Alan "Sean" Miller

  • Band
  • Football
  • Wrestling

  • Address: 3876 Rosedale Ln. Douglasville, GA 30135

    Email Address:

    Marital Status: Married

    Spouse's Name: Anita

    Children: Naya, 3 months

    Educational Background: four very enjoyable years of liver damaging fun at the Ohio State University before realizing there's no degree for partying

    Occupation: Construction Consultant/Project Manager

    Spouse's Occupation: Xerox service rep.

    Hobbies: Sports, especially those ATLANTA FALCONS aka. dem dirty birds , softball , an occasional trip to vegas with the boys , deep sea fishing

    Goals: To be a better father than I was a son , to develop a golf course community on 400 acres and to catch a 200 lb. blue marlin

    What's Happened Since High School: Everything of substance has come about over the last decade. Since the move to the Atlanta, I've gotten married, worked some wicked long hours under some of the most intense scrutiny that high-end commecial construction has to offer and still have all of my hair. I had a nasty surgeory on my back in August and in November had my baby girl. Tt this point I'm looking forward to raising my daughter, and enjoying everyday as if it were the last.