Stolen Identity

By: Vicki

Disclaimer: I don’t know the Backstreet Boys. This is a work of Fiction. Please Read and Review.  

Alisa stood looking at her husband he seemed worried about something especially after the phone call earlier that morning. She walked up behind him putting her arms around his waist she hugged him.

“ Hey Kev what’s wrong?” She asked hopping he would talk to her.

“ Nothing just thinking.” He said pulling her in front of him. Pulled her into a tight embrace he felt as if he would loose her anytime would loose his whole life at any moment.

“ Come on Kevin you have never lied to me before why start now. What’s the problem? Please talk to me.” She pleaded. Kevin kissed her cheek he didn’t want her hurt but he needed to tell someone.

“ This.” He said pulling away from her and pulled the white paper from his pocket and handed it to her.


“ Is there someone stalking you?” Alisa asked.

“ I don’t know. This has never happened to me. I am the oldest the one everyone likes.” Kevin said his voice sad. She pulled him close. He was her everything. He was so upset he could barley confide in her. She was his equal in every way same height same size everything that could be the same was. His eyes green, hers blue, his hair black, her hair red, more from dye than nature.

“ I want to stay with you. I don’t want you to be alone.” She said. Even if he didn’t say it say it she could tell that he was scared.

“ What will the others say? I am no coward.” He asked looking down at her.

“ I really don’t care you’re my boyfriend and you need someone. Please let me stay.”

“ Ok. I would like that.” He said pulling her close. She said pulling from his arm

“ Don’t leave me.” He asked pleading.

“ Ok. I will. Let me have the phone I will call room service.” She said reaching out for the phone he held in his hand.

Alisa looked at Kevin who was sitting on the bed. She shook her head, he was so vulnerable and she hated to see her strong lover like this. Frightened and seeming to be alone in this.

“ Kevin I am here for you. Come on when did you sleep last?”

“ The night before I received the first one of these.” He said. She pulled him close letting his headrest on her chest she stroked his long hair feeling him relax.

“ Go to sleep I will be here all night.” She said as she listened to his breathing slow. She knew he was nearly asleep. She finally drifted off to sleep as he was sleeping.  

An unknown figure came into the room looking down at Kevin and Alisa sleeping.

“ Well now Kevin having your girl protect you. Well that isn’t going to stop me. I will have your life even if I have to take her with you when I take you.” Taking a small picture of the sleeping pair. He sat it down with another note. Taking one more picture he left the room.

“ Hey boss what are we going to do about the girl?” A man asked.

“ We take her too. That way I can get close to Kevin and maybe you can finally get some. Even if she isn’t willing.” He laughed evilly.

“ Ok boss. But when?” He asked.

“ Tomorrow after the show. He is scared so she will be with him at all times. So it will be easy to take them.”

“ Ok. Lets get out of here.” He said leaving the room.  

Kevin awoke early the next morning sitting up looking around he spotted the note next to the bed.

“ Alisa wake up.” Kevin said nudging her. Alisa opened her eyes and looked up at him.

“ What’s wrong you look as if you have seen a ghost.” She commented on his pale color. She sat up taking the note from him and nearly dropping it as she saw the picture of the two of them sleeping.

“ Oh my god they where in the room.” She said looking up at him, a silent tear running down his face. “ Kevin please don’t cry don’t let them get to you. They wont get you I wont let them. I swear it.” Her anger present, his head hung down quietly crying.

“ I know but you can’t be with me on stage.” He said.

“ And neither can they. And yes I can. I know the dance routines and I can take the place of one of the dancers. Please Kevin let me do this.” She pleaded with him. “ I wont leave your side at all tonight or for the next few nights ok.” She pulled his shaking form close to her. She didn’t like to see him so shaken and she wasn’t going to tell the others he couldn’t handle them fussing over him. She helped him to his feet and led him to the bathroom handing him clean cloths she closed the door.

“ Take a shower and get dressed I will get dressed and be waiting for you ok?” She asked he seemed unsure but wasn’t going to argue as he re-closed the door. She sat down on the bed to think. She couldn’t believe they had been in the room. How there was someone outside at all times. This scared her more than she was going to let Kevin know. Dressing she sat on the bed waiting for him to exit the bathroom.

“ So you did stay.” He said with a smile. She loved to see him smile it was something he didn’t do a lot of lately.

“ My love I said I would you are my life I wont let them hurt you.” She said to him pulling him close. He knew she meant this and nothing would ever happen to him or would he ever allow anything to happen to her. There was a knock at the door and both of them nearly jumped out of their skin.

“ Hey Kev Alisa its AJ are you two love birds awake?”

“ Yeah J we are.” Alisa called out to him. She walked to the door and opened it letting him in.

“ Hey you two you look kind of worried.” AJ said coming into the room.

“ Nah everything is fine Bone we are great. Why are you up so early?” Alisa asked looking at her young friend.

“ We have a radio broadcast this morning. Did you forget?” AJ laughed shaking his head.

“ No well ok yeah we forgot.” Alisa said laughing. AJ looked at her and gave her a hug. Kevin smiled and playfully smacked his younger brother.

“ Ok. Come on lets get out of here and get to that interview.” Kevin took Alisa’s hand and walked down the hall. AJ shook his head and followed them. Brian meeting them in the hall, Howie shook his head at how closely Alisa and Kevin were standing. As if nothing could separate them.  

That evening after the concert, Kevin walked closely with Alisa to the hotel room.

“ Well we are safe nothing happened.” Kevin said kissing Alisa. He pulled her close as he closed the door. Kissing her neck moving down her body. She moaned as he kissed her.

“ You love me?” He asked.

“ That is a stupid question.” She giggled. He pulled her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Alisa loved him with all her heart she wanted him with all her being. He kissed her neck and started to take off her shirt.

“ What.” She said to him almost cooing. “ I heard a noise. I am worried.”

“ Why we are safe?” Kevin asked Alisa stood and walked across the room after hearing a noise.

“ Because I think we have a visitor.” She said thinking it was one of the other boys. Without looking she slowly opened the door and looked at Kevin. Suddenly several armed men entered the room, one grabbing Alisa from behind putting his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming.

“ Alisa!” Kevin dove off the bed. Only to be hit in the back of the head slumping to the floor unconscious. Alisa struggled with the man that held her, tears rolling down her cheeks. The man’s hand was suddenly replaced with a cloth and then she too let darkness over take her.

