Shadows Of The Past

By:  Vicki

Her body ached as she looked up at the man that stood over her. She grabbed her jaw and rubbed the now sore spot, a huge black and blue mark starting to form.

“ You listen to me Bitch, you listen good. You will do as your told you and that friend of yours or you will both die.” He said raising a gun and hitting her along side the head with it, she whimpered as she felt blood run down her cheek.

“ What do you want me to do? What do you want us to do sir?” She said looking up at him.

“ I want those boys that band.” He said to her.

“ But he’s my brother and her brother is one of the other ones.” She said fear filling her voice.

“ Like I said you will do as I told you or they will die.” She looked up at him tears filling her eyes. where was her friend where was the one person that could get him to stop.

“ Where is Morgan?” She asked.

“ She is with one of my men they are dealing with her disobenice. Now listen to me Catherine you will do as your told or I will kill your brother and your boyfriend. Yes dear Catherine I know your dating young Carter.” He said laughing at her. Catherine sat back on her knees her and looked up at him.

“ Does Morgan know?”

“ Ah now your worried bout little Morgan Carter I would be more worried bout yourself Catherine Richardson.” Catherine was younger than Morgan by several years Morgan wasn’t even blood to Nick but she did have his last name cause the Carter family adapted her. Catherine was the last child born to the Richardson family, or so she had been told. She was never really sure. He laughed as he looked down at her and left her alone with her thoughts as the door opened and another was brought into where she was. Catherine looked up into the bruised and tear stained face of Morgan.

“ Oh my god Morgan are you ok?”

“ Yea I will be did he hurt you really bad?”

“ No I am ok. I can’t believe what he wants us to do. Can we really betray all of them?” Catherine asked looking at her friend.  

* Flashback Two years before*

Catherine stood alone near a small building her short skirt and tight leather shirt.

“ Do it now.” A male voice from behind her said.

“ No I wont do this any more. I have been arrested ten times for this no I wont do it.” She said standing her ground, he couldn’t believe she was doing this. He raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face knocking her to the ground. She looked up at him like a kicked puppy raising her hand to her now bruised face.

“ I told you that you are going to do what you are told or I will hurt your friend. I now know why I separated you both. You both have been getting ideas.” He said with a hiss as he kicked her in the ribs. She cried out in pain and tried to get away from him he grabbed her leg and pulled her back towards him. He then heard another female voice as he was cracked over the head and fell unconscious next to Catherine.

“ Shush its ok Cat its ok. I am here.” A female voice said cradling Catherine in her lap calming the younger girl.

“ He hurt me. He said he would kill you. Morgan I don’t want to do this any more I want to go home. I want Kevin.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ I know you do baby I know.” Morgan said cradling the younger girl trying to calm her. It wasn’t working she too wanted her family. A family she hadn’t seen in many years. She remembered the day Catherine was brought to them she was bound and gagged laying in the back of a black van. She was so scared Morgan had taken an instant liking to her and took the girl as her own. Keeping the others away from her. Morgan herself had only been with the group a couple of months kidnapped from her work as she was going home to see her brother. Catherine had attached herself to Morgan once she had gotten free and had been with her since that was 8 years ago. She was to turn twenty -three that year, she was six years younger than her brother and five years younger than Morgan.

“ Can we go back to the house please?” Catherine asked looking up into Morgan’s eyes.

“ Yea sweetie we can. But to do it we are going to have to get some things and leave. We have hit him and that is like death for us and you know it.” Morgan said helping Catherine to her feet. Catherine started forward and fell as a hand grabbed her ankle.

“ You little Bitch. You will pay for that.” He hissed as he pinned her down and began to hit her.

“ Leave her alone. Come on Matt please she didn’t do it on purpose.” Morgan said trying to get Catherine away from him. Catherine struggled under his weight as he ripped her shirt and slapped her across the face. Morgan grabbed his arm trying to pull him off of her. He shoved Morgan away causing her to loose her balance and fall to the ground hitting her head knocking her unconscious.

“ MORGAN” Catherine struggled under Matt’s weight. Suddenly his weight was lifted off of her, her eyes clouded over and her world went black.

“ Help them into the limo and get this creep out of here Geo.” A male voice said.

“ Sure thing Nick. Hey Brian you want to help?”

“ I will help Nick with that one.” Pointing down to Catherine. Nick lifted the girls limp body into his arms and walked to the large black limo waiting at the end of the alley, Brian holding the other woman in his arms. Nick looked down at the woman he held as they rode back to the hotel. She looked familur to him as if he had seen her somewhere before. Brian just couldn’t put his finger out it as if she were an older form of someone he hadn’t seen in years. Catherine lay with her head on Nick’s shoulder as the limo came to a stop in the underground garage. Brian lifted Morgan from the car as Nick carried Catherine back inside the hotel.

Kevin Howie and AJ stood in the hall when Nick and Brian arrived with the two unconscious women.

“ What the Hell?” Kevin started as Brian and Nick entered their room.

“ Don’t start, these ladies were being beaten by a guy in an alleyway. This one was trying to defend that one. Didn’t exactly work that way.” Brian said laying Morgan on the bed brushing her long dark hair out of her face. He looked over towards Nick and Catherine. Nick looked at the girl that lay on his bed her short red hair messed up from a fight her shirt torn and the skirt she wore was barely on.

“ Hmm I wonder if I have any extra sweats or anything. Maybe you know to get her dressed since the cloths she is wearing are torn.” Nick said walking over to his bag and pulled an extra pair of sweats and one of his shirts from it. Kevin watched in awe as his cousin and friend helped the two girls. Kevin looked at the girl that Nick had finished dressing and nearly fell over. He pulled the old picture from his wallet and looked at it and then back at the girl before him, AJ looked over his friends shoulder.

“ Kevin why does that girl there look like the one that Nick is dealing with only older.” AJ asked. Brian moved away from Morgan and looked at the picture.

“ Kevin you don’t think that she is Catherine do you? She is dead. We had a funeral and everything.” Brian said sadly.

“ Who is Catherine?” Nick asked

“ My sister. She was kidnapped 8 years ago from outside the high school. We waited and then the police found a body burned beyond belief with the gold bracelet I had given Catherine before I moved to Florida. It had her name on it.” He said sadly looking at the young girl. He noticed a gold bracelet that she on her wrist he moved closer to her and read the name. CATHERINE RICHARDSON flipping it over slightly he looked at the other side. ALL MY LOVE BIG BROTHER KEVIN.

“ Oh my god she is Catherine.” Kevin said moving back away from her. AJ looked at her strangely and then up at his friend.

“ Man Kevin are you sure bout that I mean its too much of a conicodence” Howie said looking at his friend.

“ Nick didn’t you tell me once that your adopted older sister came up missing two years before mine?” Kevin asked looking at Nick.

“ Yea I did. Morgan was the older sister I never had mom and dad adopted her, she had come from an abusive family her father used to beat her. When she came and lived with us and when mom and dad adopted her she changed her last name. Morgan was working when mom and I had gone to a try out for something and when we came home we were told she had been kidnapped from outside her work. We never did find her. Mom and dad thought she was dead.” Nick said sadly.

“ I have heard of girls getting kidnapped and sold into slavery or other things do you think maybe that is what happened?” AJ said looking from one girl to another.

“ Could be a possablity but I always looked for her.” Kevin said sadly

“ No Kevin you didn’t once we made it big you stopped looking. I remember you talking about her. But you never actually looked.” AJ said pointing out that he remembered Kevin talking bout his younger sister even after a body was found he never really believed she was dead. He had only stopped looking cause his mind told him it was time to move on to get on with his life. But looking at the young girl that was sleeping on Nick’s bed.

“ well lets not dwell on this tonight let these young girls rest and we can get our answers in the morning.” Kevin said never taking his eyes off the girls. He finally turned and waked from the room. Howie and AJ close behind him as they closed the door and walked to their own rooms.

“ Well Dude where do we sleep?”

“ I am taking the chair you take the couch you will fit better on the couch.” Nick said looking at his friend. Brian smiled and laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. This was all too much for him he was exsusted. Nick watched his friend go to sleep and then turned his gaze back to the girls that were resting on the two beds. Nick’s eyes slowly closed.  

Catherine awoke the next morning her head hurt so bad and her body ached. She turned a little and looked around and saw that Morgan was sleeping near her and then her eyes drifted to the two men sleeping nearby. She smiled slightly knowing she was safe that Mark was gone for now and she was safe. She slowly slid from the bed and then looked down at the cloths she wore baggy sweats and a jersey with the name Carter on it.

“ Carter. That is the same name of Morgan. Hmm.” Catherine thought out loud. It was her voice that awakened one of the men startling her. She scrambled back onto the bed and nearly fell off the other side.

“ Its ok I wont hurt you.” Brian said his voice calm. He looked over and noticed that Nick was beginning to wake up. Catherine moved to the bed where Morgan lay still sleeping. She nudged Morgan trying to wake her friend. Morgan’s eyes opened and she saw the two men looking at them. Morgan pulled Catherine close protectively.

“ Leave her alone she is scared enough as it is.” Morgan said with force in her voice. She was the big sister to this girl and she was going to protect her at all costs.

“ We are not going to hurt you did that man hurt you?” Nick asked slowly moving forward. Catherine didn’t like his movements and scrambled off the bed and to a corner of the room, her knees against her chest that caused her to cry out in pain. Nick was next to her in an instant pulling her fragile form closer to him.

