere alone.” Kevin sad sitting down. They had finally gotten Mary back only to loose Nick and Vicki.

“ All right I would suggest getting some sleep. So I have enough rooms so I want everyone getting some rest. I know while Vicki and I were gone sleep wasn’t an option.”

“ All right we will deal with this in the morning.”  

Nick slowly woke as the sunlight hit his face. Thinking the day before events were a dream he tried to move only to come to the realization that the day before was real and he and his girlfriend had been kidnapped. Nick leaned his head against the wall part of the ambulance.

“ Welcome back to the land of the living.” He heard Marty say. His eyes focused on their captor.

“ MMMM” Nick tried to speak threw the gag. Vicki opened her eyes and looked up to see Marty standing over her. Marty reached over and pulled the gag out of Nick’s mouth.

“ Leave her alone.” He said once he could talk.

“ Oh but she is so helpless at this point and cant stop me.” Marty said touching Vicki’s throbbing leg. She bit down on the gag in her mouth to keep from crying out.

“ Please she is in enough pain.” Nick said as he watched the tears of pain run down Vicki’s cheeks.

“ I can see that. She is pretty you have good taste. I wouldn’t say she was like those lovely models I have seen pictures of you with but she is pretty none the less.” Marty turned his attention to Nick

“ Yes she is and scared too. Please let us go. My friends will give you what you want.”

“ Oh I know they will or they will find you dead along with her. Does she have a name Nick?” Marty asked him raising the gun he was holding.

“ Vicki.” Nick said quickly. He didn’t want her hurt and was willing to answer any question that was asked.

“ How did you meet her?’

“ What is this twenty questions?” Nick asked regretting it the minuet he asked.

“ If you want to live you will just sit and talk to me.” He said raising the gun again.

“ Fine. Vicki and I met threw a friend. “

“ She doesn’t seem the type you would normally date.” He said to Nick.

“ I like a normal girl. A girl like her, she makes me smile and I know I make her smile.” Nick said looking towards Vicki. Vicki closed her eyes and tried to keep the tears from flowing.

“ Is she older than you Nick?” Marty asked him.

“ Yes she is.”

“ How old?” Nick looked at him he was getting tired of answering these personal questions but he knew it would keep them from getting killed he would.

“ I will turn 23 in January she turns 28 in November.” Nick said as Vicki’s eyes opened again and she looked towards him, her eyes pleading with him.

“ So a good five years difference huh.”

“ Yea but love means nothing with age.” Nick said remembering what Vicki had said to him once when he had thought twice about them dating because of the age difference.

“ So I have noticed. Well I think I am going to call your friends. Maybe see if I can get the money together then maybe you can both leave.” Marty said to Nick. Nick seemed almost relieved when he said this.

“ Nick I want you to talk to them.”

“ What?”

“ You get to talk to your friends. I know you want to. But if you screw up I will hurt your lovely girl.” Marty said moving closer to Vicki. He looked down at her, he could see that she was keeping her tears in her jaw working around the gag in her mouth.

“ Do you want to talk or cry?” He asked her, she wasn’t worried about talking so much as the gag was making her jaw hurt and she was in need of something to drink, he reached up and touched her face, she turned away from him, her eyes locking with Nick’s.

“ Sir I beg you please don’t.” Nick pleaded with him. Marty looked up at him and then moved Vicki’s face so she was looking at him.

“ Little lady must look at me. Nick here is going to make a phone call.” He said dialing the number and holding the phone to Nick’s ear. Nick heard AJ answer the phone.

“ Bone”

“ Nick oh my god are you ok?”

“ Yea we are fine.” Nick said

“ Will he let us talk to her? Mary really wants to talk to her.”

“ UH no Vicki is still gagged. She is looking at me though. Her leg hurts.”

“ Has he hurt either of you?”

“ No. He touched Vicki’s leg but I don’t know if he meant any harm. Please tell me you have the money.”

“ Yea Nicky we do.”

“ So you have the money ok. Now I want to meet you outside of town as we did before. If you bring the police you will find them both dead.”

“ No you promised that if we came with the money you would give them back unharmed. I want to talk to Vicki.”

“ She is a little tied up at the moment Mr. McLean.” Marty said looking down at Vicki and then towards Nick. He had gagged him again, Nick looked at him pleading with him. Marty pulled the gag Vicki had on down so she could talk. She worked her jaw as she tried to get it to work again.

“ Talk to him.” Marty said holding the phone to her ear.

“ Vicki?”

“ Alex, I am scared.” Vicki said. truth was she was terrified.

“ I know honey. Are you ok?” AJ asked her. She could hear Mary in the background.

“ Tell Mary I am fine. We will be home soon.” She said as the phone was pulled away and the gag put back on.

“ All right you got to talk to her. Now you have one hour to meet me where I want or I will kill her first.”

“ We will be there” AJ said. Marty hung up the phone and looked at his captives.

“ Well I guess its time to move.” He said climbing from the back of the ambulance and closing the doors. Vicki let tears run down her cheeks as she was scared unsure of what Marty would do to them.  

“ IS she ok?” Mary asked.

“ Yes Mary she is fine.”

“ AJ your as a bad liar as Vicki. How bad is she?”

“ Scared. I could hear pain in her voice. Nick sounded as scared. He had said Vicki was gagged but looking at him. I couldn’t figure out why the guy let Nick talk but not Vicki.”

“ I know we heard you. How long do we have?” Kevin asked.

“ One hour. Kevin man I could hear pain in her voice the fear in her voice. I know Nick is keeping it together but she is losing it Kev I mean she is trying to keep it together but its not working.”

“ I know Vicki she has always been very sensitive hence the reason I thought her and Nick would be such a perfect match.” Mary said looking at them.

“ Yea we noticed.” Howie said touching Mary’s shoulder.

“ Lets go.” AJ said grabbing the bag off the floor and headed towards the door. They all climbed into the car and drove to where they were supposed to meet, they could see Nick standing with his arms tied behind him and a gag in place. Vicki still lay on the gurney bound to it.

“ Hey we have the money.” AJ said holding up the bag.

“ Good.” He said shoving Nick towards them. Nick stumbled twice but made his way to them. Kevin grabbed Nick before he fell again.

“ We want them both. You told us we could have them both.” AJ said walking forward.

“ Oh you will get them both once I have the money.” Marty said touching Vicki’s face. Vicki turned away and looked towards where Nick now stood with Brian. Brian was keeping his friend calm.

“ Here is your money.” AJ said stopping at the end of the gurney. AJ touched Vicki’s good leg telling her he was there.

“ Set it down and walk away.” Marty said to him.

“ No. You get the money we get her.” AJ said unstrapping Vicki’s legs. He then moved his hands slowly up to the other straps the ones holding her arms in place. Once he had done that he pulled her into his arms and dropped the bag of money on the gurney and backed away. Vicki held onto AJ for dear life hopping they could get away before Marty could change his mind.

“ Don’t move boy or I shoot you both.” Marty said, AJ stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards Marty. Vicki began to cry as Marty held a gun up.

“ You have your money we are leaving.” AJ said holding Vicki closer. He could feel her shaking.

“ I never said you couldn’t I want to make sure this is money not papers.” Marty said opening the bag. He could see that it was all real and turned his attention to what was in the bag. AJ took this opportunity and ran for the car. The others climbed in with him and Vicki. Without another word the speed away from the scene. AJ had untied the gag and still held Vicki’s shaking body close.

“ Your ok I promise.” He told her. He could feel the wetness on his shirt as she cried. Nick rubbed her back trying to calm her.

“ Lets get back to the house.” Kevin said driving.

“ No!” Vicki said. She was terrified of going back there.

“ Honey we aren’t leaving you, you will be safe.” Howie said looking at her from the front. He could see she was upset and again her tears began to flow. She knew they wouldn’t leave them alone again. She nodded and leaned back against AJ. He had taken the role as being her protector at this point. Nick continued to rub her back seeing she was beginning to calm and then watched her eyes close and she went to sleep.

“ Nick were either of you hurt?” Kevin asked him

“ No. Just scared.” Nick said looking towards his girl then back at him. They arrived back at the house and AJ walked inside with Vicki in his arms. Placing her on the couch he backed away as Nick took his place. Nick stroked her hair and whispered things in her ear. It seemed to calm her so the others moved into another room to talk.

“ Do you think she is going to be ok?” Mary asked.

“ Yea she should be fine.”

“ Maybe we could go to my place I know you both don’t feel safe here.” Kevin said looking into Mary’s eyes. They all looked up as a blood curdeling scream came from the next room. They all ran into the next room to see Nick trying to calm Vicki.

“ Nick what happened?”

“ Nightmare.” He said simply still trying to calm her shaking form.

“ Ok that settles it we are going to my house and we are going there now. Howie go into Vicki’s room and pack a few things. Mary get your things together we are leaving now.” Kevin said taking charge, his voice a little rougher than he had wanted. Vicki jumped at the sound of his voice.

“ Sorry.” He said as she looked towards him. Nick lifted Vicki into his arms and walked towards the door.

“ How about we stop by the hospital and have another cast put on your leg.” He said looking down at her. She shrugged and laid her head on his shoulder. Howie returned with a small bag and looked towards Mary who now stood next to Kevin.

“ Ok we are out of here.” AJ said heading out the door. Vicki touched his arm and pulled him towards her. She kissed his cheek and looked at him.

“ Thank you.” She whispered to him.