“ Ok now tie him. And lets get him out of here.”

“ What about her?”

“ Lay her on the bed. Don’t worry she will wake up with Kevin.” A man laughed evilly. Alisa’s limp form was laid on the bed covers pulled up near her throat. Kevin’s hands were tied behind him and a cloth was put over his mouth. A large man lifted Kevin’s unconscious form over his shoulder and carried him from the room.  

Kevin’s eyes opened several hours later to find himself tied to a chair. He looked around the room it wasn’t a nice place.

“ Well I see Mr. Lover is awake. Hey boss.” A man called out.

“ Oh goodie. Well now Kevin it’s time to meet your captor.” A voice that sounded somewhat like his own called out. Kevin’s eyes grew wide as a man that looked exactly like him stepped out of the shadows. Kevin’s eyes grew wide as he looked at the man before him, it was him, it was a nightmare.

“ What’s the matter Kevin? Didn’t think I would do it. We have this planned perfectly. Plastic surgery does wonders. Makes anyone look like anyone.” He said pulling the gag off.

“ What the hell is going on? This isn’t possible.” He shouted.

“ Do you think your preasous Alisa will notice the difference?” He asked seeing Kevin almost tremble.

“ Leave her out of this who are you? Why are you doing this?”

“ Because I have watched your life and now I want it beautiful girl and all.”

“ NO leave her alone.” Kevin struggled with his bonds he wanted to kill the man before him.

“ Well I am Kyle and I as you can see look and even sound like you. I paid lots of money so I can look like you. Sounding like you was a bit of a streach having to take lessons to sing and dance. But maybe wont notice that I am not you.”

“ And how? Alisa will notice the difference. The way I love her the way I make love to her. The guys will know the difference.” Kevin said looking at Kyle, it was scary he did look exactly like him in everyway.

“ Ah but the guys wont notice and neither will Alisa. And if they do you will not be alone here any more.” He said proudly.

“ You can’t if you have been watching me as long as you say then you should know that she and I are never apart. And the guys would notice her gone or even one of them gone.” Kevin said struggling with the bonds that held him.

“ Don’t fight you will only hurt your self. Maybe you will be joined soon enough.” Kyle laughed evilly at Kevin, as his eyes got wide.

“ What how? There is only one of you.”

“ Let me introduce you to a few of my friends.” He stepped aside and several more men entered the room looking exactly like the other guys.

“ You were only the first the easiest since getting you was perfect threw that lovely woman of yours.”

“ Oh my god. There is now way. You can’t do this. People will notice Alisa will notice.” Kevin said shouting pulling at his bonds. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way that anyone could be this mean this evil to replace them all.

“ Gag him. I am going to go back to the hotel and I best be there before pretty little Alisa wakes.” He laughed, as Kevin’s muffled screams were becoming less as he actually cried. Kyle left the room.  

Kyle slowly made his way back to the room.

“ Hey Kev what are you doing up so late?” A voice asked. Kyle turned around and faced the young blond that was rubbing his sleepy eyes.

“ Oh Nick I went for some air I best get back Alisa will worry.”

“ Ok. Don’t forget about that we are leaving tomorrow.”

“ You sure we leave tomorrow. I thought we had one more show.”

“ Oh yea that’s right sorry Train go to bed.” Nick smiled and walked back into his room. Kyle opened the room and walked inside. Alisa was still out cold. He slipped out of the jacket and his jeans sliding into the bed next to her. She stirred slightly but never really opened her eyes. He put his arms around her and let her headrest on his chest. She was soft and beautiful.  

Alisa awoke the next morning to find Kevin asleep next to her.

“ Hey it was a bad dream. I thought someone took you.” She said touching his cheek. He didn’t stir she moved the hair from his face; she saw a scar just below his ear. Thinking nothing of it she kissed his neck to wake him. His eyes opened and he smiled at her.

“ Morning baby.” He said smiling at her.

“ Morning Kev. I had the worst dream but you’re here so it doesn’t matter.” She said kissing him. He looked into her blue eyes her worry filled blue eyes.

“ It was a dream nothing more. I am here and I will never leave you.”

“ I know you wont.” She said pulling him close. She kissed him passionately. Kyle pulled away breathless. She was truly in love with Kevin and he felt that in that kiss.

“ Well come on we have rehearsal and an interview this morning.” She said getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. Kyle smiled and picked up the phone next to the bed as he heard the shower start.

“ Hey have your fun with him. Looks like she doesn’t know that I am not him. This might be easier than I thought.” He said laughing.

“ You sure boss. There are slight differences.”

“ Did you put him in the cage?”

“ Yes boss. And we have untied him. He’s pissed. And wants you to stay away from Alisa.”

“ Well pretty Alisa is all mine. And there is nothing he can do about it.” He laughed and hung up the phone. He stood and walked into the bathroom dropping his shorts on the floor and getting into the shower with her.

“ Well hello. I didn’t think you would join me.” She said as she turned and looked at him. Running her soapy hands down his chest, she loved him. He was her life. She was pushed against the back wall and he began to kiss her. His hands cupping her breasts. Her chest heaving as she kissed his neck. He wanted her right there and then. He pulled her body closer to his feeling her arousal wanting him, she giggled as his aroused member bumped against her body.

“ Your happy.” She said.

“ Yes.” He said kissing he neck, picking her up and walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Laying her on the bed he moved so he was on top of her. He slowly pushed himself into her. Her back arched and she moaned as she rose up and began to kiss his chest. Their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

“ Harder Kevin.” She said her voice husky with passion. He pushed into her harder she moaned and cried out his name.

“ Cum for me Alisa” He said as her orgasm finally peaked. He came when she did. He rolled off of her and lay next to her.

“ That was great.” He said her head resting on his chest.

“ Yes it was. Come on we better get dressed we have things to do.” She said kissing him lightly and then getting out of the bed, walking back into the bathroom and closing the door, a single tear running down her face. There was something different about him.

“ Where are you? Kevin where are you?” Alisa dressed and came back out of the bathroom. He looked up and smiled at her. Kyle knew he had passed the ultimate test she made love to him and didn’t know the difference. She shook her head putting her doubt aside he was Kevin and she knew it. Even if there was a slight difference maybe he was just being different. She smiled and took his hand and walked from the room. Kyle looked at her. He could see that she was having doubts but he wasn’t sure what it was about. Leaning down he kissed her, she looked up at him and smiled.  