“ Shush don’t worry I wont hurt you. I wont let anyone hurt you.” He said as she began to cry and sob into his chest. Brian looked towards them and then towards the door when he heard knock. He stood and opened the door and saw Kevin Howie and AJ standing on the other side.

“ Ok now what did he do? Why is she crying again?” Kevin said moving closer to the young woman that Nick held in his arms. She looked up at Kevin and screamed and scrambled backwards towards the wall. Pulling her knees to her chest and screaming Nick looked at Kevin and moved over to Catherine.

“ And you yelled at me for making her cry you made her scream. Shush its ok. Your ok.” Nick said pulling her back to him she grabbed hold of him and held as if her life depended on it. Morgan sat and looked towards the young blond that held her friend.

“ Nicky?” she said looking at him.

“ Yea Nick is my name. But I never told you that.” Nick said looking up at the woman as she spoke. Kevin looked at them strangely.

“ Nick, give me your wallet. I want to see that picture you have.”

“ It’s on the table over there. I am not moving.” Nick said as Kevin opened his wallet. And then looked at the picture of Nick and a young woman and then looked at the woman on the bed.

“ Morgan?” Kevin asked remembering the name on the back of the picture.

“ Yea that’s me. Morgan Carter. I have been watching that girl for the last eight years. She is my little sister in a way. I am her only family.”

“ Tell me bout her please?” Kevin asked looking at Morgan for answers on a sister he thought was dead. “ How did she come to be with you?”

“ It had to be bout 8 years ago, most of us had been there with Mark for a few years knowing that we couldn’t go home. The van arrived and Mark got out tired as usual as if he had been driving for a couple days I think it had been that long since any of us had seen him. He arrived and just left the van in the building and walked into the back room where his bedroom was and I walked over and opened the back of the van and there she was bound and gagged laying on the floor scared out of her mind. Me and a couple of the other girls pulled her from the van and untied her and she grabbed on to me and we have been close since.”

“ Did she tell you her name?” Kevin asked.

“ Catherine.” Morgan answered looking at him. “ She has never taken that gold bracelet off said her brother gave it to her. I really believe that she would act older if Mark left her alone. She acts like a child.” Morgan added sadly. She looked over at Catherine as she was being held close by Nick.

“ He’s my brother.” She added Kevin looked at her strangely and then over at Nick.

“ Nick is your brother?”

“ Yea. I knew it was him when he comforted Catherine. The way he did it.” Morgan said.

“ My goodness. Does he know.” Kevin asked looking at her.

“ Yes Kevin I do.” Nick said rocking the young woman he held in his arms. “ Noticed that when Brian picked her up. Ten years doesn’t change a person much when they were already older than you.” Catherine rested her head on Nick’s chest her eyes closed.

“ She is sleeping again?” Brian asked looking over at his friend.

“ Yea she is. And I think you guys should go find some food and come back here. I am not moving from here.”

“ Nick go with Morgan and I will sit with Catherine.” Kevin said trading places with Nick. He held the sleeping girl close.

“ All right.” Nick said as he extended his hand to Morgan and led the group from the room leaving Kevin and Catherine alone. Catherine shifted slightly as she began to wake. She looked up into the eyes of the man that now held her and she moved back way from him.

“ I wont hurt you.” Kevin said reaching for her. She looked at him she could see kind eyes and moved back towards him his eyes reminded her of someone from her past.

“ Kevin?” She asked reaching for his face. His eyes softened as he reached for her and let his own tears flow.

“ Yea sweetie it is. Your safe now.” He said pulling her into his arms.  

Nick looked over at Morgan she had changed so much but yet she was the same sister he remembered from long ago.

“ I am sorry so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” He said looking at her hands.

“ Nick it’s not your fault I didn’t want something bad to happen to you too. I have missed you little brother my how you have grown.” She said putting her hands on his face. She could see he had turned into a handsome young man.

“ How long Morgan how long?”

“ I knew bout you for a while now Nicky but I was gone for so long I didn’t want to leave to come back and ruien your life.” She said as tears ran down her face. It had been the first time she had cried. Nick pulled her close.

“ Your home now Morgan your home. We have to call mom and dad. They have to know.” He said looking at Brian

“ I’ll call them.” He said getting up. Howie looked at the siblings and then followed Brian to the phone. Brian dialed a number he knew very well and heard a woman answer.

“ Hello?”

“ Mrs. Carter”

“ Hello Brian call me Jane is there something wrong?”

“ No actually something good for you. We seemed to have found your daughter.”

“ My what?” Jane seemed confused.

“ We found Morgan she was here in New Orleans. Aparently she has been here for ten years. We found her when we found Kevin’s little sister Catherine. “

“ What has she been doing why hadn’t she contacted us?” Jane asked in a hurried manor.

“ I don’t know really Nick is with her right now. As Kevin is with Catherine. You see we found them last night after a man beat Catherine badly.”  

” Oh my god is she ok?”

“ Yea she is fine scared but fine. Nick seems to have taken a shine to her.” Brian said almost proudly.

“ I will fly there, Bob and I will be there in a few hours.” Jane said.

“ Ok I will tell Nick. See you soon.” With that Jane hung up the phone leaving Brian listening to the dial tone.

“ Bri shouldn’t you call your aunt and tell her bout Catherine?” Howie asked looking at Brian.

“ Yea I should call her and tell her.”  

Kevin still sat on the floor holding Catherine close to his body as she almost slept. Her body was exsausted. He couldn’t believe all that she had been threw.

“ Kevin?” She asked again. 

” Yea little sis its me.” He said holding her close.

“ Mark and Matt gone?” she asked. Kevin looked at her as if he were hearing a child.

“ Yea they are gone. They wont hurt you any more.”

“ He made me do things. Mommy will be mad.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ No baby she wont be mad.”

“ Daddy will.” She said looking up into his eyes. He hadn’t thought of his father, his father had died and she didn’t know.

“ Honey Dad is dead. He died a few years ago.” He said sadly.

“ Daddy gone?”

“ Yea daddy gone. But mom is alive would you like to see her?”

“ Brothers?”

“ Alive hon. Daddy is the only one gone. Sorry”

“ It’s not fair. I lost so much.”

“ I know baby I know. But your safe now no one will hurt you ever again.”

“ Where is Morgan?”

“ She is with Nick right now.”

“ Nick?” She asked

“ The nice young man that brought you home to me.” He said happily. He really wanted to say thanks to Nick for what he did.

“ Was the other one Brian?” She asked remembering the other blond that had been in the room.

“ Yea honey that was Brian you remember Brian?”

“ Yes is he still sick?”

“ Not any more, God I have missed you.” He said kissing her head and pulling her close to him again. She was a child she had lost what any adult needed anything she needed to be fit to live alone. Her friend Morgan would always be there for her but she needed to be able to live alone on her own. He looked up as he heard the door open and the small group re-entered the room. Catherine looked up and saw Brian at the back of the group she got up on her shaky legs and moved closer to him She had grown since he had last seen her those years ago. Brian smiled slightly as she walked up to him she stood as tall as AJ did.

“ Welcome home cuz” he said pulling her into a warm hug. She smiled and hugged him tighter.

“ Brian all better? No more sick?” She asked. He pulled back away from her and looked into her eyes. It was like looking at a little kid. He didn’t think she would be that bad. He looked over at Kevin who shrugged his shoulders.

“ What’s wrong with her?” Brian asked looking over at Morgan. She had been the one who had been with Catherine all these years.

“ She has always acted like this. Ever since Mark brought her to us. He seemed to have scared her so bad she never got older mentally. Physiclly she is a healthy 20 year old. I don’t know why she acts this way. She can carry on adult conversations but she doesn’t seem to understand them.” Morgan said sadly looking at her friend. Catherine looked at Nick and moved over to him. Kevin watched her with facenation as she looked at Nick.

“ I want to know what is going on why does she act like this and none of this I don’t know crap I know you know you have been with her for the last eight years. Now Morgan tell us what happened and tell us now.” Kevin said as his anger got the better of him and he raised his voice. Catherine jumped slightly and then looked back at him.

“ Why is Kevin mad?” She asked.

“ Cat why don’t you sit down over there next to Nick and I will talk to your brother. Ok?”

“ Yea ok.”

“ Come on Cat we can play, play station.” Nick said happily taking her hand and leading her into his room.

“ Fine she is gone explain now.” Kevin said motioning for the others to sit down.

“ When Cat first came she was a scared kid. I mean who wouldn’t be.”

“ Do you know how she was taken?”

“ Mark told me he had been watching her for a while. She seemed lonely as if she had lost her best friend. She was standing outside the high school but she didn’t seem old enough to be going there.”

“ She wasn’t the day she came up missing she was looking for Brian. She had walked over to met up with Brian.” Kevin confessed for the first time

“ Me?” Brian asked looking up.

“ Yea that was the day I called and had you come to Florida.” Kevin said looking at his cousin. Brian closed his eyes as the memory flooded back.

“ I left school early that day. Hurried home to talk to mom and dad.” He said.

“ Yea I know.” Kevin said

“ Mark said that she was sitting just outside the school her bike lay in the dirt as she waited for someone. He actually talked to her and for some reason she talked back. He said they talked for better part of an hour before she suddenly noticed it was getting dark and it was time to go home she started away from him and he didn’t want that he grabbed her and tied and gagged her shoving her in the back of his van. You lived in a small town no one noticed that she was grabbed. I don’t know what he did to her when he had her in the van but she lost her innocence when he did the other things to her.” She said looking from one face to another, her own brother now stood in the doorway holding Catherine’s hand. He looked down at the young woman at his side and then felt her jerk her hand away from his.