“ Hey I don’t have a sister and you and Mary are as close as I can get. No one messes with my family.” AJ said kissing her cheek.

“ Come on I want to get that leg in a cast.” Nick said following AJ to the car. Vicki lay almost asleep in his arms, her body still shaking, an occasional whimper from her. Nick knew she would be racked with nightmares for a while.  

Mary and Kevin sat close together as they waited for the nurse to tell them Vicki was ready to leave when they again heard the now familiar scream. Nick ran down the hall to find Vicki being held down by some nurses.

“ What the hell are you doing?” He screamed at them.

“ She screamed suddenly we are trying to calm her.”

“ What happened?”

“ The doctor came in and she screamed.” The nurse said to him. Nick turned to where the doctor sat. His eyes got wide he seemed to look almost like Marty.

“ Well no wonder. You look almost like the guy that kidnapped her in the first place.” Nick said looking at the doctor. AJ came into the room and saw the man as well he moved to Vicki’s side as Nick talked to the doctor. She grabbed onto him crying.

“ Hey he is the doctor nothing more. He is just checking your leg.” AJ said trying to calm her. Nick moved to the other side of the bed.

“ Baby?” He said touching her arm.

“ I am scared.” She said to him.

“ I know baby I know. No one will ever hurt you again.” Nick said rubbing her back calming her. The doctor began to look over her leg and saw that no more damage so he moved from the room to allow the nurse to cast the leg again. Vicki had calmed by the time AJ and Nick had gotten her out to the others.

“ Hey honey you ok?” Mary asked her.

“ Yea. I guess I scared the doctor.” She said.

“ I know sweetie come on we are going to Kevin’s.”  

Two hours later Nick carried Vicki into Kevin’s home. He walked upstairs to the room he usually slept in while he was visiting laying Vicki down on the bed he kissed her forehead as she rolled to her side and went to sleep.  

“ I will be right back.” He told her. He walked back downstairs to see Kevin talking to his own bodyguard.  

“ I will call and see if the others will come over.” He told Kevin.  

“ Ok.” Kevin said turning to Nick.  

“ She is resting.”  

“ So is Mary. They have been threw a lot. You ok little brother?” Kevin asked.  

“ Yea I am fine. I am just worried bout Vicki and Mary.”  

“ We both are.” Kevin said looking towards where Vicki and Mary were.  

“ I wanted to do something nice with Vicki this weekend but it seems now its ruiened and I feel badly like it’s my fault.” Nick said sitting down on the couch.  

“ Nick like we told Mary its not your fault, we couldn’t have foreseen anything like this and you know it.”  

“ But with the line of work we are in we should have seen this coming.” Nick said looking at them. Brian shook his head a silently agreed. Howie didn’t know what to say so he just looked at his friend. AJ looked down the hall and then stood walking down the hall and upstairs he stopped at the rooms where the girls rested. He could see that Vicki lay sleeping but it was restless and she was crying. He walked in and placed his hand on her back and she relaxed slightly. He looked towards the door where the others now stood.  

“ Nick I think staying with her would be a good idea.” AJ said standing. He then jumped when the sound of the phone she had in her jacket rang. Her eyes shot opened and she looked around.  

“ why is everyone staring at me?” She asked looking towards AJ who was the closest.  

“ No reason. Your cellphone is ringing do you want to answer it or let the service get it?” he asked holding it out. She took the phone and hit the talk button.  

“ hello?” She said tenitively.  

“ hey honey.” She heard her mothers voice say on the other end.  

“ Mom?”  

“ Who else would be calling you? How are you honey?” She asked her.  

“ I am good. What is the pleasure of this call?” Vicki asked feeling like there was more to it than her mom let on.  

“ Nothing. You dad and I were just thinking about our kids I already called your sister and she and Paul are doing good. And what harm is it for a mother to call her first born. How is Nick and Kevin?” She added.  

“ They are both fine. You know Merry doesn’t call me anymore right?’ She asked her mother  

“ She was hard to catch tonight too. Ever since they moved to Vegas she never calls. I hope she is doing good.” Her mom said  

“ She is if you have to email her. But I know that isn’t the reason you called what is up? Is there something wrong with Dad?”  

“ No jezze no. He is still working at Menards and I now am working at Superor Deasle. Full time which makes you dad happy. But part of the reason I called was your title for the truck arrived yesterday and I wanted to know if you wanted it sent to Mary’s?”  

“ yea that would be cool mom. And what else did you want? Not that I don’t love talking to you but I am kind of tired?”  

“ Sam called yesterday she is getting married.” Her mom said  

“ Sam called and what I am too good for her to call?” Vicki spat. Her mother sighed and waited till Vicki had calmed down.  

“ Dear you two had a fight and now she feels badly and wants to talk to you but she said you fell off the planet she cant reach you online or even on your cell.” Her mom said  

“ She hasn’t tried I have had nothing but time since I broke my leg and you know it.”  

” Hey I know I told her I would call and she wanted to know if you would call her maybe at work tonight?”  

“ Maybe but mom Nick is here and wanted to have some dinner before I fall asleep on him again.”  

“ Ok call me?”  

“ Ok mom love you.” She said quickly.  

“ Love you too honey.” Her mom said and then Vicki turned off her phone. She looked at the others.  

“ What? It was my mom.”  

“ We gathered that. Why don’t you call Sam?” Nick asked her.  

“ Not right now. But I will mom asked me to call her at work.”  

“ That’s way after midnight you haven’t been able to stay awake long enough to wait for me to get home.” Nick said with a laugh. Mary now stood in the doorway and smiled because she could see Vicki had calmed down.  


It had been six months since the kidnapping and nothing more came of it. Both Mary and Vicki were now perminately staying with Kevin and Nick. Much to Vicki’s moms protests Vicki had moved to Florida further away that her own sister had done with her mom. Vicki hadn’t heard from her friend or for that matter her own sister. She missed them both terriablily and with Nick getting ready for another tour or an album he wasn’t home much. She hated being alone.  

“ Hey Vic” a voice called out from behind her. Mary had flown down to be with her friend and to be closer to Kevin.  

“ Hey Mary. What happened get tired of being alone?” She asked giggling. Vicki stood on the balcony of her home resting against the railing.  

“ Yea something like that. Kevin had called and had sent me a ticket saying I had to be here he had a surprise for me.”  

“ Cool Nick said the same to me. Wonder what those two are up too?” Vicki said thinking  

“ Who knows with those two it could be anything.” Mary said with a laugh.  

“ yea no kidding. Want to go for a walk on the beach?” Vicki asked her friend.  

“ Sure. I see your liking the idea of walking around”  

“ Oh god yes. It’s so good. And there was another bonus to me being able to move better” Vicki said with a sly grin.  

“ And that is?” Mary asked  

“ Nothing” Vicki said giggling. “ come on lets go.” She said leading her friend down to the beach.  


A few hours later Kevin and Nick arrived at the beach house to find both girls gone. Nick nearly went nucular as he couldn’t find his girl. Kevin walked calmly to the deck and found them both sitting on the beach below.  

“ Nick calm down and come here.” Kevin said to his young friend, Nick walked out side and saw the girls sitting in the sand below.  

“ Why are they down there?” He asked looking at Kevin.  

“ I am guessing waiting for us to come home.” Kevin said walking down the steps towards the girls. Nick followed nearly knocking the older man down. Hurrying to Vicki’s side he kissed her neck.  

“ Hey” She said looking up at him. She could see the fear in his eyes and stood and pulled him into her arms.  

“ Hey what’s wrong?” She asked him. She stood several inches shorter so she had to reach up to touch his face.  

“ I thought you had been taken again.” He said looking at her.  

“ Nick. It’s a big house and I love the beach as much as you do, you should have known I wouldn’t have gone far.” She said soothing him  

“ Hey Mary.” Kevin said pulling her into his arms.  

“ Hey did I scare you too?”  

“ Nope I knew you both hadn’t gone far.” Kevin responded kissing her. Mary smiled and still wondered what the guys were up too.  

“ Hey are you four coming back inside we are starved.” AJ called from the deck. Vicki looked up and waved.  

“ HI Alex.” She called to him  

“ Hi Vicki you coming up?”  

“ Yea we will be right there.” She answered him taking Nick’s hand she lead him back to the house and inside. Mary and Kevin followed. AJ waited for both girls to come inside and hugged them both.  

“ Miss us” Mary asked giggling. AJ pulled her into a tighter hug.  

“ Yep. Why don’t the two of you go with us next time?” He asked them.  

“ Maybe next time.” Vicki said walking all the way into the house. She could see that the others had come too and wondered what Nick and Kevin were up too.  

“ Ok boys what are you up to?” Vicki asked turning to them.  

“ Nothing dear.” Nick said pulling her into his arms. He had missed her terriably had hated being more than a day apart from her. Then again Kevin was the same way with Mary.  

“ Ok Nick you couldn’t lie if your life depended on it what is going on?” Vicki said again turning around to face him. He pressed his soft lips to hers and then whispered in her ear.  

“ Marry me”  

“ Excuse me?”  

“ you heard me” he giggled. He looked towards Kevin who had just done the same thing to Mary. Each of the other boys knew what was going on and were waiting for an answer from the girls. Vicki smiled and pulled away. She looked at the small box Nick now held in his hand that held a small but beautiful diamond ring.  

“ Marry me.” He repeated.  

“ OK. Yes I will marry you.” Vicki said, as the smile on her face got wider.  