Alone that was how he felt alone. He had her and it had been three long months since he had been taken and yet they didn’t notice that he wasn’t him. He felt the tears forming in his eyes. He didn’t want to loose her this way, this was worse than loosing Kristin in that horrible accident. Why had they done this? Why him.

“ Well it looks like our little guest isn’t as talkative today.”  

” Just leave me alone.” Kevin said simply. Every time the group had moved to a new venue he was moved so he was close. He was given pictures and updates on Kyle’s movements everything that was going on. Pictures of Kyle with Alisa and she was happy. He remembered when he first met Alisa. She was beautiful, and shy. Howie had introduced her as his cousin. Alisa Dorough was only a few years younger than Howie himself. Kevin had wanted to be with her but he was with Kristin and he did love her. Alisa had become his friend and they were close. Howie always thought it funny they were rarely if ever seen apart even when Kristin visited. Then he received the news that Kristin had been killed in an accident. His whole world crashed around him. Alisa was there for him comforting him. She stayed with him threw it all. A year had passed after the death of Kristin and then she noticed that she loved him and he loved her. He finally asked her to marry him. She accepted it and they were married that spring. Alisa and Kevin were so happy together but it had only been a few months since they had been married when he was taken. That day would have been their six-month anniversary. His captors laughed at him, he had lost some weight they barely fed him. He didn’t know if Alisa would want him back if he ever got out of this hellhole. He wanted to feel her near him. He didn’t want to loose her to that mad man.

Alisa stood with the others and watched the dancers rehearse. Kyle stood with his arms around her waist.

“ I can’t believe that you are going to dance with us.” Kyle said kissing her neck.

“ I have always wanted to dance with you. And you know that Kevin.” She said with a laugh, something still wasn’t right with him. Kyle leaned down and kissed her lips. She was his and he knew it. Kevin wouldn’t ever get her back. He looked down at her fiddling with the diamond ring she wore on her finger. She tilted her head looking at his left hand and noticed the ring he was to be wearing was gone. She pulled away from him and walked over to AJ.

“ Hey J.”

“ Hey Alisa what’s wrong?” He asked seeing the worry in her eyes.

“ Has Kevin said anything about his ring? He isn’t wearing it. And I haven’t see it in a while.” She said looking over at him.

“ No I did notice it was gone. As a matter of fact he hasn’t had it on in about three months. I wonder where he put it. We have had fans even notice that it isn’t there. But yet he hasn’t said anything about it.” AJ told her hopping that would help. He could see that Kevin wasn’t acting himself but yet there were times that Kevin was like that.

“ Maybe he had it cleaned and still hadn’t put it back on.” She said hoping that was what was wrong. She didn’t want to think the worst. Howie walked over and put his hand on his cousin’s shoulder.

“ What’s wrong Alisa?” He asked.

“ I don’t know. Kevin is acting strange.”

“ He has been acting that way for three months Hun why think it strange now.” He asked her.

“ I don’t know. It’s just something. It doesn’t feel right. I don’t like this feeling.” She said.

“ Don’t worry so much the tour ends in a few weeks. And maybe he will be calmer. He usually gets this way towards the end of the tour. You know that.” Howie said kissing her cheek.

“ Yeah maybe your right. But we will only be off for a month and then we go back on tour.” She said

“ Actually two months we need the rest and you and Kevin can finally have that honeymoon that you never got.” AJ said to her. Alisa smiled it was something she had wanted to do was be alone with Kevin. She looked over at Kevin hoping that with the break coming up he would calm down. He seemed very edgy lately.

“ Hey Alisa come here.” Kyle said to her holding his hand out to her. She smiled and took his hand and moved back into his arms.

“ What?” She giggled. He kissed her neck and ran his hands down her back. She used to feel safe in his arms. Lately he was like another person and that scared her. He felt her shake a bit and pulled her closer to him.

“ You ok?” He whispered in her ear.

“ Yeah I am fine. Soon we will have a break and soon we will get some time alone.”

“ Yeah we will.” He said. He smiled evilly he had her all to himself.

“ Kevin?” A voice asked behind him. Kyle turned around and looked at the stagehand.

“ Yeah what?”

“ Phone call.”

“ Ok. Be right back baby.” Kyle said kissing Alisa. She smiled and watched him walk away. AJ had been noticing that Kevin had been acting differently lately and maybe this call would explain what was going on. He followed Kyle towards the back staying out of site.

“ Why the hell are you calling here? You know they could hear me. And discover I am not him.” He said into the phone. AJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing this guy wasn’t Kevin well then who the hell was he? AJ stepped back and nearly fell over Alisa. Alisa looked at him she could see worry in his deep brown eyes.

“ Hey AJ you ok?” She asked him. AJ looked up at her and shook his head.

“ Nothing its ok. Uh why don’t you go and find out if we have anything else to do.”

“ Ok.” She said shaking her head. AJ watched her walk away. He didn’t want her to know what he had heard. She didn’t need this not right now she hadn’t been feeling well as of late and he didn’t need to worry her. Kyle looked up as he heard AJ’s voice knowing that meant he had heard him. He knew that meant that maybe Alisa knew as well but he wasn’t going to push it right now.

“ I want Akria to come here today. I want her to talk to young Mr. McLean looks like he knows. Now.” He hung up the phone and walked towards the front area. Alisa smiled at Kyle as he returned to the group. Alisa had an uneasy feeling as he was coming towards her. She had to think.

“ Baby I am going for a walk. I will be right back.” She said as he looked around at the others. Kyle smiled and nodded as she grabbed her coat and walked outside. She decided a nice run would calm her nerves she hadn’t been feeling well lately and she didn’t really know why. She hadn’t told Kevin yet that she hadn’t been feeling well. She made her way around the building past the many trucks and buses that were around it. A black semi didn’t fit in looking at it she shook her head and started towards it just to see the name on the rig. A woman standing about AJ’s height with long black hair and green eyes like Kevin’s came around it.

“ Hello” She said with a sweet smile. Alisa smiled back thinking maybe she was one of the dancers or maybe a replacement dancer one had become sick as of late.

“ Hello I am Alisa Richardson. And you are?” She said extending her hand to her.

“ I am Akria Domenico. I am a replacement dancer management called and had me fly in right away.” Akria said with a smile she was taking it hook line and sinker.

“ Well it’s nice to meet you.” Alisa said to her turning and going back towards the arena. Akria looked back at the black rig and climbed into the back of it.  

