Printable Bio

The WR Class of 1985 would love to know where you are now, and what you've been up to!
To submit your bio, print this form and mail it using the address below.
Fill out as much or as little information as you feel comfortable.

If you would like to have certain information on file, but not
published on the web site, denote this with an asterick (*) on the form.
Want to submit pictures for your page? Please include a SASE so I can return them to you safely.

Can't wait to hear from you!


Maiden Name:

Home Address:

Home Phone:

Marital Status:

Spouse's/Significant Other's Name:

Is Spouse A WR Grad?/What Year?:

Children/Their Ages:

Home Page URL:

High School Activites/Groups:

Educational Background:


Spouse's Occupation:


Community Organizations/Groups You Belong To:


What's Happened Since Graduation?:

Please feel free to include any other information you like!

Please mail form, and any photos you want to submit, to:
Bernice Walton
PO Box 23
Put-in-Bay, OH.

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