“Mary what do you say? Marry me?” Kevin said pulling a similar box from his pocket the ring a little bigger but not much. The heart shaped diamond twinkled in the light.  

“ Oh my god. Yes Kevin I will marry you.” Mary said as Kevin placed the ring on her finger.  

“ YAY sisters.” AJ said hugging Vicki and then Mary.

Vicki giggled as she looked at AJ he seemed happier than they were. Which was weird considering. She walked out on the deck and felt the warm summer air run threw her long dark hair. Its original color had come out cause she had been too busy to dye it again. She felt arms around her waist.  

“ What’s wrong?” Nick asked her.  

“ Nothing just thinking how nice this is. I will have to talk to my parents.”  

“ Did that all ready. Actually Kevin called Mary’s folks and I called yours they are both excited. Something bout time that their oldest child was getting married.” He said kissing her neck.  

“ Are the two of you only going to make out?” Brian asked coming outside to see what had been going on.  

“ Yep that’s right Brian that’s all we are going to do while your all here is make out and have you all sit in the house.” Vicki said as Nick turned her to face Brian, his arms around her waist.  

“ What is wrong?” Brian asked seeing the worry in her eyes.  

“ I just feel that that thing with Marty isn’t over. I mean yea its been six months but I feel that he is going to strike at anytime and ruien what is most precious to me that this moment.” Vicki said looking into two pairs of concerned blue eyes.  

“ Hey think of it this way security has been doubled and no one will get near either of you.” Brian said pulling Vicki into a warm hug. Mary and Kevin walked out on the deck with AJ and Howie.  

“ Hey what’s going on?” Mary asked looking at her friend.  

“ Just nerves.” Nick said before Vicki could answer.  


It had been three months since the girls had gotten engaged and the weddings were in the works. Actually a double wedding was in the works. Kevin came home one after noon to tell Mary some news he wasn’t sure she would be happy to hear.  

“ Honey.” He started not wanting her to kill him  

“ What is it Kevin?” Mary asked looking past the book she was now reading.  

“ Uh bad news babe.”  

“ And that is?”  

“ We are to start a new tour tomorrow.” He said sitting down expecting a blow up with the wedding so close he knew she would either be mad or disappointed.  

“ When?” She asked trying to stay calm.  

“ Tomorrow we leave at 4 am. I hope your not mad.”  

“ No not mad. Not at all. Has Nick told Vicki yet?” she asked her voice not hiding her anger.  

“ Honey please stay calm and Nick was going home to tell Vicki when I came here.” Just then the phone rang. Kevin looked at the number and knew it was Nick.  

“ Yea?”  

“ She is so pissed at me Kev. I mean she threw something at me and went into her room. I can’t get her to come back out.” Nick said his voice shaking like he had been crying.  

“ All right Nick calm down Mary and I will be right there.”  

“ She is mad at him isn’t she?”  

“ Totally.” Kevin said standing. Mary followed him from the house and sat quietly in the car. They arrived at Nick’s a short time later. Nick had talked Kevin into buying a house near him so that Vicki and Mary could be close when they weren’t around. Kevin and Mary walked to the door and knocked. Nick answered he looked at them teary eyed.

“ Hi that didn’t take long.” He said standing aside. They both walked inside.

“ Where is she?” Mary asked looking at him.

“ Bedroom.” He said as she moved past him. Kevin led Nick to the couch and sat down.

“ Nick think bout it she is going to be fine.” Kevin said.

“ Has Mary thrown something at you?”

“ No just her temper that’s bout it.” Kevin said looking at his friend.

“ Vicki threw dinner at me.” Nick said remembering when he had told her the news in the kitchen. She had tossed what had been in the pan and had gone to the bedroom.

“ Dinner?”

“ Yea she was making a big dinner and was going to invite you and Mary over for dinner. I guess it didn’t work that way. Man I shouldn’t have told her then” Nick said sadly.  

Mary walked down the hall and found the door to the room locked she knocked genitally.  

“ Vic can I come in?” She asked She heard the door open and then she walked inside. Vicki had opened the door and then moved back to the bed. Mary walked in and saw that she had been crying.  

“ Hey honey are you going to stay mad at him for a while. He was crying.” Mary said sitting down.  

“ I don’t care its going to ruien the wedding.” Vicki said tears running down her cheeks  

“ I know honey I am as mad at Kevin bout this but they are both here and want to talk to us. Do you want to talk to Nick?” Mary asked helping her friend stand.  Vicki pulled her arm from Mary’s grasp. Mary looked at her friend and shook her head.  

“ NO!” Vicki said sitting back down. Mary looked at her friend strangely  

“ What is your deal?” She asked a little harsher than she had intended. Vicki looked at her all teary eyed and pushed the play button on her CD player. Savage Garden blasted out of the speakers. That was how she was feeling at that moment and wanted to listen to the music and with her mood she was not wanting to hear Mary tell her that Nick didn’t mean it.  

“ Go away for now.” Vicki said gentially to her friend.  

“ All right I will be right down stairs if you need me.” Mary said leaving the room. Mary walked down the hall and came face to face with Nick and Kevin. Kevin stood and smiled. She looked over at him then over at Nick.  

“ She hates me doesn’t she?” He asked tears running down his cheeks.  

“ No Nick she doesn’t hate you. She is just a little upset right now.”  

“ A little you should have been here an hour ago when I told her and she threw a large platter of beef at me. She was going to call and ask you two over for dinner.” He said looking towards his kitchen. Mary walked in there and saw the mess.  

“ Wow was she ever pissed. Nick give her time. Vicki isn’t one to hold a grudge she will come around.”  

“ But we leave in two days I want her to come along.” Nick cried sitting back down on the couch.  

“ Don’t cry. Baby I love you it just upset me that you didn’t want to get married.” Vicki said coming into the room. Nick looked up at her and nearly ran to her.  

“ I do want to get married its just not going to be as we planned.” Nick said reaching out for her. She looked into his blue eyes and pulling him into her arms.  

“ Nicky please don’t ever do that to me again.” She said a few tears running down her cheeks,  

“ I didn’t mean it the management called and they said that we were to go on tour for the new album plus I still have to get mine done too so we are combining the tours into one I am going to be the opening act” Nick said laughing. He held on to Vicki as if his life depended on it.  Kevin looked over at Mary, Vicki nudged her and Mary moved over to Kevin.  

“ Ok so Vicki can forgive Nick so I guess I can forgive you, but don’t let it happen again mister.” Mary said with a big smile.  


Two weeks later Mary and Vicki were standing on the balcony looking at the city below.  

“ You ready?” They heard Nick and Kevin ask. Vicki looked down at her long blue dress and then over at Mary.  

“ Time to rock and roll.” Mary said taking her friends hand and walking towards the boys.  

“ Wow don’t you both look beautiful.” Kevin said taking Mary’s arm and leading her out of the room. Nick smiled and kissed Vicki on the cheek and followed Kevin and Mary.  

“ Where are we going? I mean your concert ended two hours ago aren’t you guys tired?” Vicki asked looking at Kevin and Nick.  

“ Nope and this is tradition we always have a party the first concert of the tour and of the last concert of the tour.” Kevin told them as they meet up with the others. The party was in full swing when they arrived.  

“ Ladies can I have this dance?” AJ asked in his best Johnny No Name voice. Vicki giggled and took his hand.  

“ You two dance I will wait here.” Mary said laughing and sitting down next to Kevin. Nick shook his head and went looking for Brian.  

“ So you happy?” AJ asked once they had gotten to the dance floor.  

“ Yep. And Nick said we could always get married on the road and then have a big wedding later.” Vicki said beaming. AJ loved to see the girls smile it made his day. “ When are you and Sarah getting hitched?”  

“ Soon but we want Nicky and Kevin married off first. Then that will leave me and Howie.” AJ said looking towards Howie.  

“ He is happy isn’t he?” She asked following his gaze. Part of her heart would always belong to Howie but she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Nick.  

“ Yea he is and he is happy to see you happy as well.” AJ said looking into her blue eyes.  

“ Oh I know. He never meant for what happened it just did.”  

“ I know we were both so busy I don’t blame him and I hope he knows that.” She asked  

“ he does. Well the music has ended I have to go to the bathroom. I will meet you back at the table.”  AJ said kissing her cheek and walking away. Nick met her half way and led her back to the floor as Kevin brought Mary out for a dance.  

“ What did you talk bout?” Nick asked pulling her close.  

“ Wouldn’t you like to know?” She giggled.  


AJ walked towards the men’s room. A few minuets later he came back out. He ran into a large man blocking his way.  

“ Dude you want to move?” AJ asked. The guy looked down at him and shook his head. AJ shrugged his shoulders and started around him when the man grabbed him and pulled him roughly to where he couldn’t be seen.  

“ let go.” AJ demanded as he was led from the club. He felt a cloth over his mouth and nose and before he passed out he saw Marty come into view.  

“ Welcome to your nightmare Mr. McLean.” He laughed as AJ fought to keep from passing out. Finally AJ went limp and the man behind him lifted him over his shoulder.  

“ Get him in the van. Make sure you secure him.”  

“ Yes sir.”

Vicki looked at Nick as they walked back to the table.  

“ Hey Kevin Mary did AJ come back?”  

“ nope haven’t seen him Vic, I’ll go get him.” Kevin said standing.  It had been several minuets since Kevin had walked away.  

