Terry Howard

Address: Columbus, OH

Phone: (614) 352-4711

Email: thoward1967@sbcglobal.net

Marital Status: Happily married

Spouse's Name: Felice

Children: (2) 15, 13, 10 all girls

Educational Background: B. S. in Criminal Justice

Occupation: Social Worker in Juvenile Corrections

Spouse’s Occupation: Attorney/PhD student

Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, and spending time with my Family (big time buckeye fan also)

Groups/Organizations I Belong To: Vineyard of Columbus Church

What’s Happened Since High School: I went off to collage in Arizona graduated and returned to Columbus in 1989 gained employment working with at risk adolescence. Traveled within the states and abroad, I finally found a wonderful woman I married. I also have four beautiful daughters (one biological and three step.