“ You boys are idiots. She could have come in here and found him.” She said pointing at Kevin. Kevin looked up at them strangely.

“ Sorry the boss said the rig would fit in.” One of them said to her.

“ Fit in. Their rigs are red and this one is black and it doesn’t stick out. She walked right up to it.”

“ What should we do change the color she has already seen it?”

“ Never mind I have to get a hold of Kyle and let him know I am here, he seems to be having a problem with one of your friends.” She said looking at Kevin. Kevin weakly looked at her, at this point he had been gone so long he really didn’t care. He just wanted to get back to Alisa hold her in his arms.

“ Well don’t worry about it now she wont come in here. And as for him you might want to feed him before Kyle gets pissed. He is looking kind of thin.” She said taking note of Kevin’s thin look.

“ We have been but he wont eat much.” One said to her.

“ Well guess what Mr. Richardson you best eat. And eat what you are given.” She said moving closer to the cage. Kevin just looked at her.

“ I will eat when I get out of here.” He said his green eyes flashing with anger.

“ You will eat when you are given food. And that is what you will do. If you ever want to see your lovely wife again.” She said looking at him. He looked at her with fire in his eyes.

“ He wont let me see her and you know it. I can’t believe that this can be happening.”

“ Well you maybe getting a visitor soon. Seems that AJ knows that Kyle isn’t you.”

“ Good for him. I can’t believe that it took this long for him to figure it out.”

“ Well not good because he will be here and my lovely Alex will be replacing him.”

“ Yours?” Kevin asked seeming confused.

“ Yea Alex and I are an item. Have been for a long time. Your AJ is a bore compaired to mine. Well I am off back to see what Kyle is planning.”  

Kyle looked up as Alisa returned to the arena stage area,

“ Hey baby how was your walk?” He asked walking up to her.

“ It was good I meet one of our new dancers has she come in here?” She asked looking past him.

“ Nope haven’t seen her yet. But don’t worry we will meet later.” He said kissing her. She pulled him close to her as she passionately kissed him.

“ Have I told you that I love you?” She cooed in his ear. His eyes grew wide.

“ Yes you have and what is with you lately?” He asked taking her hand. She smiled. She just wanted the feelings that he wasn’t her Kevin to go away and maybe doing this with him will make those feelings go away. “ Well guys the concert is in a few hours I am going back to the hotel with Alisa and we are going to rest.” Kyle took Alisa’s hand and left the others just staring at them. AJ didn’t like this he didn’t like the idea that she was going to be alone with him.  

They returned to the hotel and as soon as they entered the room and closed the door he pulled her into his arms, their cloths falling to the floor in a heap. He began kissing her pulling her naked body close to his. He moved her to the bed and she turned him around and shoved him to the bed. She climbed on top so that she strattled his chest. Running her hands down his bare chest. He looked up into her lust filled blue eyes; he put his hands on her hips moving his hands up her back. She moaned against his touch, he was genital this evening. Finally moving so she moved down on his aroused member she moved her hips grinding into his. He moaned with pleasure as he pulled her down so he kissed her. Their bodies moving in perfect rhythm together each moaning as they climaxed and she laid her head on his chest.

“ I love you.” She said as she laid her head on his chest, him stroking her hair. Kyle hopped that it was him that she loved and not Kevin. He listened to her breathing slow and he knew she was starting to go to sleep, he didn’t have to be back to the arena till 6 and it was only 3 so he would let her sleep. She had been really tired lately maybe he wouldn’t wake her at all and let her miss this concert. Kyle moved her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. Closing his own eyes he relaxed and went to sleep his arms around her protectively. His feelings for her were turning to love. He hadn’t wanted to fall in love with the girl at all. But this was perfect this would almost kill Kevin. Alisa awoke with the sudden feeling of being sick. She slid from the bed and ran into the bathroom closing the door. Kyle didn’t feel her move he didn’t know that she was gone till the phone rang next to the bed. He sleepily reached out and answered the phone.

“ What?” He said into it.

“ Kyle there is a problem” He heard a male voice say.

“ And that is?” As if he cared.

“ Kevin is ill. Very ill, what do we do?” He asked in a hurried voice.

“ He’s what?”

“ Sick. Running a fever and sweating really badly. He has no color. Come on man what do we do?”

“ How the hell do I know? And where did Alisa go?” Kyle said looking towards the bathroom. The door was closed and he could hear her. “ That’s fine she is sick as well. He has been missing about three months now. I wonder why she is ill. Take give him medication he isn’t going to a doctor they would recognize him and you know it.” He said angrily, Alisa opened the bathroom door slowly she was pale.

“ Alisa?” Kyle said with the phone still next to his head. She looked at him and he watched her eyes roll back in her head and fall to the floor. “ ALISA!” He dropped the phone and ran to her.

“BRIAN NICK HOWIE AJ! Anyone help me.” He shouted. AJ rushed down the hall at the sound of Kyle’s shouting. He shoved the door opened and saw that Kyle was kneeling down next to Alisa’s unconscious form. AJ’s eyes filled with anger.

“ What the hell did you do?” He asked looking at him. Kyle looked up at him fear in his eyes.

“ I didn’t do anything. She walked out of the bathroom and passed out. Help me with her, I need to get her to the doctor.” Kyle said his eyes pleading with AJ. AJ finally dropped down and lifted Alisa into his arms and looked at him.

“ You are so lucky I love her.” AJ said walking down the hall. He hated this man and he didn’t know what he had done with Kevin but he’d best not hurt Kevin or even Alisa.

“ Don’t start.” Kyle said pulling his pants back on and finding a robe for Alisa. AJ glared at him and walked out of the room and down the hall. Brian meeting them in the hall.

“ What happened?”

“ She passed out. What does it look like?” Kyle said. Brian looked at him strangely at the tone of voice that Kyle had just used. Howie came out of his room and nearly ran to them when he saw AJ holding Alisa.

“ Ok instead of standing here lets get her to the doctor.” Howie said as AJ walked to the elevator. Akria walked off the elevator unnoticed as the guys entered, Kyle stopping briefly to look at her.

“ Kevin, come on.” Brian said grabbing his arm and pulling him into the elevator, Akria watching the elevator door close. She could see that he was worried. She ran down the hall grabbing the door to the stairs she quickly made her way out of the hotel. She hopped the first cab and headed back to the rig, picture in hand.  