“ OK this is getting creepy. Where do they keep going?”  Nick asked as he stood to go find the missing pair.  

“ Oh no you don’t I cant loose you too.” Vicki said grabbing his arm. Mary had to agree as Nick’s phone rang.  

“ Hello?” Nick started looked down at the screen seeing he didn’t know the number.  

“ Well Mr. Carter hello again.”  

“ Where are they?”  

“ Well Mr. Richardson has just joined us and well Mr. McLean he is well lets say he is resting.”  

“ Are they ok?” Nick asked looking towards Vicki and Mary. Mary’s eyes widened when Nick said ‘they’. Vicki looked at her friend and then around the room she needed to find the others. She slowly stood and made her way towards where Howie and Brian had gone.  

“ Howie go back to the table where is Brian?”  

“ Bathroom I think why what’s wrong?” Howie asked looking at her.  

“ Nothing go back to the table we don’t want to draw attention just go. I will go find Brian.” Vicki said moving in the direction that the bathrooms. Running into a large man as she started towards the bathroom. She noticed Brian laying on the floor unconscious.  

“ Brian!” She yelled pushing past the man and dropping down next to her friend.  


“ So Carter have you seen your best friend or your fiancιe in the last five minuets.” He asked Nick. Nick looked towards Mary and noticed that Vicki was no longer sitting next to her.  

“ Where did Vicki go?” Nick asked Mary.  

“ She went looking for Brian.” Howie answered sitting down.  

“ She what?”  

“ Went looking for Brian. Is there something wrong with that?”  

“ UH yea.” Nick said  

“ Nickolas are you listening to me?”  He heard a voice ask.  

“ Yes. I am.” Nick said turning his attention back to Marty. That was when he heard the familiar scream.  

“ Oh I seem to have found something of yours actually two of yours. Say hi to Nicky dear.”  

“ Nick I am so sorry.” Vicki said crying.  

“ Vicki, baby its ok. Its not your fault.”  

“ VICKI! What?” Mary said a little louder that she had intended. Everyone turned and looked at them.  

“ Let’s get out of here.” Howie said touching Nick’s arm. Nick nodded and slowly stood taking Mary’s arm and leading her from the club. Howie led them to the car and drove back to the hotel while Nick still talked to Vicki.  

“ Baby your going to be ok. Is everyone else ok?”  

“ Yea Kevin is awake and looking rather pissed but he cant talk none of them can he gagged them. I found Brian unconscious in the hall outside the bathroom. He has a new helper I didn’t think the large man was there to take him I just thought he was someone at the club.” Vicki tried to explain as she cried. Again she had been taken again from Nick.  

“ Well now Carter I have been thinking the original reason I took McLean was cause he took your girl from me but I took Richardson cause I thought he killed my brother but it seems that was you. And now I have all who are dearest to you and maybe I will take the rest and leave you as alone as I am at this moment.” He said laughing evilly. Mary looked at Nick as he looked about to cry.  

“ No please don’t.” Nick begged.  

“ Talk to you soon Nicky.” He laughed and hung up.  


Vicki strained against the ropes that held her wrists and with a gag on she could tell anyone how she was feeling at that moment. Kevin made a noise to get her attention and she turned and looked towards him.  

“ Well you four can chat not like anyone is going to hear you anyways.” Marty said pulling the gags free and leaving them before Kevin could say anything.  

“ You ok?” He asked looking at Vicki  

“ Yea I am ok. I can’t believe this is happening again.” Vicki said leaning against the wall.  

“ What is going on?” They both heard a voice say. Vicki looked to see Brian had woke up.  

“ We have been kidnapped again.” Vicki said sadly.  

“ I wasn’t taken before. Man this is bad.” Brian said looking over at AJ as he started to wake.  

“ Man when he wakes up he is going to be pissed.” Vicki said to them.

“ Yea he his.” AJ said looking towards them. Vicki cringed at the sound of the deep anger in his voice.

“ Hey J you ok?” Vicki asked her arms already hurt and she didn’t want to move any more than she had to.

“ I know your hurting honey. Did they hurt you?” AJ asked not wanting to have her worrying bout him.

“ No not really.” Vicki answered him. When she had been grabbed it was with her bending down over Brian’s fallen form. She had seen the large dark haired man that had been in the doorway but hadn’t paid him no mind till he pulled her body close to his placing his hand over her mouth and laughing as Marty came into view lifting Brian off the floor, she was lead from the club.

“ Like Mary said once you’re a lousy liar did he hurt you?”

“ No He didn’t just scared me. I thought he had hurt Brian badly. Brian are you hurt besides your head?”

“ Nope I am fine he gave me something I didn’t get hit. Honey how did he get you?” Brian asked looking at her.

“ I found you on the floor.” Vicki said looking at the floor. Hot tears stinging her eyes.

“ On the floor huh. He grabbed you from behind didn’t he babe?”

“ Yea he did. I didn’t even see it coming. Nick is so scared. He wants to take us all to leave Nicky all alone.” Vicki said looking towards the two who hadn’t heard this yet.

“ Who is left with Nick?” Brian asked.

“ Mary and Howie. And if Nicky nearly went nuts when I came up missing before and with Mary with me. But we are his family what are we going to do it going to drive him over the edge.”

“ Over the edge doesn’t even begin to describe what will happen. Vicki you do understand that Nick thinks of you as his life. His world. Honey he loves you with everything. I mean he cares bout us each of us. But you’re his life now.” Brian said looking over at her. Vicki looked away from him she didn’t want him to see the now flowing tears. She was scared and she didn’t need them worrying bout her. Suddenly she felt arms over her shoulders pulling her close.

“ How?” She cried looking at AJ.

“ I am very flexiable.” AJ said his bound hands now in front of him. He held Vicki close as she cried.

“ Let me untie your arms.” AJ said working on the ropes that held her arms. With her hands now free she untied his and looked at the others. She crawled over to the others and untied them. Kevin reached out and pulled Vicki close. AJ and Brian moved closer.

“ Hey kid its ok. We wont let them hurt you.” Brian said rubbing her back. Vicki was shaking as she cried against Kevin’s chest.

“ It’s not fair.” She said

“ I know honey I know.” Kevin said looking towards the others.  

Mary looked at Nick, she could see that he wasn’t holding it together all that great. Howie wasn’t doing any better. His own best friend was missing.

“ Guys no one else is going to be missing we will be fine. As long as we stay together.” Mary said. Nick lowered his head and let a few tears roll down his cheeks.

“ He wants me to be alone. What will he do to them if he can’t get you two?”

“ We wont let that happen Nick.” Howie said.

“ But you can’t be with me all the time.” Nick said sadly.

“ Want to bet.” Mary said as the phone near her rang. Nick reached past her and picked it up.

“ Hello” He said waiting for the answer he was hopping wasn’t what he needed.

“ Hello Nick.” Marty said with an evil laugh.

“ What did you do to them?” Nick asked

“ Nothing, actually your girl is crying last I checked in on them.”

“ I want to talk to her.” Nick pleaded with Marty.

“ I would have to go get her. I really don’t want to. So what are you going to do to get them back? Or are you going to loose them all.”

“ No please I can’t loose them all.”

“ Well then I want you to do as I tell you.”

“ I will do anything as long as you promise not to hurt any of them.”

“ Oh I think that can be arranged. Now Nicky what I want you to do is come to Kevin’s home.”

“ But we aren’t even home yet. How could you have gotten that far that fast.”

“ Ah too many questions Nicky boy. Yes we are back in Florida. Now get here you have twenty-four hours. Starting now.” Marty said laughing at Nick. Nick looked at the others as the phone went dead.

“ We need to get home now. He is near Kevin’s I don’t know if he is there but he is in Florida.”

“ All right I will call and get plane tickets. We will need to get going.” Howie said grabbing the phone and making the call.

“ We have twenty-four hours I don’t know what he is going to do to them.” Nick said sadly.

“ All right we have our tickets plane leaves in an hour.” Howie said hanging up the phone and looking at them.

“ Gather everyone’s things and have them sent later. I will let Geo and Randy know what is going on that we have a family emergency back home and we have to go. They will understand and not ask questions. Good thing we don’t have another concert till next week.” Mary pointed out.

“ Ok let’s go.” Nick said going to his room getting his bag and Vicki’s and walking into the hall. Handing Vicki’s bag to Geo he walked down the hall to meet Mary and Howie. Howie looked at his young friend and knew that if he lost anyone else he would completely loose it. The ride to the New York Airport was quiet.  

Vicki leaned against Kevin and listened as the door to the room where they were being held opened.

“ I see you got free. No matter Nicky is coming.” Marty said to them

“ We knew he would. Why did you do this? You got your money before.” Kevin asked. His voice filled with anger. Vicki jumped slightly as his voice was meaner than he had intended it to be.

“ Because now I want Nick’s life because of what he did to my brother.”

“ It wasn’t his fault the gun went off. It could have just been as easily been Nick or me.” Vicki said looking at him.

“ It would have been better for each of you had it been you or him. Now come here girl.”

“ Leave her alone.” Kevin said holding her close. Marty motioned for two men to enter and to take Vicki from the room.

“ NO! Leave me alone.” Vicki screamed fighting against the two men that now held her. One clamped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

“ Take her out of here.” Marty said, he watched as they pulled her struggling form from the room. Kevin started to stand and Marty turned and held up a gun at him.