“ I am not stupid. I am not. I understand what has happened that I have a family again and that I have people who care. No one cares. No one ever cared.” With that she ran from the hotel room. Morgan stood and took after her and found the hallway empty. 

*** End Flashback.*** 

Catherine sat on the floor her head resting against the wall.

“ We should have never let them find us.” She said her voice still very unsure.

“ Cat it’s been two years we had ever right to be happy to find a family we were torn from.” Morgan said trying to reassure her young friend. It had been two years since they had been found and that Catherine had fallen in love with Nick and Morgan had fallen in love with Kevin. It was perfect for them falling in love with the others brother bring their friendship full circle.

“ It’s not fair. A few hours ago we were happy we were safe” Catherine said looking over at her friend. It had only been a few hours Catherine was out with Nick having a nice dinner just being together. When she was torn from his grasp leaving the young blond bleeding and unconscious on the ground outside the club.

“ Did they hurt him really bad?” Morgan asked thinking bout her brother.

“ Last I saw him he was bleeding and unconscious on the ground he tried to protect me.” Catherine said sadly. “ Did they hurt Kevin?”

“ Actually Kevin is still with me.” She said.

“ What?”

“ Well girls I see you have caught on. Yes we have both of your boyfriends.” Catherine heard Mark say. She looked up to see Kevin and Nick being lead into the room both of them had their hands tied tightly behind them.

“ Kevin” Morgan grabbed for Kevin pulling him close to her, Catherine doing the same with Nick. Slowly unting their hands Kevin rubbed his sore wrists and looked from Morgan to Catherine.

“ You girls ok?”

“ Fine I guess.” Catherine said in a low voice. Nick pulled her face close to his.

“ Please what did he do?” Nick asked raising Catherine’s face to his. Her bruised and swollen face looked back at him. Morgan looked at the two younger members of the group. Kevin pulled her close and kissed her softly on the cheek.

“ Why does he want you?” Kevin asked.

“ We are the only ones that have ever left him. Ever gotten away from them. Mark and Matt were angry bout that. Catherine was their one moneymaker her innocent face and sweet smile. Would always bring in the big spenders.” Morgan said looking over at Nick and Catherine. Catherine looked up at her with tears in her own eyes as Nick held her close.

“ Why did he do what he did?” Catherine asked looking at her friend.

“ I don’t know hon I don’t know.”

“ I want to know what is going on? I don’t want anything to happen to either of you.” Kevin said wondering why Morgan and Catherine were worrying so much. What could those men do to the girls, he looked up when he heard the door open and two men entered the room. Morgan moved closer to Kevin knowing that it was the girls the men had come to get. Catherine wasn’t even paying attention any more she didn’t care any more. Her past was that and she was hoping it would have stayed there. She looked up at the men as they had entered. Her eyes grew wide as Matt walked towards her.

“ Leave her alone.” Nick said pulling Catherine closer to his body.

“ Oh I wasn’t going to do anything to her. Not yet anyways.” Matt said running his hand down Catherine’s cheek. She began to shake as Nick pulled her closer to him. He was so proud to think she had become the adult she had always meant to be or at least as much of one as they could get. Nick had been trying to find her in that mind of hers find the woman he loved and find her a way home. Mark looked at them from the doorway and then motioned for Matt to come back out. Catherine looked up at them wondering why they had come in the first place suddenly she was pulled to her feet and pulled from the room before Nick could stop him.

“ DAMN IT” Nick said sitting back down. Kevin looked towards the door and then heard a scream he ran towards the door banging on it.


“ They wont hurt her.” Morgan said sitting on the floor her knees against her chest.

“ They wont hurt her she just screamed what do you mean they wont hurt her.” Kevin asked his voice raising more than he had wanted.

“ They wont hurt their money maker.” Morgan spit out at him.

“ What did they do to you Morgan what did they do? You told me how they had taken Cat how did they get you Morgan. How did they do it and yet not make you scared like she is.”

“ Cat was a child when she was taken, I wasn’t as a matter of fact mom and dad just thought I was gone to work and a concert. I had gone to a concert drove there after work drove there over night arrived for it and was so happy I had front row tickets me and a friend of mine. I was standing alone beside the stage looking to see what I could see when a man walked up to me and told me I could go backstage and I was like Wow really that would be cool. So being stupid I followed the man towards the backstage and he waited till I was looking around and he grabbed me from behind and held a cloth over my mouth till I passed out. I woke up several hours later tied up in a van the same one that Cat had been brought in. But with me being older I fought more. Till Mark finally came to the back and tied my legs and made sure that the gag was in place he held out a gun and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I didn’t move or make any sort of sound. We arrived at the building two days later. I was stripped and handed some cloths that they wanted me to wear. I guess to stay alive I did as I was told. But the difference between Cat and I is they never got physical with me. They did with her I can remember hearing her screaming from down the hall. The only reason I was compliant with them was they told me that if I didn’t do as they wanted me to they would end her life and I would have to watch.” Morgan said of the events that she remembered.

“ But you left we had you living with us for over two years you didn’t do anything any more.”

“ That seems to be the problem. We left and now they want us back.” She said sadly. The door opened again and Mark and Matt reentered the room without Catherine.

“ Well let’s go you three.” Mark said pulling Morgan to her feet and leading the three people from the room. Morgan walked into a large room to find Catherine laying on the floor, her hands tied tightly behind her. Catherine was crying and rocking back and forth.

“ I wont go back, I wont go back.” She kept saying. Kevin looked at her strangely and then towards Mark and Matt.

“ What did you do to my sister?” Kevin asked screaming at the men that stood in the doorway.

“ Only what she had always done before. What didn’t she ever tell you didn’t they ever tell you what they used to do for us?” Matt asked

“ What are you talking about? You kidnapped them what ever they did they didn’t do on their own.” Kevin spat as he watched Nick move towards Catherine. Mark kicked Nick in the stomach causing the younger man to double over in pain.

“ What the hell are you doing?” Kevin yelled running towards Mark tackling him. A fight insued Morgan tried to break up the two men but Matt pulled her back holding her tightly as she watched helplessly as Mark beat Kevin. Matt laughed as two more men appeared in the room.

“ Hold him.” Mark said as the men grabbed Kevin and held him fast. Mark reached over and grabbed a metal rod and hit Kevin in the ribs with it.

“ Leave him alone. Don’t do it please don’t hurt him.” Morgan yelled as Kevin began to spit out blood as he dropped to his knees in pain.

“ Well then Morgan you and Catherine do as we ask and I wont have to kill him or that one either.” He said looking towards Nick, Nick looked up at him from where he sat holding Catherine.

“ I wont go back” Catherine said Nick held her close.

“ You don’t have to go back baby.” Nick said smoothing her messed hair. He just held her he hadn’t bothered to untie her hands he just held her close.

“ She will go back to what she was doing or you will die boy” Mark spat looking at Nick. “ Take them back to the room. We will deal with them later.”

“ What about Catherine?” Matt asked

“ I already had my way with the child so she can go back to the room.” Mark said as Nick lifted Catherine off the floor and into his arms.

“ All right.” Matt held up the gun and motioned for Kevin to get up but he was in too much pain to get up off the floor. Morgan dropped down next to him and helped him painfully off the floor and walked back towards the room where they had been held.  

Kevin sat up painfully and looked at the two girls Nick had untied Catherine’s hands and she had moved away from him to the corner of the room.

“ I want to know what he is talking bout and I want to know now.”  

” I wont get arrested again not again.” Catherine said looking up at the group.

“ Arrested for what dear?” Kevin asked looking from his sister to Morgan,

“ We.. Mark and Matt used to pimp us out. Catherine was very young when they had her first start. Mark and Matt had their way with her before she was sent out to work. “

“ How so?” Nick asked holding Catherine’s shaking yet sleeping form in his arms.

“ Do you understand that Catherine and I were whores? Prostutes selling our bodies for money. Mark and Matt though it was easier to sell Cat cause she looked like a child and acted like one. And from what I can see they are making her back into that again. Cat honey did they hurt you?”

“ She is sleeping.” Nick said touching her cheeks.

“ Nick is anything on her bruised or other things?”

“ She was already bruised but yea there are a few new ones and when she stays awake long enough I will give her my shirt he seems to have ripped it it’s barily on.” Nick said Catherine shifted slightly and opened her eyes. she looked up at Nick and then over at Morgan. Lifting she walked over and sat down next to Morgan. Nick looked kind hurt by this act as Morgan pulled the younger girl close.

“ I am so sorry they wont hurt you any more.” Morgan said putting her arms around her. Catherine cried against her friends chest and felt Morgan stroke her hair trying to calm her.

“ They want me to do it again. Morgan I cant.” She said sobbing.

“ I know baby I know.”

“ Why do they want you to do that again?” 

” Because they lost a lot of money when we left. Men would pay thousands of dollars to be alone with Catherine I mean I wasn’t cheep either. We were the most expensive whores they had.” Morgan said still holding Catherine close.

“ Catherine you want to come back over here?” Nick asked holding his arms open, she looked up at him and slowly moved out of Morgan’s arms she started towards him when the door opened and Matt and Mark came in. Mark looked at Catherine who ran for the corner and curled into a ball.

“ No more. Will do what ever you want.” Nick looked at Catherine wide eyed as she began talking like she was when he first met her

“ Oh darlin I know you’ll do what we want. But your friend her is what we want. Take her now.” Several men entered the room and grabbed Morgan, Kevin moved forward trying to get to her when he was hit again in the ribs dropping him to his knees.

