Email Address:
Marital Status: Separated
Spouse's Name: Michael N. Elmer
Children: 2 beautiful sonds, ages 5 and 9
Educational Background: B.S. in Education from Ohio University
Master's Degree from Ashland University in 2003
Occupation: Teacher
Spouse's Occupation: Regional Recruiter
Hobbies: Spending time with my children
Goals: To have a happy/healthy family, and to do my best each day
What's happened since high school: I danced in "Vaud-Villities for several years.
I obtained a B.S. in education degree from Ohio University.
I taught at Cassingham Elementary and at Columbus School for Girls.
I currently teach third grade. I got married and had 2 sons who keep me very busy.
Other comments:
Thank you for many wonderful High School memories! I cherish each one!
Please email me. I'd love to hear from you.
Looking forward to the reunion!