Kevin was thinking about the worst as he saw he come back to the rig. He didn’t know why she was back. But it was something he wanted to know.

“ Well Kevin look it seems your beautiful wife is ill.” She said evilly handing over the picture. It showed AJ holding Alisa’s unconscious form.

“ What did he do to her?” Was his first reaction. He didn’t want to think the worst.

“ Well I will call Kyle and ask.” She said pulling a cell phone from her pocket she called Kyle.

“ What?” was his answer as he looked at his cell phone.

“ What is wrong with her?” She asked. He hesitated and she could hear him leave the room.

“ It seems Alisa is pregnant.” He said. She smiled evilly at Kevin. Kevin didn’t like this look.

“ What?” He asked

“ Your dear wife is pregnant now all we have to think of is who’s is it. Yours or his.” She almost laughed at this.

“ It has to be mine. It has to be.” Kevin said anger dripping from his voice. Akria looked at the guard that was there.

“ Get him out of there I want to have some fun.” She said as she backed away from the cage. The man pulled Kevin harshly from the cage sitting him in a chair and tied his hands to it.

“ Kyle told me I could have fun with you before I get to play with your buddy AJ.” Akria said punching Kevin in the jaw. He looked up at her blood dripping from his split lip.

“ He wont go as easily.” He said, he wouldn’t break down in front of her. She would make him break and enjoy it. She slapped him across the face, and the decided that it was going to be more fun if he was standing while she did this.

“ Get him up.” She said as a man lifted Kevin to a standing position.

“ I will not break.” He spat at her.

“ You will or at least you will bleed.” She said hitting him hard in the stomach.

After spending almost an hour beating Kevin she grew tired of this and moved away from him.

“ Put him back in there. I will be going. I am going to have fun with his friend I wonder if I can get him to cry.” Akria said almost laughing. The almost evil look in her eyes actually scared Kevin, he could barely keep his eyes opened but what he could see it scared him. The guard dropped him in the caged area he closed his eyes and was out cold in no time.

“ He didn’t break but he wouldn’t look me in the eye either. But now I am going to see if I can bed that friend of his.” She said evilly.

“ But behave my dear.” One said to her. He walked out of the shadows. He looked like AJ in everyway tattoos and all.

“ Not that I am that bad. But you know the way I have to get to him so you can become him.” She said walking up and placing her hands on his chest.

“ I know. And I will be waiting to take his place. This will be great fun.” He was enjoying this game, the game that Kyle had started many years ago. Akria leaned forward and kissed him.

“ Let me go and play. I will see you soon. Alex.” She cooed in his ear. Alex smiled and released his grip on her. She skipped off the rig and into the waiting cab just outside.  

AJ stood waiting for her to wake, he had angrily told Kyle to wait outside. Alisa lay on the bed her breathing slow but he knew there was nothing real major wrong with her and from what the doctor had told him she was pregnant about four months. That meant that she carried Kevin’s baby and not that imposter’s baby. Or so he hopped.

“ AJ?” She said slowly.

“ Yeah hey how are you feeling?”

“ Like I was run over. What happened?”

“ It looks like your going to be a mom.” He said a smile played on his face.

“ Really.” She said sitting up.

“ Yeah really.”

“ Kevin will be so happy. He has been so tense lately.” Alisa said with a smile. She watched his own disappear. This worried her, or scared her she wasn’t sure.  


It had been several hours and they were back at the hotel. Akria was sitting in the all looking at the elevator; AJ stepped off the elevator everyone else had already come back.

“ Well hello.” He said smiling at her.

“ Hello. I am Akria one of the new dancers.” She said standing. He looked at her.

“ Really that’s cool. Welcome aboard. This seems to be the first time I have seen you.” He said smiling.

“ I have been with you now for about two days. I would have introduced myself earlier but you all seemed to be in a hurry to get that young woman out of here.” She said.

“ Oh. Sorry about that. Well that is over. And now I have met you.” AJ said with a smile.

“ Yep.” She moved forward and shoved him against the wall kissing him. He was breathless as she pulled away.

“ WOW.”

“ I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” She said to him. AJ didn’t know what to say, none of the other dancers had ever done that ever.

“ Well nice to have meet you.” He said walking away to his room. She scolded herself as she thought she almost had him. Maybe seducing him wasn’t going to be the answer maybe just taking him would. AJ wasn’t going to just sleep with the first woman he saw. 

Kevin sat in the caged section of the rig. It had been set up that over half of the rig was a cage. His whole body hurt and he just wanted to be out of there. He looked up at his captors and shook his head. The one Akria had called Alex was now standing guard and unlike his Alex this one was an idiot.

“ HEY!”

“ What?” He said looking down at Kevin.

“ Man I have to go. Like now.”

“ You went about an hour ago.” He said looking down at Kevin.

“ So I need to go again. Come man I need to go.”

“ Fine. Get up.” Alex said looking at Kevin as he stood. Alex opened the cage and moved aside as Kevin slowly stepped out. Kevin seeing this as his opportunity he hit Alex and ran for the door of the rig only to have darkness over take him as he feel to the floor unconscious.

“ Dame it you’re an idiot. Make sure you tie his hands. And well I will deal with this later. My wife is waiting.”

“ Oh speaking of that. AJ has been talking to her. I think she may know your not Kevin.” Alex said looking at him.

“ Not to worry. Akria is dealing with that as we speak.”

“ I am not worried but Akria did come and tell Kevin that Alisa was pregnant.”

“ She did what? He wasn’t to know.” Kyle said looking at them.

“ She was being her true self and wanted him to suffer. She beat him badly too or hadn’t you noticed.”

“ I wish she wouldn’t do that. But yes I noticed. Well I am out of here. Get him back in there.”

“ Yes boss.” Alex said looking into his angry eyes. He shook his head and lifted Kevin and tied his arms behind him, and then he shoved Kevin into the cage. This was going to be a long week.  


Alisa sat on the edge of her bed listening to what AJ was telling her but she almost didn’t believe it but it kind of made since Kevin had been acting strangely in the last few months. But the doctors had told her she was four months pregnant so she knew it had happened before Kevin’s attitude change.

“ But are you sure?” She asked AJ.

“ Yes totally sure. Please believe me. You know that I wont tell you something that would be untrue. I wouldn’t do that to you.” AJ said his voice cracking.

“ But where is my Kevin? Where are they keeping him?” She said almost crying.