“ Please don’t take Morgan. I will do what you want.” Catherine said looking up.

“ Nope, don’t worry you will get to see what we do to her. You remember what we can do to her don’t you Cat dear.” Matt said as two men held Morgan’s struggling form.

“ No, No hurt Morgan.” Catherine shook and began to rock back and forth. Kevin looked up as Morgan was dragged from the room.

“ Cat are they going hurt her?”

“ Yes, yes they will make Morgan cry. She will do what they want.” Catherine said.

“ Why is she talking like that again? She was fine.”

“ Kevin get a clue they raped your sister before they beat the fuck out of you. Her shirt was ripped and her skirt was on wrong. Man they dressed her in a hurry so you wouldn’t know.” Nick said moving over to Catherine and pulled her close to him. He tried to calm her when several large men entered holding rope in their hands. Kevin looked up as the men approached him first grabbing him and binding his hands tightly behind him. They approached Nick next and did the same to him. Catherine was easier to deal with as she was almost in a trance like state.  

Morgan lay on the floor in the outer room she was angry and didn’t understand what was going on as she looked around seeing the armed men and Mark talking with Matt.

“ Well now that we have an audience Morgan your going to break.” Matt said with an evil laugh. He walked forward as several men walked with him. Morgan scrambled backwards as she saw Nick, Kevin and Catherine sitting in the corner near the wall. Matt grabbed Morgan’s leg and pulled her back towards him. He ripped her shirt off and then did the same with the jeans she wore.

“ Get off of me.” She screamed.

“ Get away from her.” Kevin yelled and was rewarded with a gun upside the head. Matt pinned Morgan’s struggling form to the floor. Mark came over and held her arms down.

“ Don’t struggle it will only hurt more.”

“ Oh god don’t do this to me.” She said trying to get away from them. Five men surrounded her as she screamed. 

Several hours later Morgan sat in the corner her knees against her chest sobbing. Kevin moved over to her and put his arms around her she pulled out of his grasp and moved to another corner.

“ Morgan please.”

“ No. Don’t touch me.” Morgan said as she cried harder. Catherine crawled over to her and looked into her eyes.

“ Morgan ok?”

“ No Morgan not ok.” She said actually pushing Catherine away. Catherine fell back and looked wide-eyed at her friend. Tears began to flow down her cheeks and she crawled back over to Nick and curled up in his lap.

“ She hate me Nick.”

“ No she hurts baby.”

“ No she hates me. She now knows what they did to me and hates me.”

“ No she doesn’t hate you. Cat she doesn’t hate you.” Nick said trying to calm his girl. Catherine got up again and moved over to Morgan she put her arms around her and Morgan again shoved her away.  

Matt and Mark watched in the next room there was a camera set up in a small corner they watched as Morgan pushed Catherine away and pushed Kevin away.

“ This is better than we could have ever planned ourselves.”

“ We knew this would break her but not make her push them away especially her precious Catherine.”

“ Yes now lets see what else we can do.” Matt said as he walked towards the door.

“ I wanted Catherine back but Morgan will do.” Mark said watching Matt enter the room. Matt walked up to Morgan and dropped down next to her. Kevin started forward to get him away from his girl.

“ Sit down pretty boy or you die.” Matt said raising a gun and pointing it towards Kevin. Kevin sat back down next to Nick and Catherine.  

” What do you want from me?” Morgan asked quietly.

“ I want you back. We have work for you to do.” Matt said his voice as low as hers so that Kevin and the others couldn’t hear them.

“ Why couldn’t you have let us go?” She asked looking up at him.

“ No one leaves us unless it’s in a body bag. But I will give you a choice you come with us on your own or we take Catherine.” He says with an evil smile on his face he knew she wouldn’t let them take Catherine again.

“ No! Leave Cat alone. I will go but promise that your will let Kevin Nick and Cat leave unharmed and you will leave them alone never bother them again.”

“ I agree. We will let them go when your on the plane and we are leaving.”

“ Fine.” Morgan stood and walked with Matt as he started towards the door. Silent tears ran down her cheeks.

“ Please don’t hurt my sister not again.” Nick said reaching out for Morgan

“ I’ll be fine Nicky. Take care of Cat for me.”

“ Why are you doing this?” Kevin asks looking into her eyes.

“ There isn’t much of a choice here Kevin It’s either me or Cat. And I love her too much to let them hurt her again. Please take care of her and Nick for me.” She backs towards the door away from his arms. “ I love you.” And the door is shoved closed.

Kevin begins banging on it yelling for Morgan not to leave. Morgan cried harder as she heard his screams.

Several hours later they were in a black van, Catherine sat in the corner alone not wanting anyone. Nick sat close to her as he looked towards Kevin who looked deep in thought. The van stopped and the sliding door opened and Catherine was pulled from the van, she shrieked as she was brought out of her thoughts. Kevin reached out and pulled Catherine to him.

“ Leave her alone.” He said angrily. Morgan looked at them she could see Catherine was upset and Nick wasn’t any better. Kevin was trying to keep it together. Matt looked at her and then at the group.

“ Here are the keys as promised. You are free to go.” He said dropping the keys for the van into his hands. Kevin looked at him strangely, Matt walked over and put his arm over Morgan’s shoulder and led her to the waiting private plane. As the plane moved down the runway Morgan looked out the window and mouthed * I LOVE YOU* to Kevin as the plane took off. Kevin watched as the plane took off and kept repeating numbers in his head.

“ What is Kevin doing?” Catherine asked with a child like curiosity.

“ We are going to get Morgan back. Come on I have a friend that can help us.” Kevin said as he led them to the van. Nick had Catherine sit with him in the back while Kevin drove he came to a stop at a building. Catherine looked at Kevin strangely as he got out of the van and went in side. Catherine looked at Nick and started to get out.

“ Wait here. We will wait here.” He said holding her close.

“ Ok. But Morgan gone. They took her away.”

“ I know baby I know.” Nick said kissing her lightly. She leaned back against him and let her tears flow.  

Kevin knocked on the door and his friend answered it.

“ Hey Dave.”

“ Hey Kevin what’s wrong?”

“ I have a problem.” Dave said moving aside to let Kevin inside the apartment. Kevin walked inside and sat down.

“ What’s the problem Kevin? What happened?” His friend asked.

“ My girlfriend was kidnapped. It was the deal she made with these mad men it was either she go with them or they take my sister again. She didn’t go willingly. I have the ID # for the plane please can you help me?”

“ Yea Kev I can. My brother is in the FBI we will help you.” Dave said sitting down next to his friend he could see Kevin was upset.

“ Speaking of sister where is she now?” 

” Down in the van.” Kevin said.

“ Alone?”

“ No she is with her boyfriend Nick. He wont let her be anywhere alone. Not since what happened.”

“ Don’t tell me yet wait till my brother gets here. I want you to tell him everything that has happened and I do mean everything.”

“ Ok. Let me go and get Nick and Cat and we will sit here with you while we are waiting for your brother.” Kevin said standing. He walked down to the van and opened the back sliding door.

“ Hey Kevin you find Morgan?”

“ Not yet honey but how bout you and Nick come on up to the apartment and we will wait there ok.”

“ Ok.” Catherine said taking Kevin’s hand and went inside with him followed by Nick. Dave looked up as the threesome re entered the apartment. Dave smiled at Catherine who blushed and hid behind Kevin.

“ How old did you say she was?”

“ Twenty-two. She is mentally bout 15. Maybe younger not really sure she seems to slip from time to time. She has been threw a lot.” Kevin said pulling Catherine in front of him.

“ I am Dave.”

“ Cat.” She said quietly.

“ Cat honey go and sit with Nick.”

“ Ok.” Catherine goes and sits down with Nick on the couch.

“ What happened to her you never told me?”

“ She was kidnapped raped and sold as a prositute.” Kevin said thinking bout what had happened to Morgan and Catherine. Dave looked at the door when he heard a knock, excusing himself he walked over and opened it.

“ Hey Chris come on in thanks for coming over in such a hurry.”

“ Well we tracked the plane till it got out of US airspace. And it left radar. So now we need to search for them. It’s going to take a while but what we need to know is why did they take her?”

“ They took Morgan cause she wouldn’t let them take Cat.” Catherine said looking at Chris.

“ Can you tell me sweet heart why she would have done that?” Chris asked Catherine.

“ Please don’t” Kevin said some force in his voice.

“ I need to know the reason.”

“ Mark and Matt hurt Cat and Morgan.” Kevin looked over at Catherine who now sat with her knees against her chest.

“ Honey can you tell me what happened?” Dave said dropping down next to her.

“ Do I have to?” She asked looking up at him.

“ Can you tell me something you don’t have to tell me everything. Just part.”

“ Bout what?”

“ Your friend.” Dave said looking into her scared blue eyes.  

Morgan sat on the plane as it landed looking around scared wondering what Mark and Matt were going to have her doing. She had left her family behind, but it was to save her best friend. Matt looked back at her and then over at the Mark.

“ Well get her moving we are here and I am going to say she already has some work.”

“ Really work already with whom we just got here.” Mark asked.

“ Just say he paid big to get a chance to be alone with her.” Matt said.

“ Well Morgan dear you have work. Now get up we have to be going.” Mark said looking at her.

Several hours later………

Morgan looked at the large man standing over her. She couldn’t believe this he was into strange things. She was used to strange guys it was always part of the job but none that would do things like this. Her hands were bound tightly to the headboard there was nowhere she could go.

“ OH god please don’t do this to me.” She pleaded with the man but was only rewarded a hard slap to the face.

