Home Address: Columbus, OH
Home Phone: (614) 276-6122
Email Address: tcoolidge@wcom.net
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's/Significant Other's Name: Kevin Coolidge
Is Spouse A WR Grad?/What Year?: Yes, Class of 1985!
Children/Their Ages:
Home Page URL: Hope to create one when I quit working outside the home in January
High School Activites/Groups: Drill Team
Occupation: Translation Technician for MCI Worldcom...and soon to be a stay-at-home mom!
Spouse's Occupation: State of Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation
Hobbies/Interests: I still love to dance. I love to spend time with my children.
I am very involved in my
church life. I enjoy planning events, parties, get togethers, etc.
Community Organizations/Groups I Belong To:
Goals: I will be retiring from outside employment in January, 2001.
I look forward to spending quality time with my family and to
having more time to spoil both my husband and children with homecooked meals,
a cleaner home and lots of love and attention!
What's Happened Since Graduation?:
I worked in accounting for several
years and then lucked into a job with CompuServe
as a software technician.
I was able to get a lot of computer experience
and training.
I have been married to a wonderful man for 7 years and we have two beautiful children.
We bought a house on the West side of Columbus prior to the birth of our son.
I also taught aerobics for several years.
Tammy & Kevin at our ten-year class reunion