“ I wouldn’t play hero here buddy.” He hissed at Kevin. Kevin sat back down and looked at the others. AJ couldn’t believe this he couldn’t even protect her.  

Vicki looked at the men who had tied her to a bed, she didn’t dare protest for fear they would do something to her.

“ Hello my lovely.” Marty said, coming into the room.

“ Why am I here?” Vicki asked looking at him.

“ Oh I thought maybe I could make something so that will make him fall apart.”

“ You wont kill me.” Vicki said thinking that was what he meant

“ Not what I meant.” He said as he shed his clothing. Vicki’s eyes grew wide and she struggled to get her arms free.

“ No please don’t do this to me.”

“ What haven’t you slept with your boyfriend have you?” He asked laughing at her.

“ We were waiting. Oh god please don’t do this to me.” Vicki said as tears ran down her cheeks.  

Howie looked at his friend as the plane touched down and they nearly ran off the plane stopping long enough to get their luggage. Howie always loved coming home but this wasn’t something happy. He looked at Mary and Nick as they walked towards the waiting car. The drive was quiet as they pulled into Kevin’s driveway. Mary looked up at the two-story house. Several lights were on and it seemed to puzzle her since she knew all the lights were off and house was locked.

“ I don’t remember leaving the lights on.” She said

“ Kevin has it on a timer. I remember him doing that. Vicki and I suggested it once”

“ I wish he would tell me these things before he does them.” Mary said as they walked inside. She looked around and noticed a video and a letter on the table. She lifted the letter and read it.

I want my money but I want revenge first. Nickolas might just loose everything he has because he took away my brother. In closed is a video that shows your friends are safe.* The letter said. Mary set it down and lifted the package and took the video out of it. She placed it in the player and waited for Nick to calm down enough to watch it.

“ Nick sit down.” Mary said looking at him.

“ But what if it’s showing us that they are beaten or worse.” Nick said he didn’t want to see what was on the video.

“ I know honey but we can’t not watch please come on” Mary said pulling him close. She didn’t know what to do to make him calm down. Nick sat close to her and waited for Howie to push the play button. To his horror what he had hopped wouldn’t be there was.

“ Oh my god” Howie said looking at the screen. Vicki lay tied to a bed her blue dress torn her eyes red from crying.

“ He didn’t you don’t think he did?” Nick stuttered looking at the screen.

“ Hello Nicky boy. I would like to say she is good.” Marty said as he came into view. He had on jeans but his shirt was gone.

“ Oh god he didn’t.” Nick said his eyes filling with tears. He watched the screen as it seemed to rewind and show that he had done what Nick thought he had. He could hear her pleas to get him to let him to let her go to not do what he was going to. He heard the hard slap as he hit her. Her crying and then finally silence.

“ NO!” Nick screamed as he looked at the screen. He couldn’t believe it.

“ Nick she is going to be ok.” Mary said trying to calm him.

“ He…He raped her. She will never let me touch her nothing.”

“ She made the comment that the two of you had done something please tell me you had and he wasn’t her first.”

“ I can’t lie to you. We haven’t we have gotten to making out and some foreplay but nothing major I respected her and was waiting till we got married.” Nick said sobbing. Howie tried to calm his young friend he didn’t need him loosing his cool now.

“ Nick Vicki needs you to stay strong. We need you to stay strong.” Howie said to him. Nick looked a Howie then over at Mary.

“ He is going to kill her. I know he is.” Nick said looking them.  


Vicki was dropped back in the room. Brian gasped as he looked at her. She had curled up in a ball on the floor where she had landed and sobbed.

“ Oh my god.” Brian moved closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him and let him pull her into his arms.

“ Shhh Vic your going to be ok.” He said soothing her, his hands rubbing circles in her back. He could see that she was bleeding.

“ Honey can you tell us what happened?” AJ asked. He had a feeling he already knew but he wanted her to say it.

“ I will never be able to let Nick touch me again.” Vicki said crying against Brian’s chest.

“ Vicki can you tell me what he did?” Kevin asked. He could see the more they pushed her the harder she cried.

“ He Raped me Kevin is that what you want to hear HE RAPED ME!” She screamed her tears running freely as she looked at them. AJ didn’t dare say anything and just sat there shocked. Brian held her closer as he tried to calm her. Kevin looked away as he too was about to cry.

“ Kevin?” Vicki said since she had calmed down some.

“ I should have protected you better.” He said looking towards her, she could see tears in his eyes.

“ Kevin this isn’t your fault. Marty knew what he was doing when he did it. I don’t blame anyone. I just will never be able to face Nick again.” Vicki said pulling away from Brian and moving a corner of the room. She pulled her rather sore legs up against her chest. Kevin pulled his coat off and moved over to her and put it over her shoulders. Vicki didn’t know she could hurt this bad.

“ All I want to do is talk to Nick.”

“ So be it.” Marty said coming into the room. He walked over to Vicki and grabbed her arm.

“ No leave me alone.” Vicki screamed trying to get away from him. Kevin stood and pulled her into his arms.

“ Haven’t you done enough?” Kevin hissed holding Vicki close.

“ She wanted to talk to Nicky.”

“ So bring the phone in here and she can talk to him here.” Kevin said holding her close.

“ All right then.” Marty said walking from the room. Vicki held onto Kevin and sobbed.

“ Hey honey he wont hurt you ever again. None of us will let him. we would never had let him before.”

“ I know Kevin.” Vicki said she leaned against his chest she wanted to crawl into a corner and die.

“ I will make sure we take you to a doctor and have you checked when we get out of here.”

“ God Kevin what happens if I get pregnant by that creep. Oh god I cant face Nick ever again.”

“ Yes you can honey yes you can.” Brian said looking at her.

“ Brian are you sure he would ever forgive me.”

“ Honey it wasn’t your fault.” AJ said looking at her.

“ I could have stopped him.”

“ Oh little lady there is no way you could have stopped me.” Marty said coming in with the phone.

“ How could you have done that to her?” Brian asked him.

“ I did it cause Carter never did. Did he sweetie?” He asked laughing at her. Vicki pulled away from Kevin and sat in the corner, her knees against her chest.

“ Maybe then you don’t want to talk to your beloved.” Marty said, Vicki only cried harder. Marty laughed and left the room. Kevin looked towards the door then back towards Vicki. He then looked at the others.

“ I can’t believe that sick bastard.” AJ said looking back towards Vicki who now seemed to have drifted off into a restless sleep.

“ Maybe one of us should?”

“ No leave her be. She needs the space right now. Don’t worry he isn’t getting near her again.” Kevin told them.

“ I still can’t believe that he did that and what is worse I over heard one of them say he taped it and sent it to Nick.” Brian said looking at them. Kevin shook his head he needed to get them out of there and in once piece.

“ Oh god Nick will loose it.”

“ Loose it doesn’t even describe what Nick is going to start what he is going threw.”

“ God we need to get her out of here safe”

“ Brian what we need to keep her safe while she is here.” AJ said, Kevin could hear the anger in his voice.

“ J you need to say calm, we can’t have you loosing it too”

“ HE RAPED HER KEVIN” AJ yelled at him.

“ I know AJ I know but we can’t go blowing off the handle.” Kevin said, he heard a small cry from Vicki as she rolled onto her back. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet but Kevin had a feeling that she was going to soon. AJ looked over at Kevin and then at Brian. Kevin settled back against the wall near where Vicki slept. Brian moved to the other side of her and AJ near her legs.  

Late in the evening Vicki had the visions of what had happened, her scream filled the room. AJ instantly pulled her shaking form into his arms.

“ Shh its ok, your ok it was just a dream.” He said rubbing her back. Kevin looked at AJ has he held Vicki.

“ God J you do care.” Kevin said looking at him.

“ I never said I didn’t I just have been trying to stay calm for her. I have no sisters and Mary and Vicki are as close as it gets. I wont let anything happen to them. I couldn’t protect her before but I wont let him near her this time.” AJ hissed his voice a little harsher than he had thought Vicki jumped slightly. AJ rubbed her back calming her.

“ We need to get out of here.” Brian said looking at them.

“ We know that but how.” Kevin asked his cousin.

“ I don’t know that right now but we have to get out of here soon.” Brian said noticing that Vicki had calmed again and had gone back to sleep.  

Mary looked at Nick who lay sleeping on the couch and Howie who now slept in the chair. She waited for a call something, any news on her boyfriend and her friends. The phone rang and Nick fell off the couch, as Mary reached for it.

“ Hello?” She asked tenitvely.

“ Mary?”

“ Yea.”

“ Is Vicki home?” She heard the woman ask. Mary could feel the hot tears form in her eyes.

“ No she isn’t her, Kevin Brian and AJ went out to do something.” She said.

“ I have been trying to call her at Nick’s but there doesn’t seem to be any one home?”

“ Nick is here.” Mary said regretting what she had just said to the older woman on the other end.

“ Oh can I talk to him?” She asked. Mary looked over at Nick, there was no way he could hold it together long enough to keep from blurting out what had happened.

“ He is sleeping sorry he has had a rough day. Nick caught a cold.” Mary lied to Vicki’s mom.

“ Oh well then let him rest. I will try again tomorrow or something do you know when Vicki should be back?”

“ Couple days. Her and the others went on some secret mission they didn’t tell us what.”

“ Ok sounds like something Vicki would do. Ok night dear.”

“ Night.” Mary hung up the phone and looked at the others. Nick looked at her with questioning eyes.