“ I paid big money to be with you and I don’t want any lip from you.”

“ Doing things is what I am good at. But not like this.” She said her eyes grew wide as she watched him pull a large black whip from the suitcase beside the bed. He placed it beside the bed and moved her so she was on her stomach her arms crossed painfully. He lifted the whip and struck her across her back, she let out a high-pitched scream. He crisscrossed her back with angry bloody welts on her back. She screamed till she was horse. He then set the whip down growing tired of using it, he then lifted a thin steal rod and began beating her with it. He looked down and noticed she had finally passed out from the pain. He flipped her over he slapped her hard across the face waking her. He looked at her and then untied her hands and threw her cloths at her.

“ Get dressed Bitch.” He told her. She shakily grabbed her cloths and redressed He drove her to where he was to take her and threw her from the car. Matt and Mark pulled her inside the house.

“ He beat her pretty bad.” Matt said looking down at her.

“ Get her changed and showered and she has another job.”

“ She can’t.” Matt said looking at Mark.

“ She will now go here give her this I will promise you she will do what ever we want once she has taken this.” He said handing Matt a needle with something in it. Matt took it and injected Morgan with it.

“ What did we give her?”

“ Heroin she will be hooked from the first try. And she will do what ever we want to get another fix.” He said laughing. He looked down and watched as Morgan began to stir and look around he could see the drug was taking effect as her eye were glassy and empty.

“ Now baby time to work.”  


It had been six months since Morgan had left with Matt and Mark , Kevin looked as his sister closed up inside of herself stuck in her own personal hell. Her best friend the woman who had kept her safe was still missing and probably dead and Catherine couldn’t handle that she was lost even with Nick trying to keep her sane. But she was slowly slipping day after day he was afraid that he was loosing her to the man he vowed to protect her from.

“ We still haven’t found her and I am having trouble keeping Cat sane.” Nick said while Catherine lay sleeping a few feet away.

“ I know Nick.” Kevin said looking at his sister. Brian, Howie and AJ had joined them and were all waiting on news.

“ Hey Kev nothing yet?” AJ asked as he entered the room.

“ Nope nothing yet. You guys don’t mind sitting here with Catherine while Nick and I take a break do you?”

“ Nah she is my cousin I don’t mind and having Alex and D around is for someone to talk to.” Brian said looking at Kevin, he could see that with Morgan gone he was looking older every day.

“ You two go out and take a break don’t worry Cat isn’t going anywhere.” Howie said sitting down in the chair. Kevin motioned for Nick to follow him and started for the door. Nick walked over and leaned down and kissed Catherine and followed Kevin from the room.  

Morgan sat alone as she rubbed her belly. She had relised before Mark and Matt got her hooked on heroin that she was pregnant. It had been almost six months and now she was doing her usual things. She looked over at the man who had just entered the room. He looked at her and smiled. As they made the evening progress Morgan felt sever pain in her stomach.

“ Oh my god.”

“ What?” He asked her.

“ Pain” She said nearly dropping to her knees. The man rushed Morgan to the hospital and left her there. Morgan had given birth several hours later holding her very small son, who she had named Kevin. He died a few hours later. This was the last thing Morgan needed she lost all her mind and she was nearly crazy. She was released from the hospital a few days later. Mark and Matt arrived to pick her up. She was lost in her own mind and didn’t care that they were even there. She went back and did what she used to before the loss of the child. She was with another man and Mark and Matt were outside in the hall. She looked up as she heard shouting and then gun shots. Kevin rushed into the room to find her sobbing on the floor. The man sitting near the door.

“ Please don’t shoot me” he said looking up as Kevin had entered. It had been three months since she lost the child.

“ Get out of here. Idiot.” He hissed at the man as he knelt down next to Morgan. She was high and thought that he was just a figment of her imagination. She looked up at him and slowly stood.

“ What would you like me to do?” She asked thinking he was the man she had started with.

“ Nothing its time to go.” He said taking her hand. Several FBI agents came in and looked at the strange couple.

“ Sir we have to go now.” He said.

“ What happened to the other two?”

“ Dead sir” The agent said looking at them. Kevin led Morgan from the room.  

Catherine sat with Nick while they waited to hear from Kevin.

“ Baby you ok?” He asked kissing her

“ Yea.” She said her own mind jumbled it had been six months that Morgan had been gone the one person that made her strong was gone. Even with Nick holding her close she was almost lost to him. Nick kissed her neck and got a slight moan from her.

“ Are you sure? Please just remember Morgan left to save you.” Nick said to her.

“ Yea. But she left me.”

“ To save you. I couldn’t handle it if you both were gone.” Nick again said to her, she leaned back against his chest. He knew she was coming out of her shell Morgan was going to be home. Catherine looked up and saw someone enter the house. Kevin had had her move in with Nick. Thinking that it would have been more for her making her be the adult he wanted her to be.

“ Hey guys any word?’ AJ asked coming in.

“ Nothing yet.” Nick said

“ Figures.” AJ said sitting down in the chair next to them. Catherine looked up at him and smiled.

“ Hey kid how ya feeling?” AJ asked her.

“ Good. Morgan is coming home.” She said with a small smile.

“ Yea that is right and she will be happy to see you.” AJ said hopping that nothing had happened to Morgan that would cause her to be too different. AJ looked towards the door when he had heard a car. He stood and walked to the window, and saw Kevin leading a rather out of it Morgan into the house. AJ had seen that look he had looked at himself in the mirror enough the year before to know what the look was. She was on drugs and he could tell. Kevin opened the door and led Morgan into the house.

“ We are home. Well actually we are at Cat and Nick’s home but I know you want to see Cat.”  

” Yea see Cat.” She said mindlessly. Catherine looked up and saw Morgan and ran to her and cried.

“ I have missed you so much.” She said

“ I missed you too.” Morgan said holding the younger girl in her arms. Morgan may have been out of it but Catherine was something she knew and loved.

As the months passed Morgan grew less like an adult and Catherine was more like one everyday. It was as if they had changed roles, Catherine being the mom Morgan being the child.

“ Morgan do you want to go out and do something?” Catherine asked her.

“ Yea” Morgan said thinking that while they were out she could get a fix. She hadn’t had one in a couple days and the pain was getting too much. Catherine took Morgan to the mall she went into a small jewelry store she wanted to get something nice for Nick and didn’t notice that Morgan had wondered off. Morgan had found a man who sold her some more Heroin she looked to see if Catherine had noticed she was gone, and then hurried back.

“ Did you want to get anything?” Catherine asked Morgan

“ Nope can we go home?”

“ Sure hon that would be fine.” Catherine said leading Morgan back to her car. They arrived back at Nick’s place and Morgan ran inside not waiting for Catherine and went straight to her room.

“ Morgan you want some lunch?”

“ NO thanks.” She called as she closed her door.

“ What is up with her.” Nick asked as Catherine sat down next to him.

“ I don’t know. Hey J when did you get here?”

“ We all came over to talk bout Morgan. She has been acting odd lately.” Brian coming from the kitchen, Kevin close behind..

“ I know but maybe she is just acting strangely cause of what they did.”

“ I don’t know Cat I have seen that look. She is using drugs sweetie I know you don’t want to see that but she is.” AJ said looking into Catherine’s eyes.

“ Its time for an intervention.” Kevin said as they all walked down the hall. “ Open up Morgan.” Kevin said banging on the door.

“ What do you want?” She said opening the door.

“ Its time we got you some help we know that there is something wrong” AJ said

“ I don’t need help.” She spat at him.

“ Please Morgan just for a little while?” Kevin pleaded.

“ Fine.”

“ Come on.” Kevin lead her to the car outside. And drove her to a local rehab clinic.  

Two days later She was still in the hospital and had had her fill of it and checked out. Kevin saw her standing outside the house later that after noon and he looked at her strangely.

“ What are you doing here?”

“ I don’t need that place. And I am fine.” She said walking inside. Kevin watched her and then followed her inside. Over the next few weeks Kevin watched her yell and argue with everyone. Catherine has become stronger and was trying to help her friend. AJ had decided it was time to talk to her.

“ Morgan you need help.”

“ I need nothing. Leave me alone Alex” She spat at him.

“ Your yelling at everyone.”

“ And your being a pain in the ass.” She said shoving him from the room and closed the door. AJ looked at the door and then down the hall to see Catherine looking at him.

“ Let me talk to her. Morgan and I are friends. Go downstairs and sit with Kevin and Nick.” She said to him

“ Ok.” AJ said walking downstairs as Catherine walked into the room where Morgan was.

“ What do you want now?”

“ Well hello to you too.”

“ What the hell do you want?”

“ To talk. “ Catherine said

“ Leave me alone.”

“ No your messed up and I want you to get help.” She said to her.

“ I am not there is nothing wrong with me.” Morgan yelled back.

“ The fuck there isn’t you have been moody and yelling at everyone what the hell is wrong with your?” Catherine yelled and was surprised as Morgan slapped her hard.

“ Leave me alone little girl.” Morgan hissed at her.

“ No.” Catherine said holding her ground. She yelped in pain as Morgan punched her in the stomach. Morgan snapped and began hitting and kicking Catherine before she could even defend herself. Catherine whimpered and looked up at Morgan. Her friend was acting like Mark or Matt when they were angry.

“ Your high. And I hate you like this. What did Mark and Matt do to you?” She spat at her.

“ They took my baby away They wont let me have my baby. And you have been a bad girl. You will learn to listen to me little girl you will learn never to talk back.” Morgan yelled as she lifted Catherine off the floor and threw her against the wall. Catherine fell down coughing.