“ I am thinking the black rig that was outside the one that has been there for the last three months.” AJ said. Alisa looked at him she believed him and he knew it. But they couldn’t let Kyle know that they knew. It would be disastrous and they could only imagine what would happen to their Kevin.

“ Hey you two what’s up?” Kyle said coming into the room.

“ Oh nothing just telling her how great it is that our big brother is finally getting to have his own kid.” AJ lied.

“ Yea are you happy Kevin?” She asked looking up at him. He smiled down at her; he thought nothing of the chat between AJ and Alisa. He looked up as Akria knocked at the door. He gladly let her in.

“ AJ have you meet Akria?” He asked.

“ Yea we have meet. Nice to see you again.” He said unsure of what else to say. Alisa could see that he was uncomfortable with her there.

“ Well AJ come on you and I were taking a walk were we not.” Alisa said suddenly.

“ Ah yes that we were.” He said taking her hand. Kyle looked at him.

“ Alisa?”

“ Don’t worry. I am going for a walk. That’s all.” She said kissing his cheek and following AJ out of the room. Kyle didn’t like this but he wasn’t going to do anything thinking that it would get her attention.  

Alisa followed AJ out of the hotel and stood looking at him.

“ Ok bro where are we walking.”

“ That way back to the arena you ok with that?” AJ asked looking at her.

“ Its fine but what are you going to do when we get there?” She asked following behind him.

“ I want to know what is in that rig really I do.” He said as he walked faster.

“ Ok. But can we slow down?” She asked trying catch her breath. AJ stopped and extended his hand to her.

“ I am glad that we are only down the road from the arena.” AJ said as they walked slowly down the road. They arrived at the Black rig and looked at it. Alisa had seen it the first time it came but didn’t get really near it. AJ walked to the side of it noticing a door.

“ Hey this thing has a door.” He said as Alisa walked up to it. She pulled on the door and it actually opened. She turned and looked at AJ.

“ Well I guess we are going in right?” She looked at him hoping. He smiled and motioned for her to enter.

“ Ladies first.” He said with a laugh.

“ Lady being the operative word.” Alisa looked at AJ hearing his voice twice. Her eyes got wide as she was pulled into the rig.

“ Get in here boy.” AJ heard the voice say. He slowly entered the rig looking around he looked at the man to see him holding his hand over Alisa’s mouth to keep her from screaming. She was struggling to get him to let go it only made him tighten his grip on her.

“ Let her go.”

“ Well Mrs. Richardson here is too snoopy for her own good and is going to be our guest for a while. As are you kid.” Alex said with a laugh. Alisa could feel the tears forming in her eyes.

“ Leave her alone.” A gruff almost angry voice said from behind Alex. AJ looked past the man that held Alisa to see Kevin sitting on his knees his hands tied behind him.

“ Kevin?” The younger man asked looking at him.

“ Yep. Thanks for noticing.” Kevin said looking at him.

“ Sorry.”

“ Enough of this get in there.” Alex said as he pointed to the cage. AJ reluctantly opened the door and walked into the cage with Kevin.

“ As for you missy I think I am going to have some fun.” Alex said.

“ Hey don’t she’s pregnant.” AJ said worried he might hurt her.

“ Oh I forgot.” Alex said laughing. He moved his hand down her body Alisa began to sob. Kevin wanted to help her but with his hands tied he couldn’t. Alisa struggled with her tormentor; she needed to get free to get to Kevin. Alex moved his hand down her breasts as he finally decided that he wanted to try something else.

“ Dwaine come here and help me with her.” He called out to one of the other men. Dwaine came from the back AJ gasped he looked like Nick. AJ noticed that the door to the cage was still opened he wasn’t going to let them hurt her. He looked at Kevin who was struggling with the ropes that held his arms. AJ reached behind his friend and untied the ropes.

“ Kevin we cant let them hurt her.” He said as he watched Dwaine and Alex leave the room with Alisa. Her muffled sobbing could be heard all the way from the next room.

“I am not going to let them hurt her.” Kevin said moving out of the cage AJ followed behind him to the next room.

“ Leave her alone.” Kevin said diving at Alex, knocking him away from Alisa. Dwaine turned shocked and then was about to take on Kevin when AJ hit him knocking him to the floor. AJ made his way to Alisa untying her hands and removing the gag he held her shaking form next to his body.

“ Your ok Alisa” He said. AJ held her close as Kevin finally got up off the floor.

“ Lets get out of here.” Kevin moved so they could get out of the rig. Hurrying down the street Alisa being held in Kevin’s arms. AJ looked towards the hotel and saw Brian outside.

“ Brian, come here.” He shouted. Brian looked at him strangely and came running when he saw Kevin holding Alisa.

“ Kevin what happened? You were just upstairs. Alisa are you ok sweetie?”

“ That man upstairs isn’t Kevin.” AJ said, Brian looked at him oddly and then took a closer look at his cousin.

“ Oh my god. Kevin? What happened?”

“ That man. His name is Kyle he wanted to replace all of us. He had already replaced me.”

“ We didn’t notice. I can’t believe we didn’t notice.”

“ I did.” Alisa said, she looked up into his worried green eyes.

“ You did.”

“ Not at first but there were things that were wrong. And that’s when I noticed. But AJ really noticed.” She said sadly. She felt badly for everything that had happened over the last three months. She felt Kevin’s arms hold her close. His arms felt so small he had lost weight and she could tell.

“ Kevin” She started

“ Alisa what’s wrong?” He said holding her closer. He didn’t want to let her go at all. Even in his weakened state he knew he was stronger than she was at this moment. He didn’t even want to think about what those men had done to her.

“ Nothing, but how are you? You have been gone too long. I have news I am pregnant.” She said with a sad look.

“ It’s Kevin’s Alisa it’s his. The doctor said you were four months along. The change has only been..”

“ Three months. I have only been gone three months. Baby is that what you were worried about that it wasn’t mine.” He said kissing her forehead.

“ But I was so afraid of it being his. And that if you came back you would hate me for what I had done.” Remembering that she had slept with Kyle twice or more than that but who was counting.

“ I wouldn’t hate you, you just did what anyone else would do. He does look like me a lot. “ Kevin knew that those words meant a lot to her but did she believe him. Brian looked at his thin cousin and then over at AJ who had remained quiet during the whole conversation.

“ Hey J what are you thinking?” Brian asked looking at his friend.

“ How good it is to have our Kevin back and how we are going to get that imposter out of there.”

