Keith Lay

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • French Club
  • Spanish Club
  • Student Council

  • Address: Columbus, OH.

    Email Address:

    Marital Status: Married

    Spouse's Name: Cortney J. Porter-Lay

    Educational Background:

  • A.S. Liberal Arts Univ of Cincinnati.
  • B.A. Political Science OSU.
  • B.S. Education Urbana University
  • Occupation: Teacher-Coach LMHS

    Spouse's Occupation: Chef

    Hobbies: Summer AAU Basketball + Team Camps

    What's Happened Since High School:
    U.S. Army -Airborne Div. Ft. Bragg N.C.
    Assistant Basketball/Baseball Coach East High School 95 - 2000.
    (District Champs + Regional Runner-up "96".)
    Girls Varsity Basketball/Softball Coach 2001 - Present.
    10th Grade History/Social Studies Linden McKinley HS, Columbus

    Keith with classmate Eva Cook at our ten-year reunion