“ It was Vicki’s mom. She wanted to talk to you but I knew you couldn’t hold it together long enough to actually talk to her without saying Hi your daughter was kidnapped and oh raped.” Mary said looking at him.

“ Yea Nick your having a hard time keeping from calling the police as it is.”

“ I know I want to hold her in my arms know she is safe from that creep.” Nick said a few tears running down his cheeks.

“ Nick I know Vicki and I never really came to Florida much but where do you think he would take them. I mean he has to be near to know when we got here.”

“ Yea but where. I mean Vicki and I live only a few hours away.”

“ Hmm somewhere between here and there. Howie don’t you live between here and there.”

“ Yep.” Howie said thinking bout what all was going on.

“ There is a new house bout an hour from here. But we have been so busy I haven’t had time to check.” Howie said looking at them.

“ Hmm maybe we could check. I mean what could it hurt. I mean we need to find them before something happens.”

“ I want Vicki maybe she is there.” Nick said standing. Howie followed his friend. Howie drove the car and waiting for them to see the house he had been talking bout. About an hour later Howie saw the house come into view.

“ There and there are lights on.” He said pointing to it. He pulled the car to a stop at the end of the driveway.  

Marty looked outside when he saw the headlights.

“ Looks like we have visitors.”

“ So what can they do?” one asked him.

“ Lots especially if they brought someone with them.” Marty yelled.

“ Well what do you want done with the guests we already have”

“ Tie them and bring them to me. If their friends want them back they will have to work for it.” Marty said laughing.

“ All right.”

“ Wait a minuet I will come with you I know what we can do if those that are outside are who I think they are.” Marty said

“ And you are going to do what?”

“ Like I said tie them and we will let their friends see them.” Marty said as they walked into the room.

“ Hello.” He said walking into the room. AJ pulled Vicki closer as she jumped at the sound of Marty’s voice.

“ Well we have guests and its time you get to see them.” He said as his men moved forward raising guns. Kevin was going to protest but knew better cause it might get them hurt. Once they were tied and gagged they were escorted from the room.

They were escorted outside and stood in a line looking at the group coming towards them. Vicki could barely stand her legs hurt so badly from what Marty had done to her the evening before, finally her legs gave out and she dropped to her knees next to AJ. AJ looked down at her and lowered himself so he was next to her.

“ Get up.” One said pulling AJ harshly to his feet causing him to cry out in pain.

“ Leave them alone.” Mary shouted.

“ Please give them back.” Nick said almost crying, he could see that Vicki was in a great deal of pain. Marty pulled Vicki to her feet and held her close to his body.

“ Haven’t you hurt her enough you bastard?” Mary shouted at him. She was getting mad all she wanted was her lover and her friends back safely.

“ Oh but I can hurt them so much more.” He said running his hand down Vicki’s cheek. Vicki began to cry and struggle to get away from the man holding her. Finally she kicked him in the leg and the in the groin causing him to drop the gun and let her go. She ran towards Mary Nick and Howie. Mary ran past her and tackled Marty and began hitting him.

“ You sick bastard you will never do this again to any one I swear it.” She cried as she hit him.

“ Mary?” A horse voice spoke from behind her. She looked up away from the bleeding man under her. Nick held Vicki close and had untied her.

“ Mary stop.” Vicki begged. Mary stood and moved over to Kevin and untied him. Howie had moved over to them and had untied Brian and AJ. The men that had been with Marty had taken off when they heard sirens.

“ MARY!” Vicki screamed as Marty stood and then a gun shot rang out. Mary turned around in time to see Marty drop to the ground dead. Vicki leaned against Nick crying, he lifted her into his arms and held her close.

“ I promise you, you will never get hurt again.”

“ God Nick I hurt so much.”

“ I know baby I know. Come on lets get you to the hospital.” Nick said as several officers surrounded him and Vicki. Nick looked past and saw several news crews parked just past the police cars.

“ Damn it.” Nick said looking back towards the others.

“ What is it Nick?” Kevin said coming over to him. then he saw the news crews. “ Oh lordy.”

“ I agree. How are we going to get out of here? With out them seeing us.” Brian asked.

“ Get in the car, we will take you to the hospital.” An officer said ushering them to the waiting police car.

Nick held Vicki’s hand while she lay on the gurney as a nurse checked her over. Vicki wore a hospital gown her dress had been taken as evidence. Even though the man who had raped her was dead.

“ Ok miss we are going to take a look here and then we are going to take some blood.” The nurse said to her.

“ Ok.” Vicki said trying to stay calm. Nick rubbed circles in her back trying to keep her from loosing it.

“ Baby please stay calm.” Nick said kissing her forehead. Once the nurse had finished she handed Vicki the cloths that Mary had brought back from the house. Vicki shakily pulled on the loose sweats and Nick’s shirt. She came out from behind the curtain and looked towards Nick and then down towards the floor.

“ Come on baby.” He said taking her hand.

“ She has to ride out.” The nurse suggested. She pulled out a wheelchair and had Vicki sit and wheeled her from the room and down the hall to the others. Mary stood and looked up at the nurse then down at Vicki.

“ She is free to go. Have this filled it will help her sleep.” The nurse said handing Mary the prescription. Mary handed it to AJ who hurried down the hall to have it filled.

“ You ready to go home sweetie?”

“ Yes please.” Vicki said keeping her head down. Nick knew she was ashamed bout what had happened.

“ I would also suggest that she get some counseling.” The nurse said as AJ rejoined them with a small bottle of pills.

“ We will. Thank you.” Kevin said turning to leave. Nick wheeled Vicki from the hospital and out to his waiting car.  

Vicki sat at her house it had been almost two months since they had been kidnapped and of course the worst thing of her life. She had been moping around the house dressed in sweats and as many of Nick’s shirts as she could find. Every day she dressed in his cloths to feel safe and close to him the smell and feel of the cloths made her feel safe and wanted.

“ Babe I hate to do this but Kevin and the guys are coming over we are going to work on some new songs. And then you and I are going to have a quiet dinner ok?” Nick said coming outside seeing her sitting, her eyes looking out at the ocean, her thoughts somewhere else. She hadn’t talked much in that two weeks, and he was hoping the visits to the doctor that Mary had been taking her to was helping, he had began to see the smile he had fallen in love with. But the sparkle in her eyes was gone. She still hadn’t told her parents what had happened. They had called the night they had gotten her back and she had told them it was a car accident that had caused her huge bruise on her face. Nick had never seen anyone shower so much in his life and with the medication she was given she slept a lot.

“ Baby please talk to me.”

“ Sorry Nick what?” She said looking up into his concerned blue eyes.

“ What’s wrong?” He asked her

“ Nothing. Is Mary coming with them?”

“ Yes she wants to take you shopping would you like that?”

“ Yes that would be nice.” Vicki said to him. Nick looked towards the door when he heard the doorbell. He kissed her quickly and moved to get the door.

“ Hey Nick is she any better today?”

“ Nope. Still doing what she always does, sitting out on the deck watching the ocean. She doesn’t even talk to me lately. But I know she will come around soon.” Nick said some sadness in his eyes.

“ Well I will go get her and see if she wants to go out.” Mary said going out to the deck leaving Kevin t talk to Nick.

“ Are the others on their way?”

“ We are here.” AJ said coming in behind Kevin.

“ Well lets get started I don’t want to be doing this all day.” Nick said leading everyone to his study so he didn’t disterb Vicki or Mary if they decided not to go out.

“ Still not talking huh?” AJ asked stopping heading for the deck where he knew he would find Vicki.

“ Nope. AJ leave her be.” Nick pleaded with his friend. AJ shook his head and walked outside.

“ Hey Kid how are you doing today?” He asked kissing her cheek. Vicki looked up at him and smiled slightly.

“ Better.” She said looking back at the ocean.

“ I hear you and Mary are going shopping. Spending your boys money.” He said laughing.

“ Yep” Vicki said still not taking her eyes off the water.

“ Why don’t we do something tomorrow?” He asked her.

“ Sure Nick coming along?”

“ Yea Nick’s coming along. Why don’t you and Mary go shopping and maybe we can watch a movie later.”

“ Ok.” Vicki said standing and following Mary out of the house and to Mary’s car. Once in the car Vicki let a few tears run free.

“ Hey girl what’s wrong?” She asked putting her hand on Vicki’s shoulder.

“ I’m late.” She said still crying.

“ Late?”

“ Yea late.”

“ How late?”

“ A month and a half.” Vicki said crying,

“ Vic come on lets go see the doctor. Why didn’t you tell Nick?”

“ I don’t know.” She said threw her tears. “ I cant be pregnant not with that madmans baby.”

“ Have you and Nick done it since you?” Mary started

“ No. Nick doesn’t want to push me. And I don’t want to disappoint him.” She said to her.

“ Honey come on lets go see what is wrong.” Mary said pulling the car out of the driveway. She drove down the road and hurried to the clinic. She took Vicki inside and explaned to the nurse why they were there. The nurse nodded and led them to a small room. Mary stood for a moment and then followed.

“ Honey do you want me to call Nick?” She asked once they were in the room.

“ NO!” Vicki said a little too loudly.

“ Ok honey but are you going to tell him at all?” Mary asked looking at her.

“ I don’t know.” Vicki said looking at the floor. A doctor entered room and looked at the two women.

“ Well Miss Dutton I have reviewed your file and I see that we did a rape test. What brings you here?”

“ Uh…well um”

“ She is late.” Mary filled in.