“ Please we must do this right. I want him to pay for what he has done. Playing with my feelings and my heart.” Alisa said, Kevin could hear the anger in her voice. AJ put his hand on her shoulder.

“ And how do you figure we do that?” He asked.

“ I want to have the switch at the concert tonight. I want him to suffer.” She said her voice dripping with contempt. Everything about him now made her angry she wanted to do something about what he had done. Kyle had used her for his own sick game and that made her mad.

“ And what are we going to do with Kevin till then?” Brian asked.

“ He can wait in the bus. I don’t want them to know that he has been found. He will stay hidden.”

“ You sure baby?” Kevin asked looking down at her.

“ Yes. He took you. He made me think that he was you. I thought that the baby I am having was his.”

“ Ok but I don’t want you getting hurt over this ok.” AJ said looking at her.

“ I wont don’t worry. “ 


Several hours later Alisa sat near the backstage area. Akria came over to her.

“ Hey.”

“ Akria right?”

“ Yep. How are you doing?” She asked a smile played on her lips. But Alisa didn’t know that this woman was working with the men that had taken her Kevin.

“ I am doing good and how are you doing? Excited about tonight.” Alisa asked looking at her.

“ Yea. AJ and I spoke earlier after you and he returned from your walk.” She said to her. Alisa looked up at her strangely she didn’t know that Akria knew she and AJ had taken a walk. Akria looked down at her, and then back up as Kyle walked over to them.

“ Hi there Kevin.” She said her voice sweet. Alisa looked up at Kyle and smiled.

“ Hey Hun” Alisa stood and kissed him. He could feel something wasn’t right. He looked around and saw AJ walking towards them and then he saw what he didn’t want to see Alex walking behind him.

“ I will be right back.” He said kissing her and walking away. Akria watched him go and then she too walked the same way. AJ came to a stop near Alisa.

“ What was that about?” He asked her.

“ I don’t know. He looked over to see you coming this way and then walked away.” She said shaking her head. She looked past AJ seeing Alex and Kyle talking. That’s when she knew what was going on.

“ Uh AJ we have a problem. He is here.” She said AJ turned enough to see Alex.

“ Oh no. He will tell Kyle that you know he isn’t Kevin. Oh this is going to be bad.” AJ said as Brian joined them.

“ Hey AJ why does that guy look like you?” Brian asked whispering in his ear.

“ Don’t complain there are three more and they look like you Nick and D.” He said remembering what he had seen at the rig.

“ Your kidding right?” Brian asked surprised.

“ No he isn’t. That one and the one that looks like Nick kind of well..”

“ They had their way with Alisa. I think me and Kevin got to them before they could really hurt her.” AJ finished Alisa looked at him a slight smile on her lips. He could tell she was still scared but anger kept her safely in check. AJ put his hands on her shoulders and hugged her.

“ Hey don’t worry. He wont hurt you and now that Kevin is safely hidden where we know where he is and they don’t. Don’t worry we wont let them ok.” He said he knew she needed to hear someone was on her side. They looked up as Kyle walked back up to them.

“ Hey baby can we talk alone?” He asked looking at the guys. Alisa nodded and took his hand and let him lead her away from the group, her own fear present in her eyes. They walked just outside the arena.

“ What’s wrong? Kevin.” She turned and faced him, his eyes cold and unfeeling as he looked into her eyes.

“ Baby what did you do today when you and AJ took a walk?” He asked her keeping his voice even.

“ We walked down the block sat in the park and came back to the hotel. Why?” She asked innocently.

“ Well he says that you came to see him.” Kyle said as Alex came out from the shadows. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

“ I was with AJ Hun.” She said hopping that he was AJ.

“ This isn’t AJ this is Alex. And you freed that husband of yours didn’t you.” He said looking at her.

“ What are you talking about Kevin?” She asked looking at him, Her worst fears coming true at this point.

“ Take her back to the hotel I will make an excuse for her being gone. I will find him my dear he will be gone again.” He said to her as Alex moved forward and grabbed her arms. Alisa did the only thing she could think of at the time she screamed.  

Inside AJ looked up as he heard Alisa scream he ran towards the door and out to where they had gone.

“ Let her go Kyle.” AJ said looking at Alisa, Alex held her close to him his hand over her mouth.

“ So you did go to the rig. Well I guess that you will have to go to.” He said laughing. AJ looked at him angrily.

“ No you’re going to release her and go on with the show. If she isn’t here for it people will become worried.” AJ said hopping he was right.

“ Well then I guess that she will sit in the dressing room with you wont she. Take them back inside. Make sure you aren’t seen. Then change so your dressed like he is.” Kyle told Alex. Alex pulled a gun out with his free hand and pointed it at AJ. AJ looked at him and then at Alisa. Alex motioned for AJ to walk inside.  

Two hours later. AJ struggled to get the ropes that bound him loose so he could get free. Alex had bound and gagged them both leaving them sitting on the floor of the dressing room. Alisa had given up getting free an hour before, her wrists and jaw hurt. She made a noise to get AJ’s attention he stopped struggling and looked at her. She shook her head and he leaned back against the couch. They both tensed as they heard the door slowly open and then the familiar voice of Kevin. They hopped it was Kevin and not Kyle.

“ Well just thought I would peek in on my two captives just to be sure you hadn’t left the party just yet. I can’t wait there is so much we can do. I still have to bring the rest of my gang in on this. So far you’re out of the way AJ and with Kevin in hiding all I need is Howie Nick and Brian. And then we can kill you all.” He said with an evil laugh. Alisa was looking up at him newly formed tears in her eyes. He reached down and touched her face.

“ Had you not found out you would have been at my side. We could have raised your child together. But it seems that you wanted to side with them.” He said watching her eyes get wide. He turned and left them alone again. Alisa leaned back against the wall where she sat. AJ looked over at her; there was nothing he could do to help her.  


Kevin sat alone in the bus wondering what was going on. Alisa was supposed to come and get him during the concert. He knew it was going on. What was keeping her? This scared him to death. He finally gave up waiting and walked into the building unseen. He wondered where Alisa was; he looked around and saw AJ coming towards him.

“ Hey Kyle did you check on our guests?” he asked. Kevin knew that this wasn’t AJ but Alex.

“ Yea Alex I did they are both fine.” He said in a mellow tone. Alex smiled evilly and looked down at the dressing room door.

“ We best get back up there.” Alex said looking back towards the stage.