“ Stop. Please Morgan stop.” She begged.

“ Your going to learn not to back talk me.” She screamed again, this time she gained an audience Kevin and Nick were in the doorway. They both stopped as they saw Morgan beating Catherine.

“ MORGAN what are you doing?” Kevin yelled. AS if coming out of a trance Moran looked down at Catherine’s bleeding unconscious form.

“ Oh my god what have I done.” She said dropping to her knees and began to sob.

“ I can’t believe you hit her.” Nick said lifting Catherine into his arms.

“ I didn’t mean it.” She said looking up at Kevin.

“ You didn’t mean it. You didn’t mean it. Look what you did to Catherine.” He slapped her hard across the face. She brought her hand up and looked at him.

“ Nick take Catherine out to the other room I will be there to help you in a minuet. I need to find out what is going on.” Kevin said looking at Morgan who was sitting on the floor sobbing.

“ Please Kevin help me. I hurt my baby I hurt her so bad.” She said crying. Kevin wasn’t sure what she was talking bout but he knew some of it had to do with Catherine and what she had done to her.

“ I am going to get you some help and then I still have to get Catherine help.” Kevin said lifting her into his arms. Morgan cried as he held her close. Kevin didn’t know what to think this was a woman that had just snapped and beat his little sister. He walked out of the bedroom and down the hall AJ watched as she held on to Kevin as if he were her lifeline.

“ What happened?” AJ asked

“ She is fine. I am going to take her somewhere do you want to go and help Nick with Cat?” He asked as he walked towards the door.

“ Kevin we need to know what happened?” Brian said looking at his cousin.

“ She beat Cat ok. Nick is dealing with Cat at the moment and I would like you guys to go and help him.”

“ All right I hope you know what your doing Kevin.”

“ Do me a favor take a picture of Cat the way she looks now. I want Morgan to see what she has done. What those drugs have done to her.”

“ Sure man. It’s mean but yea I think we can do that. I think Nick has a instant camera.” AJ said walking to the back room. He returned a few minuets later with a picture.

“ Thank you I should be back in an hour or so see if you guys can help Cat without taking her to the hospital if she needs to go there call my cell ok.” Kevin said walking from the house. He put Morgan in the car and got in and drove away. AJ watched from the doorway and then heard crying coming from the back room. He closed the door and walked back inside.

“ Cat its ok baby she didn’t mean it.” Nick said trying to calm down Catherine who was now crying, her body shook and AJ could see that Catherine was in a great deal of pain.

“ She was gone. Her eyes were so cold.” Catherine said sadly. She closed her eyes and quickly went to sleep. Nick looked down at her and then at the guys.

“ Kevin took her I don’t know where but he is gone.” AJ said looking at his young friend.

“ I agree with Cat her eyes were cold she wasn’t in there.”

“ Heroin does that to a person and maybe now she will get the help she needs. Speaking of help do you think Cat needs a doctor?” AJ said looking at the group.

“ Yea I do believe that she does. I am not sure Kevin said that if we do take her we are to call his cell and let him know where we are.”

“ Yea lets take her there. I mean she is breathing funny and she cant stay conscious long enough to talk to me.”

“ OK come on guys.” Brian said as he watched Nick lift Catherine in his arms.  

Kevin pulled to a stop in front of a large building, he looked over at Morgan who still sat silently in the passengers seat, he reached over and touched her hand, she looked up at him.

“ Come on. Your going to have to stay here for a little while but it will make you better.”

“ I hurt her.” She said looking into his green eyes.

“ I know but this place will make you understand that what happened wasn’t your fault but that of the drugs your taking.”

“ I know. And can you bring Cat by maybe later?”

“ Maybe.” Kevin said taking her hand and leading her inside the building. He walked up to the nurse’s station and explained why he and Morgan were there. She led them to a small room and told them to sit. A doctor joined them a few minuets later.

“ Hi I am Doctor Roberts. I hear you are bringing in Morgan Carter in for drug rehab?” He started as he looked at them.

“ Yes that we are. It’s an intervention but it came a little late. She recently hurt someone very close to both of us.” He said not really wanting to go into detail.

“ I want help. Can you help me? I hurt my baby she cried I beat her so badly. She begged me to stop. I wouldn’t stop the voices told me that she was to be punished that she was bad.” Morgan said looking at the doctor.

“ Her baby? You have children?”

“ No my younger sister was basically raised by Morgan and she sees her as her child. That was the fight that had happened.”

“ We will help her but there will be no visitors for two weeks. Then she can have visitors.”

“ Ok.” Turning and looking at Morgan.

“ Baby?” she started looking at him.

“ Your going to stay here for a while then I will come for your in a month.”

“ Ok.” She said as the doctor took her hand lead her from the room. Kevin watched and let tears flow down his cheeks as his cell phone rang.

“ I love you Kevin.” Morgan said as she stopped in the hall.

“ I love you too.” He said opening his cell phone and answering it. “ hello?”

“ Kevin its AJ, we are taking Cat to the hospital.”

“ Ok I will meet you there. Morgan is safe and will get the help she needs.” He said to his friend.

“ Good. We will see ya in a few man.” AJ said. Catherine lay sleeping on the bed in the room they had been told to go to. Nick held her hand and looked up as a nurse entered the room.

“ Kevin is on his way.” He said looking at the group.

“ We need to take Miss Richardson to have some x-rays done. We need to know if anything was broken.” The nurse said moving side as two men entered and wheeled Catherine from the room. Nick watched as they left his view and then sat down.

“ I can’t be angry at Morgan but I feel I should be.”

“ I know I was where she is now.” AJ said putting his hand on Nick’s shoulder. Kevin came running in and saw them sitting in the hall.

“ What happened?”

“ She is having x-rays they took her a few minuets ago.” Brian said looking at his cousin.

“ Did they say anything that is really wrong with her?”

“ Well she has bruises and cuts they are checking for broken ribs and a broken wrist.” Nick said looking up at Kevin.

“ She will heal little bro so will Morgan. Morgan can have visitors in a couple of weeks and she wants me to bring Catherine by.”

“ How come sometimes you call her Cat and sometimes you call her Catherine.” Nick asked looking at Kevin.

“ She is Catherine I guess it is hard for me to call her Cat.” They waited and the doctor returned and told them that Catherine had three broken ribs her wrist was broken and had a cuncusion. She could go home right then only if they promised to watch over her that night and to bring her back in a month and they would remove the cast on her wrist.  

Two weeks had past Catherine was getting antsy she wanted to see Morgan, she herself was stronger and was acting like she had wanted to an adult. Morgan sat in her room she was feeling better.

“ Miss Carter you have a visitor.” A nurse said peeking into the room.

“ That is cool. Let him in.” She said thinking it was Kevin. She had spoken to him earlier in the day and he did say he was coming for a visit. She sat back and looked towards the door. To her surprise it wasn’t Kevin that entered the room but Catherine.

“ Hi.” She said tenitively

“ HI Sweetie come on in I wont hurt you.” Morgan said holding her hand out to Catherine. Catherine walked into the room and sat in the chair furthest from the bed.

“ How are you feeling?” She asked looking up into her eyes.

“ I am getting better.” Morgan said reaching out and taking Catherine’s hand and pulled her over to the bed. “ Do you think I am going to hurt you?” She asked touching the blue cast that Catherine wore.

“ I know you didn’t do it on purpose Morgan.” Catherine said.

“ But I did it and now you don’t trust me.” Morgan said running her fingers over the cast. “ I see the boys signed the cast and a few other people too.”

“ Yea Kevin signed it first and said that you would sign it when you got better.” Catherine said looking up at her.

“ Do you have a pen?” Morgan asked looking at her.

“ I have a marker” She said pulling it out of her pocket. Kevin watched threw the window and smiled. It was good to see Morgan starting to get better but even then it was still going to be a long hard road back to where they used to be.

“ Was Morgan mad at Me?” Catherine asked looking towards her as Morgan signed the cast and even put a sad face on it

“ No baby I wasn’t mad at you. I was high it helped take away the pain.”

“ What pain? Can we talk bout it?”

“ Not yet when I come home I will tell you everything. I am so proud of you.”

“ Why?”

“ Because your so independent. Your becoming the adult I knew you could be.” Morgan said hugging her.

“ I always wanted to make you proud of me.” Catherine said with a smile on her face.

“ Hey you two ok in here.” Kevin asked coming in.

“ Hey I didn’t think you were coming.” Morgan said looking at him.

“ How do you think Catherine got here? I still don’t like the idea of her driving” Kevin said looking at his sister.

“ Still not letting you drive huh kid?” She said pulling Catherine in a hug.

“ Nope. Doesn’t trust me yet. But don’t worry Nicky is getting me a car.” She said with a smile.

“ Buy your own honey it will make you feel better.” Morgan said looking at her friend. Catherine smiled and took Kevin’s hand.

“ We have to go. I brought Cat here to visit. I will come back another time if you want me to Morgan?” Kevin asked looking into her eyes.

“ Yea when ever.” Morgan said kissing Catherine’s cheek and hugging Kevin.  

One month later Morgan stood outside of the rehab clinic waiting for someone to come and pick her up. She paced back and forth and stopped when she saw the silver expiditon pull up in front of her.

“ Hey Morgan you ready to go?” AJ asked looking at her.

“ Yea but where is Kevin or even Cat?”

“ Kevin is back at the house and Cat was out with Nick in her new car. I told Kevin I wanted to come and get you.” He said as she put her bag in the back and climbed in. Morgan looked over at AJ and smiled.