“ Oh. Well that explains why she seems embarrassed.” The doctor said writing things on paper. He handed the paper to Mary.

“ GO to the lab. Have this test done and then come back here. I should the results quickly since this is a kind of emergency.”

“ Thank you. Come on Vic lets go have this done.” Mary said leading Vicki to the lab. Vicki sat quietly after they had finished at the lab waiting for the doctor to come back and tell them something she didn’t want to here. Vicki jumped as the doctor called them back to the room again.

“ I had the tests rushed and honey your not pregnant but we did find something.” He said looking at her. Vicki let a few tears run down her cheeks as she looked at him. Mary looked at the doctor and wondered what they had found. She had been with Vicki when the test had been done and they had taken blood and had her pee in a cup. Vicki wasn’t sure what to think.

“ What?” She asked as her voice cracked. Mary tried keeping her calm.

“ Well it seems that what is wrong was already there nothing that occurred from the attack.” The doctor said looking at her worried face.

“ Then what the hell is it. don’t do this to her.” Mary shouted at the doctor.

“ Were you ever told about some arthritis?”

“ Yea its not too bad I take meds for it.” Vicki said calming a bit.

“ Well it seems to have gotten worse and we are going to have to double your regular meds and give you some new ones.”

“ Great like I don’t take enough meds now I get more.” Vicki said looking at Mary.

“ I am sorry if I scared you. I wasn’t sure if you had known in the first place, the blood tests didn’t reviel that you were taking any meds but the ones that we prescribed after what had happened.”

“ I haven’t had time as of late.” Vicki said quickly standing.

“ I want you to take time to rest. And make sure you take all your meds when your supposed to.” He said to her as she started from the room.

“ I will make sure she rests.” Mary said grabbing her purse and the prescription and Vicki’s purse.  

Nick looked up as Mary and Vicki entered the house. He could see she looked upset, but he was in the middle of something and knew he would have time to talk later.

“ Hey Babe.” Kevin said seeing Mary coming into view.

“ Hi Kev.” Mary said coming into the room and sitting on his lap. Nick smiled up at his friends and then heard familiar music coming from the living room.

“ Isn’t that our song?” Brian said standing. He heard his own voice coming from the speakers. Singing wit it Vicki turned towards him her eyes filled with tears.

“ Show me the meaning of being lonely. Is this the feeling I need to walk with tell me why I cant be there where you are.” Brian pulled Vicki into a warm hug as she cried. She wasn’t sure how to tell Nick what she had done that she had gone to the doctors cause she was scared.

“ Baby what’s wrong?” Nick asked moving towards her. She looked up into his worried blue eyes.

“ I went to the doctors today.”

“ Why?” Nick asked having her sit down.

“ I was late” She said looking down at the floor.

“ You were what?” Nick asked not sure what he had just heard.

“ I went in for a pregnancy test Nick.”

“ What? We haven’t had sex since you got…” He stopped and looked at her. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

“ Wait Nick let me finish.” She tried.

“ Your pregnant with that mad man’s baby.” He spat at her. Vicki looked at him as he stood. She could see he was mad and she tried to tell him.

“ Nick please listen to me.. I want to tell you what the doctor said.” She tried. Brian moved to his friend.

“ Listen to her Nick.”

“ To what that she is going to tell me that she is pregnant with someone elses baby.” Nick said on the verge of tears.

“ NICKOLAS GENE CARTER!” Mary shouted at him. She had moved over to calm Vicki.

“ WHAT?”

“ Listen to her damn it. Stop being an insensitive ass.” Mary said as Nick sat down.

“ I found out I wasn’t pregnant they gave me some meds for my arthritis. And also told me that my being late that is because I am so stressed out because of what happened.”

“ Oh god baby I am sorry I didn’t mean to yell at you.” Nick said moving closer to her. Vicki looked up at him she still had tears in her eyes.

“ Why would yell at me about that?” Vicki said running from the room.

“ GOD NICK! You’re an ass.” Kevin said looking at him. “ She has been trying to tell you what happened today and all you could do was yell at her.” Kevin yelled at him

“ ENOUGH” Howie said standing.

“ D?” AJ said looking at him.

“ I have seen enough. Damn you all are being a bunch of asses come on she has been threw enough without you all yelling bout her.” Howie said walking towards where Vicki had gone.

“ Man he has a point we are all being mean. I mean I never gave her the chance to finish.” Nick said looking towards the floor.

“ I was with her Nick. The doc told her she needs to rest and it seems her arthritis has gotten worse more pain lately. Which would explain why she wont go for a walk.” Mary said sitting down.

“ Yea I noticed. But maybe I will wait till Howie is done talking to Vicki.” Nick said sitting down next to her.  

Vicki lay face down on the bed crying, she couldn’t believe that she had just gotten yelled at and nearly by them all.

“ Vic?” She heard a soft voice say

“ What?” Vicki said not moving

“ Can I come in honey?” Howie asked

“ Yea go a head.” Vicki said never really moving. Howie came into the room and sat down on the bed next to her. He placed his hand on her back and felt her jump a bit.

“ What’s all that about?” He asked her

“ He is mad. I hate to think about what would have happened had I actually been pregnant. I mean I don’t want to be not by that mad man but it could have happened.”

“ I know and he knows that too. I think he was just scared.”

“ Yea and I am not.” Vicki said looking up towards Howie. She could see the concern in his brown eyes and then looked past him and saw another set of concerned brown eyes.

“ Alex?”

“ Hey Girl you ok?” He asked sitting on the other side of her. They could hear Mary yelling at Nick even with the door closed.

“ Man she is mad.”

“ Yea she is.”

“ I don’t understand it. It was me that it happened to yet she is yelling at everyone.” Vicki said sitting up.

“ Because you’re like her little sister and she need’s to yell at someone.” AJ said sitting down near her.

“ I don’t need this right now. I have been depressed enough without him flying off the handle.” Vicki said getting up and looking threw her CD’s that were on the desk. Finally she pulled a CD she had gotten before she had gone with Nick and put it in the player. Howie looked up to see Nick standing in the doorway as the music began to play.

“ Caught in a trap and I cant walk out because I love you too much baby.” Elvis sang with Nick singing along. Vicki looked up at him.

“ Baby I am sorry.” Nick said coming into the room. Kevin Brian and Mary behind him.

“ But why did you yell at me.”

“ I didn’t mean it baby. I never thought about what you were feeling I should have seen what was going on.” He said moving to the end of the bed. Howie and AJ never moved from their places.

“ Yes Nick you should have.” AJ said looking at Nick

“ But you didn’t notice either.” Nick spat at AJ

“ I did notice but its time you learn she is just my friend you’re the one going to marry her.” AJ said getting into Nick’s face. “ I would never treat my girl that way.” AJ spat. Nick growled at AJ and doubled up his fist and slugged him. AJ looked at his now bleeding lip and knocked Nick on his ass. Vicki jumped from the bed and got between them.

“ Please stop. I am going home for a few weeks.” Vicki said looking at them both.

“ What?”

“ I need time to think.” Vicki said grabbing a bag and tossing a few of her things in it.

“ But Vicki?” Nick started.

“ Nick I need time. Please?” Vicki said looking in his blue eyes, he looked about ready to cry.

“ But you will come back?” He asked her.

“ Of course.” She said kissing him. She pulled him into a quick hug and then grabbed the bag and left the room. Mary watched her friend leave and then looked at them all.

“ Congrats boys.” Mary said walking from the room. She watched Vicki drive from the driveway and heading away from the house. Nick dropped down and started to cry

“ Hey buddy she needs time to think nothing more.” Brian said hoping to calm his friend.

“ She just left me.” Nick said

“ Needed time to think.” Brian said again. 

It had been two weeks since Vicki had left and Nick was miserable walking round the house not knowing what to do. He hadn’t bothered to see that someone had come into the driveway.

“ Nick I am home.” Vicki called dropping her bag on the floor just inside the door.

“ VICKI!” He shouted coming into the foyer and lifting her into his arms and kissing her.

“ Miss me?” She giggled.

“ Very much.” Nick said holding her close.

“ I am better now. It was what I needed. Thank you.” She said looking into his eyes.

“ I have always wanted to give you everything and then when what happened I didn’t know what to do for you.” Nick said guilding her to the couch.

“ I know that was why I needed time to think just time for me.”

“ I know but now your back with me.” He said pulling her close to him.

“ Yes I am and I am never leaving.” Vicki said kissing him.

“ The guys were coming over cause I was kind of moping round the house.”

“ When were they coming?”

“ Hey Nicky where are ya buddy?” AJ yelled as he came in.

“ Now.” Nick giggled. He never moved as AJ came into view.

“ VICKI!” AJ yelled as he came in.

“ Vicki? Where?” Brian said coming in behind him.

“ Your back.” Howie said smiling.

“ Yes I am and who else is with you?” Vicki asked as Nick held her close his arms around her as her head lay against his chest.

“ Mary and Kevin are on their way in.” Brian looked towards the door. Mary noticed Vicki’s bag sitting on the floor.

“ Where is she?” Mary asked coming in.

“ Right here.” Vicki said kind of waving at her.

“ And what took you so long to get back?”

“ I had to think. I am home to stay.” Vicki said still in Nick’s arms.

“ good.” Mary said looking up at Kevin.

“ Yes good. Now its time for a wedding.” Kevin said pulling Mary close. “ No more troubles we will have our weddings soon.” Kevin proclaimed.  