“ Yep. Go on I will be right there. Don’t worry I will be up there in a sec.” He said. Alex nodded and walked away. Kevin walked down the hall towards the dressing room. He turned the knob and slowly opened the door. He gasped as he saw both AJ and Alisa bound and gagged. He moved towards them when the door behind him opened again.

“ Well, well Kevin there you are.” Kevin stood and slowly turned around to face Kyle.

“ What the hell are you doing? Look at her she is terrified.” Kevin said looking down at Alisa.

“ I don’t care. Well there is a small break before so maybe I will get the others out of here as well. We can take all of your lives.”

“ There is no way you can get the others.” Kevin said looking at Kyle. Kyle laughed and produced a gun.

“ Turn around now.” Kevin did as he was told and Kyle tied his hands behind him producing a gag he quickly gagged Kevin and shoved him to the floor next to AJ and Alisa.

“ Now I will get Alex to bring your other friends in here.” He moved to the door and called for Alex to come to him.

“ Yeah Kyle what did you need?” He asked looking at him strangely.

“ Go and get Dwaine and the others. Then get those other three boys. We will make the switch before the concert.”

“ Ok.” Alex hurried away from the room. 

Within an hour all of the boys were bound and gagged and sitting on the floor. Nick was crying he was scared and the others knew it. Kyle looked at his prisoners and laughed.

“ Well now we have a concert to do. And then we will move you to the rig. Maybe we will kill you after that.” Kyle pulled the door shut locking it from the outside. Kevin struggled with the bonds that held him. He leaned back against the wall wondering what he could do. His friends were all involved in this his girl was in this. He looked over at Alisa who was sitting closely to Nick trying to calm the young man. Unable to hold him there wasn’t much she could do to calm the hysterical Nick. AJ struggled till his arms were in front of him, pulling the gag off he looked at the others.

“ Ok guys give me a sec.” He moved closer to Kevin and untied his hands. Holding out his own bound arms to him, Kevin untied them.

“ Ok let’s get the others untied.” Kevin said as he moved closer to Brian as AJ united Howie. Howie rubbed his wrists as Kevin untied Alisa and Brian untied Nick.

“ Nick it’s going to be ok.” Brian said trying to sooth his young friend.

“ Nick we are about to take back our lives. And make those men pay for this.” Alisa said looking at them all.

“ Ok and How?”

“ I am going to change so I can get out on stage. We are going to do this. AJ please get everyone ready.” Alisa said going into the next room. Returning a few minuets later changed into the outfit that she wore for the not for me performance.

“ Ok. I want this to work. Baby please.” Alisa looked at Kevin, he smiled at her and followed her from room. AJ wondered how they would pull this off. Alisa stopped by the stage and listened for the music to start. Alisa was hopping for something that had the lights down low. And then the music for TIME began. She smiled devilishly at them and moved so they could walk out on the stage. Brian brought the hand held mic to his mouth and began to sing.

“ I know that I, I cant believe what the path has brought me. To the man I want to be. And I know that we have had some times “

“ That we can’t forget the struggle cause we had so far to go.”

“ I know that we have changed but change can be so good. So lets not forget why it’s understood that…” The five men on stage turned, as they looked into the faces of the Backstreet Boys them selves.

“ Time N look where we are and what we have been threw. Time sharing are dreams every little bit of life with you. Time goes on and on everyday Time is what it is come what may. “

“ SO here we are and we’ll always stay together and through it all we owe it all to you, you, you. Time goes on what ever come what may.” Alisa smiled as the color drained from Kyle’s face. The boys stood on the stage looking out at the stunned crowd.

“ As you can see we have some imposters on this stage. I am Alisa and this is Kevin, Nick, Brian, Howie and AJ better known as Backstreet Boys. And these other five were going to switch places with our boys and take over their lives.” Alisa stopped as the crowd gasped. Alisa stood back away from the boys not seeing Akria standing behind her. Akria pushed a gun into her side.

“ Back up now.”

“ What are you doing?” Alisa asked fear in her voice.

“ You will not ruin this.”

“ I already have. BSB is back where they belong. And your boys are nothing.” Alisa said looking at her.

“ No!” Alisa backed away as Akria fired and all eyes were on them. Alisa dropped to the stage blood running from the wound in her chest.

“ ALISA!” Came five voices. Kevin dropped down at her side holding her head in his lap. Security had made their way to the stage taking hold of the five other men, who stood stunned on the stage. Akria had run off the stage when she had shot Alisa. Several security had gone running threw the back stage area looking for her. Alisa looked weakly up at Kevin.

“ I am so sorry.” She said with tears in her eyes. He brushed her hair out of her face.

“ There’s nothing to be sorry about this wasn’t your fault. And you’re going to be fine.”

“ It hurts. I want to sleep Kevin. Please can I sleep?” She asked looking away from him. Kevin held her closer.

“ Please don’t leave me. I cant loose you too. I lost Kristin I cant loose you too.” He looked down at her; a single tear ran down her face. Closing her eyes she went limp in his arms.

“ NO! Alisa please don’t leave me. ALISA!”  


It had been three months since Alisa had been shot. Kevin was walking around in a fog almost distant from everyone else. Brian had watched his cousin and finally had to talk to him.

“ Kevin. Come on man lets go and see her.” He took his older cousin’s arm and had the others follow him to his car. They drove silently down the road stopping in front of the building.

“ Well hello Mr. Richardson are you here to see her?” the nice nurse asked looking up at them.

“ Yes.”

“ We called a few minuets ago and didn’t get you. She woke up.” Kevin looked up at the nurse and nearly ran down the hall. He stopped in front of the door and hesitantly opened it. He couldn’t believe after all that had happened after all those people had done he could now go on with his life.

“ Go in Kevin.” AJ said wanting to go inside the room too. Finally he walked into the room and looked at her fragile form. She had been gone for so long.

“ Baby? Alisa?” Kevin asked his voice full of emotion.

“ Kevin?” she slowly opened her eyes and looked into his worried green ones. She reached up her hand and touched his face.

“ Alisa you have come back to me.” He said as the tears began to fall. He hadn’t cried even after the doctors had told him she had lost the baby and had lapsed into a coma. He just didn’t do anything. It was like his world had stopped. He had been gone all those months and coming back and then loosing her at the same time.

“ Hey Alisa welcome back.” Brian said moving closer to the bed. Everything was going to be fine. They were all together again.  

The End


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