“ So why didn’t you come and visit me?”

“ Because I have been where you were and I wanted you to be ok.”

“ Cool.” She said looking out the front window. She had talked to the doctors while she was gone and had told them of the loss of her child while she was gone and that something in the drug she was taking made her think the child was still alive and then the faith full night when she beat Catherine so bad that she was rushed to the hospital. Morgan also told them bout when she yelled at AJ cause he was trying to help her. She had hopped that everything was going to be ok. They pulled to a stop in front of Kevin’s house. He turned and looked at her and smiled.

“ Come on he is waiting to see you.” AJ said getting out of the car. he walked around to the other side and helped her out of the car. Morgan smiled and walked inside the house with AJ.

“ Hey Kev we are back.” AJ announced as he came into the house.

“ Come on to the back. I am outside.” Kevin called back into the house. AJ directed Morgan outside and then backed away from the doorway. Morgan smiled as she saw the candles and the table that was set for two.

“ Hey Welcome home.” He said with a smile.

“ You did this for me?” She asked wide eyed. “ I never thought you would forgive me for what I had done.”

“ You got help and that was good. I know that Cat will forgive you and you and I will be back to where we were it will take time. And we have all the time we need.” Kevin said holding his hand out to her and leading her to the table he had set up. Morgan sat down and smiled back at him.  


One year later.  

Catherine sat close to Nick as they watched the sun set. He reached down and rubbed her swollen belly.

“ When is the wedding honey?” Nick asked remembering that they weren’t doing their own plans due the fact that they were very busy.

“ We have our wedding and Morgan and Kevin’s in three days.” She said with a giggle. Nick smiled and kissed her cheek.

“ Is the dress going to fit?” He asked

“ Yea I am only five months pregnant the dress has been aultered to fit baby don’t worry.” She lied.

“ Ok. Come on let’s go inside I think Kevin and Morgan are coming over tomorrow.” He said leading Catherine back inside the house.

Catherine awoke the next morning to find Nick gone from the bed, she rolled over and saw that the clock 10:30am why hadn’t Nick woke her. She slowly climbed from the bed making her way downstairs she could hear voices and then made out that Kevin and Morgan had arrived. She came around the corner and saw Morgan sitting with her hands on her stomach. She too was pregnant due a little while after Catherine was.

“ Well good morning sis.” Kevin said standing and pulling her into a warm hug.

“ So ladies what were you going to do today?”

“ Pick up our dresses. And go to the doctors I got an appointment.” Catherine said looking at her brother.

“ And I have one too. I thought I told you bout that?” Morgan said looking at Kevin.

“ Oh that’s right.” Kevin said remembering the conversation the night before.

“ And what are you boys going to do?” Morgan asked sitting on Kevin’s lap.

“ We got to do one more fitting for the suits and then I think we will meet you girls for lunch.” Kevin said as he looked at Nick who was now kissing Catherine’s neck.

“ Well actually we will do that if I can get Nick off my sister long enough.” Kevin said again with a chuckle.

“ Ok I am letting go. See you girls in a few hours.” Nick said releasing Catherine. Catherine and Morgan hurried from the house once she got dressed. And arrived at the dress shop a little later. The woman at the counter knew who they were as their pictures hung on the wall with their famous boyfriends. She came back with two dresses and the shoes. Morgan thanked her and took them out to the large truck that Catherine drove. Catherine came back out of the shop holding the bouquets.

“ So where to next?” Morgan asked

“ Got to check the cake and the caterier to make sure the food is going to be there. Then I am guessing maybe checking the hall would be good. And making sure the flowers are at the church.”

“ Ok. Do you want me to drive?”

“ No we better go to the clinic and get the check up and then after we have to meet the guys for lunch.” Catherine pointed out.  

It was the big day Morgan paced in the bridal room with Catherine.

“ Will you please stop pacing?” Catherine asked looking at her friend.

“ No aren’t u nervious.”

“ Yes and if you don’t stop I am going to go into labor just to get you to stop.”

“ Your not far enough along Cat dear.”

“ I told Nick I was 5 months along I got a call from the doc the other day I am 8 months along. And could give birth any time.” She said laughing,

“ But how your not that big?”

“ Twins. Morgan dear Twins.”

“ Oh My God Cat did you tell Nicky?”

“ Not yet. I want to wait till after the wedding. You know after we say I do. I think if I tell him he is going to pass out.” She said with a laugh.

“ Good point. I hear the music come on kid its time to become family legally.” Morgan said leading Catherine out of the room. It was time to start a new life start one they had been promised years ago.  

Kevin looked at Nick who was nervious as hell standing at the front of the church with him. Kevin looked at Brian who stood beside both of them.

“ Nick stand still let me fix your tie.” Brian said grabbing hold of his best friend and fixing his tie. He looked up when the music started and the bridesmaids entered the room. Brian smiled at the site of his lovely wife as she stopped at the front of the church. AJ’s current girlfriend standing at her side, as well as Howie’s. All five guys stood at the front of the church. Kevin turned his head when he saw a white dress enter the doorway. He gasped as Morgan walked down towards him. She wore a long flowing dress with long sleeves that came to points at her hands and a square neckline her train just long enough to drag behind her dress. Kevin took her hand in his when she came up to him. They looked up again and saw Catherine coming down towards them her long southern style dress flowed with its beadwork and lace. Her round neckline showed her white neck and the pearls that she wore. Nick took her hand and turned to the preacher before them. As the ceremony progressed Catherine began feeling pain.

“ Not now please not now.” She whispered holding her stomach with one hand while looking at the preacher. Leighanne, Brian’s wife looked at her with concern she moved over to Brian.

“ I think there is something wrong with Cat.”

“ Yea I noticed. I think she is in labor.” He pointed out.

“ How isn’t she like 5 months along?”

“ Uh not really she told me she was 8 months along and was having twins. She hasn’t told Nick yet.” Brian pointed out.

“ My girl is having twins?” Nick said looking at Catherine who was now sweating badly.

“ Yes.” She said between pain spasms.

“ Do you want to stop?” The preacher asked

“ No I want to be his wife before the babies come.” She said as another pain shot threw her.

“ Ok we are almost done.” He said looking at her. He hurried threw the rest of the ceremony and then looked at the crowd.

“ I would like to present MR. And Mrs Kevin Richardson and Mr and Mrs Nick Carter.” He said.

“ Good we go now. Or I am going to drop these kids right here.” Catherine said as Nick led her back out of the church. Hurrying to the hospital Nick held on to his new bride rather tightly. Several nurses spotted the couple come in and hurried them down the hall. Kevin and Morgan followed in with the rest of the wedding party.

“ Well there goes the reception.” AJ said laughing.

“ Yea but we can have one of those and a baby shower.” Leigh said laughing.  

Two hours later Nick came down the hall holding two babies one boy and one girl.

“ Hey there is Nick.” Brian pointed out as his friend came up to them.

“ Hi I would like to welcome into the Backstreet family Nichole Ann and Nickolas Gene JR.” Nick said proudly. Kevin reached out for the babies.

“ Can I hold one?” he asked.

“ Yea here you go.” He said handing Nichole over to him. Kevin was so proud and then looked over at Morgan who was going to be a mother soon too.

“ Kevin can I hold her?’ Morgan asked

“ Yea you can here you go.” He said handing the little girl. Morgan held the baby for a few seconds then began to cry.

“ What’s wrong hun?” He asked

“ She looks like mine.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

“ What?”

“ Kevin I have something to tell you. When I was gone I found out I was pregnant and I went into labor early the little boy died a few hours after he was born. I even named him Kevin. God I am so sorry Kevin.”

“ Shush its not your fault I am sorry I couldn’t have been there for you when he was born.”

“ I am so worried this one…”

“ This one is going to be fine. And we will have a beautiful baby don’t worry.” He said kissing her. Nick came over to his sister after handing little Nick to Brian.

“ Sis why didn’t you tell us?”

“ Ashamed I guess.” She said sadly.

“ Never think that we were going to be mad. Now look at your nephew and neice and I am going to take them back to Cat and then we will celebrate. She can go home tomorrow and since the babies have a good weight they can too.” Nick said looking at his sister. She was holding Nichole close whispering to the baby.

“ Why did you come out here with the babies?”

“ Cat told me to. She wanted everyone to see the babies. That and she was tired I wanted to let her rest. The doc said she had been in labor for at least eight hours. She was so tired.” Nick said recalling what the doctor’s words.

“ Come on let’s get these kids need to see their mom.” Kevin said standing leading Nick and Morgan towards the room where Catherine was resting. Brian waited with Howie and AJ as they wondered if Morgan was going to be ok.

“ What’s wrong J?” Howie asked looking at his long time friend.

“ She is getting better every day it took her over a year to tell us bout the baby. Kevin is lucky to have her. She is perfect for him Cat will be so proud that Morgan is getting better.”

“ Yea I love seeing them both getting better. Cat has opened up so much lately. And Morgan is getting better. And now Cat has kids. We are uncles.” Brian said laughing. He couldn’t believe that Nick was so happy and that Catherine was finally his wife. Kevin led the small group into the room and was surprised that Catherine was awake and smiling.

“ So uncle happy?” She asked looking at Kevin. Kevin smiled and moved Morgan over to the bed near Catherine. Morgan held Nichole close as she looked at Catherine.

“ She is so beautiful Cat I am so proud of you.” Morgan said handing the baby over to Catherine. Catherine smiled and kissed Nichole.

“ Nicky?” She asked looking up at Nick.