Two months later Vicki sat in a side room off from the main hall of a lovely church. She peeked out and saw that most her family and a few old friends had made the day she had always wanted. She turned and looked to see Mary fiddling with her headpiece,

“ Mary leave it alone or your going to mess your hair up.”

“ No it’s crooked. So are everyone you wanted here here?”

“ Yea I didn’t see my sister though” Vicki said sadly.

“ I would never miss my big sister getting married.” She head a voice say, she turned to see her sister enter the room in a long blue green dress.

“ I didn’t think you would make it Merry”

“ I am here I said I would be and I am here.” She said hugging her sister.

“ Bring the whole family?”

“ Yep. Michaela is waiting dressed in her white dress that thing still fits.” Merry said smiling.

“ You have her here.”

“ Yep and Paul is in chatting with your boys. And he has little Alexander with him.”

“ You had that baby.”

“ Yes I did little Alexander David Mack.” She said smiling.

“ Why Alexander? Why not Paul?” Mary asked her.

“ Didn’t want to have another Paul.” Merry said laughing. Vicki knew that it was good not having another Paul around she already had two.

“ Yea you have a point. So have you told AJ?” Vicki asked seeing him standing in the doorway.

“ Told me what?” AJ asked coming in and kissing them all.

“ I had another baby and named him Alexander.” She said turning and looking at him.

“ Little AJ?” He asked his eyes glissening with excitement

“ Your not that lucky. Just Alexander David Mack. Gotta get part of daddy’s name in there.” Merry said smiling.

“ And where is the little tyke?”

“ With his daddy visiting Nick and Kevin.” Merry said as she watched AJ skip from the room in search of the baby that had his name. Merry kissed Vicki on the cheek and walked from the room as the music started.

“ Come on that’s our cue.” Mary said turning Vicki towards the door.

Vicki smiled as she looked to see Nick waiting at the front of the church with a smile on his face.

“ Let’s go honey.” Her dad said to her taking her arm.

“ Ok Daddy.” Vicki said smiling. Once at the front of church she took Nick’s hand and looked towards the back and saw that Mary was coming down towards them.  

A little while later..

“ Ladies and gentialmen I would like to introduce to you Mr. And Mrs. Kevin Richardson and Mr. And Mrs. Nickolas Carter. “ The four people smiled at their family and friends and headed down to the other end it was time for the reception and then the honeymoon. It wasn’t going to be a long one as they had to get back on tour but it was going to be long enough to make both couples happy.

“ I am so happy.” Nick said holding Vicki close as they danced.

“ I am too it took a long time to get to where we are and I am never letting you go.” Vicki said holding him close.

“ Can I dance with Uncle Nick?” Michaela asked coming over to them.

“ Sure sweetie I don’t think Uncle Nick will mind. Auntie is going to go look for grandma and papa anyways.” Vicki said moving aside Michaela took her place and danced with Nick. Nick laughed and lifted the smaller girl into his arms making it easier to move. Kevin shook his head watching them dance.

“ Well Mr. Richardson what are you shaking your head about?” Vicki asked coming next to them.

“ Nothing Nick looks like he is going to make a nice uncle. You didn’t tell me your sister had two kids” Kevin said looking at her.

“ My sister just had little Alex bout a month ago and of course I am the last to know. I knew she was pregnant but she didn’t tell me she had already had it.” Vicki said looking at him.

“ So Vic you happy?” Mary asked pulling Kevin close as she put her arms around his waist.

“ Very happy. But I am looking for my mom and dad.” She said looking around the room.

“ They are over near my mom last I saw them.” Kevin said looking towards the cakes in the corner.

“ Yep there they be.” Vicki said going towards them. Mary smiled at her friend.

“ She is happy. I am happy.” Mary said kissing him. Kevin turned around and pulled her closer and kissed her passionately. He felt someone tug on his suit, pulling away from Mary he looked down into Michaela’s blue eyes.

“ Yes sweetie what can I do for you? I thought you were dancing with Uncle Nick?”

“ I was he wanted to find Auntie.” She said giggling.

“ And what did you want?” Mary asked sweetly getting down in front of the young child. Michaela was almost ten and she was so big. She remembered all the pictures Vicki had shown her of Michaela and how much Vicki loved that child.

“ Can I dance with Uncle Kevin?” She asked sweetly.

“ Do you mind?” He asked looking at Mary. Mary smiled and kissed him.

“ Go a head. You be good now sweetie ok?’

“ Ok Auntie Mary.” Michaela said taking Kevin’s hand and going out on the dance floor. Mary moved over to where Vicki stood talking to her parents.

“ Congradulations Mary” Vicki’s mom said hugging her. Vicki smiled and looked out towards the dance floor.

“ I see you lost your husband this time to my lovely niece.”

“ Yea I did. But that’s ok she asked nicely. She is a cutie.” Mary said looking towards where Merry stood holding her new son.

“ I see AJ has become my sisters new best friend.”

“ Yea but then again she did name her son Alexander.” Mary said.

“ yea that she did. So where is Kevin taking you on your honeymoon?” She asked looking at her friend.

“ Actually we are going to Europe.” Mary said with a smile. “ And you and Nick?”

“ France, Nick seems to want to go there I have never been to Paris so he wants to take me there.” Vicki said with a smile.

“ Paris, well kid make sure you take lots of pictures. Your sister will love that.” Vicki’s mom said.

“ Yea she will I will make sure of that.” Nick said pulling his new wife close.

“ Hey there.” Vicki said as Nick began to kiss her neck. Kevin moved over to Mary with Michaela still holding his hand.

“ Hey honey can I have Kevin back?” Mary asked Michaela.

“ Yea mommy and daddy want to go home now anyway”

“ So go find mommy and bring her back here.”

“ Ok.” Michaela let go of Kevin’s hand and walking towards where she had seen her parents.

“ Wow she is very loving isn’t she” Kevin said looking at them.

“ Yes she is always has.” Vicki giggled as Nick continued to kiss her neck.

“ Lets get ready we have to go.” Nick said

“ I know. Come on we have bouquets to throw Mary then we have to go.” Vicki said pulling away from Nick. She hugged her mom and dad and then her niece kissed her young nephew and then hugged her sister. Mary and Vicki stood near the middle of the room and turned away as the single girls moved to the middle of the room, they threw the bouquets threw the air and then smiled as a couple girls they both knew caught it.

“ See you all in a few weeks.” Vicki waved at her family as Nick helped her into the long black limo.

“ Have fun.” Mary yelled as Kevin helped her into the white limo he had gotten for them.  

Vicki lay on the couch with Nick behind her his hands around her waist rubbing her now swollen belly.

“ It’s been a year and now we are expecting our first child.” Nick said kissing her neck.

“ Yea but its not one child baby.” Vicki giggled.

“ Huh?”

“ Honey with my luck of twins in the family on your side and mine when I went to the doctor I found out it was triplets.” Vicki said her head still resting on his chest.

“ Say what?”

“ Triplets baby, another words three babies at once.” Vicki said turning so she could see his eyes.

“ Wow have you told Mary and Kevin?”

“ No not yet I am thinking they are pretty busy themselves.” Vicki said remembering her last talk to Mary and the fact that she too was going to have a baby. Kevin had become so excited.

“ What do you know I don’t?” Nick asked her.

“ Nothing.” Vicki giggled.

“ Nothing huh.” Nick said tickling her she sqweeled as he found her ticklish spots.

“ Nick stop.. Nick stop.” Vicki giggled trying to catch her breath. She felt a pain in her stomach and tried to get Nick off.

“ Nick babies.” Vicki gasped trying to keep her breathing calm.

“ What?” Nick said getting up and looking down at her.

“ Honey I think my water just broke.”

“ Oh my god.” Nick stood quickly and ran around the room as Vicki reached for the phone calling the doctor and then calling Mary and Kevin.

“ Hello?” Kevin answered the phone. Vicki shook her head looking at her husband and then returned her attention to the phone.

“ KEVIN!” Vicki said a little too loudly.

“ Vicki? You ok?”

“ Babies coming now.”

“ Ok where is Nick.”

“ Running round the room like a nut” Vicki said breathing threw a contraction.

“ Is it safe he drive?” Kevin asked her.

“ I don’t know. But you guys would never make it your like an hour away.”

“ Call an ambulance.” Kevin suggested

“ Call an ambulance.” Vicki repeated.

“ NO! I will drive I found your bag.” Nick said holding it up.

“ Ok I guess we will meet you both there.” Vicki said to Kevin.

“ Ok. Bye” Kevin said hanging up the phone and looking at Mary.

“ And that was about?”

“ Vicki just went into labor and it seems Nick is nuts.”

“ Oh god I told that girl if she went into labor call his mother.” Mary said

“ She doesn’t like his mother and you and I know it.”

“ I know but she lives near them.”

“ Not really we live closer.” Kevin pointed out.

“ Don’t argue with me and lets getting going. I am Vicki’s coach and then you can call her folks and let them know that she is having the babies.”

“ Ok. Finally a happy ending after all this time.” Kevin said looking at his wife. She took his hand and led him from the house.

“ Do you know what though?”

“ What love?” Kevin asked as he got into the car.

“ That one of life’s greatest gifts is that love of a child.” Mary said smiling.

“ Yep and now Nick and Vicki have that with three of them.” Kevin said driving them to the hospital.  

The End


Tell Vicki what you thought of this story!