“ Yea what is wrong honey.”

“ Nothing I just wanted to know if you were happy you seemed kind of down. Did something happen?” she asked looking at her friend.

“ Nothing happened I am just happy for you.” Morgan said

“ You have never been a good liar Morgan what is wrong?’

“ Nothing baby we will talk bout it when you and the kids come home.” Morgan said to her brushing her mussed her from her face.  

It had been three months since Catherine and her new babies had come home from the hospital and she still wanted to know what Morgan was hiding from her. She walked into the living room where Nick sat with little Nicky in his lap. Nikky sat in her swing. She smiled when she noticed little Nicky was sleeping then again so was daddy. She leaned down and kissed Nick and then her son. She looked over and saw Nikky smiling at her. Her babies were getting big fast.

“ You wanna come with mommy while I call uncle Kevin and Aunt Morgan.” She said lifting her daughter into her arms and going into the kitchen to use the phone. She picked up the phone just as it rang.

“ Hello?” She said some surprise in her voice.

“ Hey there Cat you might want to wake Nick looks like its Morgan’s turn for babies. We are on our way to the hospital.” Kevin said in a rush. She could hear cars in the background meaning he was driving.

“ OK Kevin let me get the babies dressed and we will be right there. Don’t freak.” She said trying not to laugh at her brother.

“ Freak don’t freak come on Cat this is my first kid. Come on you went into labor at the wedding.” Kevin said pointing out.

“ Oh bite me we will be there in a little while.” She said when she heard Morgan yell at him.

“ Ok baby I am fine. Don’t worry we are going to be there soon. Morgan you need to let go of my arm I can’t drive with you cutting off the circulation. Yes I know I can’t touch you ever again.” Kevin sad and then stopped short when he heard Catherine start giggling on the other end. 

” Oh ok that is funny.” Catherine said “ we will be there soon.” She said hanging up the phone. She picked up Nikky again and walked into the living room.

“ Sweetie you gotta wake up. Morgan went into labor.” She said touching his face. Nicky began crying, which woke Nick right away.

“ What is wrong?” he said holding his son.

“ Your sister went into labor we need to go now.” Catherine said looking at her husband and the look of confusion.

“ What?” He asked.

“ Sister in labor hospital now.” She said slower making sure he caught on. His eyes went wide and stood quickly, nearly dropping Nicky.

“ Oh my god. We have to go”

“ Now you got it. Well you might want to dress your son first. Since he is a diaper. I will dress Nikky.” She said walking to the bedroom to dress her.

They arrived at the hospital a few minuets later, Howie, Brian and AJ waited in the waiting room. Brian took little Nicky from Nick. And AJ wanted Nikky.

“ I wonder how confused these two are going to be when they get older?” Howie asked looking at the two babies.

“ Why?” Catherine asked giggling.

“ Cause we got Nick and Nikky.” Brian said “ Plus have we forgotten bout Nick over there.” He said looking at his friend.

“ Nope this is little Nick and Nikky and then of course my Nicky.” She said with a laugh. “ We could always Nikky. Ann if she wants. So that students in school wont be confused. Or she could just call herself Nichole.”

“ Oh I know and it’s funny though.” Howie said. Nick looked up as Kevin came down the hall.

“ Hey is she?”

“ Not yet she told me to go away.” He said sadly.

“ I’ll go talk to her.” Catherine said walking down the hall. She walked into the room and Morgan looked up at her.

“ Hey.”

“ Hey. I can’t believe that you did that with Kevin. He wants to be here with you and what do you do but make him leave.” Catherine said sitting down next to her friend.

“ I know I didn’t mean it.”

“ Then again you’re the same person that told him he couldn’t touch you any more.” Catherine said laughing

“ Oh you heard that?”

“ No Kevin has a tendancy to repete what he hears.”

“ Oh. Ok. Want to have him come back in here.”

“ I will. I want you to tell me something” Catherine said taking Morgan’s hand in hers.

“ What?”

“ Tell me what happened when you were gone. I know you got hooked on drugs but there was something else that was bothering you. Tell me please.” She asked

“ I had a miscarriage Cat. A son was born. He only lived a few hours. I held him and even named him Kevin. Baby I am sorry I should have told you.”

“ Does Kevin know?”

“ Yea I told Kevin. I was so afraid of what might happen if I told you.”

“ I only wanted to know the truth I knew there was something wrong you slipped further away from me and I didn’t know why. You wouldn’t talk to me not like you did before.” Catherine said looking at her friend had another contraction. She helped her breath threw it and then looked at the door.

“ I will go get Kevin.” Catherine said moving towards the door.

“ I am sorry Cat I never meant to keep this from you.”

“ I know, I knew you would tell me in your own time. Now let me get you husband so you can have a family.” She said giggling and heading out the door. Kevin looked up and smiled as his sister rejoined the group.

“ You can go back in there.” Catherine said hugging him. She looked over at Howie and Brian who were holding the babies.

“ Are you two having fun?”

“ Yep. I can’t wait till Leigh and I have kids. I can’t believe Nick had kids before me.” Brian said giggling.

“ You will make a great father. Oh I totally forgot. Nick and I want to ask everyone something I can always ask Kevin and Morgan again later. I cant make a decision on the god parents I mean we love you all. I want to know if everyone wants to be god parents?” Catherine said looking at them all. AJ looked up suddenly as if he was surprised by the request. Brian looked down at Nikky in his arms and kissed her forehead.

“ I am already family. Cat I am your cousin”

“ I know but family being the opretive term we are all family and I want these two to grow up with a big family one that I didn’t get the chance to have.”

“ We understand and I myself Cat would love too and I know Leigh would too.”

“ Yea I second that Bri count me in Cat.” AJ piped in.

“ Yea I think I can handle it.” Howie said smiled he looked down at the baby he now held in his arms.

“ Good now let’s wait for Kevin to come back and tell us bout the babies.” Catherine said looking towards the doorway where she saw Kevin coming down the hall again.

“ Kevin you haven’t been gone that long.” Catherine said looking at her brother.

“ I know she wants to see you one more time.”

“ She can wait get back in there. She was really close when I was with her.” Catherine said not moving. Kevin hurried back down the hall and the crew sat down to wait.

“ What are we going to do?”

“ Bout what D?”

“ We start tour in two weeks.”

“ Nick?” Catherine looked towards him.

“ Sorry honey did I forget to tell you bout that.”

“ Uh yea. I mean Nick I have twins to deal with. Would have been nice to tell me that you were going to be gone, and how long?”

“ Three months. I don’t think Kevin has told Morgan.” Nick pointed out.

“ Great. Just fucking great.” Catherine said looking at him, Nikky looked up at her mommy and cried.

“ It’s ok honey mommy loves yelling.” Brian said looking at her.

“ Hey I don’t yell.” Catherine said looking at her cousin.

“ Yes you do and very well. Now here your daughter is hungry.”

“ And so is your son.” Howie said holding little Nick.

“ Well guess what I can’t feed them both.” Catherine said taking Nikky from Brian. Nick reached for his son.

“ Give me a bottle and I will feed Nick.” He said looking at his wife. Catherine reached into the baby bag and pulled two bottles of milk out and handed one to Nick.

“ Here and make sure he drinks it all.” She said as she began to feed Nikky, Nikky began to drink the milk and closed her eyes.

“ Yea I know how to feed them.” Nick said looking at Catherine.

“ I know but he has been loosing weight and I don’t want to have to bring him to the peditrican to be checked.” She said looking at her son. Little Nick was born after Nikky and he was smaller than she was, and at times it worried Catherine.

“ I know baby don’t worry.” Nick said feeding his son.  

Catherine lay back against the chair in the waiting room with Nikky on her chest sleeping, her own eyes close. Nick looked over at his wife and saw that she and his daughter were sleeping.

“ Nick?” He heard a voice and looked up to see an exsausted Kevin standing over him holding a sleeping baby.

“ Hey Kev. She had the babies?”

“ Yep this is Dylan Scott, and Morgan is still got Cody Allen.” He said proudly. “ I can see that Catherine and the kids gave up waiting.” He said with a laugh.

“ Yea bout an hour ago. Man Cat wasn’t in labor that long. What time is it?”

“ Four am. We have been here since five yesterday. It has been almost twelve hours. Morgan is so tired. Cody was a stubborn one he didn’t want to come out. He needed some help.” He said remembering the pain Morgan was in, and the fact the doctor had to help with the baby.

“ Man I am so tired.”

“ So am I Morgan wanted me to go to bed. But I wont leave. I told her I would come out here and have you all go home.”

“ A little late to be thinking of that wouldn’t you think Kev. Cat is already a sleep and so are the kids. And Brian Howie and AJ are asleep you might as well go back into the room with Morgan and come back out in the morning.” Nick said leaning back and closing his eyes making sure that little Nick was still asleep on his chest.  

Morgan awoke the next morning and looked over to see Kevin asleep in a chair the babies gone.

“ Kevin?” She said touching his arm.

“ What?” he said opening his eyes and looking at her

“ Where are Dylan and Cody?”

“ Nurse took ‘em just to be checked since you get to go home today.” Kevin said happily.

“ Goodie. Where are the others?”

“ In the waiting room sleeping last I saw. Want me to go get them?”

“ Nah let them sleep.” She said looking into his green eyes.

“ Well how bout you get dressed she should be back with the babies soon and then I will wake them.”

“ Ok I can do that.” She said sliding from the bed and grabbing the cloths he was holding. She walked into the bathroom and returned a short while later to find the nurse standing with her sons.

The End


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